Big Shot Wrestling

Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado

Name: ?

Name: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado
Age: (unknown)
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 265 lbs.
Hometown: Queens, New York
Alignment: heel
Catch Phrases: "Now you can't say the Devil made me do it"
Theme Music: "Dead Souls" by Nine Inch Nails
Finisher (description): Final Destination (pedigree)
Trademark Move (description): Human Torch (fireball spit)
Other Trademark Moves: Fall From Grace (super DDT off top rope), The Darkness (cobra clutch with opponent's other arm locked by Devil's leg similar to crossface), full nelson face drop, russian neck drop, tilt a whirl driver

Manager: Scarlet (F)

History: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado was essentially an orphan right out of the womb. His mother died giving birth, his father died nine months to the day before that. For the first eight years, he lived at St. Paul's Orphanage with his sister and brother. Even the nuns referred to him as a holy terror. They were illegally transferred to his "Uncle" Antonio Maldanado; a former employer of his late father, who up until then hadn't realized Miguel Estacado had sired children. While a vast number of FBI Agents have compiled and exhaustive FBI on Daniel's suspected hits, they have no proof of any one crime in particular. At best he is an overly loyal and ambitious lieutenant in Maldanado's underworld empire.

His first debut was in the now shut down UAW, where he breifly held the Texas Title. But now the Devil has found a new world ripe for conquest.....yours. Run boys run....the Devil is coming...