from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada

Preditor vs. 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns
Manns was totally dominant in the early going of this match-up. Manns hit technical move after move, as Predator could do nothing to stop the hard charging Manns. Midway through the match, two more men dressed as Predator came down to the ring. Confused as to who the real Predator was, Manns proceeded to kick all three Predators' asses. As Manns climbed to the top rope looking to finish it with his top rope float-over neckbreaker, yet another Predator came out from underneath the ring. This new Predator sneaks up behind Manns, climbs to the top rope and locks in a tazmission type submission hold. Predator drags Manns off the turnbuckle and down to the canvas with the hold still locked in. Manns taps out and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Preditor

After the Match: Predator keeps the hold locked in as the ref tries to break it. BSW Security comes down and eventually Security and the ref get Predator to break the hold. As Predator stands over Manns, he takes off his gloves and camouflage jacket before eventually taking off his mask revealing that the Predator is none other than Maurice Dream!


Invitational Hardcore Title Street Fight:
'Franchise' Cooper Tate (c) vs. Keith Krash vs. 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
vs. Necro Butcher vs. 'War Machine' Vince Graham vs. Hotstuff Hernandez

All six men enter the ring and straight away the match erupts into a brawl, spilling to the ringside area and into the crowd. Necro Butcher and Mike Anderson are left in the ring, and Butcher straight away goes for the high spots, nailing a swinging DDT before going out of the ring and bringing in a chair. He takes Anderson down to one knee with this, before skateboarding the chair into his face. The cover is made, but it is broken at 2 by Vince Graham, who sends Butcher into the corner before following in with a splash with the chair! Graham raises his hand and signals early for the Graham Slam, but the move is broken up from the outside by Tate, who throws a chair at Graham before going up top and nailing a sunset flip for a two count! Tate then hops up top and drops back down with a reverse splash, again getting a two count. Hotstuff Hernandez and Keith Krash finally return to the action, Hernandez going after Tate as Krash works over Necro Butcher in the corner. Butcher manages to battle back, knocking Krash down with a lariat before throwing Graham and Mike Anderson to the outside. The two Legend's Alliance members then go to work over Tate and Krash, attempting to Irish whip them into each other. However, Tate leapfrogs over Krash, who slides under him, taking Hernandez out at the knee. Butcher then charges and tries to lariat down Tate, but Tate ducks again, as does Keith Krash, sending Butcher into his stable mate! The two faces then start to take control, setting up two chairs in the middle of the ring before whipping Butcher into the ropes and flapjacking him right onto them! The pair then take out Hernandez with a double armdrag, before Krash suddenly surprises Tate with the Clothesline Up North, pinning him for a two count, broken up by Mike Anderson. The Anarchist drags Krash to the ringside, sending him into the ring post, before grabbing a table from underneath the ring. Mike Anderson sets this up, before, to the delight up the crowd, throwing a handful of thumbtacks on top! Mike Anderson lifts Krash up onto the ring apron and goes for a powerbomb, but the big man just about wiggles free, only to be taken down through the table with a spinebuster! Krash lies motionless as the match continues, the OSS member seemingly taken out of the match. Back in the ring, Hotstuff Hernandez and Necro Butcher double team Cooper Tate, nailing a double team powerbomb, before signalling to finish him off. Hernandez sits up top as Butcher passes Tate up to him, preparing for a top-rope Hotstuff Drop! Hernandez nails the move, but before the cover can be made, out of nowhere Triple S jumps from the crowd with a chair, taking out both Legend's Alliance members, before battling with the two to the back, trying to ensure no outside interference in his title match later! With Krash taken out, only Tate, Graham and Anderson remain. Tate takes a breather on the outside as Graham and Anderson carry on fighting in the ring, Anderson somehow managing a sit-out powerbomb onto all three of the chairs for a two count! Tate realises that something needs to be done to turn it up a notch, and brings out a series of tables from under the ring, setting a pair up on the outside before sliding one into the ring. However, before he can make use of it, Mike Anderson nails a baseball slide to him, before setting up the table himself in the corner. Vince Graham sneaks up on him and tries for a spinning belly to belly through the table, but Anderson wiggles out, before somehow lifting him for a death valley bomb through the table! Anderson makes a throat cut, signalling for the end, but turns around right into Cooper Tate, who scoops him up and delivers a release black tiger bomb over the top through the two tables on the outside. Tate rolls up Graham in the ring tightly for the pin and the win!

Winner and still Hardcore Champion: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate


Backstage: The camera focuses in on a locker room door, and the crowd pop when they see that the sign on the door reads 'Steve Hall'. The cameraman makes its way in to ask for an interviewer, but when he gets in there, he catches Akuma throwing Steve Hall into the locker room wall! The Akagumi Kimen member hotfoots it out of there as Steve Hall lies holding his arm on the floor!


Calib McClain vs. Hannibal King
This match was everything we thought it would be and more and concluded with a great surprise ending. I'm not even sure you could this a wrestling match, as it more closely resembled a street fight. McClain started out strong with some great power moves but Hannibal was able to use his quickness advantage to take control of the match. Hannibal was able to get a near submission on Calib with a dragon sleeper but Calib was able to fight his way out of it with a mule kick low blow. At this point, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado made his way down to the ring. This would prove to be very interesting, as no one knew exactly where the Devil stood in this situation. As the match continued to go back and forth, the Devil did his best to distract Calib with constant jawing. Hannibal was able to duck a clothesline from hell from Calib, which instead hit the ref flipping him in the air several times. The crowd popped as Estacado slowly made his way into the ring. As both Calib and Hannibal turn around to see what the commotion is about, Estacado human torches Hannibal. Calib then sets Hannibal up for and delivers the Breakdown (giant powerbomb) as the crowd boos loudly. Estacado revives the ref and the ref makes the 123.
Winner: Calib McClain


Backstage: A cameraman follows Maurice Dream as he enters the Fallen locker room. Inside the locker room sits Knight, McClain, and Estacado. Not a word is spoken, just a stare down and simple nods of approval by all.


United States Title: 'I Quit' Match: Triple S (c) vs. Venom
Another classic match-up between two of the biggest names in BSW history. The action was fast and furious between these two great technical wrestlers. We were blessed with an incredible variety of submission holds, which both Triple S and Venom used trying to get the other to say 'I Quit' but both continued to manage to escape the holds. During the match, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado came out with a steel chair and sat at the top of the entrance ramp getting a look at the action. This begged the question as to whether he was scouting a new alliance or looking to start up an old rivalry. Towards the end of the match Triple S came on strong as it looked like he had Venom wore down. Triple S hit a great series of moves including a knee breaker and a double arm DDT before signaling for the Star Gazer (roll the dice). As Shane delivered the Star Gazer, Hannibal King, with a bandage on the left side of his face from the Human Torch from the Devil earlier in the night, came out of the crowd with a dented steel chair. 3S applied the Idolizer (sharpshooter) as Hannibal came up behind the ref and slapped him in the back of the head with the chair. Venom was screaming 'I Quit' but there was no ref to hear it. In an unexpected move, Hannibal reared back with the chair and cracked SSS square in the face before picking him up and delivering a King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb). The ref begins to come-to as Venom applies a figure-four leglock. The ref calls for the bell as Triple S appears to be unconscious and he doesn't want Shane to suffer serious injury.
Winner and new United States Champion: Venom

After the Match: As Venom slides out of the ring, he and Hannibal come face to face. They stare each other down until the two shake hands signifying some alliance clearly made in hell between two of the most hated men in BSW history.


Tag Team Titles:
3 Way Boards Match:
Crazy C / Lil J (c) vs. Akagumi Kimen vs. Bucky Thompson / Steve Hall

The ring is set up with a bed of nails outside on two sides, with light bulb boards on the other sides. In the corners of the ring are barbed wire boards. Akagumi Kimen enter first to a mixed reaction, both looking sharp as they enter the ring. Bucky Thompson then makes his way out, but he is not with Steve Hall, who we assume is still lying hurt backstage. All of a sudden however, The Comedians old music rings out and out comes Action Jackson to even up the sides! Thompson looks surprised but the two hit the ring and straight away start to attack Akuma and Yajuu-san! Crazy C and Lil J enter last as the match erupts straight into a brawl, spilling to the outside and into the crowd! The crowd scatter as Bucky Thompson throws Lil J over the barricade into the crowd, before following out himself with a cross body off the barricade! Akuma soon joins them with a double clothesline off the barricade, as Crazy C battles with Action Jackson by the ring. As this is going on, the crowd get a big shock as Yajuu-san pulls out a ladder from under the ring, and knocks down both Jackson and Crazy C. The Japanese star then quickly scales half way up the ladder, before hitting a suicidal senton atomico off onto the three men battling in the crowd, all four men getting taken down. The crowd applaud this as the men slowly get back to the ringside area. Jackson, still battling Crazy C, then grabs the ladder and knocks Crazy C down, before scaling up to the top. However, Lil J spots this, and pushes the ladder, sending Action Jackson over the top rope into the ring. Lil J then rolls into the ring and introduces Jackson to the barbed wire, whipping him into one of the boards in the corner. Crazy C then comes in and assists Lil J in giving Action a double snap suplex onto the board, before covering for a two count. Meanwhile, Bucky Thompson attempts a scoop slam onto one of the beds of nails on Yajuu-san, but the young Japanese wrestler reverses this, hitting a headscissor takedown into the barricade, before Akuma rolls Thompson into the crowd. Akagumi Kimen return to the ring and take down The Psychotics with a pair of springboard dropkicks, before dropping Crazy C with a double fisherman's suplex onto one of the barbed wire boards! The move gets a two count, but is broken up by Crazy C, who drops Akuma with a lariat, before ramming Yajuu-san into one of the barbed wire boards in the corner. Crazy C and Lil J then sit Yajuu-san and Action Jackson in opposite corners, before placing one of the barbed wire boards over their upper half. In a crazy spot, both members of The Psychotics charge and nail running lariats in the corner, smashing the barbed wire into Jackson and Yajuu-san! Both of their opponents are bust open by the moves, but the cover on Jackson is broken up by a recovered Bucky Thompson, who jumps from the ladder on the outside into the ring with a flying elbow! The crowd then pop as Thompson hops out of the ring and brings in one of the beds of nails, setting it up against the ring ropes. The Comedian then tries for an Irish whip into it on Yajuu-san, but the young Japanese wrestler counters this into an arm wrench, before nailing his rope walk into a DDT! Akuma follows this up with a flying elbow drop, getting a two and a half. Akagumi Kimen then grab Bucky Thompson and combine to whip into the bed of nails, before hitting a double back drop suplex as he bounces back. However, as Akuma turns around from the move, he meets a superkick from Jackson, sending him back into the bed of nails, cutting his arm! Jackson then goes outside the ring and grabs the ladder again, before setting it up in the middle of the ring and going up top. However, Crazy C and Lil J spot this, and pick up the ladder with Jackson on it! The crowd watch on in awe as Jackson is carried over and dropped right onto the ring ropes, bouncing down to the floor! The Psychotics then drop the ladder right onto Akuma and covering for a two count. The Psychotics then go to the outside and grab a table, setting it up on the outside, before placing one of the barbed wire boards on top of it. Akuma is dragged outside and placed on the table, as Crazy C ascends to the top of the turnbuckle. The Psychotic goes for a crazy dive to the outside, but at the last minute Akuma moves, sending Crazy C through the table. Akuma then grabs Lil J who is stood on the ring apron, and drops him with an iconoclasm to the floor! Back in the ring Bucky Thompson and Yajuu-san go at it again, Yajuu-san trying to set up for the Osaka Driller, but Thompson reverses, pushing him into the corner onto a barbed wire board and catching him with a German suplex hold for a two count as he comes back. Bucky Thompson then sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and begins to ascend, before coming off with the Punchline right onto Yajuu-san! It seems a certain victory, but at the last moment Akuma breaks up the pin, pulling Thompson to the outside. However, unseen, Action Jackson slides back in and makes a cover, but somehow Yajuu-san kicks out at 2.9! Jackson signals for the end, setting up Yajuu-san for a hurancanrana, but somehow the Japanese star reverses, sending Jackson down to the mat with a top rope Liger bomb for a two count! Yajuu-san then goes for an Irish whip into the barbed wire board on Jackson, but, showing great agility, Jackson hits the Honma back-flip counter, before dropping Yajuu-san with a full nelson face buster into the board! Jackson looks about to make the cover, but out of nowhere Crazy C and Lil J crack him with a double chair shot! The two then drag Jackson to the outside, and drop him with a double suplex by one of the nail boards. In a moment of sheer insanity, Crazy C then re-enters the ring, and charges, nailing a huge tope con hilo over the nails onto the fallen Action Jackson! However, Bucky Thompson matches him move for move, following out with a third rope press onto The Psychotics! The members of Akagumi Kimen regroup in the ring, grabbing the chairs before going outside and knocking down Thompson. The pair then set up the two chairs, before placing one of the light bulb boards across it! Yajuu-san grabs Lil J and takes him over to the corner as Akuma stomps away at Action Jackson. The crowd look on in awe as Yajuu-san sits Lil J on the middle rope, before nailing a hurancanrana to the outside through the impromptu light bulb table! Both men go down, bust open, as Akuma rolls Jackson back into the ring and drops him with the Eternal Sleep. He makes the cover, but Bucky Thompson just about breaks up the count. Thompson then levels Akuma with a roundhouse kick, before grabbing the other light bulb board from the outside. He sets this up in the ring and goes for a DDT on Akuma onto it, but Crazy C breaks up the move with a slingshot heel kick. Crazy C then hops up top and goes for the shooting star press, but Action Jackson pushes him off to the outside. Jackson then begins to set up a pair of tables on the outside, before placing one of the barbed wire boards on top, followed by Crazy C on top of that! Jackson then sets up the ladder in the ring, before ascending up. However, Akuma recovers quickly, and pulls him back, dropping Jackson from part way up the ladder onto the light bulb board! Akuma drops down as well, hurt from before, allowing Bucky Thompson to capitalise. The other Comedian goes up the ladder himself, before dropping a rolling knee off halfway up onto Crazy C and the tables! Thompson rolls slowly on top to cover him and win the titles for his team! All six men get a standing ovation after a brutal contest.

Winners and new Tag Team Champions: The Comedians


Intercontinental Title:
Fire Death Match:
Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado (c) vs. 'X-Rated' Hopps

The ring is set up for the match with oil soaked rags hung in between the ropes and set on fire, and a can of kerosene outside for the participants. Hopps enters first to a big pop before Estacado makes his way down to big heat. The two straight away square off, Estacado trying to send Hopps into the ropes, but Hopps counters with a slide stop before firing back with a clothesline. Hopps then drops Estacado with a quick drop suplex, before straight away going out the ring and grabbing a couple of trashcans and a kendo stick from under the ring. Hopps nails Estacado with one of the trashcans, before setting the other up in the corner and whipping him into it, following up with a schoolboy roll-up for a two count. Hopps then grabs the kendo stick and knocks Estacado down, before hopping up in the corner and coming back with a reverse splash for another two count. The ex-hardcore champion goes back to the outside, grabbing a long lightbulb from under the ring, but he is surprised by Estacado, who nails a baseball slide under the burning ropes! Estacado then grabs the lightbulb and smashes it over Hopps head, busting him wide open! The champion proceeds to try early for his Human Torch, but Hopps manages to duck, avoiding the move, before nailing a low blow on Estacado. Hopps climbs up on the ring apron, making sure he isn't burned, before coming off with a flying dropkick. The two then return to the ring, Hopps planting a DDT on one of the trashcans, before going up top and nailing his spinning leg drop. However, Hopps seems to land awkwardly, and is unable to cover, just lying there and holding his knee. Estacado takes advantage of this, stomping away on Hopps' leg, before wrapping him up in a figure four leg lock. Hopps has nowhere to go as he can't grab the ropes, but eventually breaks the hold, only to be taken down with a low dropkick. Estacado then grabs the kendo stick and nails Hopps across the leg with it, before hopping out of the ring and grabbing a chain from under the ring! He ties Hopps up to the corner, his leg vulnerable, before stomping away some more on Hopps' knee, wearing him down. He then wraps the chain around his own fist and punches Hopps over and over again in the leg, trying to render him unable to walk. Hopps tries to stand up, but he is taken down straight away with a knee breaker by Estacado, who makes a cover for a two count. Estacado sends Hopps into the corner again, before charging in with a lariat. In an innovative spot, Estacado then ties Hopps up in the tree of woe, before sliding out of the ring and pulling Hopps' legs down across the turnbuckle whilst stood on the ring apron. Estacado then hops down to the floor, wrenching the ex-hardcore champions leg down on the corner post. Estacado then grabs a chair from the outside, before re-entering and nailing Hopps with it, taking him down and out. Estacado makes the cover, again getting a two count, before arguing with the referee over the length of the count. Hopps take this opportunity to try and make a brief comeback, nailing a German suplex hold for a two count, but as he goes for a clothesline, he gets his knee taken out again with a low kick. Out of nothing, Estacado brings the fire into play, throwing Hopps out through the middle rope right past the flaming rags! Hopps lies in pain on the outside as Estacado then shows great agility, running and hitting a third rope body press on the fallen Hopps for a 2.9! The crowd applaud both men as Estacado rolls Hopps back into the ring, before taking the kendo stick and setting it alight on the ropes! Estacado cracks Hopps across the back, before dropping the kendo stick and trying for a pilderiver onto it! However, summoning all the energy he can, Hopps manages to lever out, back dropping Estacado over the top to the concrete, again brushing the fire! Feeling the end may be near, Hopps grabs the chair, before dousing it in kerosene and lighting it up. He goes over to Estacado on the outside, but is surprised out of nothing with the Human Torch from Estacado, the champion having concealed a bottle of lighter fluid and a lighter in his boots! Estacado rolls Hopps back into the ring and makes the cover, but Hopps kicks out at 2.9! Estacado signals for the end, and steps out of the ring to grabs a table, as well as a football jersey (!?!). The crowd are unsure what he has planned, until he douses the jersey in kerosene, before setting up Hopps on the table on the outside. The crowd watch on in awe as Estacado puts on the jersey, before alighting it and nailing a splash through the table! Estacado throws the top off straight away before it can do him too much damage, before covering Hopps for the three count! Estacado retains as Hopps is helped from ringside on a stretcher by EMTs following a gruesome contest!

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado


Main Event
World Title:
'Raw Deal' Jay Hall (c) vs. Dark Knight

The crowd are hyped for the main event as the ring ropes are changed following the previous fire match to prepare. "Ministry" plays over the PA system as Dark Knight makes his way out on his own to big heat, posing on the turnbuckle to boos from the crowd. 'Voice' by Disturbed then hits as the champion makes his way out to a huge pop, before sliding into the ring and posing on the other turnbuckle with the belt. The bell rings as Dark Knight and Hall get right up in each other's faces, starting a verbal war, before Jay shoves Dark Knight. The much larger challenger then shoves Jay back, sending him flying across the ring, only for Jay to charge back with a body tackle before mounting Dark Knight and punching away! Dark Knight then rolls on top, reversing this, before Jay rolls back over again, sending Dark Knight sliding out to the outside. DK takes a moment to regroup, but as he is stood there the world champion comes flying out at him with a suicide dive through the middle ropes! The two exchange punches again on the outside, DK coming out on top and ramming Jay into the ring post, only for the champion to come back by ramming Dark Knight into the barricade. Jay then hops up on the ring apron and comes off with a somersault, seemingly trying for the somersault rana, but Dark Knight catches the move and rams Hall into the ring post again, before rolling him back into the ring. Dark Knight then enters himself and drops a big elbow drop before covering for a two count. Dark Knight complains about a slow count before using his power to whip Jay into the corner and following in with a charging lariat. Dark Knight then signals for another, sending Hall across into the other corner, but his opponent manages to sling up into a head scissor position, before ramming Dark Knight's head into the middle turnbuckle. Hall then takes Dark Knight down to size with a dropkick to the knee, before quickly locking on a cross arm breaker, Dark Knight quickly scrambling to the ropes. The hold is broken, but as he stands Jay takes him right back down with a Fujiwara hold, again the challenger struggling to the ropes. Jay breaks the hold, but then straight away stomps on Dark Knight's arm, seemingly the focus of his attack. Jay then wrenches the arm with an arm dragon screw, before locking on a triangle arm breaker, Dark Knight again struggling to the ropes. Hall again refuses to let up, stomping away on Dark Knight's arm before springing out of the ring and coming back in with a springboard double stomp right onto DK's shoulder. The big man seems slowed by this attack, but manages to come back shortly, countering an arm dragon screw attempt into a short range clothesline. Dark Knight tries to shake off the pain in his arm as he stomps on the champion, before whipping him into the ropes and hitting a huge spinebuster as he comes back. Dark Knight then picks Jay up again and delivers a huge belly to belly suplex, before covering for a two count. DK decides to take the fight to the outside, whipping Jay out through the middle rope, before showing great agility by flying out with a baseball slide, knocking Jay down to the concrete hard. The challenger refuses to let up, ramming Jay into the ring steps, before climbing up and dropping a short elbow drop off them. Dark Knight rolls himself and his opponent back into the ring on the 15 count, before covering for a two count. Back in the ring, DK takes Jay down with a huge charging lariat, before picking him up and delivering a delayed powerbomb with jacknife hold for a two count! Jay just kicks out, and Dark Knight picks him up straight after, trying for a second. However, Jay manages to land in some punches to Dark Knight's head, before rolling through into a Minoru special arm breaker! Dark Knight is trapped in the middle of the ring as the crowd get on their feet, and has nowhere to go. The challenger battles, but can't escape, so he tries to stand up out of the move. This proves to be a mistake it seems at first, as Jay ends up perfectly in a hanging armbar... until DK drops him right down onto the back of his neck, knocking the champion down and almost out of it! Dark Knight rolls on top for the cover, but Jay just about kicks out at 2 and a half! Dark Knight then begins to focus his attack on the neck, sending Jay into the ropes and locking on a sleeper hold, before transitioning nicely into a sleeping neckbreaker. He then locks on a ne-han full nelson, wrenching forward on Jay's head, the champion only just making it to the ropes. As Jay makes his way to his feet, he turns around straight into the Jaws of Death from Dark Knight, which gets another two and a half count. Dark Knight holds his head at the near fall, before dropping a leg to Jay and making another cover for a two. Jay tries to regroup, landing a couple of low kicks, before bouncing off the ropes, but he is caught straight away with a huge elbow strike from Dark Knight, wiping him down and out. Dark Knight makes a throat cut motion, signalling for the end, before sitting Jay up top and preparing for the super brainbuster. Jay struggles, holding on for his dear life, before all of a sudden out of desperation nailing a low blow! The crowd look on in awe as Jay positions DK on the outside of the turnbuckle on the middle ropes, before executing a huranacanrana onto the padding outside! Both men are down and hurt as the referee starts a twenty count. The crowd will both men to get up, and at 18 the pair somehow return to the ring. Dark Knight tries to take Jay down with some punches, but these are reversed, the final one being transitioned into the wrist clutch exploder for a two count! Jay then sits up Dark Knight, before bouncing off the ropes and delivering a huge stiff running dropkick to the face, taking him down and out. The move gets a two and a half, as Jay straight away sits Dark Knight up top, before bringing him down with a muscle buster, before locking on another cross arm breaker! Dark Knight is shouting in pain as he battles to the ropes, eventually reaching them and using his power plus leverage off Jay's pants to roll Hall out of the ring past him. However, the champion is on the ball, and jumps back up on the ring apron and nails the MTXtravagent! As Dark Knight slowly gets up, Jay hops out and signals for a second, but in one smooth transition DK counters it with an atomic drop before nailing the Knightfall out of nothing! 1...2...kick out at 2.9! An irate Dark Knight goes to the corner, before climbing up top, seemingly for a moonsault. However, Jay recovers enough to bring him down, before nailing the Quick Fix from the middle rope! 1...2...another kick out at 2.9! Both men lie in shock, both having kicked out of each others finishing manoeuvres. Jay sends DK to the outside, before nailing his inside to out somersault rana. However, Dark Knight shows a lot of heart by recovering quickly and taking him out with a uranage on the outside, before rolling him in and covering for a very near two count! Dark Knight tries once again for the Knightfall, but Jay counters, flipping out and dropping him with a full nelson driver, before nailing the double spring moonsault for another long two count. Jay stands up irate at what he claims is a slow count, before taking out the referee with a superkick! He turns around right into a lariat attempt from Dark Knight, but counters, nailing the vertical drop brainbuster!!! The champion then signals to the crowd, before locking on his new submission finisher, the Limit Break (half nelson and hammerlock)! He pushes Dark Knight forward onto one knee, but the referee is not there to see that the challenger is fading! Jay lets Dark knight drop to the mat almost out cold, before walking over and trying to revive the referee. As the referee gets to his feet, Jay turns around, right into a vertical drop brainbuster from Dark Knight! In what was nearly the ultimate humiliation, Dark Knight gets a 2.9 with Jay's finishing hold! Dark Knight then picks up Jay and drops him with a Tiger Driver '91 for a 2.9 again, the champion fading quickly! Dark Knight then makes a final throat cut, before grabbing Jay from behind and nailing him with a Knightfall with delay, his head bouncing back off the mat. Dark Knight falls on top of him, the referee counting slowly to three, as a new champion is crowned!

Winner and new World Champion: Dark Knight

After the match: Dark Knight poses on the turnbuckle to huge heat, as Jay slowly gets up in the ring, looking up at the new champion wondering where it went wrong. All of a sudden, amidst the celebrations, Akagumi Kimen run down to ringside and start to assault Dark Knight! The two start to put a huge beat down on the new champion, before grabbing a chair from ringside and waffling him down! The crowd pop for this as Jay Hall looks on, unsure what to make of it, only to get a chair shot himself, followed by an Osaka Driller from Yajuu-san! Dark Knight slowly gets to his feet, but as he turns around, Akuma lifts his mask slightly and spits a fireball at him, sending him back down. The crowd seem shocked and begin to boo some of the actions of the Japanese duo, when all of a sudden they both begin to disrobe from their elaborate outfits, revealing regular street clothes underneath. In a shocking moment, both men grab each other's masks, and rip them off! The crowd seemed shocked as the assassins are revealed as Steve Hall (Yajuu-san), and Dark Knight's stable mate, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado (Akuma)!!! The crowd start booing heavily as the duo begin to beat on Dark Knight and Jay Hall, taking both men out with chair shots, before Estacado drops DK with a Knightfall onto the chair! The duo pose on the turnbuckle, only for Superstar Shane Sullivan to run out of nowhere and run them out from the ring. Triple S helps Jay Hall to his feet as the ex-Akagumi Kimen taunt them from the ramp. Triple S then lays the world title on the fallen Dark Knight as the show goes off the air, most of the crowd completely confused!