from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California

Vince Stryfe vs. Mr. Unskinny

Unskinny is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of his opponent, Vince Stryfe. Stryfe doesn't even wait for his music to start playing, as he runs down the ramp towards the ring and Unskinny. Stryfe slides into the ring under the bottom rope and the two begin exchanging punches. Unskinny gains the advantage after a kick to Stryfe's midsection. Unskinny whips Stryfe into the ropes and then hits him with a big clothesline. With Stryfe lying on the ground, Unskinny slaps on a camel clutch. This one looks like it's in danger of ending early until Stryfe manages to grab the ropes. Stryfe struggles to his feet but then manages to buy himself some time with a rake of Unskinny's face. Stryfe heads to the top rope and hits a blinded Unskinny with a top rope bulldog. Stryfe picks Unskinny up by the hair and hits him with a huge sitdown powerbomb. The ref gets a quick two count before Unskinny kicks out. As Unskinny gets up and starts to argue with the ref about what seemed to him to be a quick two, Stryfe comes up behind Unskinny and hits him with a textbook russian leg sweep. Stryfe runs across the ring to attempt his lionsault from the second rope, but as Stryfe is in midair, Unskinny moves out of the way. Stryfe lands hard on the mat and both men are slow to their feet. Both men are up and Stryfe attempts an evenflow DDT on Unskinny but Unskinny blocks it. Unskinny then turns it into a belly-to-belly suplex. That move really took the wind out of Stryfe but Unskinny continues to put the pressure on. He picks Stryfe up by the hair and gets him into a piledriver position. Unskinny gets Stryfe up in the piledriver, holds it for a second or two, and then finishes the devastating maneuver. Unskinny drags Stryfe over to the corner and then signals that he is going to the top. Unskinny climbs the turnbuckles and makes it to the top rope to attempt his Buttbounce (top rope buttdrop) finishing move. Unskinny leaps high into the air but somehow Stryfe rolls out of the way just a second before permanently becoming a part of the mat. Unskinny sits there on this oversized kester stunned that Stryfe was able to move out of the way. Unskinny eventually makes it to his feet and Stryfe gets Unskinny in a standing headlock. Unskinny reverses the hold by throwing Stryfe against the ropes. Unskinny telegraphs his next move by putting his head down way too early and Stryfe manages to kick Unskinny in the midsection setting up his trademark move the Last Rights (stunner). Unskinny is stunned but not stunned enough as he pushes Stryfe away from him before he can perform the move. Unskinny grabs Stryfe and gets him into position for a Fatty Bomb (powerbomb). With every last ounce of energy he had left, Unskinny performs a double Fatty Bomb on Stryfe. 1… 2… 3.

The Winner: Mr. Unskinny

After the match as an exhausted Mr. Unskinny left the ring, Draven comes out from underneath the ring and hits Unskinny with Hell's End (running clothesline from hell). Draven then begins to punch Unskinny repeatedly with his heavily taped right hand until BSW Security makes their way out to restrain Draven. BSW Medics then come out to help Mr. Unskinny to the back where they take a look at him.

Return Grudge Match:
vs. Scarlet

Scarlet is stood in the ring wearing her scarlet ring attire waiting for her opponent, while Daniel "The Devil" Estacado is stood at ringside. "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit then blazes over the PA system as Barramya steps on to the entrance ramp with "Style In Action" Frankie Manns. She is wearing very few clothes, which gets the crowd going. After quickly kissing Frankie, she runs on down and slides in to the ring, where she is attacked straight away by Scarlet. Scarlet starts putting the boots to Barramya. She then pulls Barramya to her feet and hits a snap suplex which earns a near fall. Scarlet then starts choking Barramya, but breaks on the count of four. Scarlet then hits a leg drop on Barramya's chest, which gets another two count. Scarlet then whips Barramya in to the ropes and goes for a clothesline, which Barramya ducks. Barramya then flies in with a flying back elbow. She then follows this up with a body slam, and then a twist of fate, which earns a long two count. Barramya then goes to the top and attempts a Swanton bomb, but Scarlet rolls out of the way. Barramya lays on the canvas hurt after that missed Swanton. Manns is fiercely banging on the ring apron to try and encourage Barramya back to her feet. Scarlet tries quickly for another pin, but Barramya kicks out on two. Scarlet is looking more and more frustrated. She slides out of the ring where Estacado hands her a chair. She slides quickly in to the ring with the chair in hand. Barramya gingerly gets to her feet while Scarlet lays in wait ready to his Barramya. She swings at her, but Barramya scouts it and kicks her in the mid section. Scarlet drops the chair. Barramya then sets Scarlet up for a Samoan drop on the chair and lands it. The move, takes a lot out of both of them. Scarlet and Barramya are both down. Scarlet gets back to her feet, as Daniel "The Devil" Estacado jumps on to the apron to distract the ref. Frankie Manns then runs round to the other side of the ring and pulls Estacado off the apron and the two get into a fight. Scarlet is watching the fight, as Barramya gets back to her feet, takes out Scarlet's legs and locks on the Walls of Barramya! After some struggling, Scarlet taps out. The ref calls for the bell. Manns slides in to the ring, raising Barramya's hand in victory.

Winner: Barramya

Debut Match:
"Franchise" Cooper Tate
vs. Fatty McChubbs

'Franchise' Cooper Tate is in the ring awaiting the arrival of his opponent. The bagpipes begin to play and Fatty McChubbs comes to the ring to a relatively good pop, from the old BSW fans that loved the Scotsman. Fatty takes his time getting in the ring, trying to get Tate frustrated. Tate decides just to go after McChubbs, which is a bad idea. Fatty takes the early advantage with fists and kicks to the midsection. Tate is sent reeling back towards the ringside area. The "Franchise" attempts to role into the ring to gain his composure, but McChubbs would not allow it, pulling his back out to the floor. He grabs his undersized opponent and whips him into the steel steps, causing a loud banging. Fatty drags Tate to his feet and rolls him into the ring. The referee calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Fatty picks Tate up and delivers a nasty powerbomb, dropping Tate right on his head. McChubbs goes for the quick pin, but only gets a two count. Fatty gets to his feet, and laughs at the fallen "Franchise." He taunts Tate and waits for him to get to his feet. Eventually, Cooper gets up and McChubbs goes after him with a clothesline, but misses. Tate spins Fatty around and gives him a few huge roundhouses to the face. Tate then hits a Russian leg sweep, and goes for the pin, but doesn't even get a two count. Tate perches himself on the top rope, and waits for the Scotsman to get back to his feet. Fatty gets up and looks around the ring to find his opponent. When he turns and sees Tate, Tate hits the Decapitator on Fatty. He goes for the pin, but gets a long two count. Cooper drags Fatty to his feet, and bounces off the ropes. He goes after McChubbs with a cross body block, but he is caught in mid air. McChubbs slams Tate on the mat with a sickening thud. McChubbs then drags the limp "Franchise" over to the corner and sets up his finishing move. Fatty gets on the first rope, and jumps off, but Tate slips out of the ring, making McChubbs land on his large backside. Tate rolls back into the ring and sets up for a superkick. Fatty is dazed, and staggers to his feet. Cooper goes for the kick, but Fatty moves his face out of the way of the shot. Tate's leg hits the mat, without hitting Fatty, and Fatty then delivers a huge belly-to-belly suplex. Fatty goes for the pin, but Tate gets his leg on the rope. Stunned, McChubbs gets up and questions the referee's decision. This enables Cooper to get up. "Franchise" then hits a large superkick. Fatty gets up to his feet quickly, only to be met with a DDT. Tate stays back and waits for the big man to get back up. Fatty eventually gets back to his feet where Cooper is awaiting. Tate spins McChubbs around and hits the Show Stopper, only getting him a couple inches off the ground. Cooper goes for the cover, and gets a three count, ending the debut match. After the match Tate poses for the fans to a pretty big pop, when out of nowhere Hot Stuff Hernandez suddenly hits the ring, marking his BSW return! The ex-world champion pulls Tate off the top and clotheslines him to the outside, before nailing the Hot Stuff Drop on McChubbs. the crowd seem unsure how to react as Hernandez poses for them before leaving.

Winner: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

The Titan Tron comes on. The scene is set quite late at night, in a very fancy looking gym. There is nobody about without any noise in the gym. The door on the far side of the gym near the punching bag, Sarah "Barramya" walks in from the locker rooms dressed in a black Nike sports bra and matching hot pants with black Nike trainers. Her hair is loosely tied back with a hair tie. She walks in putting her bottle of water and towel down on the bench, and begins to stretch out. The camera focuses in on her when the door opens again and in walks Frankie Manns. The camera focuses in on him. He walks up behind Barramya whiles she's stretching out. He stands there smiling. As Barramya pulls out of her stretch, she catches him looking at her from the mirror.

Y2B - Enjoying yourself there?

She spins around and looks at Frankie.

FM -

She smiles at him laughing.

FM - So, you ready to start your workout?

Y2B (not wildly enthusiastic) - Yeah sure.

FM - Sarah, what's up?

Y2B - Nothing... just, the way everything's been going on with Breaker, the way he acted, just... really pisses me off.

FM - Well tell you what...

Takes her over to the punching bag.

FM - Why don't you let your stress out on this for the moment then you can focus it on Scarlet on Sunday.

Sarah smiles a sick smile as they walk over to the punching bag. Sarah starts to let her aggression out on to the punching bag, throwing several hard punches and kicks at it while Manns watching on from the bench. From her hair falls her hair tie. Frankie watches as she bends down to pick it up, placing it round her wrist as she continues to punch the bag. Manns continues to watch her, looking at her differently... He utters under his breath...

FM - Damn she's gotta nice ass!

Luckily Barramya doesn't hear him. She stops rubbing her shoulder. Manns gets up quickly walking over to her.

FM - Hey Sar, what's wrong?

He puts her arm round her back.

Y2B - Nothing... my necks just a little sore - must have slept on it funny.

FM - Well if you want, I could massage that for you?

Sarah flashes a nervous smile.

Y2B - Are you sure?

FM - Of course I'm sure, I know what I'm doing.

He smiles.

FM - Just sit down in front of me and I'll sort it out

The two of them sit down on the bench, Sarah in front of Frankie. He then starts to massage her injured arm and her shoulders. The look on his face shows that he is enjoying himself, maybe even a little too much. For no reason, Manns then decides to kiss Sarah's shoulders, then her neck. The hairs on her arms stand on end as he does this to her.

FM - You OK Sarah?

Y2B - I'm fine...but

FM - But what... let me guess... Breaker.... He's done something to you hasn't he?

Sarah goes to say something but gets cut off by Frankie

FM - I can't believe such an evil bastard like him can have such a perfect girl like you. It makes me sick and after the way he's been treating you when I know I could treat you like a princess...

Sarah turns around so that she is facing him. She has a slightly confused look on her face after what her "friend" has just said about his feelings.

Y2B - Frankie, what are you telling me? That you...

He places his finger over her mouth

FM - Ssshhh. Let me tell you the truth about how I feel.

Frankie leans towards her and kisses her however Barramya doesn't pull away. The kiss becomes more and more passionate as the seconds pass by. Manns picks Barramya up from the bench and carries her out of the gym in his arms kissing her heading through the door marked "locker rooms". The camera fades to black...

IC Title Number 1 Contender Match:
Bucky Thompson
vs. Calib McClain

vAs the MTX theme music, "Bad Blood" by Ministry, begins to play, former BSW US Champion Bucky Thompson makes his way slowly towards the ring. Bucky gets a good reaction from the crowd but doesn't seem to notice as he is 100% focused on the task at hand. Bucky climbs into the ring and begins running back and forth against the ropes to warm up. The music then switches over to "Number One Stunna" by Big Timers as the over 7 foot tall Calib McClain appears at the top of the ramp. He too gets a good ovation from the capacity crowd. Calib makes his way slowly towards the ring while pointing and trash talking Bucky the entire time. As Calib steps over the top rope, Bucky takes an early advantage by pulling the top rope up between the legs of the big man. Bucky then drags McClain into the ring as the ref rings the bell. Bucky takes McClain over with a snapmare obviously trying to keep the big man off his feet. Thompson then slaps on a sleeper hold to wear down his opponent early. Calib takes a moment to gather himself but then fights off the effects of the sleeper hold and manages to get to his feet with Thompson still on his back and holding onto the hold. Calib takes Bucky over to the corner and sits him on the top rope. Calib hits Bucky with a couple of chops before starting to climb the ropes to attempt a superplex. Bucky blocks the attempt and pushes Calib off the top rope. Bucky then leaps off the top rope and hits Calib with a huge spinning heel kick. Bucky then applies an armbar to McClain but is forced to break the hold when McClain grabs the ropes. As Thompson sets up for a superkick, McClain slowly gets to his feet, but as Bucky throws the kick, Calib catches his foot. Calib then spins Thompson around and gets him up into a belly-to-back suplex, which he then turned into a powerbomb. McClain continues his comeback as he drops a big legdrop onto the wounded Thompson. McClain pulls Thompson up by his hair and then puts him back down to the canvas with a stalling suplex after holding Thompson in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Feeling a little cocky now, Calib takes time to pose to the crowd. When Bucky gets back to his feet, Calib sets him up for what looked like a pedigree type maneuver but Bucky counters the move by ramming his head into the groin of the big man. With McClain dazed, Thompson hits him with a bridging german suplex. 1…2… kickout at 2 ½. Thompson is frustrated that he couldn't get the 3 count from that but continues to keep the pressure on McClain nonetheless. When McClain returns to a vertical base, Bucky somehow pulled off an incredible hurricanranna which obviously hurt Calib. Thompson then motions to the top rope signally for the Punchline frog splash. As he begins his climb to the top rope, Triple S runs from the back, down the ramp, and towards the ring. He gets up on the curtain and yells at the ref. When the ref heads over to Triple S to tell him to leave ringside, Hannibal King and Keith Krash emerge from the audience and grab Bucky Thompson who is perched on the top rope. The two then deliver a huge double chokeslam to Thompson from the top rope. After the damage is done, Triple S jumps down off the curtain. McClain picks Thompson up off the canvas and delivers the Breakdown (giant powerbomb) to Thompson for good measure. The ref makes the 3 count.

The Winner and IC Title Number 1 Contender: Calib McClain

After the match, MTX heads to the ring to help Thompson out but it is already too late and he has lost the match and Calib, Hannibal, Krash, and Triple S have leave through the crowd.

Hardcore Title Match:
Blood-loss Match (wrestler cannot be pinned until after they are bleeding)
"X-Rated" Hopps (c)
vs. Peace Breaker

Peace Breaker makes his way out first to some heel heat due to his recent attitude change, his trusty barbed wire bat in hand. Hopps then makes his way out to a big pop, only to get attacked by Peace Breaker before he could get to the ring. Peace Breaker instantly goes for blood, ramming Hopps into the guardrail head first, before charging at him with the baseball bat. However, Hopps dodges, sending Peace into the barricade, before whipping him into the lighting by the entrance stage. Peace Breaker clutches his stomach as Hopps grabs a chair from by the stage and swings at Peace Breaker, but the challenger manages to dodge this time, before kicking the chair back into Hopps' face. Peace Breaker then pulls Hopps up the ramp, giving him a suplex along the way, before going through the curtain into the backstage area. The two battle around the main hall area behind the curtain, Peace Breaker gaining control by ramming him into the drinks machine before nailing him with a trashcan. As the two battle, out of nowhere the Necro Butcher, who was watching in the background, runs over and starts to nail Hopps with a kendo stick repeatedly! Security pulls the mad man off him as Peace Breaker finally takes Hopps back through another set of curtains and emerging by the stage. The crowd pop as the men re-emerge, and peace Breaker once again goes for blood, ramming Hopps into the barricade yet again headfirst. However, showing resistance, Hopps blocks himself, before grabbing Peace Breaker and delivering a Russian leg sweep into the barricade! Hopps then picks up the barbed wire baseball bat and cracks Peace Breaker in the knee with it, before dragging him up to the ring area. Hopps rams Peace Breaker into the ring post, before going for the ring steps. He attempts to slam them onto Peace Breaker, but somehow the challenge retaliates with a huge boot to the face, sending the corner of the steps right into Hopps' head! Peace Breaker regains himself and grabs the barbed wire baseball bat. As Hopps slowly gets up, it appears that he has already been bust wide open from the move! Just to make sure, Peace Breaker then cracks him square on with the baseball bat, before going for the first cover of the match. He gets a two before Hopps gets his shoulder up. As the two stand up, Hopps is shown to be a bloody mess, as Peace Breaker finally rolls him into the ring before grabbing a trashcan and chair from under the ring. Peace Breaker jams the trashcan in between the turnbuckle pads and launches Hopps head first into it, before pulling it out and placing it over Hopps head. The crowd then look on in awe as Peace Breaker grabs the chair and proceeds to beat Hopps head inside the trashcan with a chair, before nailing a huge legdrop onto the can and the chair! He goes for the cover but again only gets a two as Hopps kicks out. Peace Breaker continues to dominate thanks to his pre-emptive attack at the beginning, grabbing a chair and ramming it into Hopps ribs as he stands up, before nailing him across the back with it. He goes for another cover, but only gets a two count as Hopps gets his foot on the ropes. Peace Breaker seems to be getting quite annoyed, and grabs Hopps in a piledriver position, before nailing a jumping piledriver right in the middle of the ring. Peace Breaker then garbs the chair and sets it up next to Hopps, before picking him up and giving him a piledriver right onto that! Peace Breaker makes the cover on Hopps who is now bleeding profusely, but again only manages a two and a half! Irate, he jumps out of the ring and grabs a table to a huge pop, before setting it up out side the ring. Hopps struggles to his feet but as he does so Peace Breaker nails a swift kick to the face, before dragging him to the ring apron. Peace Breaker shocks everyone as he sets up the bleeding Hopps for the Peace Driver off the apron through the table! However, as he sets up, Hopps somehow rolls back off Peace Breakers shoulder into the ring! Confused, Peace Breaker turns round, right into superkick from Hopps, sending him toppling off the apron through the table! Hopps looks slightly dazed from the blood loss, but stumbles out of the ring before ramming the fallen challenger into the ring post. The crowd begin to get behind the champ with a Hopps chant, as he picks up the barbed wire baseball bat which is still on the outside and nails Peace Breaker with it not once, but twice! Amazingly, Peace Breaker didn't get bust open, and Hopps, noticing this, rolls him back into the ring, before reaching under the ring. The fans watch in anticipation, then cheer loudly as he pulls out a light bulb from under the ring! He then proceeds to climb up top, before coming flying off and smashing it right across Peace Breaker's head! The crowd cheer as the big man falls down, before he slowly makes his way to his feet, revealing he has been bust wide open! The playing field is no level as the two of them begin to go at it, slugging it out with punches, before Hopps eventually manages to take him out with a huge clothesline, before diving out of the ring and grabbing a table! Hopps sets this up on the outside, before rolling Peace Breaker outside. He sets him up on the table, before grabbing the baseball bat and getting one quick shot in before going up top. Hopps comes flying of with a huge spinning leg drop to the outside, but not before wrapping his leg in barbed wire, putting him through the table! Hopps makes the cover, but Peace Breaker returns the toughness shown earlier by Hopps by kicking out! They return into the ring, Hopps bringing a third table in, and once again jostle for position, this time fighting it out in a weapons duel, chair vs baseball bat! The two joust away until eventually Hopps manages to beat the chair out of Peace Breaker's hand, before cracking him across the head again with the barbed wire baseball bat! Hopps then sets up the other table in the corner, before trying to nail Peace Breaker with a German suplex through it. However, in an unexpected change of fortune, Peace Breaker somehow countered with a low kick, before catching him with a huge chokeslam through the table in the corner! Rather than making the cover, Peace Breaker steps out of the ring, and sets up a FOURTH table outside the ring! However, he seems to have trouble unfolding the leg, and the crowd started to hype up as Hopps slowly gets to his feet again! Finally Peace Breaker gets the table set up, but as he tries to get in the ring, Hopps runs up and slides into him, placing the chair in front of his feet! Peace Breaker's head hits the chair with a sickening thud as he droops over the middle rope motionless. Sensing his opportunity, Hopps grabs the chair and placed it on the table set up outside the ring, before picking up Peace Breaker on the ring apron. The crowd watches in awe as Hopps rotates him up into a tombstone position, before delivering the tombstone piledriver right off the apron through the table and chair! Hopps rolls on top to cover the bloody Peace Breaker as the referee counts the three, retaining the title for Hopps! Hopps celebrates in the ring as Peace Breaker tries to get up, when out of nowhere 'War Machine' Vince hits the ring! The man formerly known as Steel clotheslines Hopps out of the ring before heading outside and picking up the bloody Peace Breaker and nailing the Graham Slam onto the concrete! Hopps leaves the ringside area staring down Vince Graham as the returnee raises his hands to a mixed reaction.

Winner and still Hardcore Champion: 'X-Rated' Hopps

BSW United States Championship:
Triple Threat Elimination Match

Daniel "The Devil" Estacado
vs. Triple S vs. "Style in Action" Frankie Manns

'Guerrilla Radio' plays as Triple S makes his way out first to a huge pop, closely followed by Style In Action with Barramya, who gets an equally good crowd reaction. The two stare each other down, but their confrontation is broken as 'Dead Souls' by NIN plays and Daniel Estacado runs down to the ring with Scarlet, before hitting the ring and going straight after the two, taking them down with a double shoulder charge. Estacado then grabs Triple S and throws him into the corner before laying into him with a combination of repeated punches. Manns breaks this up, pulling Estacado off and nailing him with a huge clothesline, which rocked him back across the ring, before trying a monkey flip on Triple S. However, the Idol rolls through the move and comes out with a huge flying clothesline which takes out Estacado, before running over and nailing a snap suplex on Frankie Manns. he then tries early for the Idolizer, but is caught from behind by Estacado who nails a huge German suplex, before bouncing off the ropes and landing a huge splash for a two count. He then tries for a second, but Manns dodges before hopping up and nailing a great old-school bulldog for a close fall himself, which is broken up by Triple S. The Idol knocks Manns down with a DDT, before grabbing Estacado and sending him through the middle ropes to the floor. Triple S then follows out with a huge suicide dive through the ropes taking Estacado out, but the two of them are taken out seconds later as Manns follows out with a huge tope con hilo. Manns then rams Triple S into the ring steps, before nailing a dropkick which dazes Estacado enough for Manns to overpower him and roll him into the ring. Manns goes for the Irish whip but it gets reversed by Estacado, who goes for a backdrop. However, Style In Action counters this with a huge swinging DDT, before heading up top. Manns comes flying off with the shooting star press, but as he makes the cover Triple S pulls him off, splitting his legs around the corner post. Estacado takes advantage of this, dropping a leg across the back of Manns' head, before picking him up and nailing the full nelson face drop for a two count. The fans are constantly hot in the contest, cheering every trademark blow. Triple S re-enters the ring and combines with Estacado to nail a double powerbomb, before getting taken out by The Devil with a huge superkick. Estacado goes for the cover on Manns but Triple S breaks the hold, before catching Estacado in a double arm DDT. As Estacado recovers from the move, Triple S whips him into the corner and nails the Superstar Splash, before rotating him around and setting him up for a tornado DDT. The Idol goes for the move, but Estacado counters, nailing a monstrous spinebuster. However, he fails to notice Frankie Manns had hopped out of the ring and made a full circle round to the other side. As Estacado gets up from the move, he turns around right into Manns who comes off the top with his float over neckbreaker! The crowd pop as Manns stands up and signals that he's got the fall won, but out of nowhere Triple S grabs him in a reverse DDT position and nails the Star Gazer! Triple S makes the cover and Manns is eliminated from the match!

Triple S eliminates Frankie Manns via the Star Gazer

Frankie Manns is led away from the ring by referees and Barramya as Triple S goes for the quick cover on Estacado from Manns' move earlier. Estacado just about powers out at the two count, but Triple S takes him straight back down with an arm-drag takedown. Triple S locks on an armbar but Estacado escapes with an elbow to the head, before whipping Triple S into the rope and nailing a tilt-a-whirl driver for a two count. Estacado fumbles around and tries to lock in his Darkness hold, but Triple S pulls out, only to get taken out with a huge DDT from Estacado. The champion goes up top and comes off with a huge flying headbutt, and connects with the move. The cover gets a two count, prompting Estacado to go back up again. However, this time Triple S manages to get to the ropes and crotch him, allowing him to head up and join Estacado. the two jostle for position but Sullivan comes out on top, nailing a top rope Idolcanrana! Triple S, feeling victory may be near, sends Estacado into the corner before nailing a huge running Superstar splash! He then sends him back into the other corner and nails a second splash, before catching Estacado with a dragon screw leg whip as he comes back out. Sullivan signals to the crowd, then locks on the Idolizer on Estacado! The champion battles to reach the ropes, but just as he is about to is dragged back into the centre of the ring! Triple S leans back harder as Estacado shouts in pain, ready to tap any second. Just as The Devil begins to drop his hand to the mat, Scarlet jumps into the ring and pulls Triple S off Estacado by his hair. Triple S straight away breaks her grip and begins to stare a hole right through her! Scarlet looks scared half to death, and reacts by slapping Triple S hard across the face. The ex-world champion looks away, before snapping his head back and looking at Scarlet once again! The valet tries to run, but is taken out as Triple S grabs her and locks on the Idolizer once again, just like a couple of weeks ago on Rave. The crowd pop as Sullivan cinches the move in, but the cheers soon turn to boos as Estacado returns to his feet and grabs The Idol before delivering the Final Destination out of nothing! Estacado makes the cover to retain his title, before going out of the ring and grabbing a chair! The Devil sits the chair in the middle of the ring and nails a second Final Destination onto it, before trapping Triple S' leg in the chair! Estacado goes up top and leaps off with a double stomp onto Triple S' ankle, before going up top for a second one. he is about to leap off but Keith Krash comes charging from the back with chair in hand, running off Estacado and Scarlet. Manns leaves to a huge pop but still finds himself on the wrong end of the defeat as Estacado retains!

Winner and still US champion: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado

Semi-Main Event:
BSW Intercontinental Championship:
Steel Cage Match (if Big Shot wins, Dark Knight retires from the BSW / if Dark Knight wins, Dark Knight gets a World Title shot)

Dark Knight (c)
vs. "Big Shot" Bob Peil

'Teething' plays as Bob Peil makes his way down to the ring first to a huge pop. As he stands in the ring the cage is lowered from the ceiling, when all of a sudden the arena lights black out! The fans seem shocked, but not as surprised as when the lights come on to reveal Venom stood behind Peil in the ring! The ex-BSW star stands tall as Peil turns around right into a kick to the stomach and the Venom Drop! The crowd then boo as Venom escapes through the cage door and through the crowd, cueing Dark Knight to finally come out with his intercontinental belt. DK straight away leaps through the cage door and begins to put the boots to the owner of the BSW, who is still dazed from the Venom Drop earlier. Dark Knight right away grabs Peil and throws him into the steel, before following in with a clothesline against the side of the cage. DK then grabs the owner and delivers a huge back suplex, before following in with a running leg drop. Peil slowly gets back to his feet but as he does so is met with a boot to the ribs by Dark Knight, who then follows in by sitting on his back and locking on a camel clutch. The crowd rally behind the Big Shot, and he eventually manages to break the hold with a swift elbow, but before he can get up Dark Knight nails a huge DDT which takes him down and out. Dark Knight goes for the first escape attempt of the match, climbing up the corner, but this provides Bob Peil the chance to get his first offence of the match in, getting to his feet and running across to Dark Knight and delivering a huge back suplex off the top turnbuckle. Peil raises his arms to try and rally the crowd behind him, before nailing Dark Knight with a huge snap suplex. The owner then picks up his opponent and hoists him up on his shoulder before running him head first into the cage! Dark Knight looks dazed as Peil goes for an escape, but the champion recovers in enough time to crotch him down onto the ropes, before going up top and nailing a huge flying clothesline on Peil whilst he is still stuck on the ropes! The challenger slumps down in between the ropes and the cage, but before he can get up he is met with a sliding dropkick from Dark Knight, sending his face into the cage busting him wide open! Dark Knight is booed heavily as he stands up before grabbing the Big Shot and nailing a big piledriver in the middle of the ring. Peil's forehead is bleeding profusely as Dark Knight tries again for the escape, and this time gets quite near the top until all of a sudden Peil gets back to his feet and comes back on the offensive, climbing up to meet him! The two battle, exchanging punches up top, Peil eventually gaining the advantage. The Big Shot grabs DK's head and rams into the steel... and again! One more time, sending Dark Knight crashing down to the canvas backwards! Peil then takes a small rest, turning around and standing on the top rope, before coming off with a huge cross body block as Dark Knight gets up! The owner senses victory is near, and begins to climb again, but once again he is cut off as Dark Knight grabs his leg to slow him and then follows him up, before nailing a huge Samoan drop from midway up the cage! Both men lie dazed in the ring as the crowd get on their feet, rallying them to get up. Dark knight gets up first, and tries to swing at Peil with a clothesline. However, as he does so, Peil ducks before grabbing him in the Extra Inch! Peil struggles to keep it locked on, wobbling on his feet holding Dark Knight up. Eventually he gets in cinched in, but as Dark knight struggles he inadvertently knocks out the referee with his boot! Peil then shows great strength in modifying his torture rack down into a reverse DVD on Dark Knight. DK lies motionless as Peil heads for the cage, and climbs up the side. He gets up to the top, and Dark Knight is still down. Peil looks back, and seeing his opponent is still down, climbs over and down to the floor! The crowd cheer as Peil celebrates, but then realise the referee is still out cold! Peil opens the cage door and starts trying to revive the referee, but he fails to notice that Dark Knight is up and has escaped over the other side! DK makes his way round and grabs a chair along the way, before cracking Peil with it across his back. The Fallen member then charges and tries to nail Peil across the head, but the challenger counters, ducking before delivering a super-kick into the chair! Peil then picks up the chair and cracks Dark Knight, busting him wide open! As the two continue to battle, the referee finally gets up, and seeing that both men are out, waves for the match to continue! Peil eventually regains control, and rolls Dark Knight back into the cage, before following in and shutting the door behind him. Peil continues to control, nailing a hangman's neckbreaker before following it up with a huge cradle piledriver. He then goes for the escape once again, but this time is caught up early as Dark Knight pulls him off the turnbuckle, before nailing the Jaws Of Death as Peil turns around! Peil's head bounces of the canvas as Dark Knight takes his turn at trying to escape, making his way up. He actually gets to the top and begins to make his way down the other side, when all of a sudden Peil gains a second wind and follows him up! The owner grabs Dark Knight as he is climbing down and nails a couple of strong punches before trying to pull him back in. However, he gets his foot caught in the cage, leaving him helpless near the top at the mercy of Dark Knight! The intercontinental champion climbs up onto the top of the cage again and takes a big swing back before kicking Peil square in the head! The crowd gasp as Peil falls backwards with a sickening crunch to the mat. Dark Knight seems certain to win, but for some unknown reason, decides not to climb down. This reason then becomes apparent as the champion stands up tall before coming off with a huge flying elbow from the top of the cage! Both men are hurt from the move as the crowd go crazy at the two awesome bumps they've just seen. Somehow both men start to get up again, and it is Dark Knight who maintains the advantage, whipping Peil into the turnbuckle before sitting him up top. The two jostle for position, and Peil actually reverses the attempted move, throwing Dark Knight out forwards with a front suplex! However, before he can get down, DK crotches him up high before delivering his trademark brainbuster off the top! Dark Knight slowly makes his way to the cage and climbs up, this time getting up to the top and starting the descent down the other side. The crowd boo as Dark Knight sets to win, until out of nowhere two men sprint through the crowd to ringside. No-one recognises either man, both of who are wearing bright costumes and masks, as one of the men starts sprinting up the cage to meet DK! Dark Knight looks shocked and tries to fight him off, but as he does so the other masked man grabs a chair and throws it to the man on the cage. The crowd cheer as DK is struck not once but twice in the skull with the chair! The IC champion holds on for dear life but eventually the other masked man climbs up too, and the pair deliver a double powerbomb from the cage down through the announcers' table! The bell rings to announce Dark Knight the champion, but he certainly can't celebrate as he lies in a pile of wood and plastic as the two men escape as quickly as they arrived!

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Dark Knight

Main Event:
BSW World Heavyweight Championship:
2 out of 3 Falls Match

(c) vs.

'It's Over' plays as Jay Hall makes his way out with his arm heavily bandaged to a huge pop from the crowd. He leaps up onto the corner post and poses for the crowd as 'Shut 'Em Down' plays and Maurice Dream makes his way out, title belt in hand and knee braced. Dream stops on the outside and looks up at Jay as the two have a war of words before the match begins. Eventually the referee convinces both men to enter the ring and get the match underway. He raises the belt in the air, before ringing the bell. The match begins with a clean lock-up, and Dream goes straight for Jay's arm, locking on an arm-wringer, but Jay counters with a quick leg trip, before both men get up again. Both men shake off their individual injured limbs, before locking up again. This time Jay gets a single leg takedown own Dream, but Dream instantly jumps to his feet and catches him with an arm-drag, before once again both men cautiously step off. They lock up a third time, but this time Dream forces Jay into the corner. The referee gets him to break the hold, but then Dream just strikes anyway, nailing Jay with a huge set of chops in the corner, before sending him into the other corner and following in with a running clothesline. Dream then sends Jay into the other corner, but this time Jay leapfrogs over him, before nailing him with a huge back suplex. As Dream starts to get up, Jay nails a baseball slide style dropkick to his face, before hitting an Asai moonsault for an early two count. Whilst trying to shake his shoulder injury off, Jay picks up Dream, before sending him into the corner and following in with a charging splash. As Dream then backs out of the corner, Jay goes for a backdrop, but Dream counters with a kick to the face, followed up by a huge clothesline. Dream then steps through the ropes and looks to be making his way up top, but jay recovers and nails him with a dropkick, sending him down to the floor. Dream starts to make his way back round to get back into the ring, but jay refuses to let the pace slow down, running and spring-boarding before nailing a huge moonsault out onto Dream! Both men are visibly hurt from the move, as Jay slowly gets up and rolls Dream into the ring, before going back up top. The Raw Deal come off with a 450 splash attempt, but just as he is about to land Dream rolls out of the way, causing Jay to land on his bad shoulder. Jay seems hurt as Dream capitalises, picking Jay up and delivering a shoulder-breaker, before ramming him through the middle ropes into the turnbuckle. Dream then grabs Jay and gives him a pump-handle shoulder-breaker before sending him flying over the top rope to the floor. Dream follows suite, jumping down, before picking Jay up over his shoulder and ramming him arm first into the corner post. He then goes for the same move again, but this time Jay escapes, only for Dream to stop himself before he hits the post and knock Jay down with a swift elbow strike. The crowd start to rally behind Jay as Dream wraps his arm around the ring-post a couple of times before rolling him back into the ring. Jay tries to regain some offence with some strong punches before ducking a Dream clothesline, but before he can turn around Dream nails him from behind with a second clothesline attempt. Dream then lies his arm out on the canvas before going middle rope and nailing a leg drop right onto his arm, increasing the pressure on the injury. Jay tries to get back up, but is taken straight back down as Dream grabs him and locks on a side-armbar, working across his shoulder more. Jay manages to get to the ropes and break the hold, but as he gets up Dream nails a huge arm drag followed by another armbar. Again Jay escapes, but before he can mount an offence, Dream catches him in a spinning neckbreaker before locking on a Fujiwara hold. This time Jay looks more trapped as Dream applies the pressure. Jay tries to escape every way possible, trying to reach around to Dream, but he is just out of reach. Jay looks ready to tap, and even has his hand ready to at one point, but eventually somehow manages to start to roll out of the move, before nailing Dream with some swift punches to the head. Dream breaks the hold, and although Jay is free, he still lies on the canvas hurt as Dream goes up top. The big man poses up top, but takes a second too long as Jay just manages to get to the ropes to pull him off, crotching him on the turnbuckle! Dream looks in agony as Jay makes his way over slowly, before hopping up and delivering a hurancanrana down to the canvas! Dream feels the impact fully as Jay slowly gets back up and waits for Dream to turn around, catching him when he does so in the wrist clutch exploder! Sensing the end is near, Jay goes to the corner and signals for the end, going up top and going for a diving headbutt. However, once again Dream dodges the high flying attack, and quickly capitalises, diving on Jay and locking on the Fujiwara armbar! Jay struggles but this time is unable to break the hold, and taps out to give Dream the first fall!

First fall: Maurice Dream via submission

The referee rings the bell for the start of the second fall and a five count begins to let both men get back to their feet. However, before Jay can get up, Dream ignores the five count, diving on him and locking on a triangle stretch! The crowd boo at Dream's rule breaking, but then cheer as the referee forces him off and the five count is restarted, letting Jay get back to his feet. Dream straight away regains control again, kicking Jay in the stomach and trying to take his arm down again. However, this time Jay manages to block it, nailing a couple of punches before nailing a big knee to the head! As Dream steps back dazed, Jay grabs him and nails a urinagi atomic drop, before covering for a two count. As Dream begins to get up, Jay goes over to him but ends up taking a low blow from Dream, right out of the referee's view. Jay keels over as Dream grabs him and goes for a powerbomb, but Jay manages to roll through into a hurancanrana with a pin for a two count again! As Dream then tries to get up, jay slides in with a dropkick to his knee, cutting him right down to size, before putting the boots to his knee repeatedly! Jay then picks Dream up and delivers a kneebreaker, before locking on a figure four leglock. Dream breaks the hold, but when he gets up he walks right into a fisherman's suplex from Jay, only instead of going over backwards he is dropped right forward onto his knee! Jay picks up his opponent then, and showing great strength, lifts him up and delivers the J-Bomb, again only getting a two count. Slightly frustrated, Jay goes up top, but before he can come off, Dream recovers and runs up to him to nail an armdrag down into the ring on Jay's bad arm! Jay lies in pain as Dream then goes up top himself. However, before he launches the attack, Jay suddenly springs to his feet, making it seem that he had been playing possum to force Dream to go for a high risk attack! Dream gets crotched up top, before Jay wrenches his knee with a huge avalanche style dragon screw! Dream comes crashing down onto his leg and holds it in pain, before Jay picks him up and delivers a Mandera Hineri leg whip on him, increasing the pressure further! Jay signals to the crowd, before waiting behind Dream as he starts to get up, holding his leg. As he turns around, Jay dives at his leg, rolling into the cross heel hold! Dream writhes in pain in the middle of the wrong, but is unable to escape, as Jay returns the earlier favour by making him tap out!

Second fall: Hall by submission

The five count occurs again as both men tiredly make their way back to their feet. The commentary team seem sure that all technicality will go out of the window, and it starts just like that as both men start off by slugging it out in the middle of the ring. the crowd go hyper as the battle goes back and forth, Dream taking advantage, then Jay taking advantage, then Dream again. Dream goes for the killer clothesline, but Jay ducks before nailing a huge spinning elbow smash which sends Dream over the top to the floor. Jay turns around and signals to the crowd, but this proves to be in vain as Dream hold son and slides under the middle rope back into the ring, before throwing Jay over the top! Dream then takes his turn to taunt, but he too is soon ejected from the ring as Jay holds onto the ropes and levers himself back into the ring, before sending Dream out! Dream takes a moment to get up but before he can, Jay comes flying out with a tope atomico to the outside, before going back in and hitting the springboard somersault rana to the champion! The crowd then pop as Jay goes for the move a second time, but this time Dream catches him, before delivering a huge sit-out powerbomb onto the outside! Jay looks out of it as Dream rolls him back into the ring and makes the cover, but somehow only gets a two and a half! He then picks Jay up on his shoulders and nails a beautiful running death valley driver, before out of nowhere nailing the Wake Up Call on the dazed Hall! Dream then calls for the end as he drags Jay to the corner before setting him up top. The crowd watch in awe as Dream goes up and sets up for, of all things, a top-rope powerbomb! However, he seems to have trouble getting Jay up as the challenger hooks his legs on the ropes, before nailing a head butt to the lower extremities of Dream whilst up high! The crowd all get on their feet as Jay grabs Dream and delivers the MTXtravagent down to the canvas! Both men lie dazed as the referee begins a ten count. The count reaches eight as the crowd rally behind both men, and eventually it is Dream who somehow gets up first, before grabbing Jay and going for the Sweet Dreams! The challenger fights it off, elbowing Dream in the head, before swinging round and going for a clothesline. However, Dream ducks this and tries for the hold a second time! Jay counters again, but this time spins behind Dream into a rear waistlock and sets up for the Quick Fix! Dream escapes and gets a rear lock himself, again going for his submission, but before he can lock it on, Jay reverses the waistlock again before killing Dream with a Japanese millennium suplex! Both men are down again as the referee starts the count, but this time it is Jay who gets up first grabbing Dream and nailing an exploder suplex! Signalling for the end, Jay sets up for the Cerebral Tap, but Dream counters with a neckbreaker, before locking on the Sweet Dreams! Jay struggles but gets dragged down to the canvas by Dream who cinches it on harder. The referee begins to lift Jay's hand, and drops it one the first two tries. On the third Jay's hand drops again... but then starts to rise as somehow he isn't out of it! The two rise to their feet again, and Jay rams Dream back into the corner, breaking the hold, before both men collapse down to the canvas. Slowly they finally get back up again as the referee's count reaches nine, and Jay tries to take control with some strong punches. However, out of nothing Dream counters and nails a kick to the stomach, ready for the Wake Up Call! Jay counters this, pushing him to the ropes, before catching him in a reverse tiger suplex as he comes back. As Dream gets up, Jay grabs him and nails a wrist clutch exploder, before going up top. This time it pays off as he comes down with the Phoenix splash and hits it, but somehow Dream kicks out after the two and a half! Shocked, Jay picks him up and attempts the Quick Fix again, but Dream backs him into the corner, before nailing the Wake Up Call as he bounces out! He makes the cover, but is then shocked as this time Jay kicks out at two and a half. Irate, Dream hops out of the ring and grabs a chair, before re-entering. The referee tries to wrestle it away from him, and succeeds in doing so. The split-second of distraction gives Jay a chance to get back to his feet, and as Dream turns around, he eats a huge savate kick from Jay! Jay makes the cover but again only gets a two count, as Dream powers out. They return back to slugging it out, but as Dream goes for the killer blow, Jay kicks him in the stomach and nails a huge high cradle brainbuster! The referee makes the count again and this time it is two and a half as it seems Dream is slowly fading finally! Both men look completely worn out as Jay picks Dream back up to his feet, and goes for a front facelock, but Dream attempts to counter with a small package. However, Jay grabs the rope to stop himself going down, before nailing a swift kick to Dream's head. Dream looks almost out of it as the kick bust his lip, and seeing this, Jay signals to the crowd for the finale! Jay picks up the fallen champion and tries to pick him up in some sort of suplex, but Dream throws his last bit of energy into reversing this, getting Jay up into a vertical suplex. However, in another twist of fate, Jay somehow rolls down the back and spins Dream around, before nailing a huge spinning elbow strike! The big man refuses to drop as Jay bounces off the ropes and hits a second elbow strike, but still Dream won't fall, but the strike definitely dazed the champ. Sensing that the end is here, Jay boots Dream in the stomach, before picking him up in a suplex position and dropping him down in a sheer drop brainbuster! Jay rolls on top for the cover as the referee counts 1...2... kick out! Dream shows great resilience by kicking out again, but before he can capitalize, Jay grabs him again and delivers a second brainbuster, holding him up for a good few seconds before dropping him down to the canvas. Jay thinks about making the cover, but having seen how tough Dream is, picks him up again an delivers a third brainbuster! Jay finally makes the cover as the referee counts 1...2...3! The MTX member gets slowly to his feet and poses on the turnbuckle with the belt, before the rest of his team come out to celebrate with him! The MTX return to the back as Dream lies in the ring wondering just how he let it slip away!

Winner of third fall and new World Champion: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall