BSW Pandemonium

April 28, 2002
Marketplace, Anaheim, CA

Conrad: Folks, welcome to BSW Pandemonium! Tonight we have the finale of the Triple Crown tournament which will crown a new champion in the BSW! This is definitely an exciting night for us.

Bucky: Definitely Conrad. We have a hardcore title defense as well as a junior heavyweight match. That along with a huge six-man tag including the Farside and the Posse's BSW re-debut, we're going to have a great show.

Conrad: But we do have a slight problem this evening, and that is the whereabouts of Mike Anderson, one of our semifinalists. He has yet to arrive and his travel problems have definitely been documented.

Bucky: To lose a shot at the biggest title in the sport because of travel problems would definitely be a crushing blow. I know how much that title means to a man, and I know how long he worked to get here. Missing the show definitely would put a damper on things.

Conrad: I hear ya there, Buck. Our first match is going to be pretty high-flying and rather wild. We have two BSW newcomers in Johnny Fantastic and Kid Kryptonite taking on two women who have been here a few months, Felicia and Jennifer. Let's watch some action with the winner getting a shot at the junior title! Seeing that anyone can tag any other person, it should make for some great action!

Junior Heavyweight #1 Contender: Johnny Fantastic vs. Felicia vs. Jennifer vs. Kid Kryptonite

The four competitors are all in the ring scouting each other seeing who they are going to go after first. Kid has on his FARSIDE shirt, showing everyone his true colors. Johnny makes his way to the middle of the ring and begins speaking to the two women. The crowd is oblivious to what he's talking about until he begins to make a few obscene gestures towards them. It then becomes apparent of this as they both hit him with a punch, knocking Fantastic to the mat. The two ladies leave the ring and Johnny gets up, trying to get them back into the ring. Felicia and Jennifer just stand back and observe as Kryptonite gets the advantage with a knee to the gut. He whips Fantastic into the ropes and hits a hip toss. The Farside member then pulls Johnny up and throws him into the buckle. Kid charges into the buckle, going for a monkey flip. Fantastic is flipped, but lands on his feet and meets the recovering Kryptonite with a spear. He goes for the pin on Kid, but is not able to hold him down for the full three count. Fantastic makes it to his feet, awaiting KK to get up. Kryptonite reaches his feet and tags in Jennifer. Jennifer looks to be stunned as she goes into the ring as Fantastic decides to slap Felicia on the shoulder, forcing her to enter the ring too. Felicia slowly enters the ring and looks at Jennifer. Jennifer lunges at Felicia but is hit with a drop toe hold. Felicia quickly turns it into a headlock and drives her face into the mat. Jennifer finds her way to the ropes and grabs the bottom one, forcing Felicia to release it. She gets to her feet and climbs to the top rope. Johnny Fantastic runs over on the apron and pushes her off the buckle and to the floor. Felicia falls with her throat across the railing and holds it, coughing from the blow. Johnny goes over to beat her down a bit more as Kryptonite enters the ring. Jennifer turns around and gets hit with a kick to the gut followed by a cradle suplex. Kryptonite goes for the pin but Fantastic interferes and pulls KK off of Jennifer. Fantastic pulls Kid up and whips him into the ropes. Kryptonite hits a flying forearm that drops Johnny to the mat. At this time, paramedics make their way to the ring to help Felicia out because of her throat. Jennifer makes it to her feet and runs at Kid, who hits a mean spinebuster. She rolls to the floor and Kid turns around and goes for a kick, which is caught by Johnny. Kryptonite hits an inziguri and Fantastic falls to the mat. Kid goes for the victory, only able to get a two count. Johnny is pulled to his feet and Kryptonite whips him into the buckle. KK charges at Johnny, but Fantastic puts his feet up in the air, hitting Kid with boots to the face. Kryptonite staggers back a few paces and Johnny goes to the top rope. He seems to lose his balance up there for a second, which enables KK to recover and meet him on the top. Jennifer, at this time, rolls back into the ring and watches what's happening. Fantastic takes Kid and pushes him off the top. Jennifer quickly goes for the pin, but Johnny wearily hits an elbow drop on her, stopping the count. The referee has lost total control as Johnny goes for the pin on Jennifer, only able to keep her down for a two count. Fantastic gets to his feet, winded from the length of the match, and Kid just takes him and throws him to the floor! Jennifer staggers up and Kid hits her with a devastating kick head, knocking her down. He goes for the cover, and gets the victory before Johnny makes the save! Kid Kryptonite walks over to the ring announcer and grabs the microphone walking back to the center of the ring and raising it to his mouth..

Winner via pinfall at 6:01: Kid Kryptonite

KK: One week ago tonight, I opened the BSW Sunday Night RAVE card with a win, my second since I debuted, my first being my debut match on the Wednesday before that. That night, the "Power Possie" decided that they wanted to make a statement to the FARSIDE and since I was there alone, they decided hey, how about we JUMP KID?!

(Kid stops and the crowd lets out a mixed reaction.)

KK: Well, they came out after my win, and the FOUR of them attacked me, jumping me from behind...well, In case you haven't figured it out, I am a man of EXCELLENTS......

(Kid stops again and reaches down grabbing the FARSIDE t-shirt he is wearing and taking it off to reveal another T-Shirt underneath. The shirt reads, "The Excellents" and on the back when he turns to show it off, it says, "Perfection at best isn't anywhere near EXCELLENTS!" He turns back to face the camera and raises the mic back to his mouth.)

KK: You see, I am now FARSIDE, but incase you have not figured it out yet, Pussies, I have been here before! I was part of the stable that you so badly wanted to knock out of your way! Hell, your leader at the time, Peter Lowry who was the president even went so far as to suspend the leader of the EXCELLENTS trying to get us out of his Power Posse's way because they couldn't go through us! That didn't help though.

(Kid stops, kneeling down and laying the mic. on the mat reaching back and untying the mask, then picking the microphone back up and standing back up.)

KK: You see, hat didn't work because a guy who is with the Posse and is Tag Team Championship partner, which they held at the time stepped up and lead The EXCELLENTS...yes, Steve Walker who was half of the BSW Tag Champs, which is something that Lowry couldn't stand! He wanted all the gold away from us and at all costs! That didn't work though because Steve and Bruce stepped, the question is, who am I? Who did they make the mistake of jumping and bringing back into the BSW, who is the man that was always under the mask? This man...You know what, hit that music, Mr. Soundman!

("Kung Fu Fighting" hits and Kid speaks once again.)

KK: Yes I am Kid Dyna...yeah right, (Grabs mask and rips it off his face) Yeah, Bruce LeRoy has been forced to re-emerge from under the mark, and yes Steve, yes Bloodlust, yes Daniel, Yes Sam! You all have war at your hands!!!! The Junior Title is still my first goal, but after that, and maybe even're asses have a FARSIDE receipt coming!!

LeRoy: Now, you boys brought back the man of EXCELLENTS, Steve, you have changed a lot since the old days, but that don't make a damn difference, I want you all to know exactly WHY you receive what you will RECEIVE!!! Bloodlust, Daniel, and Sam....Lowry gave you your title reigns just like Steve, there were plenty of times I should have taken gold from some of you and time and time again I got screwed, Lowry has no power no... TWO WORDS! YOU'RE SCREWED!!

(Bruce takes the microphone back to the ring announcer and then hops out of the ring to a huge mixed reaction, for once, as "Kung Fu Fighting" restarts and he leaves to the backstage area.)

Conrad: After an impressive win by Kryptonite, he reveals himself to be none other than Bruce LeRoy! That's a big surprise, don't you think?

Bucky: You're damn right it is. With LeRoy on their team, the Farside will be that much harder to defeat. That's definitely a great acquisition by the Farside.

Conrad: Speaking of the Posse, they are now involved in their first match back in the BSW as Steve Walker takes on Steve Kimble. This should be good, so let's hit the ring!

Steve Walker vs. Steve Kimble

The fans gave a mixed reaction as Walker made his way to the ring, and as he stepped through the ropes Kimble tried to make an early attack to take the early advantage in the match. When he tried to toss Walker into the ropes, the Posse member reversed the toss and nailed Kimble off the ropes with a clothesline that knocked his opponent clean off his feet. Kimble was quick to get back to his feet, but Walker was there to go on the attack with a barrage of hard punches that pushed his opponent into the corner. After a few more punches, the referee was there to break them apart. A few seconds later, the two finally locked up in the middle of the ring. Walker came out with a head lock, but Kimble showed a little strength and tossed his opponent into the ropes to break out of it. Walker came off the ropes and dukes Kimble's attempt to clothesline him and came back off the other ropes with a spear that hit his opponent hard in the ribcage. The fans seemed impressed with the move but were still fairly quiet throughout the match as Walker was in full control as he landed a few German suplexes that appeared to be tiring out his opponent. Walker tried to go for a quick finish when he applied an ankle lock, and despite being in what seemed to be intense pain, Kimble had enough strength to fight his way to the ropes and break the hold. Once back on his feet, Kimble tried to toss a few punches, but Walker was smart enough to kick at the ankle he had just twisted and that knocked his opponent back to the canvas. The fans started to boo a bit as Walker began to stomp a serious mud hole into Kimble's chest, almost getting himself disqualified as he ignored most of the referee's warnings to stop. Walker went back to work as he picked his opponent back off the mat only to toss him into the ropes and slap him back into the canvas with a standing spinebuster that seriously knocked whatever wind was left in Kimble out. After that crushing move, the fans knew the end was near as Walker was making the signal. He picked Kimble back up, picked up him into the air, held him up there for a few seconds before hitting his finishing move known as "Over the Edge" which was a Razor's Edge like Crucifix Powerbomb. The fans gave a mixed reaction as Walker made the cover to get the three count and victory in his return match to the BSW... The fans gave a mixed reaction as Walker made his way to the ring, and as he stepped through the ropes Kimble tried to make an early attack to take the early advantage in the match. When he tried to toss Walker into the ropes, the Posse member reversed the toss and nailed Kimble off the ropes with a clothesline that knocked his opponent clean off his feet. Kimble was quick to get back to his feet, but Walker was there to go on the attack with a barrage of hard punches that pushed his opponent into the corner. After a few more punches, the referee was there to break them apart. A few seconds later, the two finally locked up in the middle of the ring. Walker came out with a headlock, but Kimble showed a little strength and tossed his opponent into the ropes to break out of it. Walker came off the ropes and dukes Kimble's attempt to clothesline him and came back off the other ropes with a spear that hit his opponent hard in the ribcage. The fans seemed impressed with the move but were still fairly quiet throughout the match as Walker was in full control as he landed a few German suplexes that appeared to be tiring out his opponent. Walker tried to go for a quick finish when he applied an ankle lock, and despite being in what seemed to be intense pain, Kimble had enough strength to fight his way to the ropes and break the hold. Once back on his feet, Kimble tried to toss a few punches, but Walker was smart enough to kick at the ankle he had just twisted and that knocked his opponent back to the canvas. The fans started to boo a bit as Walker began to stomp a serious mud hole into Kimble's chest, almost getting himself disqualified as he ignored most of the referee's warnings to stop. Walker went back to work as he picked his opponent back off the mat only to toss him into the ropes and slap him back into the canvas with a standing spinebuster that seriously knocked whatever wind was left in Kimble out. After that crushing move, the fans knew the end was near as Walker was making the signal. He picked Kimble back up, picked up him into the air, held him up there for a few seconds before hitting his finishing move known as "Over the Edge" which was a Razor's Edge like Crucifix Powerbomb. The fans gave a mixed reaction as Walker made the cover to get the three count and victory in his return match to the BSW.

Winner via pinfall at 8:15: Steve Walker

Bucky: Very good victory for Walker as he defeated Kimble. Nice way for the Posse to start their reign of terror here in the BSW again.

Conrad: You're definitely correct about that. They are on a roll when it comes to beatdowns, and the delivered one right there. Kimble will learn to fight another day, hopefully for him not another Posse member.

Bucky: We are now on our way to a hardcore title match. The new champion Dead Cell will be facing Venom in what should be a great matchup. Let's take it to the ring!

Hardcore Title: Dead Cell (c) vs. Venom

The match starts as Dead Cell makes his way out to the ring, but is instantly attacked from behind by Venom with a trash can lid. It's not just one trash can shot, though, as Venom pounds away at Dead Cell with five, six stiff shots to the back of the head once Cell has fallen down. Venom then pulls Dead Cell back up and guides him back to the ring, taking a detour to try and smash Cell's head into the steel ring steps. This was a bad move, as Dead Cell managed to get his foot on the steps to block it, and drove Venom's head right in to the spot that was designated for Dead Cell. Venom falls to his back, as Dead Cell reaches under the ring and pulls out a cookie tray. Dead Cell then stands on the apron, and as Venom staggers back to his feet, he takes him back down with a diving shot from the cookie tray. Dead Cell is very proud of this, so he goes for the move a second time. This proves to be a mistake, as when he tries to dive down, Venom has a steel chair ready to block the impact, and send the cookie tray straight back in to the face of Dead Cell. With Dead Cell dazed, Venom hits the first proper wrestling move of the match, dropping Dead Cell to the hard floor on the outside with a DDT. Venom then hits a Suplex on Dead Cell making Dead Cell hit the mat hard. Venom then show boats a bit for the crowd with a mixed reaction allowing Dead Cell to recover. Dead Cell Irish Whips Venom in to the steel steps. Dead Cell then picks up a piece of the broken steel steps throwing it at Venom. Dead Cell moves to the other side of the ring looking for weapons to use on Venom. As he does this, it gives Venom a chance to recover. Venom sneaks up behind him and pushes Dead Cell face first in to the ring post. Dead Cell still woozy hits a DDT on Venom. Dead Cell then quickly rolls Venom back in to the ring. Dead Cell rolls in to the ring however Venom is quick to attack him kicking him. Dead Cell tries to recover by whipping Venom in to the ropes then hits him with a clothesline. Dead Cell climbs the turnbuckle to hit the Infest however Venom recovers with just enough time to fall against the ring ropes causing Dead Cell to fall very gingerly on the turnbuckle. Venom then picks Dead Cell up and hits the reverse DDT on him in the center of the ring. The challenger goes for the count, only able to get a two count. Venom slides out of the ring and sets up a table on the floor. If that was not enough, he stacks a second table on top of the first! Dead Cell is slowly making his way back up as Venom re-enters the ring. Venom goes for a punch, but it's blocked by the champion. Cell hits a few punches to the face, driving him into the turnbuckle. Dead Cell then hoists him onto the top rope and looks to be attempting a high-impact maneuver. Venom just hits him with a few elbows to the face, knocking the champion to the mat. Venom slowly climbs to his feet on the top rope and looks to be coming off to hit Dead Cell. Cell reaches his feet and sprints to the buckle, hitting a belly-to-belly off the top! Both men are down on the mat from the impact as the referee makes the count. The champion gets up first and picks up Venom. He whips him into the ropes and hits a back body drop, but positions himself to do this over the top rope. Venom is lifted high into the air and crashes through the two tables that he set up on the floor! Cell quickly finds his way to the top rope, flying off with a splash to the floor onto the unconscious challenger. He goes for the cover and gets the three count and victory!

Winner via pinfall at 6:25 and still hardcore champion: Dead Cell

Conrad: That was a very brutal match to say the least.

Bucky: The way that it ended was quite brutal itself. How can anyone go through that much punishment and still win a match? Cell is showing that he is for real and is going to make a great champion.

Conrad: We now have another great matchup on our hands, one between the Posse and the Farside… Bloodlust taking on Assault and Battery. I can't wait to see this unfold!

Assault and Battery vs. Bloodlust

The fans were buzzing with anticipation as Assault & Battery made his way into the ring. He seemed a little steamed as he stepped into the ring that was not surrounded by a cage. The fans gave a good cheer when "Fire in the Head" by the Tea Party started to blare on the speakers and the Dark One of the BSW. Bloodlust started to walk down the ramp on his way to the ring. Battery looked focused as he watched Bloodlust every step of the way as the big man made his way to the ring and walked up the steel steps to the ropes. Bloodlust stepped through the ropes, and walked right over to where Battery was standing, to the point where the two were face to face. Neither man waited for the bell as they both started the match off by trading punches, and it was Bloodlust who managed to get the most shots in eventually, backing A&B to the ropes. The Dark One then grabbed A&B and tossed him into the ropes on the other side of the ring, but Battery had other ideas as he came off the ropes with a flying forearm that knocked Bloodlust off his feet! Battery the followed up the move with a series of kicks in an attempt to keep the Posse member on the canvas. Bloodlust was able to fight his way back go his feet, and Battery tried to use it to his advantage as he tried to toss the big man into the ropes. Bloodlust was still too strong, as he reversed the toss and whipped Battery into the ropes with force. Battery ducked the attempted clothesline, and tried a Lou Thesz jump off the other side of the ring, but Bloodlust caught the Farside member in mid-air and change the momentum of the match with a fall away slam. The fans gave a mixed reaction as the Dark One started to kick away at A&B with a series of brutal kicks that did some serious damage to the rib cage. From there, the Posse leader picked Battery up off the canvas, whipping him into a short-armed clothesline that nearly tore his head off. Bloodlust then impressed the fans as he climbed to the top rope, and waited for A&B to get to his feet as he jumped and struck down his opponent with a double axe handle. Bloodlust then tried to go for a powerbomb, but A&B was able to punch his way free and reverse the move into a hurricanranna pin attempt, but he only got as far as one. A&B then went on an offensive attack as he came back with a knee lift that knocked the big man back to the canvas as he tried to get back up. The big guy down, A&B climbed to the top rope and tried to land what could have been a match ending moonsault. Bloodlust saw the move coming and waited until A&B was in the air before he rolled out of the way so that his opponent would crash hard onto the canvas. Once back on his feet, the Dark One stood there and waited as A&B staggered to his feet. The fans watched in awe as Bloodlust slapped his hand on A&B's throat, heaved him up into the air and slapped him into a chokeslam position. Battery kicked himself free and bounced off the ropes, hitting a clothesline, not taking the big man down. He flies off the ropes again and nails another clothesline that finally downs the Posse member. Battery picks Bloodlust up and hits a neckbreaker, taking him to the mat. A and B goes for the pin, only able to get a two count. Assault keeps the offensive going by bringing his opponent to his feet and whipping him into the corner. Bloodlust hits the buckle and charges out, only to get hit with a hip toss. Battery then drops a leg drop the arm of the Posse member. A and B locks in an arm bar, with Bloodlust quickly making his way to the ropes. Assault and Battery gets back up and waits for Bloodlust to rise. As he does, he runs at his opponent and nails him with a cross body block, knocking both men over the top and to the floor. Battery takes Bloodlust up and whips him into the railing. The referee gives A&B a warning to get back into the ring. Battery gets in a few kicks to the midsection before re-entering the ring. At the count of eight, Bloodlust goes into the ring as well. Assault and Battery grabs Bloodlust and backs him into the corner with a shoulder block. Assault backs up and waits for his opponent to stand. Bloodlust was back on his feet and A and B tried to throw a punch, but Bloodlust not only took the punch, but it had no effect as the guy slapped his hand around A&B's throat once again and slapped him again into the canvas with acrushing chokeslam! The fans gave a mixed reaction as Bloodlust picked A&B back up off the canvas, lifted him back up into the air and drilling his opponent back into the mat with his "Straight to Hell" powerbomb. The fans cheered the impressive move as Bloodlust made the cover and the referee made the three count to call for the bell.

Winner via pinfall at 6:49: Bloodlust

Bucky: That was absolutely an awesome matchup! Assault and Battery definitely gave Bloodlust everything that he could handle, but in the end, Bloodlust just pulled out a win. A and B has nothing to be ashamed of after how he went at the Posse member. This feud between the Farside and Posse is just beginning to heat up!

Conrad: Now is what we've been waiting for, the semifinals of the Triple Crown tournament. This match has quite a bit of background involved in it, doesn't it Bucky?

Bucky: Definitely. To get here, Smokey defeated Sekimoto, Tommy Rudo, and Barramya. You've got to be sure that SIA's looking for revenge after that match.

Conrad: Yes, last week Smokey avenged Bong's loss to Barramya by defeating her. To get to this spot, Style in Action has beaten the current hardcore champion, Dead Cell, Matt Anderson, and Shane Sullivan. That's certainly not an easy trio of wrestlers, is it?

Bucky: You're damn right; he's fought to make it here. But without further adieu, it's time for our first semifinal match!

Tournament Semifinal: Smokey McDonald vs. Style in Action

"Because I Got High" begins to play and Smokey McDonald makes his way to the ring with a very determined look on his face. He quickly slides into the ring and stands in the corner silently, awaiting SIA to come out. "The Biggest and the Best" starts and Frankie Manns struts to the ring, playing to the crowd who is booing heavily. He climbs the stairs and enters the ring, only to be attacked right away by McDonald to a big pop. Smokey whips him into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Style in Action falls to the mat and Smokey backs up a bit, preparing for another move. Manns stands, turns around, and is hit with a spinning heel kick. Smokey goes for the quick pin attempt, only able to get a two. SIA rolls out of the ring to gain his composure, but McDonald hits a suicide dive. The maneuver drives Frankie into the steel railing. The crowd cheers for this shot as the referee goes to the floor. He gives the impression that this late in the tournament, he's not going to end the match unless he has to. Smokey pulls Manns up and rams his face into the steel steps three times. Style in Action stumbles around as McDonald charges at him. Frankie has enough presence of mind to hit a drop toe hold, sending the tag team competitor face first into the steel steps! SIA makes his way to his feet, shaking the cobwebs out when he grabs a chair. He's about ready to hit him with the chair until the referee takes it out of his hands. Enraged, Manns turns around and begins a verbal confrontation with the official. He turns back around right into a boot to the stomach. McDonald stuns the crowd with a beautiful gutwrench powerbomb on the padding! The referee urges him to take the fight back into the ring, but he plays as though he's not hearing him and Smokey goes to the floor and begins to pound away on the face of SIA. McDonald gets up after a few punches and tears away some of the padding, looking to win the match decisively. The Snoogan drags Manns over towards the concrete floor and attempts a piledriver. Frankie blocks it and hits a low blow. Style in Action then takes him and hits a suplex, Smokey landing on the padding. Both men are hurt on the floor as the official is not quite sure what to do, not wanting to count them out. SIA pulls himself up with the help of the apron and enters the ring, followed by Smokey soon after. Manns whips McDonald into the buckle. The Snoogan comes out of the corner only to get hit with a neckbreaker by Frankie. The current tag champ goes for the pin on the former tag champion, only able to get a two. Style in Action gets up and starts moving around the ring, sizing up Smokey. McDonald stands up, only to be sent back to the mat with a clothesline. SIA drags Smokey up and whips him into the ropes. Manns hits his opponent with an excellent overhead-belly-to-belly suplex, which sends McDonald under the ropes, to the floor. Style in Action climbs to the top rope and jumps off with a cross body block. Smokey catches him with the force of the blow causing him to fall into the railing. The Snoogan somehow hangs on to Frankie. Smokey walks around to the other side of the floor and slams him to the concrete floor! The crowd begins to cheer loudly for that move. Frankie holds his back from the impact of the move. McDonald rolls SIA back into the ring. Smokey whips his opponent into the ropes and hoists him up, nailing a flapjack. McDonald quickly goes to the top rope, leaping off and hitting a leg drop onto Manns! He goes for the cover, getting a two and a half. Smokey picks Style in Action back up, driving him down with a full nelson slam. He again goes for the pin, able to only gain two and a half. McDonald climbs the ropes yet again, waiting for Frankie to stand. SIA has trouble getting up, which causes him to run into the ropes, crotching his opponent! Manns slowly climbs to the top rope and hits a top rope hurricanranna on Smokey! He goes for the pin, only able to keep Smokey down for two. Frankie gets up, hitting his opponent with the Revolution DDT. Instead of going for the cover, he hits a springboard moonsault on Smokey. He covers McDonald, only getting a 2.9! SIA signals for the end of the match as he pulls Smokey up by the hair. Manns hits his patented Roll-Thru German Suplex, bridging for the pin. He gets a 1, 2… the referee stops counting even though Smokey didn't kick out. Frankie thinks that he's won the match, but it was shown that McDonald's arm was clearly under the bottom rope, stopping the pin attempt. He backs the referee into the corner, yelling at him for his so-called incompetence. Style in Action brings Smokey to his feet and attempts to whip him into the buckle. McDonald reverses it, sending SIA into the opposite buckle, the one where the referee is in! The official gets smashed by Manns as he turns around, right into Roll the Doobie! Smokey goes for the pin, but of course the referee is hurt, so is not able to make the count. McDonald goes over to him, trying to help him up. The referee seems to be motionless. This gives SIA a chance to recover by hitting Smokey with a superkick, knocking him to the mat next to the referee. All of a sudden, Barramya comes running to the ring with a lead pipe! She enters the ring and looks at Frankie with a sadistic look on her face. At this time, Bong runs to the ring, trying to help Smokey out, but is hit in the face with the pipe, knocking him out on the padding on the floor. SIA pulls Smokey up and holds him for Sarah. She goes for the shot, but McDonald ducks it, causing her to hit Manns! Style in Action falls to the mat and Smokey hits a DDT on Sarah, kicking her to the floor. McDonald clutches Frankie and goes for the pin. The referee slowly makes his way over to count. He crawls ever so closer to the middle of the ring. 1… 2… 2.9! The speed of the count enables SIA to find the strength to kick out. Smokey is stunned at his kickout and stands up, speechless. He looks around, wondering what to do next. He bounces off the ropes, but Barramya grabs his leg, stopping him from performing the move. McDonald turns around and pulls Sarah onto the apron by her hair. Style in Action staggers to his feet and comes up from behind, hitting the Roll-Thru German Suplex again, getting the three count this time, and the win! Smokey rolls out of the ring as Frankie is having his arm raised by the referee. Sarah slides in to the ring very nervously after what she has just done. Frankie just looks at her looking angry considering she has nearly just cost him his match. Frankie goes over to the side of the ring to get a microphone and starts to speak his mind.

Winner via pinfall at 1153: Style in Action

Frankie: Sarah what the hell were you doing out there! I could have nearly lost that match cause of your stupid mistake!

(Sarah tries to defend herself from the verbal blows being received by Frankie who is forcing Sarah in to the corner.)

Frankie: I can't believe you would do something like that to me! Do you not want me to win this tournament or something? Are you jealous for the simple fact that I did something that you couldn't - beat someone the likes of Smokey?

(Sarah looks like she is nearly in tears.)

Frankie: You know I have just got one thing to say to you before I go…

(There is a long pause. Sarah now looking scared is looking away from Frankie. Frankie then suddenly takes her hand, getting down on one knee pulling a small black box from behind his back, now open, with what looks like a ring inside.)

Frankie: Baby look at me…

(Sarah slowly turns her face around to look at Frankie and can't believe her eyes.)

Frankie: Sarah…baby…

Crowd: Baby!

Frankie: Stay out of this! Now as I was saying…Sarah…God this is hard…

(What looks like a have a tear appears in the corner of Frankie's eye. Sarah softly dries it away from his face, which prompts Frankie to splutter out what he has to say.)

Frankie: Although you haven't believed it over the last few days, you mean more to me than anything in this world. We started off as friends all those many years ago when I met you in the UK and knew that you were something special for your wrestling talent when you were in your teens, but as you grew from a young girl trying to find her roots in the business as well as back in her homeland to an independent woman, with many friends and fans alike. That was the time I knew that you were ready for BSW. That was when I found out how special you really were. I know we caused quite a stir when I was helping you train one time and we kissed for the first time and the controversy it caused. But it made it fun in a sense, it made us keep it all secret, all the love notes, the calls, everything. You're fun, exciting, beautiful, sensitive, just…perfect in my eyes. No wonder everyone tries to take stabs at you, as they are all jealous, they all want to have you as they know how great you are. Well I'm going to make sure today that no one else can have you…ever…what I am trying to say is…Sarah…baby…will you marry me?

(There is a pause as the crowd start shouting a mixture of yes's and no's, some of them obviously wanting Frankie or Sarah for themselves. Sarah takes the mic off of Frankie to give him her answer…)

Sarah: Yes…yes! Of course I will!

(The crowd goes wild as Frankie stands up slipping the ring on Sarah's finger, hugging her nearly close to tears himself as Sarah starts to cry. Frankie then wipes the tears away from Sarah's cheeks and kisses her passionately. The pair then go back to hugging each other as the camera goes back to the announcers table.)

Conrad: What a great match between these two men with clashing styles. But in the end, Style in Action pulled off the victory with a bit of help from Sarah. The match could have gone either way, with Smokey giving a damn impressive performance. But the fact of the matter is that Style in Action will be fighting for the Triple Crown title in our main event!

Bucky: But did you see what happened at the end? The Golden Couple are going to get married! Isn't that so cute! I love happy endings!

Conrad: Well, you might be the only person in the building to find it cute because the crowd was booing for much of it, especially the 'baby' parts.

(The shot goes to the back where Mike and Matt Anderson are carrying their luggage into the building. Both men seem to be quite tired from their journey. Mike quickly sets down his bags and looks to be heading for the ring for his match, which is coming up next. Matt picks up his brother's stuff and heads toward the locker room.)

Bucky: Thank goodness that Anderson has finally decided to show up. He has to get ready quite quick if he wants to be ready for the Extortionist.

Conrad: Extortionist has had quite a different road up to here. He lost in the first round to Assault and Battery and then re-entered after a draw. From there he defeated KINTA Shimoda and Assault and Battery in their second match to get here.

Bucky: That's the road less traveled, isn't it? Mike took a more traditional route here. He has defeated Colin Baird, Keith Krash, and Meiko in three hard fought matches. That could have been easily the worst draw, and he is still this far. Simply amazing!

Conrad: Here we go boys and girls. It's semifinal number two, coming at you right now!

Tournament Semifinal: Mike Anderson vs. Extortionist

Extortionist is in the ring, waiting for Mike Anderson to come out. Without music, Magnificence makes his way to the ring, with his coat still on. He's wearing his tights already, throws off his coat, and enters the ring. The bell sounds and the match is underway with Extortionist starting with stomping on Anderson's back. Every time Mike attempts to get up, Extortionist sends him back to the mat with a boot. After a few seconds of this, Anderson just rolls out of the ring to get his bearings, realizing that he's fighting for a spot against SIA. Mike makes his way onto the apron and Extortionist meets him on the other side. Anderson grabs his opponent by the neck and chokes him over the top rope, causing Extortionist to fall backward and give Mike a chance to enter the ring. Anderson rolls into the ring and picks Extortionist up. The intercontinental champion whips Extortionist into the ropes and hits a powerslam. He goes for the cover, only able to keep him down for two. Anderson gets up and drops an elbow to the sternum of the Extortionist. Again, he goes for the pin, and again, Extortionist kicks out. Mike stands up and waits for Extortionist to join him at a vertical base. Extortionist makes his way up, only to get hit with a big boot to the face, knocking Extortionist to the mat. Mike picks his opponent up and hits a pumphandle slam. Magnificence goes for the cover, not able to keep him down for the three count. Anderson picks Extortionist up yet again, but this time, Extortionist kicks Mike below the belt and Extortionist takes the advantage with a snap suplex on the bigger Anderson. Extortionist floats over for the pinfall attempt, holding him for just over two. Extortionist reaches his feet and picks Anderson up with him. He whips Anderson into the buckle, followed by hitting a spinning heel kick. Mike falls to the mat as Extortionist climbs his way to the top rope. Extortionist leaps off, hitting a beautiful moonsault. He goes for the cover on the champion, but is only able to get a two count. Extortionist quickly stands up and waits for Anderson to get up as well. Mike staggers to his feet and the challenger applies the Dangerous Gamez in the middle of the ring! Anderson looks to be stumbling around, trying to keep his balance. Mike looks as though he's ready to just fall over, when instead he falls backwards, squashing Extortionist, forcing him to release the hold. Extortionist holds his chest as both men are on the mat. Anderson slowly gets up and whips the ailing Extortionist into the buckle. The force of the whip sends Extortionist falling over the top rope, to the floor. Anderson smiles as he takes the action to the floor himself. Mike picks his opponent up and clubs him over the back with a strong right arm. Extortionist falls to the padding and Anderson climbs to the apron. He looks around, wondering if he should do it. After a few seconds, he jumps off, attempting a leg drop, but not hitting anything. Extortionist moved out of the way and Mike ended up on the mat clutching his leg. Extortionist reaches his feet and kicks Anderson right in the face with a quick boot. Extortionist then starts to focus on the seemingly injured leg of Anderson, and applies a leg lace. This leaves Anderson writhing in pain, as he only just manages to make it to the ropes before having to submit. Extortionist then continues his work on the leg, laying in some stiff boots to the joint. As Magnificence manages to get back to his feet, Extortionist takes out Mike's one good leg and stretches the bad one out, before driving his knee right in to the joint, at which Anderson lets out a loud moan. However, as Extortionist tries to drop a knee, Anderson somehow manages to get a boot up, which Extortionist's jaw comes crashing down on to. Mike quickly gets back to his feet, and manages to perform a Russian leg sweep, which earns him a near fall. Magnificence then continues this return as he executes a perfect side belly to back suplex. After a quick leg drop on Extortionist, Anderson manages to get another two count. However as he pulls up Extortionist for another suplex, Extortionist manages to block and spin it round in to a neckbreaker, getting a near fall of his own. Extortionist drags Magnificence back to his feet and whips him off the ropes, but as Extortionist ducks his head, Anderson shows tremendous agility for a man his size as he performs a leap frog, before German suplexing Extortionist over the top right back on to his face! The crowd is in awe of this move, as Anderson simply raises his arms in the air to accept the fans' applause. He takes a little too long over this, as when he goes for the cover Extortionist has the ring presence to get his foot on the bottom rope. Anderson is annoyed at this, and drops a fist straight to the forehead of Extortionist. Magnificence then goes drop an elbow on Extortionist, but he manages to get out of the way. Extortionist then goes for exactly the same move, and Mike gets out of the way and they both end up stood in the ring staring at each other. After a brief stare down they start to shove each other, with Extortionist eventually getting the upper hand with a few punches. Extortionist then sends Mike in to the ropes, and takes him down with a drop toe hold. However, Anderson ends up in a lot of pain over this as his neck caught on the middle rope as he went down. Seeing this as his big opportunity to advance to the final, Extortionist heads to the top rope to attempt the Fly At Night. However, Anderson has this move well scouted as he moves out of the way at the very last second, so the only thing Extortionist has to land on is the canvas. Mike quickly recovers, pulls Extortionist to his feet and lifts him high above his head, letting him crash down to the mat with Magnificence! Magnificence manages to roll on top of Extortionist, exhausted, for the three count to advance to the final of the Triple Crown tournament! After the match, though, former BSW champion Cooper Tate makes his way to the ring. He enters and hits a big spinning neckbreaker on Anderson. He picks Extortionist up and hits a jackhammer to the center of the ring. Mike begins to get up again, so he hits him with a pumphandle drop, apparently hurting Anderson just a bit.

Winner via pinfall at 10:57: Mike Anderson

Bucky: Former BSW world champion Cooper Tate is back! I don't believe it! He took exception to Anderson's victory and took it out on both men. This is a huge story!

Conrad: Cooper has just tainted what was going to be a celebration for Anderson making it into the finals. That sets it in stone, Style in Action meeting Mike Anderson in a little under an hour. This is going to be a great main event for the folks at home.

Bucky: You're right Conrad. Both men deserve to be where they are, and one will walk out with the title and one will walk out more respected than when he started.

Conrad: Our next match of the evening came about from the third round of the Triple Crown tournament. Mike Anderson narrowly defeated Liger, so tonight Meiko gets a shot to prove herself against Mike's little brother. Now that we know the Anderson's are in the building, let's get to the match!

Matt Anderson vs. Meiko Liger

"It's All About The Benjamins" by Puff Daddy plays and Matt Anderson struts to the ring with a mixed reaction. Anderson rolls into the ring and poses on the middle rope for a few seconds before "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC begins on the PA system. Meiko Liger makes her way to the ring with a less-than-happy look on her face. She climbs the steps and enters the ring and Matt descends from the buckle and the two competitors look at each other. The bell rings and the two stay stationary, staring a hole through the other. Finally, Meiko extends her hand in a sign of respect. Matt puts his hand out there two and grasps her hand before taking her arm and throwing her down to the mat, exposing Liger's nagging shoulder injury. Meiko stands up and holds her shoulder and has fire in her eyes as she glares at Anderson, laughing and playing to the ground. When he turns around Meiko hits him with a beautiful dropkick, sending him to the floor. Liger climbs to the top rope, looking to fly off at Anderson. The referee intervenes, trying to keep the match inside the ring. Meiko gets off the top rope and waits for Matt to re-enter the ring. He rolls into the ring and stands up, looking at Liger while holding his jaw. He charges her but she leapfrogs. Anderson bounces off the ropes, going for a clothesline, but missing. He bounces off the other side, hitting a flying forearm. Matt quickly stands and begins to stomping away at his smaller opponent, mainly focusing on her shoulder. Anderson falls to his knees and grabs her arm and executes a painful armbar. He just begins to pull as hard as he can at the arm, Liger yelling in pain. Meiko, on her back, somehow finds the strength to kick up to a standing position while Matt still has a hold of her limb. Anderson climbs up to his feet and is met by a short clothesline by his female counterpart. Liger tries to shake off the pain before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a few lightning quick elbow drops with her other arm. Meiko gets up and backs up a few steps before running and hitting a standing senton splash. She goes for the cover, only able to keep him down for a two count. She stays on the mat, executing a leg scissors around the neck of Anderson. To give him a taste of his own medicine, she pulls his arm up and ties it up as well in the maneuver. Matt begins flailing away until he finds himself to the ropes, when he puts his leg up, forcing Meiko to break the hold. Liger lets go of the hold and quickly goes to the top rope and waits for Matt to get up. When he does, she leaps off with an impressive hurricanranna that drops Matt to the mat. She goes for the pin, but he is able to kick out shortly after two. Liger stands up and stalls for a few seconds before hitting the ropes, but Anderson is able to get off a powerslam, knocking the wind out of Liger. He makes his way to the top rope and leaps off with a moonsault. Anderson goes for the win, but she kicks out at two. Anderson felt as though he had the match won there, so he's disappointed. He begins to argue with the referee for the slow count. Liger staggers up with help of the ropes and waits for Matt to turn around. Out of the corner of his eye, Anderson sees Meiko waiting behind him, so he goes for a superkick. At the same time, Liger goes for a superkick of her own, causing the two to superkick each other! They fall to the mat with Matt falling on top of his opponent. The referee goes for the count, but Liger somehow kicks out! The crowd begins to stand as they realize that this is anyone's matchup. The both slowly get up and Anderson throws Meiko into the corner. He charges in for a clothesline, but Liger moves out of the way, as Matt crashes hard into the turnbuckle. Liger, out of desperation, quickly dazes Anderson with a left-handed shotei, and with what strength she has left, lifts up onto the top rope. Meiko attempts a top-rope hurricanranna, but Anderson hooks onto the tops, causing Meiko to fall off of the top and crash hard onto her shoulder. As Meiko lies on the mat in pain, holding her shoulder, as Anderson makes his way down off of the ropes as he quickly applies a cross arm breaker and Meiko taps out immediately.

Winner via submission at 7:43: Matt Anderson

Bucky: Wow, that was an impressive double superkick that spelt the beginning of the end for Meiko. She put up a very good effort, only with one arm able to use.

Conrad: I think that you're definitely correct. That makes two straight victories for the Anderson clan this evening after their late arrival. Maybe they should get here late every week!

Bucky: Our upcoming matchup is between the junior champion Barramya and Yumi Shiratori. The last few weeks poor Yumi has been getting the short end of the stick in terms of matchups. Hopefully this match better suits her style. |

Junior Heavyweight Title: Barramya (c) vs. Yumi Shiratori

The match has just started with the two ladies involved in a lockup. Sarah uses her size advantage to muscle Yumi to the mat. Shiratori pops right up and looks at Barramya and holds her back a little bit. The two women look to meet in the middle of the ring yet again, but this time, Shiratori ducks the attempt and hits an amazing German suplex into a bridge. The champion is able to kick out at two as the crowd looks on, stunned at the move by Yumi. Both women stand up as Yumi favors her back from the power move. The two move towards each other again as Sarah kicks Shiratori in the chest and hits a nice powerbomb, landing Shiratori on her back. Yumi favors her back as Sarah goes for the pin, only getting a two count. Barraclough looks to be taking control as she whips Yumi against the ropes and hits a high back body drop. The champion goes for the cover, only able to get a two. Shiratori rolls to the floor to get a breather and rest her back a bit. Sarah goes right after her from behind. Yumi moves out of the way and Barraclough rams herself head-first into the ring post. Shiratori tries to take advantage by climbing to the apron and dropping a leg drop. Yumi quickly enters the ring and exits to stop the count. She picks Barramya up and rolls her into the ring. Shiratori uses her head and applies a figure four onto Sarah. The champion looks to be in a lot of pain, but is holding the screams in. Yumi cinches in the move and applies a bunch of pressure. Sarah tries to make her way to the ropes. By the time she is almost there, Shiratori releases the hold and pulls her back into the middle of the ring. She then applies a one-legged Boston crab. Yumi wrenches back on the leg as the champion again crawls to the ropes. This time she grabs them and the challenger releases the move. Shiratori waits for Sarah to get up before bouncing off the ropes. Barraclough hits a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker out of nowhere. Both ladies fall to the matt with the challenger holding her back from the impact. The referee gets to six before Barramya makes it to his feet. Yumi gets up soon after and Barramya goes for a punch, but Shiratori blocks it and hits a chop. That happens yet again until Yumi drives Sarah into the buckle with an array of chops to the chest. Shiratori whips Barraclough into the buckle, but Sarah reverses it and hits a high-impact clothesline, almost knocking Yumi out of the ring. Yumi staggers out of the buckle and Barraclough hits a sidewalk slam. The champion stays on top and goes for the pin, only to get a two count. Sarah slams her hand on the mat before getting up, noticeably aggravated. Barramya climbs to the top rope, looking for the Bitch Slap, but Yumi somehow rolls out of the way, avoiding contact! Shiratori pulls herself up and hits a DDT on Barramya. Yumi goes for the pin, only able to get a two count. The challenger thought that she had the victory. Barramya tosses Yumi into the ropes, but Yumi reverses and comes back with a fierce Yakuza kick. Shiratori quickly goes for Peak Blue 1st Stage after it hits, she head up for Peak Blue 2nd Stage, but Barramya rolls out of the way. Sarah goes up top and hits a Somersault Leg Drop onto the small of Yumi's back and makes the cover, only getting a two. Frustrated, Barraclough wraps Shiratori up in a la magistral cradle getting only a 2.9! Barramya picks up Yumi by the hair, and tries for a bulldog, she reverses it into a backdrop driver! Yumi goes for the victory, only able to keep her down for two. The challenger quickly follows up and tires for Peak Blue 3rd Stage but Barramya gets her knees up. The champion goes up top as Yumi writhes in pain on the mat, and hits the Bitch Slap. However, Barramya hit hard, and both women lay motionless on the mat as the referee starts the 10 count. Barraclough slowly makes her way over to Shiratori, crawling the whole way. Barramya makes the cover. The referee gets in position to make the three count.

Winner via pinfall at 7:15 and still junior heavyweight champion: Barramya

Bucky: The new bride-to-be won her match to remain the champion of the juniors. But of course, the resilient Yumi didn't stop without a fight.

Conrad: When Yumi's in a match, you know that she's going to give it her all. Barramya was in good shape for that match, not side-tracked from the events earlier at all.

Bucky: Next up we have a few friends in Sullivan, Wallace, and Krash taking on a hot sensation, the Farside. A great match should be ahead.

Gary Wallace/Shane Sullivan/Keith Krash vs. Chris Castle/POD/Carlos Montoya

As Sullivan and his partners were stepping into the ring, the Farside decided to start the match before the bell as they attacked their opponents while their backs were turned and started brawling right there in the middle of the ring. After a few minutes of chaos, the referee was finally able to restore order and the match was underway with Keith Krash and Chris Castle in the ring first. They locked up in the middle of the ring, and Castle came out with a strong headlock, only to be tossed into the ropes for his troubles. When coming off the ropes, Castle hit Krash with a hard shoulder that knocked him to the ground. Castle from there proceeded to stomp away at Krash as if his chest was on fire before turning around and making the tag to POD. The Farside member was quick in the ring, and on the attack to keep Krash down. He used a swift backbreaker, and a few more kicks before making another quick tag to Montoya, using team action to keep fresh men in the ring. Carlos skipped into the ring and both he and POD started to pound away at Krash with a barrage of kicks. Sullivan and Wallace tried to get in there and help them, but it only made things worse as the Farside members continued to kick away while the referee pushed Wallace and Sullivan back to their corners. Montoya was in full control as he used a decent arm drag to lock on a rather interesting leg lock, but Krash was too close to the ropes and the move was broken up. Carlos then used a quick neckbreaker to prevent Krash from getting back to his feet. He then tagged Castle in for the second time, and the self proclaimed Idol continued to work over Krash, hitting him with a few more punches before tossing Wallace into the ropes and hitting him with a nice back body drop. Krash tried his best to get to his feet, and managed to get a move in when Castle tried to kick him again. Krash was able to catch his leg and then hit Castle with a cheap but effective forearm to the groin while the referee's back was turned! Krash pulls himself to his feet and hits a spinebuster. Keith picks Chris up and nails a few punches before hitting a big boot to the face. Keith runs against the ropes, nailing a still clothesline knocking his opponent down. Keith goes for the victory, only able to get a two count. Krash picks Castle up and whips him into the ropes. Keith himself goes against the ropes and both men meet in the middle with a double clothesline. Both men were down, but almost at the same time both wrestlers had made it to their corners and made the tag. Carlos tried to get in the ring quick enough to stop Krash from making the tag but it was too late as Gary Wallace hopped into the ring and attacked the Farside member with a nice clothesline that knocked Montoya off his feet. POD tried to attack as well, but Wallace was there to knock him down as well. Sullivan also got into the ring, and once again all six wrestlers were in the ring and brawling again. Yet during the exchange, Castle was able to toss Krash out of the ring and turn the odds in his team's favor. Castle attacked Wallace from behind and both he and Carlos were able to beat him down enough to make sure he wasn't a threat. From there Carlos and Castle were able to attack Sullivan who was in the process of kicking the crap out of POD. Both men were able to beat Triple S down, before setting him up for a finisher when Carlos drilled the BSW legend into the canvas with the "Dog's Life" Pedigree. With Sullivan on the canvas, Carlos then jumped to the top rope and landed on Sullivan with a monstrous 450 splash! Wallace enters the ring and stops the count. Pandemonium ensues with Carlos grabbing brass knuckles from under the ring and knocking Shane in the face with them. Sullivan falls to the mat. The referee turns around to see Carlos on top of Shane and doesn't see the knucks lying on the mat. He makes the count. Keith Krash tried to get into the ring to break up the pinfall attempt, but Castle was there to knock him out of the ring, and the referee made the three count to call for bell to end the match.

Winners via pinfall at 6:21: Chris Castle/POD/Carlos Montoya

(The scene cuts to the back where Sarah is cuddled up close to Frankie admiring the ring that he had just given her. She kisses Frankie softly on the lips.)

Sarah: Baby this is beautiful…I've never expected you too…I thought you were going to…

Frankie: Yeah I know baby, I'm glad you like the surprise though. Sorry I had to scare you like that out there though, but the idiots in Anaheim would want to see us go at it, I love leaving people hanging on for more.

Sarah: And more they will get when you go out there in a few and beat Mike Anderson for that Triple Crown Title!

Frankie: Yeah I know baby. I have a really good feeling about this match tonight and I think I'll just have to sum up a perfect night by winning the Triple Crown, and proving to the world why they call me Style In Action.

Sarah: I've got something else you might want to prove if you won't be too tired…

Frankie: And that is my dear…

Sarah: Well I know that you're not small, but you know Anderson has been going on about your size…

(Sarah just slyly smiles at Frankie)

Frankie: I can definitely prove that I'm not small in that sense later! But now, I must be off, I have to go show Anderson what I'm really made of, why I was the leader of MTS and not him, and why I am Style In Action!

(Frankie slyly smiles back at Sarah, softly kisses her as the camera fades to black.)

Conrad: And now it's time for the final match of the evening. After four matches, Anderson and Manns are both undefeated. How are they going to do under the pressure of their first title match?

Bucky: I can tell you from experience, that first match is difficult to get ready for; and in this case, they've only had an hour to get set to go! I expect to one hell of a match, even if they aren't at 100 percent from the earlier matches. Cooper seems to have softened Anderson up a little bit more.

Conrad: I can't wait, because definitely a new era in the BSW is starting with the winner of this tournament. Here it is everyone, the final of the Triple Crown tournament. Let the best man win. To the ring!

Tournament Final: Mike Anderson vs. Style in Action

"The Biggest and the Best" starts to play and Style in Action makes his way to the ring. He slowly walks down the aisle, trying to preserve whatever energy he has left just for the match. He climbs the steps, enters the ring, and poses for the crowd. There are mostly boos for him as he struts around the ring. Out of nowhere, Magnificence comes running to the ring, wasting no time to even have his music play. The crowd is mixed for him as he slides into the ring and the two men start off the match with trading punches. Anderson gets the advantage and positions SIA near the ropes when he hits a clothesline that knocks the tag champion over the top and to the floor. Mike gets pumped up about the advantage until Manns trips up Mike and drags him to the floor. Out there, they again trade blows back and forth with no one really getting the advantage. They do this for ten seconds until SIA hits a knee to the stomach, followed by whipping Anderson. Mike overpowers it and reverses it, sending Manns into the steel post. Frankie falls to the floor and Mike slowly walks over to pick him up. He attempts to ram his head into the apron, but SIA hits an elbow to the chest and runs Anderson's face into the apron. Mike falls back a few steps and is hit with a dropkick, which sends him over the railing. Manns quickly makes his way up to the top rope and looks at the crowd, who starts cheering, wanting him to risk it all. Frankie waits for Anderson to stand, at which time he makes the leap of faith, landing over the railing and on top of Mike. Mike and SIA both hit the concrete hard and the fans are going crazy for what has just happened. The referee makes his way to the floor, checking on both of them, as they seem not to be moving much. Not knowing what to do, the official just stands there, not counting, waiting for one to get to their feet. After quite a long time, Style in Action finally crawls over to Mike, putting his arm on top of him. The referee is reluctant to make the count on the floor, but he does, only getting a 2.9! Anderson uses all of his energy to kick out of the pin attempt! Manns stands up gingerly and picks Mike up with him. He pulls Anderson back to the ringside area by throwing him over the railing to the padding. Manns goes onto the railing, being sure to keep his balance and attempts a splash, but Anderson gets his knees up, driving them into the abdomen of the tag champion. SIA holds his chest as both men get up and roll into the ring. The crowd finally settles down just a bit from the awesome display by the two men. They both pull themselves up by the aid of the ropes and stumble to the middle of the ring, where they stand, breathing heavy, but looking each other in the eye once again. The fans stand again, giving them quite an ovation for what they have done so far. SIA turns to look at them and Mike hits him with a stinging chop followed by a "Woo!" from the pumped crowd. He does it twice more before kicking his opponent in the gut. Manns doubles over in pain before Anderson looks at the crowd, hitting a huge powerbomb to the mat. He lays on him, attempting the pinfall. The referee goes down to the mat to count, getting to two before Frankie gets a shoulder up. Anderson keeps his cool as he lifts up Manns and whips him into the ropes. Style in Action makes his way back to him and Magnificence lifts him up in a gorilla press position, dropping him back to the mat with a loud thud. The crowd gets on their feet, backing Anderson for this match. Mike goes for the cover, only able to get a two count. He looks to be a bit surprised that he didn't get the victory there, but goes back to offense without saying much. Anderson pulls Style in Action up and goes for a suplex. SIA blocks it and powers Mike up with a suplex of his own. Manns goes for the pin, but Mike kicks out at two. Style in Action slowly reaches his feet and looks to be a bit out of it. He stands by the buckle and shakes his head a few times before turning around. He picks Mike up and hits a belly-to-back suplex, taking a lot of strength from SIA. He keeps the hold in and hooks the leg, able to only get two. Frankie rises to his feet and bounces off the ropes, hitting a springboard moonsault. He hooks the leg again, getting a near fall. With each near fall the crowd becomes more apprehensive and Manns gets a bit angrier. Style in Action gets up and slowly goes to the top rope. Anderson reaches his feet and Frankie goes for a missile dropkick. Magnificence sidesteps the move and Manns ends up crashing to the mat. Mike reaches down and brings SIA up to his feet. Anderson whips Frankie into the buckle and goes to charge after him. Manns gets out of the way, causing Mike to hit the buckle. Style in Action goes behind him and out of nowhere, hit his finisher, the Roll-Thru German suplex! He bridges and goes for the pin, and gets a 2.9! The crowd is shocked that he kicked out, but happy nonetheless. SIA thought that he had the match won with that move! Manns looks frustrated as he picks the almost knocked out Anderson up and hits a few European uppercuts, driving him into the corner. Frankie climbs up and begins to pound on his head with a flurry of punches. At about the sixth one, Mike hits a low blow, the causes SIA to stop the pounding. Anderson takes Frankie and hits a powerful crucifix bomb in the center of the ring. That took all of the power that Anderson had left, and both men are in a heap in the middle of the ring. The referee does not begin counting, wanting to see a true winner to the match. Mike puts his arm on top of his opponent, getting a 2.9! The crowd thought that the match was over as Magnificence slowly reaches his feet again. He picks Manns up and staggers around, before finding the energy to nail his finisher, Magnificence in the center of the ring. The audience pop huge for this move, thinking the match is over. He goes for the pin, 1, 2, 2.9! The crowd groans and Anderson strikes the mat with his fist, wondering what he's going to have to do to finish him off. Anderson picks SIA up and whips him into the ropes, hitting a big clothesline that sends Manns into the ropes again, this time, tying him up. The crowd becomes frantic as Mike gets a huge smile on his face. He bounces off the other side and goes for a big boot, but somehow Frankie gets out of the predicament, causing Magnificence to crotch himself on the top rope! SIA gets to his feet and dropkicks Anderson, sending him to the floor. Frankie goes for a suicide dive, but Mike steps out of the way, causing Manns to hit the railing. Anderson pulls his opponent over to the announce table and slams his face on it a few times before lying him on it. Mike goes to the top rope, as the crowd is going crazy for what's going to happen next. Mike thinks for a few seconds before leaping off with a headbutt. The table is broken in many pieces and there's not a person sitting in the seat. The impact of the blow knocked both men unconscious. The referee stands over them, wiping sweat from his brow when Mike's arm is lifted on top of Manns. The referee falls to the floor and goes for the pin, only able to get a two count! SIA kicked out at 2.9 to the surprise of everyone watching there. The official can't even believe it. Mike very slowly rises to his feet and pulls SIA up and rolls him into the ring. Anderson enters a chair and looks to be ready to use it on Action pretty soon. He pulls him up and whips him into the ropes. As SIA comes closer to Mike, he tries to nail him with the steel. Style in Action ducks the blow and hits a spinning heel kick into the chair, which bashes into Mike's face. Both men are down on the mat once again. Manns pulls himself to his feet with the help of the ropes and slowly hits the ropes, dropping an elbow to the throat. He covers, going for the pin, only able to get a near fall! The crowd thought that that was the end of the match! He pulls Anderson up and whips him into the buckle. Mike slumps down as SIA slowly follows him. Frankie then whips him into the buckle again, but this time there's a reversal by Anderson and Style in Action ends up in the buckle. Manns staggers out of the corner and Magnificence hoists him up for yet another gorilla press, into a slam. Mike feels the adrenaline of the crowd and looks to be ready to finish the match right there. He picks SIA up and attempts Magnificence. Anderson picks up Manns, but he kicks out the back and again goes for the Roll-Thru German suplex! As he performs it, Mike's head is bashed against the chair that he brought into the ring. The shot to the head seems to have knocked him out. Style in Action picks the chair up and places it on Anderson's face. He climbs to the second rope and looks at the crowd, who is booing at the time. He then jumps off and hits a leg drop onto the chair. He holds his leg for a few seconds, exhausted before making the cover. The referee gets down to count. 1, 2, 3! Style in Action somehow pulls out the victory and wins the Triple Crown!

Winner via pinfall at 19:45 and new Triple Crown champion: Style in Action

Conrad: What a hell of a match that these two put on. I think that that is without a doubt a match of the year candidate. They put it all on the line.

Bucky: It's really too bad that only one guy can win, because I think that they both deserve the championship just as much.

Conrad: Style in Action dug down deep to win the tournament in a narrow fashion. I'm sure that the feud is not ending here. Actually, it might have just started.

Bucky: If they can always put on matches like that, let them feud forever in my book! That was great!

Conrad: Thank you for purchasing BSW Pandemonium. It was sheer Pandemonium, all night long. For Bucky Thompson, I'm Conrad Jones. Have a great night and we'll see you next time!