.:: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson ::.

- Name: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
- E-mail: hockeyfreak5@hotmail.com
- ICQ #: 5485125
- Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
- Height:
- Weight: 250 lbs.
- Body build: Muscular
- Wrestling style: Powerhouse/Hardcore/Brawler
- Manger (M/F): Mojo the Rollerskating Monkey Butler (M)
- Alignment: neutral
- Catch phrases: "Anarchy Rulez!" and "I am THE CRAZIEST MOFO IN ALL OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!"
- Theme music: "Wake Up" by Rage Against The Machine
- Finisher (description): Anarchy Rulez! (brainbuster DDT) [Can also be done off the top turnbuckle to be a Super Anarchy Rulez, saved for the most hated of The Anarchist's opponents.]
- Trademark move (description): 1. Overthrow (Unprettier)
2. Revolutionary Drill (Steiner Driver)
3. Triumphant Hammer (Crucifix Stunner)
- 5 other moves: death valley driver, double arm DDT, tilt-a-whirl tombstone piledriver, sit down powerbomb, camel clutch

- History: "The Anarchist" Mike Anderson grew up on the mean streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota. When he was young, he lost his father to an accident involving a drunk driver. After the accident, his mother was admitted to a mental hospital, wherein she commited suicide. Mike, and his younger brother Matt, had to fight for everything they needed, in fact, he became somewhat of a legend in the alleyways of Minneapolis. As he got older, he learned that all of the troubles, cuts, injuries and such could have been prevented if the government had intervened. It didn't, of course, and Mike grew distrustful and eventually hateful towards the government. When he was old enough, he became a member of the Anarchist Party and was one of their most avid proponents. In a stint to make he and the party's beliefs more well known, he joined a little-known wrestling federation called the OSR. All the years of growing up on the streets and fighting proved to be useful as he became one of th! e most feared men in that organization. However, Anderson left that federation because he was an enemy of the president and owner of the BSW, and the president was doing whatever he could to hold Anderson back. Mike talked to a friend he met while living in Minneapolis, Shane Sullivan, who convinced him that the BSW was the place to go next. And here he is.