
Dru Black is Back!!! That's right the BSW's top reporter is back with all you need to know about the goings on in the BSW…But this time with a twist! No more watered down "everyone is ok" news. No, no this is going to be News and reviews the way I see things. I'm gonna get down and dirty and tell you what's really going on. Now of course for legal reasons I have to say that these are all OPINION of Dru Black and are not necessarily the views of President Peil or the BSW as a whole…That being said, lets get down the real Nitty Gritty!!


Rave opened up with was looked like a good match with the man formally known as STEEL, Vince Graham, taking on the returning Venom. But instead we saw a union of 9 men stomping the hell out of Graham! Now I'm a firm believer that ain't no one above a ass beating, but 9 on 1? In any case they got the job done and made a name for themselves and that name is The Veterans. Hotstuff Hernandez, Venom, Crazy C. Lil J, Viper, and the rest look to be a force to be reckoned with in the BSW.


Although only one match has been verified, this PPV has the potential to be red hot! There are rumors floating around that something huge is gonna happen that will change the BSW…what could that be?

But in reference to the next BSW PPV titled "Unleashed" Here are a few matches I would love to see:

Hannibal King vs. Calib McClain: A battle of the Giants!! McClain just recently shocked everyone when he turned on the OSS and sided with the FALLEN…Can you say "What the Hell?" DK and Calib have gone on to say that this was all a plan to begin with…So let me get this straight…DK and Calib have tried to damn near kill each other, Calib just recently busted Estacado open after loosing the IC belt to him…and this was all part of the plan? Well from what I saw on Regis recently, Estacado ain't to happy about it. I'm seeing problems coming up in the FALLEN.

War Machine vs. Venom: Lets face it Vince Graham did'nt get a fair shake at Rave…I personally think this would be a great match if it were one on one.

HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL: Picture it…5-10 men in the ring anything goes. Tables surround the ring. The last man standing wins a title shot…that's entertainment!!!

PREDITOR vs. Anybody: Hell this guys has been around for about a month now and is just sneaking the hell out of any and everyone…I want to know if this guy has any actual wrestling skill or if he's just another cheap shot artist. I'll have more on him a little later in a new feature to this news letter.


Calib McClain vs. Hotstuff Hernandez
Why do I see this one turning into a "Stable Brawl"? If everything stays fair

"Anarchist" Mike Anderson vs. "War Machine" Vince Graham
A battle of the cool ass nicknames. With all of the sneak attacks put on Vince in the last couple of weeks, I see a fresh Anderson taking this one.
MY PREDICTION: Mike Anderson

Necro Butcher/Viper vs. Bucky Thompson/Steve Hall
MTX vs. The Veterans in this tag team match. Quite honestly this one may end up being the match of the night. The Vets are going to continue to try and make a name for themselves, while Bucky, who is a veteran himself in tag competition, and Steve Hall, another great name in wrestling will try to show why MTX is one of the great units in the BSW.
MY PREDICTION: Bucky and Hall

TAG TITLE MATCH Akagumi Kimen vs. Crazy C/ Lil J
Proof positive that assisting 7 other men in kicking the piss out of one pays off, Crazy C and Lil J of the Veterans get a title shot at the Tag Gold. Crazy C and Lil J are no stranger to Tag Action and to be perfectly honest with you I think they may show the duo from the Land of the Rising Sun a thing or two.
MY PREDICTION: Crazy C and Lil J

Triple S vs. X-Rated Hopps
Another classic in the making. Your gonna want to have this one on your video archive of great matches. I see Triple S' head being clouded with thoughts of Calib McClain's betrayal…that or the sledgehammer shot he took.

HARDCORE TITLE "Franchise" Cooper Tate vs. Venom
Boy who says cheaters never prosper? Venom in only is second match since being back in the BSW gets a shot at the recently crowned Hardcore Champ Cooper Tate. I can't lie…I like this Tate guy. I see him going places here in the BSW…but only if he makes it past Venom. With there being no rules in this match, we may see a replay of Rave with Tate playing the part of Vince Graham.
MY PREDICTION: New Champ Venom

Dark Knight/Daniel Estacado vs. Hannibal King/Keith Krash SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: JAY HALL
Ok first off what the hell is a Caribbean Barbed Wire Match? And secondly why would you put four men in it that want to kill each other in it? And third putting BSW CHAMP Jay Hall in as the ref, knowing that he and Knight are on a collision course for UNLEASHED? But wait there's more!!! Both team are seeming to have problems all stemming from Calib McClain. Estacado is not all to happy that DK and McClain conspired against the OSS without his knowing. And team OSS is in disarray with McClain screwing them over. All I know is that blood is going to spill, and DK and Hall will have no choice but to not touch each other due to the new stip put on them by the VP. IF DK touches Hall before they're match at UNLEASHED he losses his title shot. If Hall touches DK he will have to defend his title every night until he looses it.


Ok peeps, here it is the newest section of BSW News. This is where I pick a topic, tell you what I think about it and let you get a chance to tell me what you think with the QUESTION OF THE WEEK. This week's topic is none other then The PREDITOR…

First off, a few weeks ago we saw the beginning. Random attacks on BSW Superstars, mostly back stage before or after their match. His calling card…the word "Prey" written somewhere on or near the victim. At first there was no rhyme or reason to his attacks until he set his eyes on…you guessed it Calib McClain. He set out to interfere in McClains matches, attacked his valet, and costed him the IC title. At first I was thinking that this guy was maybe hired by Dark Knight to take the title from his arch rival…but now we know that they were never really rivals so to speak. So who it this masked guy with the distorted voice and the ability to take out so many superstars with out them even getting a chance to strike back? Is he a new comer? Is he currently on the roster? In my opinion this bastard is sick! Did you see the way he knocked Serena to the mat the first time we all got a look at him? This dude likes to play games with people and those games are dangerous ones. I'm thinking somebody needs to put there heads together and find away to get this guys before it's too late!

So this is it the big QUESTION OF THE WEEK! Who do you think PREDITOR really is? Do you think he's a newcomer, maybe a former BSW wrestler making a secret comeback? Or maybe it's someone that is currently on the roster that's living a double identity. You let me know…hit me up at blktgr2000@aol.com and tell me what you think. Also if you have an idea for me to speak on in this segment send that in as well.

Well my peeps it's been real…the BLACK is out of here like last year!!!