from the Superdome in New Orleans, LA

[The scene opens up inside the sold-out Superdome in the Big Easy, New Orleans, Louisiana. The crowd is on it's feet anticipating another great BSW event. As a huge pyrotechnics display goes off the camera focuses in on the announce booth were sits "The Voice of the BSW", Conrad.]

Conrad: Hello and welcome to Sunday Night Rave. Chef Sallad has the night off. We have another great night of action scheduled for you as we have a couple of great singles matches, the start of the Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament, and plan on crowning the first BSW Tag Team Champions of the new BSW…

('Bad Blood' by Ministry plays as all four members of the Millennium Team X make their way to the ring to huge heat. They climb into the ring and all take a moment to play the crowd before Jay Hall grabs a microphone...)

Jay: Greetings to all here in good old New Orleans! You know, I really love this town, honestly, the history of it, the music, it's all great. So great, that the Jazz moved out of here for Utah years ago!

(Crowd boos loudly...)

Jay: I mean come on, can you blame them? A beautiful city like Utah or a place where all their home fans would be a bunch inbreds who all share one of only three surnames present here in New Orleans! Anyway, you may wonder why we're out here, and why I'm the one holding the microphone doing all the talking. Well, I've basically got one major challenge to dish out. You see, the night the BSW shut, I was schedueled to take on Bloodlust for the BSW world title. Obviously, that never came about, due to reasons beyond my control. I'm still pretty damn PO'ed at that, and for that reason, I want to issue a challenge to whoever is champion at the time of the first PPV in the BSW!

(Crowd starts an asshole chant...)

Jay: Yeah, yeah, takes one to know one. Anyway, whoever is champion at the time of the first pay per view, February 25th, be it Hotstuff Hernandez, Maurice Dream, whoever, you and me, one on one, mano a mano. And just to make sure it is just that, one on one, let's make it a cage match! Let's see Jay Hall have that run with the gold he never got under Peter Lowry.

('Bad Blood' by Ministry plays as the foursome walk out to a chorus of boos, having seemingly set up the main event for the first PPV...)

Conrad: What an announcement by Millennium Team X member Jay Hall! You don't have to like him but you have to admit that he deserves a shot at the World Title. We've got a lot of action to bring you tonight, so let's get it started!

Tag Team Tournament Match #1:
Twin Brother Bashers
vs. Kill Factor

At the start of the match, it looked like Da Miami Thrilla and Mr. Unskinny still might be hurting a little bit from the beating they took last week in the handicap match, while Daniel "The Devil" Estacado and Scarlet came out like a ball of fire (pun intended). The Devil kept the momentum of becoming the Number 1 Contender for the US Title going as he continued his great wrestling. During the middle of the match, the Twin Brother Bashers were able to get a little offense going as they insolated Estacado on their half of the ring. Thrilla and the Devil hit each other with a double clothesline that took both of them awhile to get up from. Finally Estacado was able to make his way to the corner to take Scarlet who came in with a couple of dropkicks one which knocked Unskinny out of the ring. The Devil and Scarlet then finished off Da Miami Thrilla with the Unholy Cross (crucifix powerbomb/neck breaker) to advance to the Semi-finals.

The Winners: Kill Factor

Conrad: What a way to start off the Tag Team Title Tournament! The Twin Brother Bashers struggled a bit but I'm sure they will bounce right back next week. Congratulations to Kill Factor who advance to the next round. Next up we've got a real power struggle, the Front Office versus Hall and Hopps from Millennium Team X.

Tag Team Tournament Match #2:
The Front Office
vs. Hall/Hopps

In this match, the team of "Raw Deal" Jay Hall and "X-Rated" Hopps proved why they are former BSW Tag Team Champions. While the Front Office had their moments of brilliance, the Big Shot and the Hot Shot didn't really seem to be on the same page. Hall/Hopps used a variety of double team moves to wear down the Front Office, while the Front Office showed their inexperience tagging with each other by a lack of double team moves and mostly just singles wrestling. Towards the end of the match, it was the Jay Hall squaring off against the man who he as traded words with all this week, the Big Shot Bob Peil. After a series of moves and counters, Hall hits Peil with his Blue Mist spit while Hopps distracts the ref. The Raw Deal then delivers the Cerebral Tap (cobra clutch swung into a neck breaker) and gets the pin on the President. The Big Shot's neck appears to have been injured by the devastating maneuver.

The Winners: Hall/Hopps

Conrad: The Big Shot appears to have suffered some sort of neck injury. Hopefully we can catch up with him later and get word on his condition. Next up is the hotly contested opening round match between the Comedians and Law & Disorder. Let's see who comes out on top in this one and advances to the semis.

Tag Team Tournament Match #3:
The Comedians
vs. Law & Disorder

In the closest of all the first round matches, momentum in this one swung back and forth too many times to count. Of course, the big question in this match would be the knee of Action Jackson. Injured sometime ago by former BSW President Peter Lowry, the doctors had not cleared Jackson to wrestle and say that he still needed more time to heal. Despite the attempts of Law & Disorder to focus on the gimpy knee, it actually held up pretty well in the first round. The team of Hannibal King and Peace Breaker worked very well together for apparently being the first time for them teaming up, while the Comedians showed their trademark teamwork that took them to the top of the BSW tag team division in the BSW first run. Towards the end of the match, things got hot as all four men were battling in the ring. During all the commotion, Bucky snuck up behind Hannibal and hit him with a bridging german suplex which King kicked out of mere milliseconds after the 3 count.

The Winners: The Comedians

Conrad: With a first round match like that, I can't wait for the Finals. Former BSW Tag Team Champions, the Comedians, just barely get past the great new team of Law & Disorder. I wouldn't count out seeing them contending for the Tag Team Titles again very soon. Next up is the last of our first round matches as Hell's Alliance takes on the team of Talis and 2Xtreme.

Tag Team Tournament Match #4:
vs. Hell's Alliance

Talis and 2Xtreme are in the ring and so are Hot Stuff and Showstopper. Hot Stuff holding his belt high in the air as the crowd boos loudly. Hot Stuff and 2Xtreme starting out and there's the lock-up. Hot Stuff and 2Xtreme jocking for position. Hot Stuff down into a headlock. 2Xtreme pushing Hot Stuff off and Hot Stuff coming off with a big shoulder tackle that knocks 2Xtreme down. 2Xtreme rolls over to his corner and in comes Talis. Hot Stuff reaches back and tags in Showstopper. Showstopper hops in and there is a big clothesline on Talis but Talis gets back up. Showstopper hitting the ropes and there's a big side kick. Showstopper tagging Hot Stuff back in. Hot Stuff picking Talis up and Hot Stuff with an attempt at a suplex but Talis reverses and nails one of his own. 2Xtreme reaches out and tags himself in. Talis gets pissed at 2Xtreme and leaves ringside leaving 2Xtreme to fend for himself. 2Xtreme in and he grabs Hot Stuff with a big body slam followed by a big elbow drop. He picks Hot Stuff up and backs him into the corner. 2Xtreme with a couple of hard chops but Hot Stuff turns him around and nails a couple of chops of his own with a hard right elbow. Hot Stuff picks 2Xtreme up and sits him on the top rope. Hot Stuff grabs 2Xtreme and nails a HOTSTUFF DROP from the top! Hot Stuff tags Showstopper. Showstopper with the pump-handle slam but stops in midair and Hot Stuff with a missile dropkick, the Introduction To Hell! Showstopper with the pin and the Hell Alliance gets the win!

The Winners: Hell's Alliance

Conrad: It looks like the team of Talis and 2Xtreme have broken up and Hell's Alliance have grabbed the last ticket to the Semi-finals. Let's give all the semi-finalists a chance to catch their breath and head to the ring for a little singles action.

DJ vs. Calib McClain

This next match was a great match pitting two of the BSW's brightest, young superstars against one another. DJ is one of the members of the new Hell's Alliance stable, while Calib McClain is a lone wolf, former street fighter. Both were accompanied to the ring by their managers, "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter in DJ's corner and Rachael Ravine in Calib's corner. DJ, who is one of the BSW's first women wrestlers, really showed off her talent as she used her great technical wrestling skills to try and counter Calib's massive size and strength. Each wrestler had their share of highlights but in the end the overpowering size and strength of the tough as nails brawler was too much for DJ. Calib finished off the match with a move he calls the Breakdown (giant powerbomb) to pick up the victory after a hard fought match.

The Winner: Calib McClain

Conrad: I'm betting that we will see a lot more from those two promising superstars in the very near future. I have just received word that the Big Shot's neck is very sore and that he will be out of wrestling action for at least a couple of week. Thank God it's nothing more serious. Now let's get back to the Tag Team Tournament as we start the Semi-finals with Kill Factor mixing it up with Hall/Hopps.

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Final #1:
Kill Factor
vs. Hall/Hopps

Daniel "The Devil" Estacado starting out the match with Jay Hall. They are feeling out the ring and each other. Hall with a quick attack on Estacado as he quickly sweeps his leg out from under him. Hopps quickly into the ring and he and Hall are already double teaming The "Devil" with a big double snap suplex. Scarlet comes in and Hopps with a Drop toe hold as Hall drops a running leg drop. They throw Scarlet out of the ring and Hall goes out. Hopps grabs Estacado but Estacado throws his arms away and clams Hopps. Estacado drags Hopps to his feet and whips him into the ropes and there's a back body drop. He follows that up with a standing moonsault. Hall slips back in though and grabs "The Devil" with a cobra clutch slam. Hopps gets up and he and Hall nail the Seasons Greetings to get the three count!

The Winners: Hall/Hopps

Conrad: Hall and Hopps once again look impressive, beating the very good team of Daniel "The Devil" Estacado and Scarlet. Hall and Hopps are on their way to the Finals, now let's see who will join them there. Will it be former Tag Team Champions the Comedians or the up and coming tag team of Hell's Alliance?

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Final #2:
The Comedians
vs. Hell's Alliance

In this long, grueling contest The United States Champion and the World Champion starting the match out. Hot Stuff attempts a running clothesline but Bucky ducks under and turns around grabbing Hot Stuff with a hard swinging DDT. Hot Stuff down and Action asking for the tag. Bucky reaches out and tags Action and Hot Stuff makes a big leap for his corner getting the tag to Showstopper who comes in and he and Action trading punches. Showstopper gets the upper hand at the first moment whipping Action into the corner but when he follows him in Action gets the foot up. Action jumps up and the second rope and he attempting a bulldog but Showstopper stops him in midair and Slaughter turning it into a power bomb. Slaughter picks Action up and nails him with a right hand then a Russian leg sweep but nails his head hard to. Showstopper gets to his corner and gets the tag and Action trying to get the tag but Hot Stuff just stops him. Action tries to fight back though, but Hot Stuff stops that by kicking Action in the knee. Hot Stuff nails Action with a quick Hot Stuff Drop and Showstopper runs across blindsiding Bucky Thompson as Hot Stuff makes the pin and gets the win. The Hells Alliance advances to the finals VS. Mellenium Team X representatives, Jay Hall and Hopps.

The Winners: Hell's Alliance

Conrad: The Finals of the BSW Tag Team Title Tournament has been set. It will be Millennium Team X members Hall and Hopps going up against member of Hell's Alliance "Hot Stuff" Hernandez and "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter. And what a great match that will be. We'll give them a chance to regroup and go over some last minute strategy as we go to the ring for singles action between Maurice Dream and Xavier.

Maurice Dream vs. Xavier

Former BSW World Heavyweight Champion, Maurice Dream, versus BSW newcomer, Xavier. There was little doubt who had the edge in this match. The technical brawler, Dream, used his great technical wrestling ability to keep the high flying Xavier grounded and left Xavier unable to mount much offense. Later on in the match, the ref is knocked out when Dream "inadvertently" whips Xavier into the ref. When this happens, Dream's stablemate, Dark Knight, comes running down to the ring with a steel chair in hand and his IC Title over his shoulder. As Xavier turns around, Dark Knight nails the unsuspecting Xavier over the head with the chair and then proceeds to deliver the Knightfall (reverse DDT) on the steel chair. As the ref begins to come to, Knight slides out of the ring as Dream applies the Sweet Dreams (tazmission) onto Xavier who is already knocked out. Xavier's hand drops 3 times and Dream is declared the winner.

The Winner: Maurice Dream

(After the match, Dark Knight grabs a microphone and has this to say.)

KNIGHT: You will all soon come to know the fear and power of the Fallen. No more games, no more hype, just pure blood pouring from everyone who steps in our path for greatness. And to our oh so brilliant boss Bob Peil, it seems that you've now got quite a problem on your hands now Bob. And though you may have managed to take the world gold from us, I've still got something you want, and the rest is still to come. My best advice old friend is for you to just sit back and watch the truly talented run this company the right way, the Fallen way.

Conrad: Dream still appears to be in top form as he dominates BSW rookie Xavier with a little help from his friend Dark Knight. The Fallen certainly seems like they will be a major force to be reckoned with here in the BSW. Next is the match that we have been waiting all night for, the BSW Tag Team Tournament Finals between Hall/Hopps and Hell's Alliance.

Tag Team Tournament Championship:
vs. Hell's Alliance

"Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter and "X-Rated" Hopps starting the match off this time and they go right into a lock-up. Hopps tries to get ShowStopper in a headlock but Showstopper turns it into a side power slam. ShowStopper goes ahead and tags in to Hot Stuff. Hot Stuff comes in and picks Hopps up whipping him into the ropes and nailing him with a big power slam as he comes off. Hot Stuff grabs him back up and pushes him into his corner. ShowStopper holds Hopps in the corner choking him. Hot Stuff has the refs attention out in the center of the ring. Hot Stuff kicks him in the stomach. Hot Stuff pulls him out and tries for a clothesline but Hopps ducks and nails a big belly-to-back suplex sending Hot Stuff's head straight into the mat. Hopps works to get to his corner and gets the tag to Jay Hall. They go right at each other and the ref tries to get them to break it up. Hall and Slaughter both nail him in the head and go back to trading punches. Bucky Thompson slips down to the ring and nails the punchline from behind on Showstopper. Hall makes the cover and Thompson wakes up the ref who makes the three count to get the win and the BSW Tag Team titles in one of the best Tag Team matches the BSW has ever seen!

The Winners and new BSW Tag Team Champions: Hall/Hopps

Conrad: The BSW has crowned their new Tag Team Champions and they are "Raw Deal" Jay Hall and "X-Rated" Hopps. What a great night of BSW action! During tonight's Rave, the BSW Rumour Guy's 100% Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament was going on outside the arena. We managed to sneak a video camera into the event and we will leave you with some of the action we caught on tape. For everyone here with the BSW, see you next week at Rave!

Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament:
BACKSTAGE MATCH: Hotstuff Hernandez vs Frankie Manns

The Rumour Guy is stood backstage to watch the match as Hotstuff Hernandez and Frankie Manns enter the room from different doors, signalling the start of the match. The match begins in the locker room area. Manns blindsides Hotstuff straight away by throwing some powder in his eyes, before ramming him into one of the lockers. As Hotstuff struggles to compose himself whilst partially blinded, Manns opens one of the lockers before slamming it shut on Hotstuff's head. Hotstuff drops down to the floor as Manns climbs up on a chair and jumps off with a fist drop, before picking up Hernandez and throwing him through the door into the corridor. As Manns follows him through, Hernandez, seemingly regaining his vision properly, manages to kick the door back into his face, before grabbing Manns and sending him crashing into the wall down the corridor. Hotstuff then grabs a chair and swings at Manns' head, narrowly missing him, before taking another shot, this, time cracking him down. Hernandez picks up Manns in a spine-buster position and proceeds to run him through another door right down to the concrete, seemingly moving them into the main backstage storage area. As Manns lies hurt, Hernandez walks over to a drinks machine by the wall, and tries to push it on top of Manns, but the Millennium Team X member narrowly escapes with a roll to the side, before coming back with a sweep kick on Hotstuff. At this point the match seems fairly even, as Manns grabs Hotstuff and sends him headfirst into the side of a lorry, before charging at him and hitting a sweet baseball slide to the knee. As Hotstuff lies hurt, Manns walks over to grab a table from by one of the food stands near the arena entrance, before setting it up next to a drinks machine. As Hotstuff begins to get up, Manns nails a low blow, before executing a suplex right on the concrete. Hotstuff looks dazed as Manns takes him over to the table and sets him up on it, before climbing up on top of the drinks machine! Manns signals for a senton splash, before all of a sudden Hotstuff kicks the machine out from underneath him, sending Manns crashing to the concrete! Hotstuff looks to have the advantage as Manns looks motionless, and climbs up on the table ready to jump off at him. However, our of nowhere Manns' stable mate Jay Hall pops out and catches Hotstuff unaware with the blue mist, before 'X-Rated' Hopps executes the gut-wrench power-bomb through the table! Jay and Hopps make a quick exit having helped their stablemate, as both men lie hurt. After a good minute of no action from either man, Manns rolls on top for the cover 1...2... shoulder up! Both men start to get to their feet, and Manns attempts a right hand... blocked... another... blocked, before Hotstuff comes back with a huge diving clothesline. Hotstuff signals for the end and moves Manns over to the fallen drinks machine, before climbing up and executing the Hotstuff Drop on top of it! Manns's head bounces off the plastic, before he rolls motionless to the floor. Hotstuff jumps down and makes the cover for a hard earned victory! The Rumour Guy raises Hotstuff's hand pronouncing him the winner as Jay Hall and Hopps along with Bucky Thompson return to help Manns back to the locker room!

The Winner: Hotstuff Hernandez

Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament:
CAR PARK INFERNO MATCH: Crazy C vs Showstopper

Both men are waiting for each other in the parking lot as the ring for their Inferno match is wheeled in. As the ring is being wheeled in, the Rumour Guy walks around alighting various objects such as a parked car, a barrel full of trash and a mattress soaked in gasoline ready for the match. The moment the ring is placed down both men hit the ring and start to go at it with a series of strong punches. Crazy C gains the early advantage, blocking a left from Showstopper and connecting with a big clothesline, before straight away dragging Showstopper out of the ring and trying to toss him onto the burning mattress. However, Showstopper blocks the attempt and connects with a Russian leg sweep onto the concrete before rolling Crazy C back into the ring. Showstopper begins to try and work over his smaller opponent with power moves, taking him out with a huge powerslam before whipping him into the ropes and connecting with a huge sidewalk slam. As Crazy C is trying to get up Showstopper nails a huge running leg drop, following it up with an elbow, before locking on a figure four to try and slow down his opponent. After holding the submission in for a good couple of minutes, Showstopper jumps out of the ring and grabs a chair from the surrounding area. As Crazy C is beginning to get up, Showstopper climbs up top and nails a chair-shot off the top, before following it up with a second shot, this time to Crazy C's knee. Crazy C seems to be struggling to get up as Showstopper takes a moment to taunt him, before firing him into the corner and nailing a huge running splash. As Crazy C slumps dazed in the corner, Aaron Slaughter follows in with another splash, before taking him up top and nailing a huge super belly-to-belly suplex into the middle of the ring! Showstopper seems to think that this is the end of the match as he dives out of the ring and begins to roll the flaming barrel nearer to the ring. However, as he sets it up how he wants, Crazy C somehow finds the strength to get to his feet and nail a sweet dropkick through the ropes, sending him stumbling back, before hitting a huge springboard somersault plancha to the outside! Seemingly gaining a second wind, Crazy C charges at Showstopper, only to get caught in another sidewalk slam, until he manages to reverse it into a huge flying head scissor. As Slaughter gets up, Crazy C hops up on the apron and proceeds to nail a massive hurancanrana right onto the concrete! Crazy C signals for the end as he grabs the burning mattress and tosses it into the ring, before grabbing a ladder from in the back of a truck parked by the ring! Crazy C rolls Slaughter back into the ring before nailing a huge jumping DDT onto the chair, still present from earlier. As Slaughter lies motionless, Crazy C goes sets up the ladder and ascends, before signalling for the Shooting Star Press! Crazy C comes flying off, only for Slaughter to somehow roll out of the way! Slaughter hops back to his feet and throws the ladder out of the ring to clear some room, before climbing out of the ring and grabbing a couple of crates from ringside. As Crazy C still lies hurt from the missed move, Slaughter tosses the crates on the burning mattress, setting them on fire too! Slaughter proceeds to pick up Crazy C, ready to finish him, only for Crazy C to nail a low blow! Crazy C takes advantage, going back up top and attempting a flying hurancanrana, but somehow Slaughter musters up the strength to catch the cruiserweight! As Crazy C tries his best to escape, Slaughter turns around and proceeds to powerbomb Crazy C right onto the crates and the mattress, setting his shirt alight! The Rumour Guy climbs into the ring and extinguishes the flames before raising Slaughter's hand the winner! However, as Slaughter starts to make his way back to the arena and the Rumour Guy helps Crazy C up, out of nowhere Peace Breaker jumps out with a chair! Peace Breaker proceeds to knock Slaughter down from behind with the chair, before setting the chair on fire using the burning barrel at ringside and cracking Slaughter across the back again! Slaughter struggles to his feet as Peace Breaker throws the chair down and disappears as quickly as he arrived...

The Winner: "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter