
World Title defense warm-up match:
Dark Knight vs. 'War Machine' Vince Graham
The Dark Knight just about got more than he had bargained for in his World Title defense warm-up match as the 'War Machine' put up a great fight. The Champ held the early advantage as he jumped Graham as he slid into the ring. Knight was able to hit a couple of moves before Graham reversed an irish whip and hit the Champ with a huge standing lariat which stunned the Dark Knight. Graham followed up the lariat with a tilt-a-whirl slam before attempting a cover but Knight kicked out a 1. Knight then turned the tide with a rake of the eyes. DK then landed a fury of punches before Graham down with a martial arts kick. Feeling confident, Knight heads to the top rope only to be stopped by Graham who also heads to the top and tazplexs the Dark One off the top rope. Graham thought he had scored the upset but Knight kicks out after a quick 2.9. Knight is thrown into a rage by the near upset and storms back with rock bottom followed by a sharpshooter but Graham refuses to submit. After both men return to their feet, Graham tries a desperation northern lights suplex hoping to catch the Champ off-guard but Knight manages to turn it into a Knightfall (reverse DDT) and gains a hard-fought victory.
Winner: Dark Knight

The camera crew gets word of something going on in the back. They rush back there to find that Maurice Dream has busted into Estacado's locker room and is attacking him with a chain wrapped fist. Estacado was apparently getting his gear on when this happened and only has one boot on. Dream picks up the other boot and starts to beat Estacado with it as Scarlet is screaming at the top of her lungs. Dream drops the boot and starts to yell at Estacado.

DREAM: I hope you were suiting up to make an appearance in my match! So I figured you should take a load off before your big match against Tate, so why don't you take a little breather while I go take care of some business…good luck Danny boy…maybe I'll see you in the finals!

Dream continues to kick Estacado when suddenly Dark Knight enters the room, hearing all the commotion. Dream stops his assault, and after a quick stare down with Dark Knight, makes his way to the ring for his match with Bucky Thompson.

Super 12:
Bucky Thompson vs. Maurice Dream
Pyros go off on the BSW ramp to a huge pop, signifying the beginning of the Super 12 action for the evening. 'Bad Blood' blazes out of the speakers and the crowd erupts as Bucky Thompson enters first, looking more psyched up than ever. Maurice Dream enters next to 'Shut Em Down' by LL Cool J to huge pop as well, and straight away the two begin to go at it in the middle of the ring, Thompson winning the first of the exchanges, nailing Dream with a hurancanrana which spills him to the outside before charging over the ropes with a pescado. Thompson nails Dream with some punches on the outside before whipping him into the ring post, mounting him again afterwards for some more punches. The referee tells them to bring it back in the ring , and Thompson does so, rolling Dream in before dropping a leg across his head and covering for a two count. Thompson then goes for an Irish whip which Dream reverses, but he catches Dream with his head down and hits a huge kick to the face before clothes lining him over the top rope onto the Tokyo Dome style entrance ramp (ramp leads right to the ring). Dream stands up slowly as Thompson grabs him for a suplex back into the ring, but Dream reverses, dropping Thompson right onto the ramp! Dream then picks up Thompson and drills him with a piledriver on the ramp as well to wear him down, before tossing him off one side to the ringside area. Dream follows down with an axe handle smash, before tossing Thompson into the side of the ramp and nailing a shoulder charge into it. Dream the rolls Thompson into the ring and covers for a two count, before complaining of a slow count. Dream decides to take up a rest hold to regain his energy, sitting across Thompson's back in a camel clutch, before pulling Thompson's arms back into an extended camel clutch which the referee deems a choke and gets him to break the hold. Dream then sends Thompson into the corner and hits a charging lariat before nailing a big butterfly suplex as he stumbles out, again getting a two count. Dream then drops Thompson with a back drop suplex for the same result. Dream seems to be getting impatient as he moves Thompson to the corner and starts to stomp away, before sitting Thompson up top and trying for a superplex. Thompson struggles but eventually is brought down by the move, but again it only gets a 2.9! Dream is irate, and hops up top, a rarity for the big man. As he jumps off he is met by a dropkick from Thompson, who gains a second wind, before trying a lariat. However, Dream manages to reverse this into the Sweet Dreams! Dream applies a body scissors and drags Thompson to the mat as the crowd get behind Thompson to escape. Thompson struggles but can't get out, but after much trying, he slowly manages to roll up out of the move to a standing position again, before hitting an ace crusher out of the move! Thompson then tosses Dream over the top onto the ramp before following him out and throwing him down to the floor into the crowd! Thompson then takes a run up and flies off at Dream with a body press to a huge pop, before dragging him through the crowd back down to ringside and rolling him into the ring and covering for a 2.9. Thompson slides out and grabs a chair before re-entering and awaiting Dream standing up. The crowd pop as Thompson goes to strike Dream, but Dream pulls him down into the referee, knocking him down! With the referee down Thompson cracks Dream with the chair before waving to backstage, where Daniel Estacado runs out to huge heat. Thompson picks up Dream and holds him for Estacado to hit as Estacado goes for a chair shot, but Dream ducks, Estacado knocking Thompson down and out! Estacado is irate and stamps up and down before Dream clotheslines him out to the floor, before covering Thompson. The referee recovers and counts to three, handing Dream the win! Dream celebrates in the ring as an incredibly annoyed Thompson slowly gets up and heads backstage to look for Estacado!
Winner: Maurice Dream

Manipulator vs. 'Hotstuff' Hernandez (EIWA)
Hot Stuff Hernandez enters first on his BSW return for just one final match to a big pop, accompanied by the man who brought him back, the Rumour Guy. Manipulator enters next to his theme, 'Chemicals Between Us' by British rock band Bush, to much heat. Straight away in the ring Manipulator goes to work on Hernandez, nailing some kicks to the mid section before pushing him into the corner and pulling his shirt up over his head, making him susceptible to overhand chops, reddening his chest. Manipulator then sends Hernandez into the other corner and charges for a shoulder charge, but Hot Stuff moves, sending Manipulator into the post. Hernandez then drops Manipulator with a powerslam as he stumbles out of the corner, covering for a two count. Hernandez then sends Manipulator into the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block, before locking on a rear chin lock on the ground. Manipulator powers up out of this and hits some elbows to the mid section before dropping Hernandez with a DDT for a two count. Manipulator then tries early for his Descent to Hell, but Hernandez counters with a back body drop over the top to the floor, the Rumour Guy getting some cheap shots in on Manipulator to a huge pop only to end up getting decked by the returnee who is made irate by the shots! The angry Manipulator tries to re-enter but Hernandez kicks him away before trying an axe handle smash off the apron, but Manipulator counters with a big boot to the face. Manipulator then rams Hernandez shoulder first into the ring post, before hitting a back drop suplex with a hammerlock on the outside. They take it back in the ring where Manipulator hits a shoulder breaker followed by a sitting arm bar on Hernandez. Hot Stuff struggles to the ropes but gets dragged back into the middle of the ring. Once again Hernandez tries to get to the ropes, and he grabs the referee, dragging him down to crawl over to reach the ropes easier to a big pop. The hold is broken and Hernandez begins to come back, hitting some strong punches, before ducking a clothesline attempt and hitting a belly to belly slam for a two count. Hernandez signals for the end and tries for the Super Power Kick, but Manipulator ducks, Hernandez ending up landing awkwardly on his shoulder, allowing Manipulator to capitalise with a cross-arm northern lights driver! It looks a sure three count as Manipulator covers, but the Rumour Guy tries to distract the referee, only to get knocked down again by Manipulator. Hernandez has had enough time bought for him however, as he spins Manipulator around and tries for a big powerbomb, but Manipulator slides down into a DDT before picking up Hernandez and hitting his Descent to Hell! Manipulator covers for the three count and a return victory in the BSW!
Winner: Manipulator

Super 12:
'Franchise' Cooper Tate vs. Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado
The pyros once again go off, signifying a Super 12 match. Daniel Estacado makes his way out first to huge heat, the crowd booing him all the way down to the ring. Cooper Tate enters next to a mixed reaction, the crowd still unsure what to make of him since his head injury. Tate and Estacado straight away lock up but Tate is overpowered, getting shoved away into the corner. Tate shakes it off and tries to lock up again, but he just gets shoved into the corner a second time. Tate tries once more to lock up but this time Estacado hits a big kick to the midsection before locking on an armbar. Tate tries to roll out of the move but Estacado holds on before repeatedly yanking Tate's arm up and down, ending it by cockily pushing his face into the mat. The crowd boo as Estacado goes to the corner and poses, before jumping back down and applying a face stretch with his boots to Tate. Estacado then drags Tate to the corner and runs his boot across Tate's face a couple of times before again throwing him face down to the mat, before mockingly spinning around on his back amateur wrestling style, which draws more heat. Tate backs off and calls for a time-out, but Estacado just runs up and boots him right in the face, busting Tate's head right above his eyebrow wide open! Estacado sends Tate into the corner and nails a big shoulder charge before hitting a snapmare out of there and following it with a kick to Tate's back, before locking on a cocky Delphin Clutch which Estacado breaks himself at two. Estacado tosses Tate through the ropes to the floor before climbing onto the ring apron and hitting a clothesline off it, before scooping up Tate and powerbombing him against the guard rail! Estacado rolls in then out of the ring to break the 20 count, before grabbing one of the guard railing pieces and delivering a delayed piledriver onto it, Tate by now a bloody mess. Estacado rolls him into the ring and cockily covers with one foot, but breaks it himself again. Estacado signals for the end and scoops up Tate, dropping him with a huge jumping tombstone piledriver which gets a groan from the crowd on the impact, before covering Tate properly. However, Tate surprises everyone by kicking out at 2.9! Estacado looks shocked as he picks up Tate and nails him with a clothesline before sending him into the ropes and trying a back body drop. However, Tate telegraphs this and hits a face buster on Estacado, before sending him into the ropes himself and nailing a huge spinebuster. The crowd pop hugely as Tate picks up Estacado and nails an arm drag, using the fundamentals he was learning this past week with Alex Sanders, before dropping Estacado with a vertical suplex for a two count! Tate then goes top rope and hits a huge missile dropkick on Estacado, becoming more and more confident by the minute, before trying his Showstopper! Estacado elbows his way out and tries for the Final Destination, but Tate backdrops out of it before hitting the Showstopper! He covers 1…2… the masked man from Rave pulls the referee out and slides into the ring with a chair! The man that went after Tate on Rave throws the chair to Estacado who cracks Tate, before telling Estacado to hold Tate for him. The masked man picks up the chair and goes to hit Tate, but doesn't see Bucky Thompson come through the crowd to ringside. Thompson hides behind the ring apron, and as the masked man goes for the chair shot, pulls Tate under the bottom rope through Estacado's legs to the floor, Estacado getting cracked with the chair! Thompson has got his revenge as he escapes through the crowd, Scarlet chasing the masked man to the back. Tate rolls in and scoops up Estacado for the Showstopper, before covering sloppily for the three count from the recovering referee! Tate goes through as Thompson gets revenge on Estacado, the alliance over already!
Winner: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Tag Team Match:
Triple S / 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
vs. Hannibal King / Tank
This one was over almost before it even got started. Early into the match, the leader of the Legends Alliance, Venom, makes his way down towards the ring with a baseball bat in hand. As Venom nears the ring, 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall comes running from the back with a steel chair as the crowd pops. Venom turns around only to get clocked by the chair. The ring empties as Hannibal and Tank head after Jay and Triple S and Anderson go after King and Tank. The six men brawl on the entrance ramp as the referee counts both teams out.
Winner: Double count-out

They continue to battle until they are eventually broken up by security. Later in the night VP Rumour Guy announces that Jay Hall, Triple S, and Mike Anderson will face Venom, Tank, and Hannibal King on Rave in a No DQ Match.

Junior Heavyweight Title Match:
'Come Out And Play' Rules:

(Wrestlers draw numbers Royal Rumble style, and numbers one and three start out taking on numbers two and four in tag action. When someone is pinned, the next person enters to take their place. When two participants remain, they square off one on one to determine a winner):
'Style In Action' Frankie Manns
vs. Steve Hall vs. Stevie Jay (EIWA) vs. Suicide Kid vs. 'Dragoness' Candy Fujita vs. 'Lion Heart' Tony Balboa vs. Action Jackson vs. 'Superstar' (NWF)
The crowd pop as the ring announcer goes over the rules with them once again, before the music begins for the first entrants. 'Bad Blood' by Ministry hits as the crowd go crazy and Action Jackson of the MTX enters as the first man, before 'It's Tricky' by Run DMC blazes out and Stevie Jay enters to some heat, the crowd not taking to the outsider. The two stare down as the third man is revealed to be Steve Hall, who enters to huge heat from the Los Angeles crowd, before Stevie Jay is joined by the second outside competitor in the match, Superstar. So the match begins…

Action Jackson and Steve Hall vs. Superstar and Stevie Jay
Jackson and Jay start off, exchanging arm drags before Stevie Jay locks on an armbar. Action Jackson rolls and flips out of this before hitting a Japanese arm drag followed by a flying head scissors. The two stand off to light applause before locking up again, but this time Stevie Jay kicks Jackson in the mid section before slamming his head backwards to the ground to some heat. Jay then springs back off the ropes with a flying elbow, before tagging in Superstar, who enters with a slingshot elbow on Jackson. Superstar then sends Jackson into the ropes but the MTX member hits a headspring back into a hurancanrana on Superstar to a big pop, before levelling him with a jumping toe kick. Jackson then tags in Steve Hall who hits some kicks to Superstar's mid section before getting him in the corner and nailing some overhand chops. Hall then whips him into the other corner and nails a charging shoulder before connecting with a textbook snap suplex, allowing Action Jackson to come in with a top rope elbow drop for a two count. Jackson then sends Superstar into the corner and sits him up top before going up and trying a top rope hurancanrana, but Superstar manages to hold on before coming off with a missile dropkick and a tag to Stevie Jay. Jay comes flying in with a springboard clothesline before sitting Jackson up top and trying for his top rope ¾ turn neckbreaker! However, Jackson pushes him away before delivering a middle rope missile dropkick, following with his superkick! Jackson covers Jay for the three and the first elimination! 'Crazy Train' hits and Tony Balboa is next out for his BSW debut…

Action Jackson and Steve Hall vs. Superstar and Tony Balboa
Jackson and Steve Hall try to capitalise early, isolating Superstar as Tony enters, Jackson hitting a splash in the corner before whipping Superstar into a leg lariat from Steve Hall. Hall covers but only gets a two count Hall then scoops up Superstar and hits a cradle shoulderbreaker, before climbing up top. However, Tony Balboa finally enters and dropkicks him, before bringing him down with a hurancanrana. Balboa then grabs Steve Hall for a tiger suplex, but he is hit from behind by Jackson with an enzuilariato, before Superstar makes the save. Steve Hall tries to capitalise as Jackson and Superstar battle on the outside, nailing a hurancanrana pin for a two count but Balboa rolls through and gets a pin himself. Steve Hall then tries to roll through into a sharpshooter, but Balboa kicks him off and drags him down into a double arm fujiwara! Steve Hall just about reaches the ropes but as he makes his way back to his feet Balboa charges and gets a rolling cradle pin for a two count, followed by a backslide for another two. Steve Hall seems to be fading as Balboa hits a huge brainbuster, before going up top and signalling for a 450 splash. However, Jackson manages to shake off Superstar on the outside and enters the ring, bringing him down with a top rope headscissors. Steve Hall recovers from the attack before and scoops up Baloboa for the Depth Charge, making him the second elimination. 'Biggest and the Best hits as the crowd go crazy for the returning Frankie Manns…

Action Jackson and Steve Hall vs. Superstar and Frankie Manns
Jackson and Hall again try to get the quick elimination, Jackson hitting Superstar with his superkick before Hall hops up top for his diving headbutt. However, Manns sprints down to the ring and nails him with an arm drag off the top, sending him right into Jackson! Manns then sends Hall into the corner and nails a few kicks and chops on Hall, before wrenching the arm and nailing a charging lariat on him in the other corner. On fire, Manns knocks Jackson off the ring apron, but walks right into a lariat then a jumping DDT from Hall. Hall makes the tag to Jackson who comes in and nails a sweet fire thunder driver before hopping to the corner and trying a corkscrew leg drop. However, Manns moves at the last minute, before ramming Jackson's shoulder into the corner. Jackson tags Hall who comes in with a springboard hurancanrana, but Manns counters with a Liger bomb! Manns then tries a hurancanrana, but matching him move for move, Steve Hall hits a Liger bomb of his own. Steve then signals for the end and tries for the Depth Charge, but Manns slides down and pushes him to the outside before distracting the referee, allowing Superstar to fly out with a huge body press! Manns then follows suite, nailing a huge Flying Space Tiger Drop to Hall, before rolling him back in and going up top. Manns signals for the end and goes up for his floatover neckbreaker, but Hall dodges. However, Manns lands on his feet and knocks Jackson off the ring apron before nailing a huge cradle piledriver on Hall! Manns then signals to Superstar who flies in with his Arabian Facebuster (minus the chair), before Manns hops up top and comes down with a senton atomico! Manns rolls up Hall tight for the pin and the next elimination! Manns and Superstar start to beat on Jackson then as 'Bad Boys' blazes out of the PA system and Suicide Kid charges in for his BSW debut…

Action Jackson and Suicide Kid vs. Superstar and Frankie Manns
Suicide Kid runs down but straight away Manns charges and hits an elbow suicida through the ropes on him. Manns then tries to whip Suicide Kid into the steps but the new star jumps up and sits on them, before kicking Manns in the face and coming off with a tornado DDT onto the floor outside. Suicide Kid then slides into the ring and takes out Superstar with a flying head scissor takedown before hopping onto the middle rope and nailing a Asai moonsault for a two count, Manns recovering to save. Jackson pulls Manns away however, sending him out to the ring apron before springing up onto the turnbuckle and coming off with a lariat to Manns, knocking him to the floor. Suicide Kid calls Jackson over and the two hit a double team exploder suplex followed by a double fisherman's buster on Superstar. Suicide Kid calls for the end and goes up top, but Manns re-enters and brings him down swiftly with a hurancanrana. However, Jackson still has room to capitalise, nailing Superstar with a superkick as he rises before rolling him up tight for the three count! Manns rolls to the outside for a respite as 'Get Ur Freak On' plays over the PA system and Candy Fujita runs down to the ring for her BSW debut…

Action Jackson and Suicide Kid vs. Candy Fujita and Frankie Manns
Manns and Fujita charge into the ring and straight away start to lay into their opponents with chops, before Jackson and Suicide Kid do the same, Jackson and Manns spilling to the outside. Suicide Kid drills Fujita with a falling front slam before going for an Asai moonsault, but Fujita manages to roll him up mid air with a school boy as he hops onto the ropes for a two count! Quite surprised, Suicide Kid nails her with a boot to the midsection before sending her into the ropes, but she dives right out onto Action Jackson! Suicide Kid follows out with a springboard body press to Manns, before rolling him into the ring and nailing a flying leg drop for a two count. Suicide Kid hits a couple of chops on Manns before whipping him into the ropes and trying for a lariat, but Manns ducks and tries a roaring elbow. However, Kid ducks that and tries an elbow which is blocked, but as Manns goes for a punch Kid spins him round and hits a big release German suplex, which gets applause for the men in the ring from the crowd. Suicide Kid hops up top and nails a moonsault across Manns' back, but he can only get a two, getting left wondering how much more Manns can absorb. Suicide Kid hooks Manns' arms and lifts him to a tiger driver, releasing him on the way down to a jacknife style pin, Fujita saving at two. Suicide Kid signals for the end and tries for his finisher, the second rope legsweep, but Manns desperately fights back with elbow shots, before grabbing Kid's head and hitting a Shinraui neckbreaker out of nothing! The move takes a lot out of both men as they crawl to their corners and try for the tag, Kid getting there first. Jackson runs in and stops Manns, hitting one dragon screw and holding on for a second. However, Manns capitalises with an enziguri, before tagging in Candy Fujita! Fujita enters with a missile dropkick, before hopping up on Jackson for a hurancanrana. Jackson catches her and tries a powerbomb, but Candy reverses again right up into a hurancanrana pin for a two count! Fujita then hits a stiff kick in the corner, followed by a shotei palm strike to the face, dropping Jackson down to the mat in a bronco buster position! The crowd pop as Candy runs up, but are surprised as instead she dropkicks Jackson right in the face! She then hops up top as Suicide Kid re-enters and comes off with a cross body, but Suicide Kid catches her, only for Manns to take his knee out with a dropkick. Fujita drops on for the three count and the elimination! The crowd expect no-one else but all of a sudden the sound of Bongo Drums blazes over the PA system, and out comes 350 pound Afrikka, the man once known to the BSW as Kamala!

Action Jackson and Afrikka vs. Candy Fujita and Frankie Manns
All three men look surprised as the big man makes his way down. Fujita charges first and tries a lariat, but Afrikka just stands there before hitting a big headbutt to her! Manns then tries to come in with a springboard cross body, but Afrikka catches him and applies a bearhug before tossing him to the ground. Afrikka then sends Manns into the corner and hits the Headhunter as Jackson sits off on the ring apron, not sure what to make of his partner. Afrikka then hits a huge jacknife powerbomb on Manns, before going and trying for a sit down on the chest. However, Manns rolls out, Afrikka hitting the mat hard, and Manns and Fujita then hit a double sliding dropkick to his face! Dazed, Afrikka stands up as Fujita tries a cross body but gets caught, only for Manns to dropkick his knee. He won't go down, but then his own team-mate Jackson joins in, helping Manns take his legs out! Jackson, obviously not wanting to face Afrikka later, jumps on top of Fujita to help the cover, followed by Manns, all three wrestlers pinning Afrikka together to eliminate the surprise competitor!

Action Jackson vs. Frankie Manns and Candy Fujita
Jackson turns to the ropes and starts to look at Afrikka over the ropes, still a bit shell shocked that he entered, as behind him in the ring Manns and Fujita look at each other, before grabbing Jackson and delivering a double team northern lights suplex! The Comedian doesn't know what hit him as the pair hold him down for the three, making them two the last entrants in the match!

Frankie Manns vs. Candy Fujita
They start off quickly, exchanging arm drags before Manns locks on an armbar, which Fujita flips out of only to get lariated down. Manns then sends her into the ropes and nails a tilt-a-whirl slam, going for the quick win, but Fujita kicks out before nailing a sunset flip for a two count. Manns rolls through on it into a figure four pin, but both show great strength in bridging up out of the pin into a backslide from Fujita, which gets a two also. Fujita then runs at Manns an applies a bodyscissors followed by an armdrag, before charging and knocking him to the outside with a push. Fujita then signals to the crowd before hitting her 3rd rope quebrada to the outside! Fujita rolls Manns into the ring and covers for a two count, before trying an Irish whip. Manns counters, but Fujita springs up into her handspring elbow, only for Manns to catch her and nail a backdrop suplex for a two count! Manns then sends her into the corner before hitting a jumping knee, followed by a huge superplex which only gets a two count. Manns then hops up top, but Fujita manages to scramble to the ropes, pushing him off, before springing up for a very rapid hurancanrana for a two count. Both are tried by now as Candy tries another 'rana variation, but Manns counters with a huge Liger bomb for two! Manns then sends her into the corner and hits a spinning heel kick before setting her up in the corner in a tree of woe! Manns tries the sliding dropkick but Fujita powers up out of the move, before attempting a tornado DDT. However, Manns counters with a big dropkick and goes for another superplex, but, both stood on the top, Candy comes off with a huge sunset flip for 2.9! As Manns gets up, Fujita rocks him with a shotei palm strike, before somehow hitting her dragon suplex hold for another long two count! Fujita signals for the end and hops to the ring apron, before coming in with the Candycanrana! She covers tightly, but only gets a 2.9! Fujita seems to wonder what she has to do to win as she hops up top and comes off with a twisting senton, but Manns moves, before quickly capitalising with his floatover neckbreaker, only getting a two himself! Manns senses that he needs to pull out something special to win, and with the crowd more hyped than ever throughout the match, he sits Fujita up top, before climbing to the middle rope and nailing a Michinoku Driver II off the top! Fujita is out of it as Manns heads up top once again and flies down with a senton atomico, before covering. Both competitors exhausted, the referee counts to three awarding Manns the Junior Heavyweight title! Both get a standing ovation as Manns celebrates in the ring!
Winner and first Junior Heavyweight Champion: Frankie Manns

US Title Match:
Pinfall wins US Title:

'Big Shot' Bob Peil / 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall / Bucky Thompson
vs. Venom / Crazy C / Lil J
The MTX members enter first to 'Bad Blood' by Ministry, closely followed by BSW owner and president Bob Peil who gets a huge pop. A flashback shows the fans the Rumour Guy announcing that the match would be no DQ apart from interferences prior to the show, before Venom and The Psychotics enter to huge heat. Straight away all six men go at it, Peil squaring off with Venom as Thompson and Hall fight with Crazy C and Lil J. The Legends Alliance clear house but the three faces slide back in and the fight continues, this time Peil and co. getting the upper hand and spilling the Legends to the outside. The Legends slide back in but the MTX members and Peil start to stamp on them, there referee finally getting four out of the ring leaving Bucky Thompson wrestling his second match of the night up against Crazy C. Thompson chops away at Crazy C, before the Psychotic nails a poke to they and sends Thompson into the corner before charging with an avalanche. Crazy C then throws some chops at Thompson, but The Comedian spins him around and hits some more chops of his own, before backing off and charging with a shoulder charge. Thompson then tags in Jay, who jumps into the ring and hits a high kick on Crazy C, before hitting a scoop slam followed by a knee drop to the face for a two count. Jay then hops out of the ring and comes back in with a slingshot knee roll, before locking on a magistral cradle for a two count, broken up by Venom, which brings in Bob Peil, but the referee stops him, allowing all three Legends Alliance members to attack Jay in the ring. Crazy C then scoops him up and drops him with a scoop piledriver, before taunting Peil, who enters again, but the referee stops him, allowing all three Legends to stomp away on Jay again. Crazy C then sets up Jay in a tree of woe before standing on his crotch on the top rope! To make it worse, Venom and Lil J run along the ring apron and hit baseball slides to his face, before the referee gets Crazy C to break up the hold. Crazy C calls for a chair from Venom, who tosses it in. Crazy C charges at Jay in the corner, but Jay dodges, before hitting a roaring elbow into the chair. However, Jay feels the full force of it as well, and before he can make the tag Crazy C pulls him back before hitting a nice kick to the arm, followed by a tag to Venom. Venom throws Jay into the corner before tossing the chair at Peil, bringing him in again. The referee again holds him back as Lil J and Crazy C enter too, but Venom waves them away, saying he wants Jay to himself. However, this proves just to be a façade to fool the crowd, as all three men turn around and starting kicking the hell out of Jay! The crowd boo heavily as Venom drives his boot into Jay's throat before setting the chair up and springing off it with a splash in the corner for a two count. Venom then tags in Lil J who runs over and knocks Thompson and Peil off the ring apron as Crazy C and Lil J hold upside down, allowing Lil J to strike with an axe kick to Jay's lower regions! Lil J then drops Jay with a fisherman's suplex, before rolling through to a fisherman's buster for two. Lil J then tags in Crazy C and holds Jay Hall, allowing Crazy C to taunt him and then, remembering the no DQ rule, hit another low blow to big heat. Crazy C then tries a hurancanrana but out of nothing Jay hits a powerbomb! However, the recovery doesn't last long as Lil J and Venom enter and drag him back to the corner before hitting him with a double suplex. Crazy C then grabs the chair again and charges at the corner, clocking Jay right over the head, sending him down to the mat. As Jay slowly gets up it is revealed that he's been bust wide open, but Crazy C doesn't let up, hitting a huge fire thunder powerbomb onto the open chair! Crazy C sends Jay back into the corner and Lil J and Venom hold him still as Crazy C steps out of the ring and grabs a micro scooter from under the ring along with a crash helmet. The crowd boo as cockily Crazy C opens Jay's legs in the corner before donning the helmet and trying to scoot into Jay! However, at the last minute Jay manages to wriggle free and knee him in the head, before elbowing Venom and Lil J away and picking up the chair and clocking Crazy C with it! Both men go down as Jay crawls slowly to his corner, trying to make the tag, but Crazy C cuts him off, locking on a waist lock. However, Jay hits a back kick low blow, before jumping and hitting a roundhouse dropkick to Crazy C! Jay tags both Thompson and Peil at the same time as Venom and Lil J jump in too, only to be taken out by stereo spears by Thompson and Bob! Bob mounts Venom and starts laying in with punches as Thompson sends Lil J into the ropes and drops him with a dropkick before rolling him up with a magistral cradle for a two. Thompson then nails Lil J with a scoop slam, before holding his legs open and shouting a certain Budweiser advert slogan. The crowd know what is coming next as Jay Hall hops up top and comes down with a leg drop to Lil J to a big pop, before Jay sits Thompson up top and launches him off Iconoclasm style into a senton atomico on Lil J for a two count, the referee having lost track of who the legal man is. Crazy C saves, but he is soon taken out by Peil, who locks on the Extra Inch on Crazy C! Meanwhile, continuing their comical WWF mock, Jay Hall does a small rain dance before Thompson shoves him and begins to shout 'Get the…', but the two just stop mid sentence and motion to stop the mimicking and get back to action, jumping out of the ring and grabbing a pair of tables! They set one up on the outside before bringing the other one into the ring, which gets set up in the corner. Bob Peil helps them to put Venom on the table as Jay Hall whips Thompson at it for a spear. However, Lil J jumps in front to take the shot, stopping Venom going through the table, before Venom pushes Bob away and lariats Jay down, and goes up top. He is about to come off, but Jay knocks the ropes, and goes up top for his top rope exploder. However, Venom blocks and stands up top, seemingly going for a top rope front suplex. Bob Peil spies this and dives out onto the ring apron with the chair, striking Venom across the back and pulling him off. Venom tumbles off towards the table, but manages to pull Jay down too, the pair going through the table together! Peil looks on realising that he'd accidentally caused Jay to go out, only to turn around right into a powerbomb from Crazy C into the table in the corner! Crazy C thinks he must have won the title with that, making the cover on Peil, but Thompson pulls him off before scooping him up and dropping him with a powerbomb onto the micro scooter! With everyone else still down, Thompson goes up top and hits his Punchline frog splash for the 3 and the title victory!
Winner and new BSW US Champion: Bucky Thompson

Super 12 Final
Maurice Dream
vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
The pyros go off on the ramp for the final time this evening as the crowd go crazy knowing that the BSW Super 12 final is imminent. 'Shut Em Down' hits and Maurice Dream enters first to a big pop, wearing a 'BSW Super 12 Final' t-shirt. Cooper Tate enters next to just as big a reaction, also wearing a Super 12 finalist shirt. The two have their attire checked by the referee before the bell rings and we are underway! They surprisingly begin with a clean lock up, Tate applying an arm bar which is reversed into a hammerlock by Dream. Tate jumps up and hits a snapmare out of this, but as he leans down to attack Dream is tripped up, allowing Dream to dive on and apply a front facelock. Tate grabs the ropes with his feet, forcing the break and some applause from the crowd. The two shake off their knocks and lock up again, this time Tate getting a side headlock which he wrenches on hard. Dream tries to suplex his way out of it but Tate turns mid air and brings him down into a front facelock on the deck, before motioning round onto his back and trying for a rear naked choke. The crowd pop for this but the cheers turn to applause as Dream gets his feet on the ropes and the two stand off again. Tate hops up and down confidently as it appears he is finally getting back to grips with how to wrestle as the two lock up again. Tate manages to roll around into a rear waist lock and tries to take Dream down to the mat amateur style, but Dream lands on his knees. Tate goes for it again, and again Dream ducks. Tate loosens his grip and nails Dream with some forearms to the back, before trying a German suplex. However, Dream lands on his feet again and nails Tate with a lariat, before standing off and motioning to Tate to uses his head to a pop from the crowd. Tate backs off holding his head before shaking it off and locking up again. Dream goes for a side headlock but Tate pushes him into the ropes and nails a knee to the midsection, sending Dream tumbling over. Tate then drops a diving fist before rolling Dream up for a two count. Dream tries to back off but Tate catches him with a running elbow, knocking him through the middle rope. Tate runs over and surprises everyone with a tope atomico to the outside, landing perfectly on the fallen Dream, before ramming him back first into the railing and rolling him back into the ring and covering for a 2. Tate then tries an Irish whip on Dream, but the ex-world champion reverses right into a big spinebuster on Tate, regaining control of the match. Dream then scoops up Tate and hits a scoop slam before going middle rope and hitting a reverse splash for a two count. Dream complains to the referee about a slow count as he sends Tate into the corner and tries a charging avalanche but Tate gets a boot up before springing over to the ring apron. Tate tries to spring in with a high risk move, but as he lands on the top rope Dream turns around and catches him with a lariat, sending Tate crashing from the top right down onto the floor, catching the ramp on the way down. A small 'holy shit' chant is started as Tate lies awkwardly on the floor and Dream makes his way out, before picking him up in a bearhug and ramming him into the ramp. Dream then rolls Tate onto the ramp and goes up himself as well before hitting a huge belly to belly suplex right back onto the ramp. Dream then nails Tate with a huge football tackle as he stands, before dragging him back into the ring and covering for two and a half. Dream sends Tate into the ropes and ducks down for a back body drop, but Tate telegraphs it and tries for a facebuster. However, Dream manages to break it and nail Tate with a huge choke bomb, getting another close two count. Dream seems to be getting impatient as he tries another Irish whip, which results in Tate sliding under the bottom rope. Dream follows him out, but Tate outwits him, coming back in and dropkicking him through the ropes. Tate then hops outside and tries for what looks like it will be an Asai moonsault, but Dream hops up on the apron and catches him mid air again, ramming him atomic drop style into the ring post off the ring apron! Tate sits crotched against the post as Dream re-enters and drags him in through the middle rope, before locking on the Sweet Dreams! Tate struggles but refuses to give up, so Dream lifts him up and looks ready to suplex him out of it! However, as he tries to throw Tate over, Tate hooks his feet on the ropes mid air, causing the rope break. Irate at this, Dream pushes the ref away and goes for the Wake Up Call on Tate, but the Franchise manages to push Dream into the ropes before catching him with the Showstopper as he comes back! Tate is still hurt from before and therefore can't put everything into the cover, Dream kicking out at 2.9. However, it is enough to give Tate some confidence back as he jumps up on Dreams shoulders for what looks to be a hurancanrana but instead comes down with a big face buster! Tate covers, again getting a two count, before throwing Dream out onto the ramp. Tate signals that he's going to throw Dream off the ramp, and tries a suplex down to the side, but Dream reverses and drops him with a brainbuster on the ramp, before picking him up and nailing a belly to belly suplex, both men falling to the concrete below! The crowd start another 'holy shit' chant as the pair slowly return to the ring, giving the match their all. Back in the ring Dream grabs Tate and tries a stiff lariat, but Tate ducks and tries one of his own. Dream hits an elbow, rocking Tate, before both spin around and hit each other with roaring elbows at the same time! Both men go down as the referee starts the 10 count, the men getting up at 8. Tate is first up and tries a second roaring elbow, but he is decapitated with a stiff lariat from Dream for 2.9! Dream signals for the end and nails tries the Wake Up Call again, but Tate pushes him away, only for Dream to duck a lariat and hit his trademark! Dream covers, but all of a sudden out of nowhere the masked man arrives again with a chair. However, Dream sees it coming, and boots the chair into his face, before Shea Monroe jumps on the man and rips the mask off. The crowd look in anticipation and see that the man is Alex Sanders! Back to the action and Tate tries the Showstopper in the ring but Dream reverses into the Sweet Dreams to a huge pop, but out of desperation Tate hits a low blow before grabbing Dream and hitting a huge release tiger suplex, only getting a 2.9! Tate knows he's got to pull out something big and goes up top, the crowd popping as he tries a tumbleweed splash! However, Dream rolls out of the way at the very last second possible, before leaping on Tate and getting the Sweet Dreams cinched in, applying a body scissors as well! Sanders tries to interfere but Shea Monroe pulls him off the ring apron, Tate having no choice but to tap out! However, as the referee looks, Tate is lying down on Dream in a pinning position! The referee has no idea what to do, and therefore counts Dream down for the 3! The crowd seemed confused until the referee gets on the mic and announces it as a draw, Tate having tapped whilst pinning Dream! Maurice Dream and Cooper Tate are the joint 2001 Super 12 champions! After the match Tate returns backstage nursing his injuries, celebrating along the way as Dream celebrates amongst some pyros in the ring, both looking slightly pissed off that there was no clear winner, both therefore getting a title shot. However, out of nowhere Dark Knight suddenly appears behind him in all the commotion, and drops his world title on the floor before delivering his Knightfall onto it! Dark Knight ruins the celebrations as he stands over the fallen Dream as the show goes off the air.
Winner: Double pinfall/tap-out - both men earn a title shot on Rave!