.:: Dark Knight ::.

- Name: Dark Knight
- E-mail: DKnight02@aol.com
- AOL IM: DDown02
- Hometown: Miami, FL
- Height:
- Weight: 275 lbs.
- Body build: Average/well-defined
- Wrestling style: Technical/martial arts
- Manger (M/F): Deana Knight (F)
- Alignment: heel
- Catch phrases: "As Knightfalls Once More" and "Welcome to your Worst Knightmare"
- Theme music: "Ministry" by Meeno
- Finisher (description): Knightfall (reverse DDT aka scorpion death drop)
- Trademark move (description): Jaws of Death (spinning DDT neck breaker aka twist of fate)
- 5 other moves: brainbuster from turnbuckle, rock bottom, sharpshooter, full nelson slam, jumping spinning DDT off turnbuckle

- History: David Knight is an experienced fighter in the ring, as well as a fighter in the business world. Being a product of years of early training in both Japan and Latin America, David Knight is best known for his martial arts and technical styles of wrestling.

Knight made his debut to the ring after being discovered by the managing family known as the Plaiher's. The daughter, Nichole, formed a stable to follow the lengendary family lines of wrestlers such as Triple T and "The Unpredictable" Wayman Knight, David's father. David took on the wrestling personality of Dark Knight, a creature of the night and shadows. Knight had the speed of a shark attack and the stealth of the darkest night. Along with Black Ice and Mr. E, Knight became a part of the Player's Club, one of the most notorious stables of all time.

Knight reigned in federations such as the BSW, GCW, and the OSR. During his career he has held a Lightwieght title, Intercontinental title, numerous Stable titles, and almost every Tag Team title imaginable. Knight also at one time fronted his own stable known as the Round Table before once again resurrecting the Player's Club.

Knight took some time off from the wrestling world to work own his business career, created the international successful Knight Enterprises, Inc. He also married a Puerto Rican personal trainer by the name of Deana Lopez, now Deana Knight, whom became his business partner and trainer. Now the two are making their way back into the limelight once again, and this time Knight is returning to the BSW.

Along with a new outlook on life, Knight has become a bit more dangerous than before. Having seen the ills of the wrestling world, and tired of the office politics, Knight has made a new gold of holding titles while at the same time taking all of his aggression out on the souls set before him. He is now the world's greatest Knightmare.