Big Shot Wrestling

'Raw Talent' Jay Hall

Name: Jay
John UK 2K1

Name: 'Total Talent' Jay Hall
Age: (unknown)
Height: 6'
Weight: 203 lbs.
Hometown: Southport, England
Alignment: face
Theme Music: 'Alive' by POD
Finisher (description):
Cerebral Shock: Stiff leaping knee to the temple, springing off opponents knee or off ropes (usually proceeded with a dropkick to the knee)
Trademark Move (description):
(1) Nodowa Otoshi '02 (cradle suplex/chokeslam pin combo)
(2) Moonshine: Phoenix splash with an extra twist on the somersault, ending senton style
(3) Handspring shotei palm strike in the corner
(4) Total Clutch: Step over double armbar cradle
Other Trademark Moves: Cross legged muscle buster, exploder suplex, middle turnbuckle/split legged moonsaults, Jay Bomb Mk III (Pyramid Driver), dragon suplex hold

History: Trained by British wrestling great and professional soccer player Steve Long, Jay started out his career in the PWO. He teamed with good friend Hopps, where they became the Millennium Team along with Seddon, their misfit manager. The pair quickly captured tag gold, and held the belts again very shortly after losing them in what was a great feud with the team The Entertainers. Jay even got one shot at the world title in his rookie days, but eventually wanted to move onto bigger things.

After spending some more time polishing up on skills in Britain and abroad in Japan with MPO, Jay returned to the USA and signed for the BSW. In his debut match Jay defeated the Hispanic Rose under the moniker of Jay Tookay, before soon reforming the Millennium Team with Hopps and Stephen Alexander. They gained a fair amount of success in the mid card, their biggest impact being Jay and Stephen's tag team title shot. However, their lack of a gimmick seemed to let them down greatly, as their fellows didn't take their no-nonsense attitude seriously. In order to over come this, a whole two months before Too Cool did it in the WWF, Jay and Hopps changed their names to Emcee J2K and Hot Hopps (soon to be Hoppy Too Hottie), and gained quick success, winning tag gold. Jay went on to hold the hardcore title at the same time, even retiring Dragon X in his own Boiling Point match, before going on to capture the US, TV and IC titles. However, eventually the team split, as Jay! turned heel and joined the Power Posse, where he was appointed VP of the BSW. During his 5 months run as VP, Jay did little in the way of wrestling, acting more as a valet, whilst winning over many fans backstage with his running of the company. Eventually, duty called, and Jay returned to the ring to the fans delight, forming the Millennium Team with The Comedians, Havoc and Hopps, the stable he would end his BSW career with.

When the BSW shut, Jay moved onto indy shows again, joining the RDW, where he captured the world title, and even forming his own GPW, which played host to Bob Peil and Hot Stuff Hernandez to name but a few. However, his big return came with Mike Wright's UAW, where Jay appeared on air with the RDW world title to stake his claim in the UAW. He had a fairly successful tenure here, capturing tag gold with his ex-tag partner from the BSW, Triple S, before eventually leaving as the fed shut.

In the last few months, Jay has been working indy shows for the EWA and EGW, but has been keeping in good shape for his return to the big league. His time in the EGW has given him a harder edge, as he wrestled his very first barbed wire matches there, and is said to have become more dangerous than ever in a No DQ environment.

When the call came from the new BSW and Bob Peil, Jay was ready, and started well, capturing both world and tag gold. After reigns as intercontinental champion since, Jay recently won the hardcore title.