.:: Peace Breaker ::.

- Name: The Peace Breaker
- E-mail: ross@knight624.freeserve.co.uk
- ICQ#: 43339608
- AOL IM: XStream2001
- Hometown: Southampton, England
- Height:
- Weight: 295 lbs.
- Body build: Muscular/well built
- Wrestling style: Powerhouse with tactical and lightning reactions
- Alignment: neutral
- Catch phrases: "The peace will be broken"
- Theme music: "Country Grammer" by Nelly
- Finisher (description): Peace Driver (jumping inverted piledriver)
- Trademark move (description): gut-wrench powerbomb
- 5 other moves: clothesline, pump kick, side thrust kick, neck breaker, drop kick

- History: The Peace Breaker was born on the 23rd of December 1974 under the name Robert Kask. Robert was a fairly normal child and as he grew he became very active in the world of sport. However, at the same time he also became rather active in the world of minor crime. At the age of 20 he left his home country of England and headed to America where his intentions were to stay for one to two years. He had friends in this part of the world that he has met some time before and had arranged to stay with a couple of them for the duration of his visit. Things went well for three months until the eve of one of his housemate's wedding. Twelve friends all aged between twenty and twenty-six went out to the local pub for a complete hammering. The trouble began at 11:25pm when Robert found himself in a confrontation with two rather heavily built men. A brawl began which soon spilled out into the parking lot. Robert at this point was rather the worse for wear but had the instinct to quickly move as one of the tattooed assailants rushed at him. The result of Robert's fast reactions was that the attacker ended up with his head through the passenger window of a car that left the man heavily scarred. Robert was not done at this though and pulled the man back and began landing heavy blows to his jaw and body. His friends looked on in horror as he began physically destroying this man before their very eyes. Little did Robert know that the landlord of the pub had already called the local law enforcement office and a squad car was almost at the scene. Soon two police officers were pulling Robert off the badly injured man and pushed him to the ground. He was promptly cuffed and thrown into the back of the squad car to be taken down town.

Robert was charged with GBH and 'disturbing the peace,' from this Robert found his new nickname as 'The Peace Breaker.' The Peace Breaker served only three years of his seven-year sentence due to being released on good behaviour. As terms of this release Robert had to take up a form of contact sport to try to curb his violent outbursts. So the local police station enrolled him in a local boxing club where his skills and power flourished. He fought long and hard both in training and in fights to be at the best of his ability. He could have turned pro if it wasn't for an amateur bout against Reggie Lukvon. This boxer had little boxing talent, however he had a lot of talk talent! He badmouthed The Peace Breaker for six rounds solid until the Peace Breaker finally lost it. Peace Breaker removed his boxing gloves and attacked Reggie with a great deal of aggression. The Peace Breaker was banned from his boxing club after they said he had disgraced them! This was not the least of The Peace Breakers problems. He was still under police care and was forced to take up another club, however, he refused to box as he said that he had disgraced the sport and could not go back to it. So the police enrolled him in a wrestling school under the strict guidance of Ludwig Borger (The Legendary Finnish Wrestler.) The Peace Breaker took to wrestling like a duck to water. Within a few months Borger asked The Peace Breaker to go to his home country of Finland with him, the Peace Breaker agreed and after his papers were signed off by the police force he moved to Helsinki and continued his training. All was well until Ludwig captured the Finnish Championship and was offered a contract with a prestigious American wrestling company. Ludwig begged the Peace Breaker to go with him back to America, however, The Peace Breaker declined and said it was not his time to return to the USA and moved back to England after wishing Ludwig good luck.

The Peace Breaker continued his training and turned pro, he took on the challenge of many superstars and many different federations. However now he has signed a contract with AWF and hopes that this will be his biggest achievement.