Big Shot Wrestling

Shawn 'Hot Stuff' Hernandez

Name: Terry

Name: Shawn 'Hot Stuff' Hernandez
Age: 30
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 285 lbs.
Hometown: Houston, TX
Alignment: neutral
Catch Phrases: "Mess with Hot Stuff and you WILL GET BURNT!!!" "PREPARE TO FEEL THE SIZZLIN' HEAT!!!"

Theme Music: 'One Step Closer'
Finisher (description):
(1) The Hot Stuffer (Pump-Handle, turned into a running Awesome Bomb, turned into a Dominator
(2) Heat Spalsh (Five-Star Frog Splash)
Trademark Move (description): Hot Stuff Drop (Piledriver to the side)
Other Trademark Moves: Super Missle Dropkick, Fortune Teller (DDT), powerbomb, death valley driver, Super Power Kick (top rope superkick), fireman carry roll

History: Hot Stuff Hernandez started out in Texas wrestling independant under a mask as Romeo the Latin Lover. He was trained by a former WWF wrestler, Tugboat Taylor. He then left that federation for another Texas federation called TASW where he experienced glory as the Texas Heavyweight Champion for 11 months. He then left TASW for the BSW. There he held the BSW United States, Intercontenintal, and Stable titles. When the BSW shut down for the first time he went to the UAW where he held the TV and World Titles. The UAW shut down though and he returned to the BSW where he held the BSW World Heavyweight Championship, which he forfeighted to Maurice Dream.