.:: 08.13.01 ::.


.:: Afrikka / Suicide Kid vs. Vince Graham / Steve Hall ::.

The team of Afrikka and Suicide Kid enter first to a huge pop, Afrikka telling Suicide Kid the match tactics all the way down to the ring, whether he likes it or not, before Graham and Steve Hall enter next, both drawing large amounts of heat. Hall and Graham have some miscommunication early on as both go to start the match as the legal man, then both get out onto the apron, causing Steve Hall to get up in Vince Graham’s face. However, the man monster tosses Hall off the apron to a huge pop, before leaving ringside, refusing to tag with such an imbecile! Steve Hall slides into the ring only for Afrikka to charge at him and attempt a hurancanrana, only to simply fall on Hall’s chest, squashing the real junior heavyweight for the three count! Suicide Kid shrugs his shoulders at the easy victory as Afrikka picks up a win in record time! Backstage Vince Graham says that he wants Afrikka one on one, and doesn’t want any more tag partners who can’t pull their weight!

Winners: Afrikka and Suicide Kid


.:: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns vs. Triple S ::.

Shane Sullivan enters first to a big pop, the ex-world champion posing for the crowd. Frankie Manns’ music then plays but no-one enters, only for Style In Action to suddenly appear out of the crowd and enter with a springboard dropkick, the Junior Heavyweight champion jumping the gun and getting a quick advantage on Triple S. Manns then stuffs him into the corner and hits a spinkick, before charging up and putting a knee in Sullivan’s face. Shane Sullivan tries to shake it off but Manns refuses to let up, sending Sullivan back across again and hitting a rolling koppou kick, before sending him back again. However, Sullivan manages to leapfrog over this time, and catch the junior heavyweight champion with a nice belly to belly suplex as he charges out. Sullivan then drops Manns with a beautiful kamikaze Samoan drop, before hitting the ropes and dropping a quick leg to Manns. Triple S covers for a two count, Manns getting a foot on the ropes. Style In Action tries to come back with some elbows to the midsection, but Triple S knocks some sense into him with a stiff elbow, before coming off the ropes again. However, Manns manages to throw him up into a powerbomb position, only for Triple S to hit the Idolcanrana to a huge pop. Triple S signals for the end and lifts Manns back to his feet, before setting up for the Star Gazer. Sullivan rolls around, but in a piece of amazing agility Manns reverses the move mid air into a diving reverse DDT! Sullivan is shocked as he bounces to his feet and staggers right into a Michinoku Driver, Manns covering for 2.9! The end seems near, and Frankie heads up top, waiting for Triple S to stand. As Sullivan gets up, the junior heavyweight champion flies off with his floatover neckbreaker, taking Sullivan down and out. Manns covers for the three count, getting the huge upset win over the ex-world champion! As Manns heads backstage taunting Triple S, Mike Anderson clocks him from behind with a chair, trying to ensure that there’ll be no MTX interference in his match later! Manns gets struck once but then ducks the second one, before sprinting off to find back up backstage!

Winner: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns


.:: Hardcore Title: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson (c) vs. Maurice Dream vs. Manipulator ::.

Mike Anderson is already in the ring as we join the match, but his opponents are yet to appear. The cameras head backstage where all of a sudden they find the match already underway, Dream and Manipulator battling in the dressing room areas! Dream sends Manipulator into the wall but he explodes back out at the ex-world champion, grabbing a tray and smacking it over Dream’s head. Manipulator then drags Dream towards the curtain and the pair appear on top of the stage, to a huge pop. Manipulator delivers a snap suplex on the stage, before dragging him down the Tokyo Dome style ramp which joins to the ring apron and dumping him through the ropes, where Anderson covers for a two. Manipulator breaks it up before knocking Anderson down with a shoulderblock, but Dream recovers quickly to lock the Sweet Dreams on Manipulator to a huge pop! However, Manipulator hits a mule kick to Dream’s lower extremities to break it, before sliding out of the ring and going straight for a couple of chairs to a big pop. Manipulator slides back in with them and jams them into opposite turnbuckles, before attempting an Irish whip on Dream into them. Dream reverses this, sending Manipulator in headfirst, before teaming up with Anderson, whipping him in to attack Manipulator, but Manipulator ducks, before exploding out with a spear. However, Dream sidesteps this time, sending Manipulator right into the chair in the other corner. Dream then locks on the Sweet Dreams again, but Anderson rolls him up from behind, pinning him whilst at the same time sending Manipulator over suplex style out of the Sweet Dreams! This gets a 2.9, before Anderson rolls out of the ring and pulls out some more chairs, as well as a pair of tables! Anderson sets up one of these outside the ring and slides the other one in, before spreading some chairs on the one on the outside. Manipulator is still down after the suplex, and Anderson drags him to the ring apron, setting up for a powerbomb through the table. However, Manipulator escapes with a low blow, before trying to escape with a backdrop. Dream breaks this up, lariating Manipulator down, before trying to suplex him back into the ring. Manipulator holds onto the ropes, before guillotining Dream across them, and trying to roll back into the ring under the bottom rope. However, Anderson grabs his feet, and places his in an inverted facelock, Manipulator on the apron and Anderson on the floor. Anderson delivers a huge reverse suplex, dropping Manipulator back face first through the chairs and the table! The crowd pop big for this, but the reaction is even bigger as Estacado grabs some light bulbs from under the ring and rolls them and the chairs in! Dream instantly grabs a bulb and smashes it over Anderson’s head, but the sight of his own blood simply gives Anderson an incentive to win, as he flips out and decks Dream, before grabbing a chair and hammering away on him! Anderson then signals for the end and manages to hit his Anarchy Rulez, but it’s just too early, Dream kicking out at 2.9! Anderson then sets up a load of chairs in the centre of the ring and hits a Tiger Driver ’91 onto them, again getting a 2.9! The Anarchist seems to wonder what he must do to put Dream away, as he throws a load of light bulbs on top of the chairs and tries for the same finish as last week, the Liger Bomb on them. However, Dream counters it mid air, delivering a face buster onto the mess below, both men going through the bulbs! Both men are down as the referee starts a ten count, they get up at nine, and both hit lariats to each other knocking them back down. Again they take to nine to get up, but this time Anderson ducks the stiff lariat attempt from Dream and somehow musters the strength to hit a choke bomb to him onto the remnants of the mess in the ring! Anderson signals for the end and uncharacteristically heads up top, signalling for a moonsault, perhaps a taunt to his rival Jay Hall. However, just as he is about to leave off, the intercontinental champion Jay Hall charges through the crowd with a chair! The Raw Deal smacks Anderson with it, leaving him backwards on the top, vulnerable to Dream! Maurice slowly gets to his feet and grabs a broken light bulb, before as quick as a hiccup jumping up top and bringing Anderson down in a modified Sweet Dreams, choking him with the long light tube! Anderson has no option but to tap out as Dream wins the hardcore title! Dream poses in the ring as Jay Hall slides in and stands over Anderson, taunting him. The Raw Deal then turns to Dream, and his old rival looks at him with a smile, the fans fearing that an unholy alliance may have in fact been formed! Jay extends his hand to Dream, and the hardcore champion takes it… before spinning him into the Sweet Dreams! Jay’s interference seemed very under-appreciated as Dream chokes him out to a big pop! Jay is left fuming in the ring as the new hardcore champion celebrates up the ramp!

Winner and new Hardcore Champion: Maurice Dream


.:: Daniel ‘The Devil’ Estacado and The MTX (‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall and Bucky Thompson) vs. ‘Franchise’ Cooper Tate, Action Jackson and ‘Dragoness’ Candy Fujita ::.

Action Jackson enters first to his Comedians theme song, to a big pop, before Missy Elliot blazes out of the speakers and Candy Fujita enters to a big pop as well. The world champion Cooper Tate makes his way out next to a huge reaction, and poses on the turnbuckle with the belt for a moment before the MTX with Frankie Manns enter to heat. Daniel Estacado is last to enter the arena, and the joint #1 contender for the world title exchanges a handshake with his team-mates before entering the ring. The bell rings and we open up with Jay Hall squaring off with Candy Fujita. The pair lock up and Jay easily overpowers the youngster before rotating around into a hammerlock. Fujita surprises Jay with a headlock takedown out of it, before trying to transition early into a cross armbreaker, but Jay rolls and flips out of it before hitting an armdrag. The two shake off their knocks before locking up again, this time Fujita getting a side headlock on Jay. Jay reverses it by sending Fujita into the ropes, but his tilt-a-whirl attempt is reversed into a big flying armdrag from Fujita, followed up with a flying headscissors. The pace is kept up as Candy tries a body scissors pin, but Jay reverses into a reverse powerbomb only to be taken out with another armdrag. Fujita charges and tries another move but Jay counters with a powerslam before trying a spinkick, which is dodged. As he backs up for a second one, Fujita stays grounded with her leg up ready to counter any attempted attack, as the crowd pop for the opening exchange. Both back off as Fujita turns her back to pose to the crowd, only for Jay to run up behind and take her knee out with a low dropkick. Jay then scoops her up and hits a dragon screw before trying a second one, but he gets caught with an enziguri. The intercontinental champion begs off, scampering to the corner and tagging in Thompson. Fujita is all ready to go at it with him, but Action Jackson calls for the tag, wanting a bit of Bucky himself. Jackson enters and straight away ducks a lariat before hitting a wheel kick, which he follows up with a dropkick. He then tries for a swinging DDT but Thompson counters with a northern lights suplex which he transitions into a cross armbreaker, Jackson grabbing the ropes to break the hold. Thompson breaks it but straight away hits a nice pescado out onto Jackson after he bails to the outside, before hopping onto the ring apron and trying a quebrada moonsault. However, Jackson counters this, ducking out of the way before dropkicking Thompson right in the face! Jackson rolls Bucky back into the ring and enters with a slingshot elbow drop before bouncing off the ropes and dropping a quick leg for a two count. Jackson then heads to the top, but Thompson manages to push him off to the ring apron, before bringing him back in with a rope bounce front suplex, Jackson getting laid out in the middle of the ring. Thompson then tries for what looks like a backdrop suplex but Jackson flips out before trying his own German suplex, which is also flipped out of. As Thompson gains his balance upon landing, Jackson tries for a spinning backfist but Thompson ducks it, the pair then standing off to a pop again. Jackson makes his way to the corner and tags in Cooper Tate, prompting Thompson to tag in Estacado who is screaming for a shot at Tate. Estacado and Tate both jump into the ring at the same time before charging at each other. In a sweet exchange, Tate slides in low aiming at Estacado’s knee as The Devil tries for a flying clothesline, before the same exchange occurs again except with Estacado trying for a spear and Tate trying a wheel kick. Estacado then drills Tate with a strong lariat, but Tate no sells and stands right back up, asking for a second one. Estacado nails him again, only for Tate to hop back up to a huge pop. The Devil tries for a third but gets his head taken off with a lariat from Tate, but the Franchise is surprised as Estacado stands right back up himself! The two stand head to head getting up in each other’s faces as the crowd start to pop, and Estacado strikes first, hitting a big elbow to Tate’s face, but Cooper explodes right back with a stiff elbow of his own, covering Estacado for two! The pace all of a sudden picks up as Tate locks on a magistral cradle, which Estacado kicks out of, only to try a second and have Estacado lean down out of it into a pin of his own. Estacado then nails a tornado clutch on Tate for two, before Tate rolls him up with an inside cradle for a two of his own. The two stand off again to a reaction from the crowd, and Tate leans over and makes the tag to Jackson, who jumps into the ring. Estacado goes over as if to make the tag to Thompson, but all of a sudden all 3 heels jump into the ring and start to beat on Jackson, the referee getting distracted by Fujita and Tate’s complaints! The three stomp on Jackson in the corner, before tying him to the tree of woe. Manns hops up on the turnbuckle and holds Jackson in place as they hit a triple baseball slide, Thompson and Estacado flying down the ring apron and Jay coming at him central in the ring! Jay stays in the ring as the other two stay out and nails Jackson with a corner swing stunner, before hopping up top and diving back down with his trademark middle rope moonsault. Jay then lays Jackson across the middle rope before calling in Estacado, who kneels down for Jay to spring off with a sit down attack on Jackson’s back. The two then reverse the role, The Devil flying in with the same move, before Bucky Thompson comes off the top with one of his own! Estacado is still the legal man so he makes the cover for a two, before dropping Jackson with two rolling suplexes, and making the tag to Thompson who enters with a diving senton for another two count. Thompson then hits a backdrop suplex which he rolls through into a diving atomic drop, before going and attacking Tate, which brings the world champion in, causing the referee to be distracted. All 3 of the heels enter again, and this time they push Jackson into the corner before Manns slides in and crouches to act as a springboard for them. Estacado charges in first with a big splash, followed by Jay with a diving lariat, and topped off with a wheel kick from Thompson. Jay stays in the ring this time and drops Jackson with a snake eyes before distracting the referee again, allowing Thompson to hit a guillotine leg drop off the top onto Jackson, who’s head is on the ropes! Jay then nails Jackson with a cross legged Fisherman’s Buster for a very long two count. Hall complains of a slow count before tagging in Thompson and starting a big swing, which is cut off as Thompson dropkicks Jackson in the head along the way. Thompson then nails Jackson with a big sit out powerbomb, before going up top for the Punchline. As he’s about to come off, Tate walks over to try and pull him down but Frankie Manns runs around and pulls Tate off the apron. However, Tate grabs the ropes on his way down, crotching Thompson up top! Jackson sees this and tries to capitalise, and succeeds in doing so, heading up top and hitting a huge bulldog from the top rope! Both men are down as the crowd start to chant for Jackson, and both sides bang the turnbuckles to try and get their allies moving. Thompson arrives first and tags Estacado, but not a second afterwards, Jackson tags Fujita, only for both Fujita and Tate to enter! Hall and Estacado both jump in as well and the four start to go at it in the middle of the ring, Fujita and Tate coming out on top with stereo shotei palm strikes followed by two lariats. Thompson rolls to the outside but he isn’t safe for long, as Fujita and Tate bounce off the ropes and hit flying body presses out onto Thompson and Manns at the same time! Jay Hall then charges to the corner and springs out with a moonsault, before Action Jackson tries to go for a springboard move of his own. However, Estacado catches him mid air in the ring and drops him with a release German suplex! Estacado then kicks Jackson in the gut and goes for the Final Destination, but Fujita saves just in time, flying in over the ropes with a dropkick to Estacado! Fujita then hops out onto the apron and nails the Candycanrana for a two count, but Jay Hall breaks it at the last moment. Jay calls in Bucky and the pair hit Fujita with lariats from each side, before Jay hits a stiff lariat as Thompson takes Fujita’s knee out! Jay signals for the end and locks a figure four on Fujita’s injured knee, the youngster screaming in pain, but just as she is about to tap Action Jackson flies in with a top rope splash to Jay, covering the intercontinental champion for a 2, the referee now having lost track of who is the legal man! Tate finally rejoins the fray as well, as he assists Jackson in delivering a powerbomb to Thompson, before heading up top. However, Estacado manages to bounce off the ropes, crotching Tate up top, before Jay Hall takes him down with a hurancanrana! Jay cuts across his throat, signalling for the end, before picking Tate up and dropping him with his modified brainbuster. Jay makes the cover as Estacado and Thompson manage to hold back Tate’s team-mates… 1… 2… 3! Jay hops up in celebration and poses on the turnbuckle with Thompson to huge heat, before all of a sudden Mike Anderson hits the ring with a chair. Anderson goes for Jay and Bucky, who slide out of the ring, only to turn around and crack Estacado! Mike Anderson then swings down over the ropes at the MTX members who are being helped out by Frankie Manns, when all of a sudden the mad man turns around and cracks both Fujita and Jackson too! Anderson seems to have lost it as he stands in the ring amongst the carnage, posing over Daniel Estacado, sending a message to the MTX!

Winners: Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson and Daniel Estacado


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