Big Shot Wrestling

Style In Action

Name: ?

Name: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Alignment: neutral
Theme Music: "Biggest and the Best" by Clawfinger
Finisher (description): Roll-Thru German Suplex (Frankie pulls his opponent down for a roll-up, then pulls them on through and bridges on a German suplex for the pin)
Trademark Move (description): Revolution DDT (Regular DDT with a jumping 180 twist)
Other Trademark Moves: Springboard moonsault. Sommersault plancha, reverse arm breaker, dragonrana, second rope driving elbow, legmare takedown, japanese arm drag.

History: Frankie talks very little about his past. The basics that he now reveals are that he left home at the age of 14 to make his way as a professional wrestler. He started working a few independant shows, but with his slight build he struggled to make an impression. Frankie was struggling with no gimmick, no talent, and most of all, little money.

He then took to gym training and managed to give himself a build to make him look respectable. Using what little money he'd earnt, he then attended various wrestling acadamies across the states to pick up various style. He returned to ring action in a minor role, but the improvement was significant.

It was by chance that Frankie was spotted by "The Anarchist" Doug Williams, who took Frankie to England for two years and gave him some much needed advise. This is where Frankie picked up his wrestling ability, and proved his worth on the British circuit. During his six month stint in the UK, he first met up with Sarah "Barramya" Barraclough.

Upon returning to America, Frankie was quickly snapped up by BSW. After a tough time settling, he realised his potential and managed to live in to the gimmick of "Style In Action". With Barramya now at his side full time, he is spreading a harsh virus through BSW, and warning people that they could be the next to be infected.