- main page

- intro [coming soon]

.:: front office ::.
- rules
- application
- submit strat
.:: talent ::.
- champions
- wrestler bios
- hall of fame [coming soon]
- awards
.:: boards ::.
- post roleplay
- view roleplay board
- rumor/ooc board
- columns board
.:: events ::.
- sunday night rave
- ppv center
- super 12
.:: extras ::.
- gimmick matches
.:: new-genesis
wrestling federation ::.
- nwf website
.:: the fallen ::.
- fallen website
.:: millennium team x ::.
- mtx website

.:: rules ::.

1. The BSW prides itself on it's originality and being different than anything else on the web. That is why the BSW accepts original wrestlers only. No "Rocks", "Stone Colds", or "Goldbergs".

2. Absolutely no using other handler's wrestlers in your role plays unless you have that handler's permission and have notified the Prez and VP.

3. No racist comments or homosexual comments are to be used in role plays or on the ooc board.

4. Swearing is allowed but try to be sensible.

5. No ooc comments on the role play board. That's why we have an ooc board, people.

6. If you are not a handler of the BSW, do not post on the role play or ooc boards. If you would like to advertise your fed or become a wrestler in the BSW, then e-mail me and I will put you on the links page or fill out an application and join the fun.

7. Each handler is allowed 2 wrestlers. If a manager or valet doesn't wrestle, they are not counted as a wrestler.

8. If you have a problem with a decision the front office has made, deal with it the right way and e-mail them about it. Don't bitch to other handlers or post comments about decisions on the role play or ooc boards.

9. Failure to role play will result in a loss. Simple as that.

10. If a handler is going to be unable to role play for awhile, then they should e-mail a member of the front office.

11. Role playing is based on quality not quantity. That means it's not how often you role play, it is how good those role plays are. A single, good role play will beat two mediocure role plays.

12. Role plays will be judged by a committee who will judge all role plays fairly and without bias.

13. The BSW does not have a rankings system. Title shots will be given based on angles and pushes. Those who are creative with their role plays, gimmicks, angles, and feuds will be rewarded.

14. One wrestler is only allowed to hold one singles title at a time. It is possible to be a singles champion along with tag team champions and/or stable champions.

15. Stables are to be made up of 3 or more wrestlers.

16. There will be 1 show a week, Sunday Night Rave. Rave will take place on Sundays and results will be up sometime before 10:00 p.m. central time on Sunday night. The deadline for role playing will be 10:00 p.m. central time Saturday night.

17. There will be a pay per view once every one and a half months. PPVs will take place on Sundays and will take the place of that week's Rave. Results will be up sometime before 10:00 p.m. central time on Sunday night. The deadline for role playing for a PPV will be 10:00 p.m. central time Saturday night.

18. Breaking of any of these rules could result in anything from a verbal warning to being fired from the BSW. If a rule is broken, the front office will decide and carry out the proper punishment.

19. Last but not least, have fun! Your input is what makes the BSW such a fun fed to be in. The more you contribute to feuds and angles the more fun it will be for you.

.:: important ::.
Please carefully read and fully understand all rules before joining the BSW. If you have any questions, please e-mail either the President or Vice President.

.:: punishment ::.
Breaking of the sacred rules could result in any number of various actions: warning, jobbing, suspension, or termination of contract. Try to follow the rules at all times... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. :)

.:: have fun, now! ::.
As stated in rule #19, the most important thing to remember is to have fun. After all, that's the reason we do this, right?


.:: staff ::.
.:: webmaster ::.
Bob Peil -
chedip worldwide
.:: copyright ::.
big shot wrestling