from the Compaq Center in Houston, TX
line-up for 01.14.01

Night of Stipulations

(The scene shows outside the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas where RAVE is taking place tonight. The big sign out front reads BSW SUNDAY NIGHT RAVE "NIGHT OF STIPULATIONS" SOLD OUT!! A video package is shown and it shows clips of last week. The scene then shifts inside where pyros go off and when the lights come on the camera pans over to the BSW Announcers table.)

Conrad: Hello fans of the BSW and welcome to this weeks edition of BSW Sunday Night RAVE. I'm Conrad and as last week I am along side Chef Sallaad. Welcome back to the announce table here in BSW permanently Chef. We have a big card booked for you and I think you'll love it.

Chef: Thank you, Conrad. It's great to now be here on a permanent basis. As for tonight's big RAVE it has been entitled the "Night Of Stipulations" and with great reason as EVERY match on the card has some type of stipulation.

Conrad: That's right, our main event is a three-way dance with a special referee in Hannibal King and President "Big Shot" Bob Peil and Vice President "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze as the commentators. Right now though let's go to the ring for Peace Breaker vs. the Anarchist.

Table Match :
Peace Breaker
vs. "Anarchist" Mike Anderson

With two tables setup inside the ring and four setup outside the ring it was obvious that we are ready to start this match. The two lock-up in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie-up. The Anarchist grabs the advantage and wrenches on Breaker's arm. Peace Breaker reverses the arm bar and sends Anderson against the ropes; Breaker nails Mike with a huge clothesline. Peace Breaker then slaps on a reverse chinlock. Anderson fights his way to his feet and breaks the hold with a couple of elbows to the mid-section as it's too early for a move like that. The Anarchist picks Breaker up and hits him with a nice, textbook suplex. Anarchist stays on Peace Breaker as he hits him with one of this trademark moves, the Anaracharana (huricanarana). Anderson goes for the pin but only gets a two count. As Peace Breaker gets to his feet he hits Mike with a couple of heavy right hands. With Anderson reeling Breaker catches him with a side thrust kick that is right on the mark. Breaker follows that up with a big legdrop but decides not to go for the cover. Instead the Anarchist gets to his feet and catches Peace Breaker with a knee to the groin and places Breaker on one of the tables in the ring. The Anarchist then climbs to the top rope to attempt the Anarchy Dive (swan dive headbutt). The Anarchist leaps high into the air but Peace Breaker rolls off the table and the Anarchist lands head first onto the table breaking it in half. The match is not over however as Breaker did not put the Anarchist through the table. Peace Breaker now rolls the Anarchist outside the ring where he hits him with a couple more big right hands before setting the Anarchist up on the table. The Peace Breaker too gets up on the table looking to finish the match. Peace Breaker then looks around at the fans before setting up the Anarchist for his jumping inverted piledriver and nailing it through the table.

The Winner: Peace Breaker

Chef: Another great math provided by the superstars of the BSW! Peace Breaker just put the "Anarchist" Mike Anderson through a table! OH MAN! WHAT A MATCH!

Conrad: A spectacular showing from the two and Peace Breaker just BROKE THE PEACE driving "Anarchist" Mike Anderson through a table! Next though we have a SKY WALKER match. Technical Wrestler VS. Hardcore Brawler.

Chef: "Downtown" Frankie Manns takes on 2Xtreme and they are in the ring at 15 feet in the air NOW let's go to the air!

Sky Walker Match (ring raised 15 feet above floor):
"Downtown" Frankie Manns
vs. 2Xtreme

Both "Downtown" Frankie Manns and 2Xtreme get into the ring while it is being hooked up and then the ring starts being hoisted into the air. When it reaches it's destination of 15 feet above the arena floor it stops moving and the bell rings. Both men come out like it's a regular match and not like they know that one false move could end their career. 2Xtreme comes running at Manns but Manns leapfrogs and Xtreme bounces off the ropes coming very close to the edge of the ring. The crowd gasps. Manns hits Xtreme with a hip-toss. 2Xtreme kips back up. 2Xtreme goes to kick Manns, Manns catches his foot, and Xtreme turns it into a sweet inzagurri. Xtreme now takes the time to yell "Oh Hell Yeah" to the fans but the fans boo him unmercifully. While 2Xtreme has his back turned yelling at the fans far below, Manns grabs Xtreme and nails him with a reverse DDT. Manns keeps the pressure on my locking in a boston crab. Eventually Manns relinquishes the hold. The two are both back to their feet. Manns grabs Xtreme and attempts a snap suplex but 2Xtreme blocks it. Again Manns tries and again Xtreme blocks it. 2Xtreme then turns it into a falcon arrow type move. 2Xtreme then picks Manns up and takes him over to the ropes where he attempts to throw Manns out of the ring. Xtreme grabs Manns' head and throws him over the top rope but Manns grabs onto the bottom rope and is dangling there 15 feet above the arena floor. 2Xtreme turns around and once again cocks off to the crowd thinking that he has won the match. Manns manages to pull himself up and slides underneath the bottom rope. Manns slowly walks up behind 2Xtreme and nails him with a standing dropkick right in the back that almost sends Xtreme out of the ring. 2Xtreme catches Manns with a thumb to the eye and takes him over to the corner. Xtreme heads to the top rope to attempt a tornado DDT but Manns hits him with a couple of chops and then pushes him off the top rope and out of the ring. 2Xtreme falls 15 feet to the floor where he lands on his back. The BSW medics are on the scene immediately. Their initial diagnosis is that he had the wind knocked out of him and some bruises but nothing too serious.

The Winner: "Downtown" Frankie Manns

Conrad: The Technical wrestler just beat the Hardcore Brawler in a hardcore match when he threw 2Xtreme out of the ring and 15 FEET to the ground! 2Xtreme has to be hurt and the ring is back to the ground!

Chef: The BSW always keeps you on your toes. "Downtown" Frankie Manns gets the win there and next for the NUMBER ONE contendership to the US title in a STRAP MATCH.

Conrad: These two are two of the craziest people in the BSW right now. "The Devil" takes on Crazy C! To the ring as both men are tied together with the strap!

Strap Match (winner is #1 Contender for United States Title):
Daniel "The Devil" Estacado
vs. Crazy C

The ring is lowered back onto the floor and the cables unhooked. Daniel "The Devil" Estacado and Crazy C are both in the ring and being attached to the 12 foot leather strap by the referee. The bell rings and we are ready to decide the Number 1 Contender to the BSW United State Title. The two start in the middle of the ring with a little shoving contest. The bigger Devil pushes Crazy C down to the ground then proceeds to wrap the strap around C's neck and choke him with it. Crazy C manages to unwrap the strap from his neck and uses the strap to pull the Devil into a big-time spinebuster. Looking to pick up the quick win, Crazy C starts go for the turnbuckles and hits two of them before the Devil slides the rope between C's legs and crotches him. The Devil then hits Crazy C with a russian neck drop using the strap. Scarlet cheers on the Devil outside the ring. The Devil tries to keep him momentum going by hitting Crazy C with a tilt-a-whirl driver but it is counted by Crazy C who then hits the Devil with an evenflow DDT. Crazy C then picks the Devil up, decreases the slack in the strap, and throws the Devil into the ropes. Crazy C then yanks on the strap in an attempt to pull the Devil's arm out of its socket. "The Psychotic One" Crazy C slowly walks over to the Devil. C picks him up and is going to attempt a belly-to-back suplex when it is countered by the Devil who nails a full nelson face drop. The Devil only touches one turnbuckle before Crazy C hits him with a rock bottom type move. Crazy C then heads to the top rope to attempt his trademark move, Simply Psychotic (shooting star press). The Devil pulls on the strap, pulling Crazy C off the turnbuckle and onto the top rope once again crotching him. The Devil pulls C off the top rope but Crazy C stops the Devil's momentum with a rack of the eyes. The Devil retaliates by grabbing Crazy C's head and bites it. As the Devil is sinking into Crazy C's head, Crazy C gets a little revenge to two earlier nut shots by kneeing the Devil in the bean bag this time. The Devil drops to his knees but when Crazy C walks over to take advantage, the Devil with the Human Torch (fireball spit). The Devil drags a blinded Crazy C around the ring and touches all four turnbuckles to win.

The Winner and US Title Number 1 Contender: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

Chef: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado just drug Crazy C around the ring and touched all four corners to get the win and he is now NUMBER ONECONTENDER to the BSW United States Championship!

Conrad: Crazy C tried but in the end The Devil "burned" Crazy C and came out on top in this strap match. Coming up next though is a Stun Gun match and the ladder is in the aisle way. This match is almost ready to go.

Chef: The participants, VP Hot Shot and Jay Hall are in thering, I don't know but something smells a little fishy if you will as this could be a set-up by the Big Shot, we'll find out now though as the ref is ready to begin this match!

Stun Gun Match (stun gun hung above ring):
Jay Hall vs. "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze

Hall and Blaze with a clean lock-up in the center of the ring and they are jocking for position; Hall into a head-lock. Blaze trying to push him off; Hall wrenching in the headlock. Blaze finally able to push Hall off and Hall with a big shoulder block off the ropes. Blaze goes down and Hall hitting the ropes again, this time on the opposite side and Blaze dropping down; Hall leaping over and Blaze jumping to his feet and there's a huge hurracanruna. Blaze immediately outside and headed for the ladder. Hall getting back to his feet and Blaze getting his hands on the ladder and bringing it back to the ring. Blaze back almost to the ring and Hall hitting the far-side ropes and coming off with a baseball slide through the ropes and swings back around in the ring. Hall going to the outside, picking up both the ladder and Blaze and throwing both back in the ring. Hall following Blaze in and stomping on Blaze while he is down. Hall placing the ladder in the corner and picking Blaze up, Hall with the whip and Blaze goes into the ladder and then rolls outside as he comes out. Hall sets the ladder up and climbs up to the top and he grabs the stun gun. Blaze sliding back inside the ring and Hall zaps him with the stun gun, and then pins him for the ONE, TWO, THREE! Suddenly, Bucky Thompson and "Downtown" Frankie Manns run down to the ring and the three of them beat on VP Hot Shot until BSW Security drags them out of the ring and they walk up the ramp. Security helps the VP to the back.

The Winner: Jay Hall

Conrad: The Vice President of this company just took a beating and what is this from Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson and Frankie Manns? Are they some type of group or something?

Chef: I don't know. I do know that the VP will be back out here a little later and we'll ask him then what he has to say about what just went on. Next we have "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter debuting in a LAST MAN STANDING match-up against the man who was attacked and forced out of his match last week, Mr. Late Nite.

Conrad: We'll see what happens as right now, we go to the ring for this particular match!

Last Man Standing:
Mr. Late Nite vs. "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter

Not waiting for the lock up Slaughter opens up with a few hard chops to Late Nite's chest. Stunned for a second Late Nite comes back a boot to the midsection before whipping Slaughter into the ropes, Late Nite off the opposite ropes tries a shoulder block but it's a stalemate with Slaughter, both trying again with no winner. Slaughter snatching Late Nite and dropping him with a DDT. Slaughter helping Late Nite up from the mat and lifting him for a body slam, throwing him over the ropes and out of the ring. Slaughter going off the far ropes as Late Nite is slow to his feet, Slaughter going over the top ropes and slamming into Late Nite with a fierce flying body press. Slaughter up first and going under the ring, grabbing a chair and waiting as Late Nite gets to his feet, Slaughter with a Huge slam to Late Nite's head with the chair! Late Nite beginning to bleed from a cut on his forehead. Late Nite Coming back with a few blows to Slaughters head. Slaughter Stumbling back as Late Nite drops him with a running clothesline. Slaughter still down as Late Nite hits him with a huge elbow drop. Both men now slow to their feet. Slaughter with a boot to the mid section looking somewhat winded as he locks Late Nite up dropping him with a piledriver. Slaughter going under the ring and dragging out a table, barely getting it set up before Late Nite drops him with a flying body press. Both Men getting their second wind they are quick to their feet, a flurry of chops and punches are traded Slaughter breaking it with a head butt. Slaughter locking Late Nite up and Dropping him with an impaler DDT. Blood running into Late Nites eyes as Slaughter opens the wound more. Slaughter finding a trash can, climbs into the ring and up to the top rope, Late Nite slow to his feet finds a trash can to the head as Slaughter jumps. Dropping the trashcan Slaughter snatches him up from the ground by his hair and locking him into a pumphandle putting him through the table with the Show Stopper!!! Slaughter then lifting him to his feet and whipping him into the ring post, Late Nite unsteady on his feet. Slaughter locking him up once more for the Show Stopper and putting him down on the trashcan!! The Referee starts the count… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!!!

The Winner: "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter

Chef: The Showstopper Aaron Slaughter able to pull out a big victory in this his debut match-up with Mr. Late Nite. Both men put up a fight but Slaughter got the ten count and walks out of RAVE undefeated in the BSW!

Conrad: Yes, "Showstopper" is a great competitor but our next match is sure to be a "slobber knocker" with a non-title Houston Street Fight! Chef: That is right, we must now go back to the ring as BSW United States Champion Bucky Thompson goes up against Da Miami Thrilla. This match has already began in the back, so lets go to the back!

Non-Title Houston Street Fight (if Thrilla wins, gets US Title shot within a month):
Bucky Thompson vs. Da Miami Thrilla

AThese two men are in a back hall-way. Da Miami Thrilla with the advantage as he has attacked Bucky from behind, Thrilla slamming Thompson's head into the wall a few times and then pulling him back into the wide open spaced area and swinging Thompson into the chairs. Thrilla walking towards a trash dumpster full of weapons, and he jumps up inside of the dumpster. Thrilla grabs a kendo stick and climbs back out of the dumpster. Thrilla walking towards Thompson with the kendo stick swings it at Thompson but Thrilla misses and Thompson grabs the cane. Thompson taking the cane away and slapping Thrilla across the head with it. Thompson pulling Miami Thrilla beside him and slamming him against the mat with a white Russian leg sweep. Thompson going for the cover in the hall… one, two, thr… no Thrilla kicks out. Bucky Thompson dragging Thrilla up, but Thrilla with a knee to the lower gut and a DDT! Both men laid out on the ground barely coming to. Thrilla is the first up and Bucky is just about to his feet as well, but Da Miami Thrilla nail him with a right hand. Thrilla tries another but Bucky ducks under kicks him in the abdomen and throws him out towards the ring. Thrilla and Thompson fight through the backstage curtain and out to the ring. Thrilla throws Thompson into the ring post but suddenly, Jay Hall and "Downtown" Frankie Manns run out carrying a 2X4 and a chair. They nail Thrilla with the weapons then throw him into the ring where Bucky Thompson nails him with a Death Valley Driver then pins him for the win. Jay Hall and Frankie Manns enter the ring and Hall gets the ring microphone.

The Winner: Bucky Thompson

(Crowd are booing like crazy)

Jay: Shut the hell up, every one of you inbred little retards! You've all witnessed the fate of VP Justin Blaze and this little punk lying motionless in the ring first hand. Bob Peil, signing 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson and Frankie Manns to BSW contracts was a dumb mistake that you will regret, I can guarantee you that. Soon enough you'll all see that there's a new force in town, a force that'll stop at nothing to take over this federation. And believe me, the checks my mouth is writing... our asses can cash them without effort!

(He throw the microphone to the mat and the three walk out)

Conrad: What on Gods green earth is going on here? First, they attack the VP, which is death as it is and then they attack Da Miami Thrilla who Thompson is teaming with "Big Shot" Bob Peil and "Hot Stuff" Hernandez to take on Da Miami Thrilla and Mr. Unskinny in a handicap match!!!!

Chef: That match has been anticipated since it was added just a few days ago after all the talk by these competitors and just a couple days ago Bucky Thompson was added. Right now, though we need to go to the ring where the title is hanging from the ceiling outside and the cage is up!

Conrad: It is a cage/ladder match where you must escape the cage and climb the ladder to the belt hanging from the ceiling and once you have that in your hands you are the winner and Intercontinental champion!

Intercontinental Title Cage/Ladder Match
(must escape cage then climb ladder to belt hanging from ceiling):

Dark Knight (c) vs. Viper

Dark Knight and Viper never even thought about locking up as, as soon as the cage door was locked they went after each other each tying to get the upper hand on the other attempting waist lock take downs and power moves but neither man could get it that way. Finally, both men realized this wasn't working and backed off. They are pacing around the ring and finally they are trying a lock-up. Dark Knight throws Viper off and runs at him but Viper quickly jumping back to his feet and grabbing Dark Knight ramming him face first into the cage!! Viper grabbing Dark Knight in a waist lock and hitting an over-head belly-to-back suplex! Dark Knight is down and slow to get up. Viper grabs him by the head and is helping him up, but Dark Knight drops to his knees pulling Vipers head with him and driving his lower jaw into his upper jaw. Viper and Knight down and Dark Knight is headed for the door crawling trying to get out. Knight about halfway out when Viper grabs his foot and drags him back in. The referee closes the door back and Viper and Dark Knight are both back to their feet, slugging away at one another and Dark Knight takes back to advantage for a second whipping Viper into the ropes and attempting a back body drop, but Viper stopped himself right at Knight's head and grabbed him up with a big power bomb. Viper, still a little dazed himself, is slow to get up but he beats Knight up and takes off right for the cage, climbing the cage and headed to the top. Dark Knight is to his feet and sees Viper almost out of the cage. Knight jumps up on the top rope and pulls Viper down throwing him to the mat. Knight hops down and walks over to Viper grabbing him by the head and picking him up. Viper still a little stunned, fires away with a right fist to the stomach of Dark Knight! Viper nails a quick DDT on Knight and rolls over to the cage door. Viper gets out of the cage and starts climbing the ladder. Out of nowhere, Daniel "The Devil" Estacado runs out and climbs up behind Viper nailing Viper with forearms to the kidney as Dark Knight starts to get out of the cage and once he does, Estacado grabs Viper and power bombs him from about half-way the 15 foot ladder! Dark Knight jumps on the ladder and climbs to the top grabbing the Intercontinental title to remain the champion!

The Winner and still BSW IC Champion: Dark Knight

Chef: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado just cost Viper the BSW Intercontinental GOLD and I know Viper won't be to pleased with that. Our winner of that match, though, and still BSW Intercontinental champion, Dark Knight!

Conrad: Dark Knight and Viper both gave it a good run and on this night, Dark Knight just barely escaped the Compaq Center as the Champion! Next though, is our anticipated Handicap match where a lot is gonna be settled, or at least we hope it will be settled, with Hot Stuff Hernandez, Big Shot Bob Peil and Bucky Thompson taking on Da Miami Thrilla and his "twin brother" Mr.Unskinny.

Chef: This match has the makings to be great and it's now time for these five competitors to get it on one more time right here in the center of the ring!

Handicap Match :
Da Miaim Thrilla & Mr. Unskinny vs.
"Big Shot" Bob Peil, "Hot Stuff" Hernandez, & Bucky Thompson

Da Miami Thrilla and "Hot Stuff" Hernandez starting the match stepping into each others faces and talking a little trash to each other then quickly taking it to the next level with right and left punches which the Thrilla got the best of at first. Thrilla got Hernandez in a half-nelson early in the match, but Hernandez used his raw power to muscle out of the hold and turn Da Miami Thrilla into an arm bar. Hot Stuff pushing up on Thrilla's arm and he's reaching out and there's the tag to "Big Shot" and Peil comes in the ring with a tomahawk chop to the arm. Big Shot kicks Thrilla in the gut and whips him into the ropes reaching out and tagging Hot Stuff back in and as the Thrilla comes off the ropes he catches Hot Stuff with a big flying clothesline. Thrilla with a spinarooni and he reaches out and tags in Mr. Unskinny. Mr. Unskinny comes in and picks Hot Stuff up backing him into a far corner and chopping him across the chest and again. Hot Stuff grabs him and spins him around into the corner and lays in a hard chop, and another, and another, then whips him into the far corner and catches him with an inverted DDT as he comes off. Hot Stuff tags in Bucky Thompson for the first time in this match. He comes in and grabs Mr. Unskinny up dropping him with a big body slam. Da Miami Thrilla coming in to try to help his "Brother" but Bucky meets him and Hot Stuff and Big Shot come in and nail Mr. Unskinny with a double power bomb. The referee gets Bucky back in his corner and puts Da Miami Thrilla back out of the ring. Hot Stuff reaches out and tags Bucky then hops into the ring and grabs Mr. Unskinny. He hits the Hot Stuff Drop and then goes for the pin. Da Miami Thrilla tries to come in to help him, but Big Shot and Bucky Thompson cut him off, so Hot Stuff gets the three!

The Winners: "Big Shot" Bob Peil, "Hot Stuff" Hernandez, & Bucky Thompson

Conrad: Hot Stuff Hernandez makes the pin and the team of Hot Stuff, Big Shot, and Bucky Thompson gets the win! A lot of talk went on in just the short time this match was announced and now, Mr. Unskinny and Da Miami Thrilla put up a great showing!

Chef: That they did, but they weren't ready for these odds. Our main event is next though and joining us at the commentators desk is the "Big Shot" Bob Peil and "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze. Welcome, to the announce position!

Big Shot: Hey Chef, Conrad, it's great to be here. As you just saw, Hot Stuff, Bucky and I taught those two punks to think before you speak. Now, we got this big 3-waydance with King as the referee. This match is for the World Title, that is the reason why we put King as the referee.

Hot Shot : Man, this will be worse than that beating I took a little earlier. Those three, by the way don't know what they are gonna take a bite of if they continue to attack me. Now, onto tonight's match, noone but King could have even come close to controlling these three. Now, King is ready to begin the match, so lets go to the ring!

World Title 3-Way Dance:
Maurice Dream (c) vs. "Hot Stuff" Hernandez vs. Triple S
Special Referee: Hannibal King
Guest Commentators: President Big Shot and VP Hot Shot

Hannibal King calling for the bell and these three are ready to go. All three men pacing the ring, watching and waiting for their other opponents to make a move. Finally "Hot Stuff" Hernandez and Shane Sullivan look at each other then at Dream. The two men then both quickly attack Dream with hard left and right fists and forearms of fury. Dream hits the mat and rolls outside but Hot Stuff grabs Sullivan, who he was just teaming with and body slams him. Hot Stuff follows up with an elbow drop to the sternum. Hot Stuff back to his feet and hits the far side from Maurice Dream, ropes launching himself over the top with a HUGE suicide Dive on Dream. He hurt himself though and Dream was the first back up by just a split second. Inside the ring, Sullivan waited and when Dream slid Hernandez back in, he went right on the attack. Sullivan grabs Hernandez and whips him into the rope, nailing him with a big tilt-a-whirl side slam. Dream came back in now, and snuck in behind Sullivan grabbing him and locking on the Sweet Dreams, trying to get the early win. Sullivan refused to quit but was starting to loose strength when Hernandez got to his feet and hit Dream with a big clothesline from HELL! Hernandez uncharacteristically jumped up on the turnbuckle and showboated a bit. Sullivan and Dream both got up while he was there and when he turned around got down and turned back around, Dream and Sullivan hitting him with a double drop kick that seems to have knocked the air out of Hernandez and that knocked him back into the corner. They grab him, and there's a BIG double team snap suplex. Both men back up quickly weary of giving the other a chance to take advantage over him. Suddenly, Dark Knight and Daniel "The Devil" Estacado rundown to the ring with steel chairs and slide inside. Hannibal King with his back turned to them, and both men nail King in the head and back area with the chairs. Devil about to hit Maurice Dream with the chair but wait, he and Knight just nailed "Superstar!!" The three men working on Superstar and Hot Stuff. "Big Shot" Bob Peil and "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze hit the ring and they are battling with Knight and Estacado. King coming to and Hot Stuff from behind on Maurice Dream with a roll-up. Hot Stuff grabbing the tights and King with a quick 1,2,3 in all of the commotion. Hot Stuff Hernandez is the NEW BSW World Champion! The "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter and DJ running out to the ring! They grab the BSW World Title and Hot Stuff and Skylar and leave as "Sweet Emotions" hits the arena PA! Security breaks the fight between the Front Office and Estacado and Knight up and escorts them along with Maurice Dream out of the ring. The Frankie Manns, Bucky Thompson, and Jay Hall hit the ring and go to beating on Sullivan. Finally security gets back to the ring and gets Sullivan out.

The Winner and new BSW World Champion: "Hot Stuff" Hernandez

(The Crowd is booing the three rebels as they carry on handing out a beating to the faces. However, sudden "Could It Be" by Jaheim blazes over the PA system, as the crowd go crazy...)

Rumour Guy: Bob, you must be going crazy! You must be thinking "now what?" "why's this idiot out here?" Well, for starters, I've just witnessed three morons f*ck around and mess up tonight's card repeatedly, and with what motives? I'm not a happy chappie at that, not at all! Anyway, why am I out here you ask? What can I do? Well, after promising to deliver the Mystery Man in the 100% Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament, I thought, why not give the fans a taster of this man right now? And what better way than to right all Jay Hall and co's wrongs by booking Jay Hall vs the Mystery man right now, in a hardcore street fight!

(Crowd pops...)

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, X-RATED!

(Bad Blood by Ministry blaze over the PA system as a man in a hooded top walks out. He has a large X on the front of his top. The man walks staright past the Rumour Guy and into the ring. The crowd is going crazy as he squares up to Jay Hall, who sends Bucky and Manns out of the ring. Jay looks ready for the fight as X-Rated stops and grabs a microphone...)

X-Rated: Thanks for the warm recpetion. Now being X-Rated, I'm ready for anything, and that includes an impromptu match with your-punk-ass-self. However, there's a little more to me than just being X-Rated.

(Pulls hood back)

I'm Millennium Team X-Rated!

(Jay looks at Hopps and smiles, before all of a sudden all four men jump into the ring and attack everyone before throwing them out of the ring. Jay grabs the mic.)

Jay: I told you a new force was here! Rumour Guy, Hopps lured you right into his trap, no good news reporter can resist a scoop, and this scoop just turned on your punk ass! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you, the new-and-improved, MILLENNIUM TEAM X! Jay Hall, Bucky Thompson, Frankie Manns and Hopps will go down in history for being the biggest thing to ever happen to this god-forsaken place! Kiss goodbye to any convention, as the era of the Millennium Team X is about to begin!

(All four men pose in the ring to huge heat before 'Bad Blood' by Ministry plays and they leave to a chorus of boos louder than any other tonight!)

Chef: WE HAVE A NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHTCHAMPION AND HE IS "HOT STUFF" HERNANDEZ!!! That's not the first time I have said that and congratulations go out to him! But not only that I just realized the "The Stopper" he refers to is "The ShowStopper!!"

Conrad: That is VERY true. My congratulations go out to Hot Stuff as well, and right now, we are going to go to his locker room backstage where I understand that he, "The Showstopper" and DJ are standing by backstage!

(Backstage the camera is inside Hot Stuff's locker room. Skylar, Hot Stuff, Showstopper, and DJ are all inside with bottles of champagne popping the corks out of them and celebrating the big title win. Hot Stuff still has the blood from the chair shots running down his face. DJ looks at the camera and speaks.)

DJ: Did you see, what just happened? Shane Sullivan and Maurice Dream just made a visit to HELL and an unpleasant one it was. This man right here with the gold strap, he did what he said he would and brought it home, fairly. To the Peace Breaker, I gotta throw this in, in that Hardcore tournament, you have NO CHANCE in HELL at even contending with me!

Showstopper: True that is true. Much like this man is holding the BSW World Heavyweight title I soon too will be holding some gold of my own! Peace Breaker, you got lucky that you were put into the match against DJ and not me. This though, is a time for celebration so I'm not gonna bother with you at this time!

Hot Stuff: I told you what I was gonna do and I did it. I have the World Heavyweight Champion GOLD and next comes the WORLD Tag Team GOLD! You see, right here we are the HELLS ALLIANCE! Next week, we are in this tournament and we WILL walk out with the World Tag Team titles. To our first round opponents beware of the INTRODUCTION! I am the World Champion and I plan on being just that for a LONG, LONG time!!!

Chef: Very strong words from what we must now know as the "HELLS ALLIANCE" in DJ, "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter and NEW BSW World Heavyweight Champion "Hot Stuff" Hernandez who always has his valet Skylar by his side!!!!!

Conrad: They have set their sights on all the gold in the BSW and next week the "Showstopper" and "Hot Stuff" are in the tag tournament. What a night we had tonight! A NEW CHAMPION HAS BEEN CROWNED! Hot Stuff has finally reached what he has never been able to and a new ERA begins RIGHT NOW IN THE BSW!

Chef: I can't agree with you more there but it's as simple as this. We are out of time this week, so check out the website or this channel the BSW-TV channel for the information on our next card! Until next week, for Conrad and everyone else in the BSW family I'm Chef Sallaad saying GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!