Big Shot Wrestling

'Divine One' Shane Sullivan

Name: Seth

Name: 'Divine One' Shane Sullivan
Age: (unknown)
Height: 6'
Weight: 232 lbs.
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Alignment: face
Catch Phrases: "Once an Idol, Always an Idol!"
Theme Music: "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC
Finisher (description): 1) Smite of the Heavens (Hanging Suplex into Powerslam)
2) Idolizer (Sharpshooter)
Trademark Move (description): Divine Driver (Jumping Piledriver), Lighting Strike (Spear)
Other Trademark Moves: Fisherman's Suplex, Inverted Implant DDT, Overhead Belly to Belly suplex, ace crusher

History: Shane Sullivan was born in St. Peter, MN. He was the first of two sons, along with Chris "Superfly" Sullivan. Shane's family moved to Minneapolis when Shane could barely talk. It was here that Shane would come to call home. Shane went through his grade and junior high years as a quiet kid. He didn't talk to many people and he only had two close friends. But, when he hit ninth grade, things changed.

It was during this year that a new kid moved down from Duluth, MN. The new kid's name was Keith Merit, and he was a big dude. In ninth grade, Merit already stood 6'5" and weighed in at 250lbs. He was also an up and coming heavyweight at the school. It was he who convinced Shane to try out for the wrestling team.

Shane and the wrestling team was a perfect fit. The team demanded the most out of it's wrestler's and Shane gave more than enough. He learned quickly from his mistakes and by the end of his freshman season he was wrestling for the varisty team in place of a formerly ranked middleweight. By the end of his high school career, he had tallied 100 victories and only suffered 10 losses. Shane went on to the state tourney three times, winning twice.

Shane went on to UCLA, where he went All American twice before leaving college to pursue a wrestling career in Japan in a fed called the Asian Wrestling Association. While during his first stint there, he was a major challenger for the Asian title, which he finally captured one night.

But greener pastures were ahead for the Superstar, as Bob Peil contacted him to join a new fed known as the BSW. Shane was one of the first to sign on and immediately was recognized as a, if not the, franchise player of the BSW winning the battle royal, US, IC, and World Titles within three months of each other. Sullivan was forced to take the sidelines after taking a german suplex wrong and pinching a nerve in his neck.

Shane returned to wrestling later that fall by jump starting his career in the AWA. He won the US title, which he owned until the day the fed closed.

Upon the closing of his first fed, he returned to where he became a true star, the BSW. He immediately captured the World and IC title for the second time, and teh TV title. Then, the BSW closed swiftly and unexpectedly.

Sullivan bounced around from fed to fed for awhile, not finding a niche, until one day, Bob Peil sent him a letter. Sullivan knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he kicked the damn horse and replied to Peil saying that the one and only Idol of wrestling was ready to return to his old stomping grounds.