.:: 07.29.01 ::.

The BSW Front Office would like to apologize for the week delay in the card and if the results are below par. As many of you know Jay's grandfather suffered a heart attack last week and Jay is where he should be which is with his family at this time. I have done my best to fill in but do not have the skill for match writing that Jay does nor do I have the time that it takes to give you all the results you deserve. We, the Front Office, hope you understand and we will try to have things back to normal (or as close as they get around here) next week. Thanks. - President Bob Peil


.:: Afrikka vs. War Machine ::.

The 7'3" 395 lb. War Machine stands in the ring and awaits the arrival of Afrikka. The bongo drums start to play as the Ugandan Giant makes his way to the ring with his Styrofoam belt around his waist and Slick by his side. As Afrikka rolls into the ring a visibly more intense War Machine jumps Afrikka as the match begins. War Machine rips off Afrikka's belt and throws it out of the ring. In an amazing show of strength, War Machine proceeds to hit Afrikka with an incredible powerbomb. Everyone in the arena is stunned by Graham's power. Graham goes for the cover and almost got the quick victory but Afrikka was able to recover and kick out after 2. It looked like Graham was next going to go for his Hardcore Hammer (jackhammer) but Afrikka blocked the attempt and turned it into a not so small package, given the size of the competitors. Graham was able to kick out and come back with a huge standing lariat that knocked Afrikka out of the ring. War Machine followed Afrikka to the outside. Graham then picked up a chair and was going to hit Afrikka when Slick stepped in to try and stop him. Graham pretended to put the chair down and then proceeded to slap Slick with it in the back as Slick fell to the floor. Afrikka then grabbed Graham from behind and whipped him into the ring steps. Afrikka then hit Graham with a leg drop off the ring steps before rolling him back into the ring. Graham then ducked an Afrikka right hand and had him in position for a neckbreaker when Afrikka reversed it into a belly-to-belly suplex. Afrikka then knocked the wind out of Graham by sitting down on his chest and getting the 3 count.

Winner: Afrikka
After the Match: As Afrikka and Slick were leaving ringside with the Styrofoam belt, War Machine completely lost it. He chased down Afrikka and proceeded to beat him on the entrance ramp as Slick looked on helplessly still feeling the effects of the chair shot. Eventually, BSW Security pulled War Machine off Afrikka as medics attended to the Ugandan Giant.


During the Break: A camera makes its way outside to find Bucky Thompson arriving at the arena to jeers from the crowd. He pulls up next to Jay Hall’s already parked automobile, only to notice that the side of the car has been smashed in! As he walks around the side the words “The Idol is coming…” are revealed to be spray painted there as well! An irate Thompson runs off to tell Jay the news…


.:: Junior Heavyweight Title: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns (c) vs. Steve Hall ::.

Manns enters first to a big pop before Steve Hall enters to huge heat. Manns takes it to him straight away flying over the top with a pescado, before dropping him with a suplex on the outside. Manns then rolls Hall into the ring and hits another suplex, before dropping a quick leg for a two count. Hall tries to fight back with some punches to the mid section, but Manns hits with a kick to the head, before sending him shoulder first into the corner post. As Hall stumbles out, Manns flips him over and locks on a deadly cross armbreaker but Hall reaches the ropes, only to be taken out with a reverse thrust kick as he stands. Manns then heads up top and hits a huge ropeflip moonsault on Steve Hall for a two, before heading back up top again and signalling for a hurancanrana. Manns flies off with the move but gets caught mid air by Hall, who lifts him up and delivers a Liger bomb for a two count! Hall then sends Manns into the ropes and hits a huge leg lariat before scooping him up and signalling for the Depth Charge. However, Manns manages to float over and hit a huge sit out neckbreaker, before scooping up Hall and planting him down to the mat with a huge Michinoku Driver! The champion heads up top and nails the senton atomico for the three count and the easy victory!

Winner and still Junior Heavyweight Champion: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns
After the match: Suicide Kid charges down to ringside and begins to bad mouth Manns, asking for another title shot. Manns shrugs him off and turns to play to the crowd, before turning around and charging at Suicide Kid over the top! The two start to go at it on the floor, both laying into each other with punches before they get separated by security!


.:: World Heavyweight Title: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate (c) vs. Hannibal King ::.

As 'War Pigs' by Black Sabbath played, former BSW World Champion Hannibal King was the first to come to the ring. Hannibal had a look of determination on his face that we have not seen for quite sometime as he stood in the ring and awaited the 'Franchise' and his chance to regain his lost glory. 'Bawitdaba' by Kid Rock began to play as 'Franchise' Cooper Tate made his way to the ring with the BSW World Title around his waist. The crowd must have been able to sense something in the air as they were all ready for what would prove to be one hell of a match. The two began the match exchanging blows but quickly 'Franchise' realized that he would not hold onto the BSW World Title going toe-to-toe with King. 'Franchise' ducked a Hannibal right hand and hit him with a russian leg sweep. Tate then tried to keep the big man off his feet by applying a reverse chinlock. King broke the hold with a couple of elbows to Tate's gut as the two returned to their feet. The two locked up in the middle of the ring with King pulling Tate into a headlock. Tate was then able to send King into the ropes but King then sent Tate flying with a huge shoulderblock. King then picked Tate up off the mat and whipped him against the ropes. King telegraphed a back body drop by ducking his head too early and Tate countered with a spinning neckbreaker. Tate went for the cover but King kicked out with authority at 1.5. As both men returned to their feet, Hannibal caught Tate with a big right hand which stunned the 'Franchise' and sent him reeling into the corner. Hannibal followed Tate into the corner and placed the World Champ on the top rope. King hit Tate with a big chop before climbing to the second rope. King then hit Tate with a huge second rope belly-to-belly suplex. Hannibal did not go for the pin however and Tate was able to connect with a DDT out of nowhere. Both men lay motionless in the middle of the ring until Tate slowly started to make his way to his feet. 'Franchise' then headed to the top rope as Hannibal slowly started getting up. 'Franchise' leapt off the top rope looking for the Decapitator (top rope clothesline) but Hannibal ducked the clothesline, grabbed Tate, and proceeded to put him in position for the King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb). King lifted Tate high into the air and then sent him crashing down to the canvas. 'Franchise' was knocked out cold on the canvas but instead of going for the cover King turns and walks out of the ring. King continues walking to the backstage area without ever looking back at the ring as the ref has no choice but to count Hannibal out.

Winner via Count-Out and still World Heavyweight Champion: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
After the Match: Dru Black tries to get a word with Hannibal about why he left the ring when it looked like he was about to become the new World Champion but King ignores Dru, gets in his car, and exits the arena.


.:: No DQ: Manipulator vs. Maurice Dream ::.

These two pulled out all the stops in this No DQ contest. This match went back and forth with both wrestlers using anything and everything they could get their hands on. The turning point in the match was when a man who was later identified as Justin Tyler from the NWF attacked Maurice Dream. After attacking Dream with a chair, Tyler put Dream in the Triangle Choke and didn't let go until Dream was out cold. Since it was a No DQ match, the ref could only watch as all this was going down. A beaten and bloody Manipulator pulled himself over to Dream to make the cover to get the 1,2,3.

Winner: Manipulator


.:: Handicap Elimination Match: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado vs. Triple S, 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson, Action Jackson, 'Dragoness' Candy Fujita ::.

The 'Raw Deal' was the first to be eliminated followed by Action Jackson and Candy Fujita. Triple S and Bucky Thompson were the next two to go leaving Estacado and Anderson the last member of each of their respective teams. Neither the Devil nor the Anarchist had hardly anything left in the gas tank at this point but both continued to give it a 110% effort. The Anarchist started to build a little moment and looked like he was going for his finishing move, Anarchy Rulez (brainbuster DDT) but did have enough energy left to get Estacado completely over and Estacado fell down on to of Anderson. Estacado then put his feet on the ropes for leverage and picked up the very controversial victory.

Winners: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson, and Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado
After the Match: Quite simply… all hell broke loose. Both teams filled the ring once again but this time it was nothing more than a street fight. The Anarchist, Triple S, Action Jackson, and Candy Fujita started taking control when out of nowhere 'Style In Action' himself Frankie Manns comes down to the ring to even up the odds for the team of Jay, Bucky, and Daniel. Rave goes off the air as both teams continue to brawl it out.