.:: Crazy C ::.

- Name: "The Psychotic One" Crazy C
- E-mail: CrazyC024@aol.com
- AOL IM: CrazyC024
- Hometown: Memphis, TN
- Height:
- Weight: 225 lbs.
- Body build: Buff Bagwell type build
- Wrestling style: Hardcore/high flyer
- Alignment: neutral
- Catch phrases: "Be prepared to be checked into THE PSYCHO WARD"
- Theme music: "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne
- Finisher (description): Checking In (reverse DDT from top rope)
- Trademark move (description): Simply Psychotic (jumps to top rope and does a shooting star press onto laying opponent)
- 5 other moves: huricanranna, evenflow DDT, figure four, spinbuster, running senton splash

- History: "The Psychotic One" made his wrestling debut in The BSW under the ownership and control of Bob Peil. He started off slowly in a stable that was known as The Psychotics..This stable wasn't the best in the federation, however after its disbandment a tag team was formed know as The Psychotics. This team was made up of two of the best tag team wrestlers that the BSW has ever seen, Crazy C and Psycho J (a.k.a. Lil J). They became tag team champions and defended the titles well...until thier worst enemy Psycho Sam stepped in with a partner and rained on the parade. After they lost the belts they took a vacation Crazy C was drving a car with Lil J in it when they wrecked and Lil J was paralyzed. A lot of people think Crazy C blamed himself for his friend, and became even crazier than he was before. He struggled in competing in the BSW until it shutdown, which led to him traveling to different feds trying to wrestle away the dark shadows of his past. The BSw has now opened bac! k and Crazy C is going to give it another try.....his goal this time will be his first ever world title. "This run is for Lil J."