.:: 08.19.01 ::.


.:: 'War Machine' Vince Graham vs. Afrikka w/'SIA' Frankie Manns as Special Referee ::.

Afrikka enters first to a huge pop, before the junior heavyweight champion comes down the aisle to much heat. Before Graham even enters Frankie Manns slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, which he nails an unaware Afrikka with. The big man takes it with no real effect, but another three or four take him down to one knee, which is a position that Manns takes advantage of, dropkicking the chair into Afrikka’s face before heading up top and nailing his huge floatover neck breaker onto it. Afrikka refuses to stay down, trying to get up once more, but Manns nails him again, before placing the chair on him and nailing his senton atomico onto it. Manns leaves having finally downed the big man as we assume the match has been thrown out as a no contest.

Result: No Contest


.:: 'Dragoness' Candy Fujita vs. Suicide Kid ::.

This match ended up being a pleasant surprise as both wrestlers put on a great show with great wrestling and fast paced action. After going back and forth at a blistering paced at the start of the match it was Candy who gained the first clear cut advantage. The Kid was able to counter a Fujita hurricanrana with a powerbomb to gain control of the match. Suicide Kid hit a pair of textbook suplexs before out of nowhere Candy rolled Suicide up in a small package for a 2 count. After being whipped to the ropes Candy hit Suicide with a handspring elbow before heading to the top rope. At that moment Tony Balboa came out of the crowd to knock the Dragoness off the top rope to the outside of the ring. Suicide Kid staggered to his feet and then when he saw the Dragoness down on the outside of the ring proceeded to climb to the top rope. From there he hit one of the most deathdefying moves in Rave history, an Attempted Suicide (swanton bomb) on Candy Fujita who was still down outside the ring. Suicide Kid was able to slide back into the ring before being counted out but Candy Fujita had no change of making it back to the ring after a move like that. Suicide Kid wins via count out.

Winner: Suicide Kid


.:: Come Out And Play Match: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado, Manipulator, Maurice Dream, Cooper Tate, 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson, Triple S ::.

The rules are read out to the crowd once again, as well as the announcement of Manipulator’s temporary retirement from the federation, which gets applause out of respect for the superstar who is absent from this match tonight. The music plays as the first entrant comes out… and it’s Triple S! Triple S slides into the ring to a huge pop, before his first opponent’s music plays, and it is revealed to be Maurice Dream. Dream makes his way down and circles Sullivan, awaiting Sullivan’s team-mate. ‘Bad Blood’ hits, and Bucky Thompson enters, the MTX member unhappy at having to team with his adversary. Finally the man who drew number four’s music plays… and again its ‘Bad Blood’ as ‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall is the fourth man, placing him on the same team as long time rival Maurice Dream and against his stable mate!

Superstar Shane Sullivan and Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream and ‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall
The bell rings and instantly Thompson and Hall turn on their team-mates, turning around and attacking them both! The pair choke their individual targets out in the corners, until the referee threatens them with disqualification. Having weakened Dream and Sullivan down, Thompson and Hall stand in the ring together and go over to tag in their individual team-mates. However, Dream and Sullivan roll off the ring apron, forcing Jay and Bucky to go at it one on one for the first time! The pair shout at the referee about it but he says nothing can be done, and the pair begin to lock up to a pop from the crowd. Thompson comes out on top, scoring a hammerlock and a rear waist lock takedown, before rolling through into a release German that dazes Jay. They lock up again, and this time Jay reverses the hammerlock with a lucha headlock whip, before scoring an armbar and flipping off the ropes into an arm drag. They then both exchange hurancanranas before tagging out, Dream and Sullivan both unsuspecting of this. The pair enter and both turn to argue with their team-mates, only to be met with roundhouse kicks over the apron from both Jay and Thompson. Sullivan goes stumbling back into Dream, only for Dream to turn around and lock on the Sweet Dreams! Triple S quickly taps to get eliminated, as the music of Cooper Tate plays and the world champion enters to a big pop…

‘Franchise’ Cooper Tate and Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream and ‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall
Tate slides in and straight away gets beaten down by Dream and Hall, but the two aren’t on the same page and Dream shoves Hall away to get some shots in on Tate himself, leading to Thompson rolling up Jay from behind for a long two count! Thompson and Jay seem to have nominated themselves as the legal men as Bucky hits a huge back drop suplex which he rolls into a blue thunder bomb for a two count, before his attempted superkick is caught and turned into a cross legged fisherman’s buster from Jay. Hall then hits his middle turnbuckle moonsault for a two count, before tagging Dream, who enters and drops a leg across Thompson. Bucky seems to be in trouble as Dream hits him with a huge belly to belly slam, before he and Jay combine to hit a nice fall back powerbomb and face slam combination. The alliance doesn’t last long again though, as Jay attacks Dream as he gets out of the ring, only to be hit with a huge superkick from Thompson when he turns around! Both men struggle to get the tag, but eventually do so, Tate coming in burning like a house on fire, taking both Dream and Jay down with discus punches, before hitting a huge implant DDT on Dream. Tate then signals for his finisher, but Dream elbows his way out, before locking on the Sweet Dreams again! Tate struggles and refuses to tap, but Jay Hall superkicks him, sending him backwards over Dream suplex style, Dream maintaining a bridge. Jay sits on Tate’s legs so he can’t kick off, eliminating the world champion! Dream knocks both Jay and Bucky down as the next music plays, and out comes Daniel Estacado.

Daniel ‘The Devil’ Estacado and Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream and ‘Raw Deal’ Jay Hall
Dream realises the numbers are against him as all three men start beating on him, despite Jay being his team mate in this match. As Daniel and Bucky stomp on him in the corner, Jay goes under the ring and pulls out a table. He sets this up in the ring and lies Dream on it, the referee unable to do anything as they’re on the same team. Dream struggles but Dream and Thompson hold him down as Jay heads up top and nails a middle rope moonsault through it, before posing to huge heat. However, out of nowhere Estacado grabs him from behind and rolls him up, pulling the tights for the three! The crowd go crazy as Jay looks in disgust at the man that they’ve been teaming with recently, but Estacado just reminds him its every man for himself as ‘Anarchist’ Mike Anderson enters as the last man in the match…

Daniel ‘The Devil’ Estacado and Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream and ‘Anarchist’ Mike Anderson
Estacado and Anderson start things out with some chain wrestling, but this is soon halted as Estacado slaps the taste out of Anderson’s mouth, resulting in the ex-hardcore champion going crazy and clotheslining him out of the ring to the floor. Thompson and Dream then enter but the same result occurs as it turns into a full scale brawl on the outside. Dream sends Thompson into the ring post as Estacado does the same to Anderson on the other side, before the pair slide into the ring and start to hammer away at each other with punches. Estacado gets the upper hand until Dream catches one and locks on the Sweet Dreams! However, Estacado escapes with a twisting jawbreaker, before locking on his Darkness submission. Dream looks ready to tap but it is broken up by Mike Anderson, who flies in with an elbow drop to Estacado before lifting him up and trying for the Anarchy Rulez. Estacado reverses the move but gets caught with the Overthrow, which gets a long 2! Anderson then scoops him up and drops him with the Triumphant Hammer, again getting a long two, but it is broken up by Thompson, entering with his Punchline frogsplash! This gets a 2.9 until Dream just manages to push Thompson off the cover, before kicking him in the gut and nailing the Wake Up Call! Before he has chance to celebrate however, a dazed Estacado hits him with the Final Destination before collapsing in the ring, still hurt from Anderson’s earlier attacks. All four men are down as Dream and Estacado are the first to stand, the pair both striking each other with lariats, but neither man falling. Out of nowhere however Jay Hall and Frankie Manns come jogging back down to the ring, Manns leaping up on the apron and distracting the referee. Hall slides in and tells Estacado to duck, which he does as Jay flies into Dream with a heel kick, before pulling Estacado on top. The referee makes the count but Dream kicks out at 2.9, before rolling out of the ring where Manns starts to attack him, distracting the referee. This lets Jay Hall re-enter as a now standing Anderson slowly brings Thompson to his feet for the Anarchy Rulez, but gets caught from behind by a Jay dropkick. Jay then scoops him up, signalling for his brainbuster, but Anderson kicks him low to a huge pop, before setting him up for a powerbomb. All of a sudden a man in a black MTX hooded top sprints through the crowd to the ring and strikes Anderson with a chair, before dropping him with a powerbomb into an ace crusher! Jay and Thompson start beating on Anderson as the man reveals his hood… its Shawn ‘Hotstuff’ Hernandez! The three carry on the onslaught as Manns and Estacado bring Dream into the ring as well, the referee calling for a disqualification victory for the pair of Anderson and Dream. Dream and Anderson both eat finishers from various people before Estacado heads off backstage after Cooper Tate ahead of Sunday. The MTX stand in the ring over Dream and Anderson as the show goes off the air, the group finally overwhelming their rivals who have been getting the advantage over them in recent weeks!

Winners: Maurice Dream and 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson


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