'Dragoness' Candy Fujita

Name: 'Dragoness' Candy Fujita
E-mail: bsw_j2k@hotmail.com
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Weight: 120 lbs.
Body build: Small and slight, but toned
Wrestling style: Joshi puroresu
Manger (M/F): none
Alignment: face
Catch phrases: "The female of the species is more deadly than the male."
Theme music: "Get Ur Freak On (Rmx)" by Nelly Furtado and Missy Elliot
Finisher (description): Candycanrana (springboard 'rana pin)
Trademark move (description): dragon suplex hold
5 other moves: 3rd rope quebrada press, top rope sunset flip, regular hurancanrana variations, shotei palm strike, handspring elbow/kick

History: Born on 02/01/84 in Osaka, Japan, Ayako 'Candy' Fujita quickly moved to England where she undertook her schooling and until recently attended sixth form college. During her stay in the UK she became accustomed with american pro wrestling, and decided that if possible she would like to move into that field of work. She had a few independant try-outs at the tender age of 13, but no big breaks until she was spotted by Steve Hall, trainer of BSW stars Hopps and Jay Hall. Steve suggested that she develop a slightly different style, urging her to look into her native home of Japan's joshi puroresu techniques. After a year or so of studying her soon-to-become idols such as Megumi Kudo, Aja Kong and AKINO, Candy returned to Steve Hall asking for training. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that she had moved from typical cat fighting into a more high flying style, much like the women stars of Japan. He dubbed her the 'Dragoness', calling her th nearest thing that women's! wrestling in the west had to Ultimo Dragon. The legendary trainer helped her fine tune her skills, giving her the training she wanted in order to move to the next level. She did just that, working various independant shows on both sides of the Atlanctic, wowing the crowd with her speed and agility, and ability to put on as good a match against men as her male counterparts could. At the age of 16 she was offered a place in the BSW, at the time run by Peter Lowry, but declined in order to finish her schooling. Having done that as well as her first year at sixth form college, she now has returned to America to show off her talents to the fans here in the BSW.