.:: 08.06.01 ::.

Rumour Guy: Welcome to Sunday Night Rave here in Edmonton, Canada! The world athletics championship may be on right now but all eyes are on us as tonight we confirm who will be challenging Cooper Tate for the world title at the next PPV! Joining me here is Conrad Jones… Conrad, we’ve got some huge matches coming up…

Conrad: And none bigger than our double main event. Dream takes on Thompson and Estacado takes on Triple S as we see if Estacado and Thompson can prove their worth for the title shots they’ve been raving about against incredibly tough competition who would like nothing more than another shot at the gold!

Rumour Guy: With that lets get down to our first contest as Afrikka takes on Suicide Kid, the Ugandan Giant attempting once again to continue his foray into the junior heavyweight division!

.:: Afrikka vs. Suicide Kid ::.

Suicide Kid enters first to a mixed reaction as the commentators announce that he’s interested in facing Manns for the title once again at the PPV. Afrikka enters next to a huge pop, accompanied by his manager Sly. The Ugandan Giant slides into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle, which proves to be a mistake as Suicide Kid charges from behind and strikes with some forearms, before pulling the Giant back off the turnbuckle, grounding him early. Suicide Kid seems surprised that the big man is down, and is a bit unsure how to make the next move, choosing to drop a double stamp into his midsection before sliding baseball style into his face. Afrikka tries to get up but Suicide Kid nails him with a missile dropkick to the back of the head, before hopping up on his back with a sleeper hold. Afrikka struggles for a few moments, staying on one knee, but soon enough manages to stand up out of it and drop backwards, crushing the wind out of Suicide Kid! Afrikka gains a second wind and scoops up Kid onto his shoulders before hitting a huge running powerslam, followed by a mammoth leg drop! The big man signals for the end and pulls Kid into the middle of the ring with a belly to belly, before running to the ropes and springing up to the middle one, seemingly for an Asai moonsault! However, this proves too much for Afrikka as he is unable to actually flip, simply falling backwards onto Kid, squashing him for the three! After the match Vince Graham runs down to the ring as Afrikka celebrates, striking him with a chair, just like last week. However, this time Sly grabs Graham and swings him around begging for a chair shot, only to throw salt into the eyes of the War Machine. Afrikka and Sly escape as the maniacal Graham swings his chair against the ropes, still wanting a piece of Afrikka.

Winner: Afrikka
Backstage: Vince Graham again comes after Afrikka, jumping him now in his dressing room. Graham takes out Sly with a chair before tussling with Afrikka, ending in a huge show of strength as he nails a Graham Slam right onto the concrete floor! Graham taunts Afrikka as he leaves the dressing room and the medics rush in.

Conrad: Vince Graham is bitter about something, I wonder what?

Rumour Guy: Maybe that the Ugandan Giant has taken his USP, his niche of the fed, the big man role, and used it to make himself successful. Graham wants to prove he’s the biggest and baddest son of a bitch that’s in this federation, and he can’t do that whilst there’s a big fat African guy running around pleasing the crowd by botching moonsaults!

Conrad: In all due respect though a great win for Afrikka, as once again he literally squashes one of our junior heavyweights, and keeps that unbeaten streak in the federation alive. Next up we’ve got a battle of ex-allies as Jay Hall and ‘Style In Action’ Frankie Manns take on their ex-team-mate Action Jackson plus Jay’s fellow student of Steve Hall, Candy Fujita, who has made waves since her arrival in the federation.

.:: The MTX (‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall and ‘Style In Action’ Frankie Manns) vs. Action Jackson and ‘Dragoness’ Candy Fujita ::.

Jay and Frankie enter first to huge heel heat, a very different reaction to the last time these two teamed up together. The pair get in the ring as Missy Elliot blazes over the speakers and Candy Fujita enters, only to wait on the ramp as The Comedians’ old theme plays and Action Jackson makes his way out. There is a short stand off as the MTX don’t let their opponents enter the ring, but this is short lived as Fujita and Jackson both hit guillotine drops on the ropes on their opponents before entering and Irish whipping the pair into each other! The team of Fujita and Jackson dropkick Manns out of the ring before hitting a double shoulderblock on Jay, followed by a leg drop and standing senton combo on him. Jackson gets out of the ring as Fujita continues the onslaught, hitting some nice open handed chops on Jay before whipping him into the corner and nailing a shotei palm strike, knocking the intercontinental champion senseless! Jay slumps into the corner as Fujita charges in and dropkicks him right square in the face, before hitting a snapmare which allows Jackson to tag in and enter with a slingshot leg drop for a two count. Jackson then drops Jay with a backdrop suplex before tagging to Fujita again. The pair send Jay into the corner and Jackson bends down, allowing Fujita to jump off his back with a running hip attack. However, Jay catches her mid air and turns around before hitting a release German suplex, and he then takes Jackson out with a jawbreaker before tagging in Manns. The referee gets Jackson out of the ring as Manns sends Fujita into the ropes and tries a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. This is blocked by Fujita with an arm drag out of it, but Manns somehow flips onto his feet and nails her with a super stiff clothesline which turns her inside out, the Junior champion covering for a two! Manns then hits a big swinging neckbreaker, continuing the work on Fujita’s head, before tagging in Jay, who enters and shoves Fujita into the corner before measuring up and hitting a big high kick, knocking the youngster down to the mat. Jay then drops her with a snap suplex before heading to the middle ropes and hitting his moonsault for another two count. Jay complains of a slow count as he tags in Manns, who comes in and hits a cocky slap to Fujita before sending her into the corner and charging. Fujita seems to gain a second wind as she ducks his attack, but she stumbles right into a clothesline from Jay on the apron. Manns covers for another two count, before tagging Jay back in. Jay enters and tries for a fisherman’s suplex, but Fujita blocks before surprising him with an inside cradle for a two count. Fujita then charges and tries a shotei, but Jay grabs her hand and hits her with a hard elbow shot back down. Jay then quickly scales to the top rope before coming off with a wheel kick as Fujita stands, but the young star ducks the attack before both competitors try cross body presses, both getting taken out! Both slowly make their way to the tag and get it as Manns and Jackson enter, Jackson going after Manns and nailing a lariat followed by a neckbreaker drop, before sending him to the outside. Jackson follows out with a tope con hilo, before Jay runs to the corner and springs out with a moonsault. The crowd then get on their feet as Fujita comes out onto everyone with a diving body press, before rolling Jay and Manns back in. Jackson goes for the cover on Manns but Jay breaks it up, before dropping Jackson with a cross legged fisherman’s buster! Manns covers for a two before Fujita flies in with a springboard senton atomico, hurting herself on the way down. Jay bails her out of the ring before grabbing Jackson and holding him for Manns to attack. However, Fujita hops up on the apron and leaps in, both Jackson and Manns ducking, resulting in a Candycanrana on Hall! Manns looks shocked but is met with a superkick by Jackson, who rolls him up tight only for Manns to get his foot on the ropes! Jackson signals for the end and scoops up Manns for a powerbomb, but Jay takes his knees out only for Fujita to go after Jay. However, Jay ducks her attempted shotei and nails his brainbuster modification, before scooping Jackson up on his shoulders. Manns grabs Jacksons head as Jay throws him outwards, swinging him down into a stunner from Manns! Manns covers for the hard earned three count and the victory, the MTX exiting to huge heat.

Winner: The MTX

Rumour Guy: An action filled junior match there, some amazing stuff from both teams, but eventually the experience together as a team from Manns and Jay shone through.

Conrad: And surprisingly they didn’t attack the pair afterwards… something fishy going on here, I’m sure we’ll see Jay and Frankie again later in the evening in one way or another. Overall and impressive performance from all four people, but it’s the two champions that won it with a rather unique finishing manouevere. Next up we’ve got Manipulator getting his first title shot since his return to the BSW against Mike Anderson.

Rumour Guy: This match will be for the belt I introduced, the hardcore title, but no gimmick match tonight, just a plain old no disqualifications brawl. This should be a good one, let’s get to it now!

.:: Hardcore Title: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson (c) vs. Manipulator ::.

Manipulator enters first to large heel heat, before the Anarchist enters to a huge pop, belt in hand. Straight away Manipulator hops out of the ring and grabs a chair, asking Anderson to come in to the ring and try his luck. Anderson surprisingly complies, and ducks a chair shot before booting it into Manipulators face! Anderson then sends Manipulator into the ropes and nails a tilt-a-whirl slam before getting the chair and placing it on Manipulators face before dropping a leg across it for a two count. Anderson then slams the chair across Manipulators head before sliding out of the ring and pulling a trashcan out from under the ring along with a wooden 2x4. Anderson slides them into the ring and climbs back in, but Manipulator throws the chair at him as he enters, dazing him. Manipulator then grabs the trashcan and slams it onto Andersons head, before taking his knee out with a low dropkick. Manipulator then hops to the corner and comes back with a reverse splash onto the can which is still on Anderson’s head. Anderson slowly gets up, the can still on his head, as Manipulator grabs the chair and smashes it over his head, before taking the can off and smashing it across Anderson’s head. The brawl just won’t let up as Manipulator grabs Anderson and sends him to the floor before reaching under the ring and pulling out a stop sign, which soon enough is cracked across Anderson’s skull. The two continue their travels, heading into the crowd where Manipulator tosses Anderson up some steps with a backdrop suplex, before sending him back down the same way! Manipulator then grabs a drink from a member of the crowd and spits it in Anderson’s eyes, as they make their way up to a small ledge, about 7 foot high. Manipulator suplexes Anderson on the small stage before trying for a powerbomb off it. However, Anderson reverses and delivers a sit out powerbomb on the stag, before jumping off and grabbing a nearby table. Anderson sets this up by the stage and also grabs a couple of chairs from fans which he places on top. Anderson heads back up to Manipulator and signals for the Anarchy Rulez off the stage, but the move is reversed my Manipulator who then tries for a front suplex off the ledge. However, Anderson counters again before delivering a DDT on the stage right onto the concrete, before scooping up Manipulator and signalling for a powerbomb. Out of desperation, Manipulator nails a low blow before grabbing Anderson and scooping him onto his shoulders, before delivering a release powerbomb down through the chairs and the table! The fans start a small chant for Manipulator, but the cheers turn to boos as he tells them to shut up. Manipulator brings Anderson back up onto the stage and tries for a second powerbomb, but this time a rotating one. Halfway through the spin Anderson counters with a double knee to the sides of Manipulators head, sending him off the stage but onto his feet. However this doesn’t last long as Anderson jumps down with a swinging DDT on the remnants of the chair and table, busting Manipulator wide open. Anderson picks up some of the chairs and cracks Manipulator with them before returning slowly to ringside, tossing Manipulator over the guardrail before removing a segment of the rail and sliding it into the ring. Anderson scoops up Manipulator for the Anarchy Rulez onto the rail, but the challenger counters, blocking before hitting a front suplex onto the steel! Manipulator then quickly sets up the rail in the corner before hitting a powerbomb into it, and pinning Anderson against the rail for a two count. Mainpulator looks surprised at the kick out, and slides out of the ring and reaches under for something. The crowd pop huge as the BSW regulars, the light bulbs, make an appearance, Manipulator rolling around 8 of the long bulbs into the ring. One is straight away disposed of as Anderson gets it cracked over his head, before Manipulator breaks another one across Anderson’s back. Manipulator then lays the others in the ring and signals for the Descent to Hell, but Anderson escapes before it can be executed and nails a low blow out of desperation! The champion tosses Manipulator headfirst into the guardrail in the corner before charging with a lariat into it. Anderson then hits a huge lifting DDT, before sliding out of the ring and bringing in half a dozen or so chairs! He sets two of these up and nails an impressive hurancanrana on the big man through them before piling them all on top of each other. Anderson scoops up Manipulator and hits a powerbomb onto them with a jacknife hold, but its not quite enough as Manipulator kicks out at 2.9! Anderson then quickly grabs the light bulbs and puts them on top of the chairs as well, before hitting a Liger bomb onto the whole lot! Anderson fights through the pain to cover for the three and retain the title, the crowd on their feet for the contest. However, after the match Manns, Thompson and Hall all attack once again, Hall grabbing one of the lightbulbs that didn’t break and smashing it across Andersons arm before Thompson levels him with a superkick. Manns then puts the guardrail on top of Anderson and nails his senton atomico onto it, before the MTX members wave in the medics to take Anderson away, the group having done the damage that they wanted!

Winner and still Hardcore Champion: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson

Rumour Guy: This gets crazier and crazier every week! When we held the famous barbed wire, ladders and tables match we thought that was brutal, but each week these guys take it a step further…

Conrad: …and tonight both men paid the price, both cut up and hurt after the match. The time and effort put in by these guys is incredible, and the fact that they risk everything in matches like this each week is just a testament to their toughness!

Rumour Guy: But as predicted, the MTX were back again, showing their own hardcore antics as they again target Mike Anderson. This won’t be over anytime soon, but the MTX need to attack like this as of course overall they’re outnumbered when it comes to the amount of people they’ve attacked against the number of people in their crew.

Conrad: True, but I can’t wait until they get their comeuppances. I’m sure Anderson and Manipulator will both be back in action soon enough, maybe one of them will take out their anger on the MTX.

Rumour Guy: Anyway, our next two contests will run one after each other, no break in between, as we see Daniel Estacado take on Triple S and Bucky Thompson take on Maurice Dream. Enough has been said about these four in the past, let’s see who will face Tate at the next PPV!

.:: Triple S vs. Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado ::.

In a great back-and-forth matchup between two of the BSW's biggest stars, it was 'The Devil' who came out of top after hitting Triple S with a Human Torch (fireball spit) followed immediately by the Final Destination (pedigree).

Winner: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado


.:: Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream ::.

Dream enters first to a big pop, before Thompson makes his way down to ringside accompanied by Jay Hall and Frankie Manns, gaining huge heat. Instantly the two begin to go at it, exchanging punches, Dream coming out on top with a big right that sends Thompson down. Dream then mounts and nails him with a flurry of punches, only for Thompson to counter with a guillotine choke which he transitions into a mounted punching position of his own. Eventually the referee breaks it up, but Dream clotheslines him out of the ring before decking Thompson again! Hall and Manns on the outside roll the dazed referee back in as Dream hits a huge boot to Thompson’s head, followed by a sidewalk slam. Dream covers for a two count, before keeping the pressure up with some stomps which sends Thompson reeling into the corner. Thompson begs off but Dream feigns letting up, stepping away before coming back with a boot scrape across his face. Dream then tries to raise Thompson up in the corner but the ex-Comedian nails a low blow, before dropping Dream with a middle rope rocker dropper, buying him some time. Thompson stumbles to his feet to big heat, before picking Dream up and short clotheslining him back down for a two count. Thompson the hops middle rope and hits a missile dropkick to the back up the head, before hitting a lariat to the back of Dream’s head, making that the focus of his attack. Dream tries to fight back with some punches but Thompson knees him in the chest before hitting a swinging neckbreaker, and following this up with a double boot scrape across his face, the heel tactic getting cheap heat. Dream holds his head as Thompson raises him to his feet and sends him into the corner before charging with a lariat that is beautifully transitioned into a hangman’s neckbreaker, Thompson now using some old school technical moves to help him through the match. Thompson covers, again only getting a two count, before grabbing Dream in a front facelock and signalling for the end. Thompson tries a corner assisted DDT, but Dream counters, spinning before tossing him out with a northern lights suplex style move! However, before he can capitalise Jay Hall trips him, buying Thompson enough time to nail him with a huge release German suplex, dumping him right on his head! Thompson covers and again gets a two, but seems to be getting more and more impatient as he sits Dream up top backwards and tries a top rope German suplex, but Dream elbows him off backwards and uncharacteristically hits a missile dropkick!Dream tries once again to capitalise but Manns distracts the referee, allowing Thompson to hit a low blow. Thompson then dishes out more punishment, hitting a huge backdrop driver, before rolling through and hitting two more! Thompson then sits Dream up top and hits an awesome spider German suplex, holding onto the top rope so he can stay up high and nails the Punchline! Thompson covers 1…2… Dream somehow gets a foot on the ropes. Thompson is irate, as he drops the resilient Dream with a huge fire thunder driver, only to get another 2.9! Thompson looks out and nods at Frankie Manns who distracts the referee, allowing Jay Hall to slide in and drill Dream with a cross armed fire thunder, before Thompson covers, Jay holding his feet for leverage. The referee turns around and starts the count, but notices Jay’s help and breaks it! Thompson stands up as the referee shouts at Jay and superkicks him from behind, allowing Jay to come in and drop Dream with a double team suplex with Thompson, before Manns heads up and hits the senton atomico. Thompson covers again but this time the referee is still down, so Jay and Frankie start to revive him. The attempt is unsuccessful, so they return for more double teaming. Manns holds Dream as Jay steps back and swings forward with a high kick, only for Dream to duck that, knocking Manns down, before locking the Sweet Dreams on Jay! Dream just refuses to stay down, battling back with all he’s worth, as Candy Fujita and Action Jackson run down to even things up! However, as they go to work on Thompson and Manns, the referee slowly makes his way to his feet. Seeing Dream attacking Jay and his two allies going after Manns and Thompson, the referee calls for the bell. The crowd wait in anticipation for the result, only to be disappointed as the referee calls it a disqualification against Dream! The MTX celebrate in the ring as Fujita and Jackson shout at the referee. The referee starts to walk away down the ramp but Dream runs down and puts him in the Sweet Dreams to a huge pop! As the show ends the MTX stand in the ring in celebration as both Thompson and Estacado have earned their title shot.

Winner by DQ: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: A bizarre and totally unfair ending!

Conrad: Jay and Frankie not just broke the rulebook but threw it in a paper shredder and burned the remnants, but still its Dream who gets disqualified. Some may call it fate, I call it damn messed up!

Rumour Guy: So that means Thompson and Estacado get the shots they wanted, finally taking on Tate for the world title. Meanwhile Dream and Triple S are left rueing their missed chances, but surely it’ll only be a matter of time before they return to form.

Conrad: We’ll be back next week, but until then, remember not to book anything for August 26th… the next BSW PPV is coming!

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