Calib McClain

Name: Calib McClain
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Weight: 435 lbs.
Body build: Muscular/well defined
Wrestling style: Brawler
Manger (M/F): Serena Lieh (F)
Alignment: neutral
Catch phrases: "If the price is right, the blood will pour."
Theme music: "Number One Stunna" by Big Timers
Finisher (description): Breakdown (giant powerbomb)
Trademark move (description): Twister (spinning chokeslam, sometimes off top turnbuckle)
5 other moves: half-nelson slam, inverted reverse DDT, stalling suplex, pedigree, giant running spear

History: Born with the blood of money, Calib McClain has never had to suffer from not having much. He lived the good life, yet at the same time, caused a lot of havoc for his parents. Upon reaching his teenage years, Calib's father became tiresome of Calib's ways and decided to punish him by revoking his inheritance and sending him off to Boy's School. Calib didn't take so lightly to his father's decisions and ran away before being placed in the school.

In need of financing to support any type of lifestyle, Calib decided to use his frustrations and large size to his advantage. Therefore, Calib went into the world of professional fighting, where he trained with the roughest brawlers alive. Calib's rich boy image left entirely as he became a dangerous man in the sport he began to love more than life itself. He started getting thrills out of spilling another man's blood for money. He became a hired hitman in the world of fighting, and a gambler's dream.

After going through years of stitches, bruises, and scars, Calib finally found the perfect manager to lead him into a better way of life... himself. Calib left the street fights and took to the wrestling ring, where he could be appreciated and feared.

Now, with his girlfriend Rachel, a stripper he met in Tampa, Calib has found a calling to the BSW. He plans on doing nothing else than being more than at the top of the mountain, he wants to be the mountain.

Match History

January 28th, 2001: Calib McClain drew number twelve in the Super Bowl Bash. He was thrown out by Maurice Dream and Daniel "the Devil" Estacado.

January 28th, 2001: Calib McClain defeated Viper via submission (camel clutch).

January 21st, 2001: Calib McClain defeated DJ via pinfall (Breakdown).