from the MCI Center in Washington, D.C.

(A video package of past BSW events is played at the beginning of tonight's RAVE as the scene goes outside the arena to show a black limo arriving with only Deana Knight inside. She is dressed in all black and has black silk roses in her hand. The scene then goes inside the building where a lot of pyrotechnics shoot off and spotlights circle all around the arena quickly. Finally the lights come on and the scene shifts to two familiar faces, if you are familiar with BSW and UAW where Conrad Jones and Chef Sallaad are sitting at the announce table.)

Conrad: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the first Sunday Night Rave of the year 2001 and the return of the BSW. I am Conrad and here with me right now is former UAW head commentator, Chef Sallaad. Welcome to the BSW, Chef.

Chef: Thank you Conrad, it is great to be working for the BSW even if it turns out to be a temporary thing. Tonight though we have a lot of action lined up for these fans as we see TWO four corners matches, one with Texas Tornado rules and the other under regular rules both with the first pin fall winning the match. Then we have a Stairway From Hell match and to top it all off, we have a big championship battle royal to determine the singles champions in the BSW, the World Champ, the Intercontinental Champ and the US Champ.

Conrad: That is the line-up and rundown of tonight's matches, so now let's go to the ring for the first match, the Texas Tornado four corners match, so let's get it started!

Four Corners Texas Tornado Match (first pinfall wins):
Maurice Dream
vs. Mr. Late Nite vs. Dark Knight vs. Hannibal King

Maurice Dream and Hannibal King a wait inside the ring for the arrival of Mr. Late Nite and Dark Knight. Deana Knight comes to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Deana: I have finally realized the truth and I have realized my husband is dead. Now, I ask you for a moment of silence for him.

(The whole arena is quiet for a few moments, then Deana leaves the ring and leaves only the question of where is Mr. Late Nite.)

(The BSW-tron comes on to show Mr. Late Nite laid out in the back with the same mysterious wrestler who attacked the "jobbers" standing over him.)

After seeing this has happened referee finally says to ring the bell and starts the match with just Maurice Dream and Hannibal King. There is a clean lock-up in the center of the ring and King takes the first advantage getting Dream in a headlock. Dream tries to throw King off, but King holds on and wrenches on the headlock. Dream tries once again to no avail as King holds on and wrenches at the headlock again. Dream now trying another method of escape. Dream standing up and side suplexing King. Dream and King both a little slow to their feet but not too slow as both are back up. Maurice Dream and Hannibal King are feeling each other out in the ring and each one is trying to get a hold of the other. Finally Dream gets King and whips him into the ropes, leap frog by Dream off one side, drop down by Dream off the other and Dream with a devastating drop kick knocking King through the ropes to the outside. King slow to get up and Dream follows him out. Dream picking up Hannibal King and ramming his back into the side of the ring once... twice… three times before the King can grab Dream and turn away dropping to the mat and locking on a reverse dragon sleeper type submission hold. Dream refusing to submit and King releases the submission. Both men are down and making an attempt to get up. King coming to his feet slowly and so is Dream. King is up and Dream is right behind him. Dream goes for a right hand, King blocks and nails a right of his own. Dream goes for another right hand which King blocks and returns fire with another of his own. Dream changes strategies now with a knee to the midsection and a double axe handle to the back that knocks King to his hands and knees. Dream with a kick to the side, and another. Dream picking up Hannibal King and pushing him back into the corner, a chop by Dream and an Irish whip to the other corner, Dream following Hannibal King and Dream with a big splash. Kings tumbles out of the corner and Dream locks in the Sweet Dreams. King trying to fight it off, but to no avail as he finally goes out. Maurice Dream drops the Sweet Dreams and covers King. The referee counts, 1… 2… 3.

The Winner: Maurice Dream

Chef: Your winner of that great match, Maurice Dream, but Conrad, what about the attack by that mysterious person on Mr. Late Nite and the now seemingly for sure death of Dark Knight? Who do you think that mystery guy could be, and why would he attack Mr. Late Nite?

Conrad: I don't know and we'll have to get to the bottom of this. My condolences go out to the Knight family. Like I said, though, we'll have to get to the bottom of that later but next up is the other four corners match, under regular rules with the first pin fall or submission getting the win.

Chef: All four of these men showed up, so we are now ready for this match so lets go to ringside to see Daniel "The Devil" Estacado, Crazy C, Bucky Thompson and "Downtown" Frankie Manns go at it!

Four Corners Match (first pinfall or submission wins):
Daniel "The Devil" Estacado
vs. Crazy C vs.
Bucky Thompson
vs. "Downtown" Frankie Manns

The four men all walk to the center of the ring. Crazy C and Frankie Manns start off as do Bucky Thompson and Daniel "The Devil" Estacado. Crazy C backs Manns into the corner and nails him in the stomach with a shoulder block and another and there's a chop. Thompson and Estacado lock-up and fight for the advantage there. Estacado gets a head lock but Thompson quickly throws him off into the ropes. Estacado comes off and Thompson hits the opposite side ropes coming off with a big shoulder tackle. Crazy C puts Manns on the top ropes and climbs up. Crazy C then jumps up and connects with a hurracanruna off of the top rope. Bucky Thompson leaves Estacado and takes off nailing Crazy C with a big bulldog. "Downtown" Frankie Manns is back to his feet and there's a big body slam on The Devil. Bucky Thompson drags Crazy C to his feet and whips Crazy C into the ropes, nailing him with a Lou Thesz press and hammering away with right hands to the head. On the other side Downtown Frankie Manns has picked up Daniel "The Devil" Estacado and attempts a suplex but Devil blocks it and comes back with a roll up for a two count before Bucky Thompson breaks it up with a kick to the side of Estacado. Bucky goes back over to Crazy C and nails him with a power bomb. On the other side though, The Devil got back to his feet and nailed both Crazy C and Bucky Thompson with clotheslines that knocked them out of the ring. Manns stumbled to his feet right into a Final Destination from Estacado and Estacado goes for the pin and gets the three for the win.

The Winner: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

(After the match a BSW cameraman and reporter try to get some comments from "Downtown" Frankie Manns who came so close to winning the match. When they enter Manns' locker room they find him unconscious with an "In Hannibal we trust" t-shirt laying beside him. Manns receives medical attention. The injury is nothing too serious but enough to keep him out of the battle royal later tonight.)

Conrad: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado gets the victory in this four corners match. All four men put up a great fight but "The Devil" put up the best and walks into the big battle royal later tonight with a four corners victory. Chef, what a match.

Chef: A great match it was, indeed. Next though, we have the Stairway From Hell match as a man I watched set the UAW on fire, "Hot Stuff" Hernandez takes on Viper.

Conrad: That's right the match starts out in the basement, but it doesn't end until one man has made his way up the ladder to the Singapore cane and I think that they are now ready for the match and both men are now entering the basement so, lets go to the basement now!

Stairway to Hell Match (first one to grab the cane hanging from the ceiling is the winner and gets to cane his opponent 10 times / match will start in the basement and progress to the ring):
"Hotstuff" Hernandez
vs. Viper

Hot Stuff is seen in the basement first and Viper is now entering, and the door is closed. Viper runs at Hernandez, and attempts to spear him but Hernandez tries to block it by grabbing a hold of Vipers head and hammering away as he goes down. Viper and Hernandez rolling around on the ground trading rights, until Hot Stuff finally is able to throw Viper off. Both men are finally up and Hernandez reaches and grabs a lead pipe that is lying there, and swings it, nailing Viper in the stomach. Viper doubled over and Hernandez attempts to nail Viper with the pipe again, but Viper ducks and nails Hot Stuff with a clothesline that knocks him to the ground. Hernandez, though quick to come backup and shakes the cobwebs out. Viper grabs a chair and nails an unaware Hernandez in the head with it. Hernandez almost goes down, but doesn't as he is able to hold his balance but is noticeably a little stunned. Viper nails Hernandez with the chair again to the head, knocking him down and busting him open. Viper reaching down, grabbing Hernandez by the head and pulling him up. Viper pushing Hernandez hard towards the large steel doors. Hernandez is able to put the brakes on and turn around grabbing Viper and propelling him face first into the steel. Hernandez ramming Vipers head into the steel again. Hernandez with blood pouring down his face into his eye. Hernandez opens the door and throws Viper through it grabbing the chair and following him out of the basement. Hernandez nails Viper in the back with the chair, right through the curtain towards the ring. Viper stumbles on to the ring and Hot Stuff grabs the ladder walking to the ring and throwing it inside. Viper gets back to his feet and he and Hernandez once again trade punches with Viper getting a thumb to the good eye of Hernandez where there was no blood. Viper setting the ladder up and he's climbing up. Hernandez can't see. Viper is just about to the cane but Hernandez stumbles into the ladder and Viper falls a straddle the top rope. Hernandez with a big drop kick that knocks Viper off of the top rope and out of the ring. Hernandez setting the ladder up and climbing to the top. Hernandez reaching he's just about got it. Viper sliding back in, Hernandez stepping up to the next step and he's just about got the cane. He's untying it. Viper pushes the ladder and Hernandez falls but the cane goes with him and he wins the match. Both men are laid out on the mat. Hernandez and Viper get to their feet and Hernandez still has the cane .Hernandez slaps Viper across the head with the cane. That's ONE. Then goes to beating him in the back as the fans count: TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE. Hot Stuff stops. He picks Viper up and ties him up in the ropes and lashes him across the head for number TEN.

The Winner: "Hot Stuff" Hernandez

Chef: What a grueling match! Hot Stuff Hernandez and Viper just gave each other a beating out of this world but it the end, Hernandez came out with the win and now these two must go on to the championship battle royal in an attempt to become a singles champion.

Conrad: I don't know if either man will make it to that match. Both took a beating and both are busted open. What we are trying to do now is find out if Hernandez and Viper will be in that match. We just got word that both men will be in that match, but to what extent will they be able to go?

Chef: I don't know. I know that they will have to be bandaged up.

('Could It Be' by Jaheim comes bursting over the PA system as a fairly short man in glasses, suit trousers and a BSW T-shirt carrying a leather bag comes out through the entrance. The crowd seem unsure whether to cheer or not as it's a new face to the majority of them. As the man slides into the ring, the ring announcer announces who the guest is...)

Conrad: What? This isn't on the schedule. Ladies and gentlemen... the BSW presents to you, the Rumour Guy!

(Crowd pop...)

Rumour Guy: Thank you very much for the warm reception, I certainly wasn't expecting that. For those of you who don't know me, I am one of the two reporters and regular columnists on the BSW website, the BSW Rumour Guy, but tonight I'm taking a break from being the man breaking the news by making the news myself.

When the BSW returned, I'll admit, I was very, VERY excited. You look at the talent that has been at the top throughout the years at the BSW and you'll see why I had reason to be excited; iNDO pIPER, Black Ice, our owner Bob Peil, Michael Wright, the DoD, the Millennium Team, the list goes on and on. Even those hated by many such as Psycho Sam could raise a smile on a wrestling mark's face. However, one thing was missing from the original line up. No, it wasn't a wrestler, or even one of th old BSW Stables. It was a title.

The hardcore title.

Since I started working on the staff side of things at the BSW we've seen some of the greatest hardcore battles around, from Psycho Sam vs Crazy C, to Dragon X vs Jay Hall, to Kamala and Bruce LeRoy's runs as hardcore champions. And when I look at this federation and see guys like Crazy C being deprived of this... lifestyle, it disappoints me.

Here in my hand I hold my BSW contract. Although I am nothing but a columnist and news reporter, it does state that I have a certain degree of power here in the BSW. Not wanting to go into this detail too deeply, it does state that in CERTAIN, EXTRADORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES I have a certain degree of power on the booking team. And considering this is something of an extraordinary circumstance, I am going to do something which may anger some people backstage.

(The Rumour Guy reaches into his bag. the crowd look in anticipation as he pulls out an unseen title belt...)

I present to you, endorsed by no-one but the BSW Rumour Guy, the Underground Hardcore Title!

(Crowd pops big time!)

I am going to end this bullshit! With the talent here we could put on shows which rival anyone. Forget ECW, FMW, CZW, BJPW, anyone in the world who claims to be extreme. The BSW has always been about fun, and has always, to me, been about the fans. If what the fans want is hardcore, hardcore is what the fans damn well get!

Bob Peil hasn't sanctioned this title. Justin Blaze hasn't sanctioned this title. This is my title, my division. And it'll be my tournament that kicks it all off. That's right, starting, provisionally, two weeks from this Sunday is the BSW Rumour Guy's 100% Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament! And yes, that is the full title! The prize for the winner? The Underground Hardcore Title!

Each match will have a stipulation, and the tournament will feature 8 wrestlers. As for who they will be, they will be whoever gets to me first. That's right, the first 8 to contact yours truly ( will be entered. You will know who has been accepted soon enough.

With that said, there is little more to say, than the BSW Rumour Guy knows where you live! See you all in the BSW Rumour Guy's 100% Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament!

(The Rumour Guy leaves to a huge pop, although some of the crowd seem unsure whether to cheer his rebellious action or not.)

Chef: Can you believe what we've just heard? What an announcement from the BSW Rumour Guy! I wonder what the President Big Shot and VP Hot Shot think about all of this. Well, it looks like we are about ready to start the battle royal. The participants are headed towards the ring which means it's time to see who our World Champ, Intercontinental Champ and United States Champion will be!

Championship Battle Royal (winner of the Battle Royal becomes World Champion, runner-up becomes Intercontinental Champion, and second runner-up becomes United States Champion):
"Big Shot" Bob Peil, "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze, Hannibal King, "Hot Stuff" Hernandez, Maurice Dream, Viper, Daniel "The Devil" Estacado, Crazy C, Bucky Thompson, Da Miami Thrilla

All 10 men are in the ring. They start all fighting. Hernandez back with Viper trading shots. Hannibal King back trading rights and lefts with Maurice Dream. "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze is hid back in a corner of the ring. "Big Shot" Bob Peil is fighting Da Miami Thrilla. Bucky Thompson grabs Blaze and nails him in the face with a hard forearm and presses him over the top rope and that's the first elimination. Daniel "The Devil" Estacado grabbing Crazy C and giving him a kneelift to the midsection. Estacado trying to put Crazy C over the top rope. Da Miami Thrilla backing Big Shot to the ropes and Thrilla with a quick lift and he eliminates the Big Shot!!! Crazy C fighting to keep from going over. Estacado fighting to get him over and there'sHannibal King who helps Estacado throw Crazy C out. Bucky Thompson grabs King and hits him with a reverse DDT. Thompson picking King up and trying to get him over the top rope. King is fighting it. Someone is running down the entrance ramp and he jumps on the apron of the ring. It's JAY HALL!! Hall grabs King and pulls him over the top rope, eliminating him. Security quickly gets there to keep King and Hall apart. Hernandez pressing Viper and he throws him over the top rope. Maurice Dream grabbing Da Miami Thrilla from behind and whipping him into the ropes. Thrilla tries to hold on, but he misses and Dream back body drops him out. Hot Stuff Hernandez comes from behind Daniel "The Devil" Estacado and tosses him out. Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on Hot Stuff Hernandez is on the outside and Dark Knight is in the ring. Hernandez gets up and tries to reenter the ring, but the refs tell him he was eliminated and escort him out. In the ring Maurice Dream and Dark Knight work together on Bucky Thompson, and they eliminate him with a double press slam. Bucky Thompson is the US Champion. Maurice Dream quickly grabs Dark Knight and hoists him over the top rope and Dark Knight is eliminated. Dark Knight is the Intercontinental champion and the new World Champion is Maurice Dream. He gets the World title and is celebrating when someone jumps the guardrail and attacks him. Once you see his face it is revealed that it is Superstar Shane Sullivan. "Hot Stuff" Hernandez runs back out from the backstage area and the three fight until BSW security breaks it up.

United States Champion: Bucky Thompson
Intercontinental Champion: Dark Knight
The Winner and New BSW World Champion: Maurice Dream

Conrad: Dark Knight's not dead he is the BSW Intercontinental Champion. He no-showed the Texas Tornado Match and was smart there. Bucky Thompson is the new BSW United States champion and Maurice Dream is for the second time the BSW World Heavyweight Champion!

Chef: What a Battle Royal, I thought that Hot Stuff would be one of the champions before Dark Knight entered but when the lights went off he was eliminated somehow and when they came back on Knight was there! The BSW is back and they are a force to be reckoned with. I hope that I get to stick around.

Conrad: That it is and I hope you get to stick around too. We are out of time for this week though, so we'll see you next Sunday for RAVE right here on the BSW channel. Stay tuned to this channel or our website for next weeks card. For Chef Sallaad and everyone else in the BSW family this is Conrad saying good night and we'll see you Sunday!