.:: Steve Hall ::.

Name: Steve Hall
E-mail: bsw_j2k@hotmail.com
Hometown: Notting Hill, England
Weight: 222 lbs.
Body build: Slight but toned
Wrestling style: Technical cruiserweight
Manger (M/F): none
Alignment: heel
Catch phrases: none
Theme music: 'Forgotten' by Linking Park
Finisher (description): Depth Charge (Pumphandle Michinoku Driver II)
Trademark move (description): Top rope tornado DDT
5 other moves: Leg lariat, hurancanrana pin, Lyger Bomb, high angle backdrop driver, diving headbutt

History: Steve Hall is something of a veteran of the business, having trained many of todays top stars including current BSW members Jay Hall and 'X-Rated' Hopps, as well as Ayako 'Candy' Fujita, Shawn Johnson and Yuji Tanakashi. Steve began his career way back in the 80's, wrestling in the original PWO, where he was highly regarded as one of the most solid competitors around. His technical skills and consistency gained him a cult following amongst fans, as he was able to bust out moves unseen many places at that time such as the tornado DDT and the Liger Bomb. However, his heel tactics soon overuled his ability, and he was soon hated by the fans who used to love him.

In the early 90's, Steve retired from the PWO, choosing to go over to Japan to hone his skills, under the masked name of Yajuu-san (The Manbeast). He had a succesful time there, learning to add even more submission and technical holds to his arsenal, as well as improving the execution of his high flying assaults. After a successful tenure, he returned back to America and opened his wrestling school. Before long, his nephew Jay and good friend Hopps were his first students.

His break from wrestling to run the school lasted right through to early 2000, when he made his way to the BSW to compete alongside his students. However, his ego soon took over, and he ended up feuding with the pair, although eventually he agreed to tem with them on one time deal for the final ever BSW card.

Steve returned to the BSW following a period off to train his latest protege Candy Fujita in early 2001, hinting at a return alongside Bucky Thompson only to swerve everyone and team with the masked Daniel Estacado as Yajuu-san, the pair calling themselves Akagumi Kimen (Team Devil's Mask). The pair won tag team gold, Steve showing he hadn't lost his ability, wowing the crowds who had no idea who was under the mask, but after he helped Daniel gain revenge on Dark Knight, the two split, still remaining allies but no longer teaming together. From here, where the unmasked Steve Hall goes is in his hands. Time may not be on his side, but he boats in ring experience few others can.