.:: 'War Machine' Vince Graham ::.

- Name: "War Machine" Vince Graham
- E-mail: absolute_ice37@hotmail.com
- Hometown: Baltimore, MD
- Height:
- Weight: 395 lbs.
- Body build: Extremely muscular
- Wrestling style: Powerhouse/brawler
- Manger (M/F): none
- Alignment: neutral
- Catch phrases: "I am the true meaning of Hardcore... I am the War Machine!"
- Theme music: "Bad Boy" by Shyne
- Finisher (description): Graham Slam (iron claw into a chokeslam)
- Trademark move (description): 1. Hardcore Hammer (jackhammer)
2. Missle Launcher (tazplex from top rope)
- 5 other moves: northern lights suplex, powerbomb, tilt-a-whirl slam, standing lariat, rikishi driver

- History: Vince Graham came on the sceen in the SEWA, where he had moderate sucsess before the company went bankrupt. From there he went over to Europe and became a success. His ability to take heavy loads of punishment and still come out onto gave him the nickname STEEL. The name stuck. Next thing he knows he gets a call from his cousin Maurice Dream who at the time was called Black Ice over in the US. Dream had found much success in various federations and was planning on making a comeback in the BSW. He did'nt want to go in alone with the history he already had in the federation and wanted someone he could trust to watch his back. STEEL gladly came and joined the BSW where he held T.V., US, Tag and Stable gold. The last title he won in the BSW was the Hardcore title. He had many title defences and was champion when the BSW shut down. He found himself back overseas, droped the name STEEL and tried again on his own. Not finding his nitch in with the Euopean crowds he desided to take things up a notch and take more risks. He got into a bloody feud with a wrestler named Jackal that almost ended both of their careers. Once again he was dubbed with a name stemming from the battles he fought. "The War Machine" Vince Graham now wants to do things on his terms he makes his way back to the United States and to the BSW.