Big Shot Wrestling

'Superfly' Chris Sullivan

Name: Seth

Name: 'Superfly' Chris Sullivan
Age: (unknown)
Height: 6'
Weight: 222 lbs.
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Alignment: face
Catch Phrases: "You're about to be stung!"
Theme Music: "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix
Finisher (description): Superfly Splash (Shooting Star Splash)
Trademark Move (description): The Stinger (Superkick)
Other Trademark Moves: Various Roll Ups, Spring Board DDT, Rollover Powerbomb (opponent either on apron or on second turnbuckle facing audience. Chris flips over opponent's head, grabbing them by the waist and rolling into a powerbomb), Roundouse Heel Kick, Moonsault Leg Drop

History: Chris Sullivan is Shane Sullivan's younger brother. Born three years Shane's junior, Chris was always the smaller of the two. However, what he lacked in size he made up for in speed. Chris decided early on in life that he wanted to persue a variation of Chinese Kung Fu. His unequaled speed and determination made him a force to be reckoned with on the sparring circuit. Chris acheived Black Belt Status when he was fourteen. His first and second degrees came within a yea later and he finally achieved third degree status his junior year.

Chris was impressed with the way his brother moved through the high school ranks of wrestling and immediately followed in his brother's footsteps. He joined the varisty team when he was a freshman and his brother was a senior. He wrestled int he middle weights, like his brother before him. Unlike his brother, instead of relying on proven technique and style, Chris was highly innovative, often finding ways to cradle his opponents in ways not thought possible. It wa because of his rather unpredictable style that he earned himself four trips to the state tourney. He matched his brother's succes there, winning twice in his junior and senior years.

That feat got him a full ride to Iowa Univeristy. After one year of college, he chose to follow his brother to Japan. There in Japan, Chris chose to study with the great flyers of the country and the top martial arts experts. He wanted to prove himself more than anything. When Shane left Japan, Chris remained behind in order to continue his training. One day, Chris was recruited by is own brotehr to come and wrestle for an organization called the BSW. Chris lept at the chance. He always was a contender for the TV title and the tag team titles with Keith Krash, but gold always eluded him. When the BSW closed down, Chris returned to Japan.

One day, he recieved word that the BSW had reopened and was holding a tournament to decide the next BSW champion. He also learned that his brother's old foe, Venom, had a shot at the title. Chris promptly returned to the States to aid his brother any way he could.