from the Georgia Dome in Altanta, Georgia

Jail Cell Match:
(No pinfall, no DQ, submission only. Takes place inside jail cell
loaded with weapons. Must make opponent submit to win)

vs. Calib McClain

The macth starts out as both of these warriors enter the jail cell that is packed with tons of weapons. However, the beggining of this match does not involve weapons. Calib McClain just takes it to Viper with lefts and rights for about 3 minutes. You can tell that Viper is not taking this match too seriously. Last week he was in great shape, and this week, he looks atleast ten pounds heavier and he is already sucking wind. However, this does not stop McClain from laying it down to Viper. For about the next 5 minutes, McClain uses his resources by grabbing weapons and smacking Viper around the jail cell with them. McClain uses many weapons such as a crow bar, a broom stick and some medal knucks to totally put Viper in his place. A few moments later Viper is bleeding profusely from the face and is spitting up blood. McClain can't help but to laugh at Viper seems to be half dead so soon in the match. But, McClain is having lots of fun beating the piss out of Viper, so he orders the BSW crew to unlock the cell. They follow through with this and McClain invites Rachael into the cell to get some shots in. Rachael does so... When she enters the cell, she kicks Viper in the face a few times and exits the cell. What an embarassment this must be for Viper. You can only help but to wonder how Viper will ever compete at the BSW level. But then you wonder... Maybe McClain is really that good? But your thought process soon comes to a hault as McClain picks Viper up into The Breakdown, and power bombs him into the jail cell, which he goes through. McClain then puts on a camel clutch as the ref has to call for the bell, because there is no way Viper is going to be able to tap out himself.

The Winner: Calib McClain

Daniel "The Devil" Estacado vs. Hannibal King

"Dead Souls" by Nine Inch Nails hits the PA system as from the back walks Daniel "The Devil" Estacado accompanied by Scarlet. The crowd boo as he walks down the aisle and enters the ring. As soon as he is in the ring "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath begins to play as Hannibal King walks down the aisle he reaches the half way stage then runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Scarlet quickly vacates the ring as the devil begins to put the boot in on the back of the sliding King. Daniel steps back as King raises to his feet almost unscaved by this attack. King kicks the Devil hard in the mid section and whips him across the ring. As he comes back off the ropes King falls to the floor for the step over, as Daniel approches for the second time King delivers another hard boot to the lower abdominal region of The Devil. King sets up for the power bomb however he escapes and attempts to run but King grabs him around the waist and hits a huge back suplex. King stands as the devil rolls to outside and regroups with Scarlet. King doesn't give The Devil time to catch his breath, he slides out behind him, grabs his head and drives it into the ring apron before throwing him back in the ring. King follows him, however The devil rakes the eyes of King. King stumbles backward as the ref and the devil debate ring ethics, Scarlet jumps up on the apron with a chair. She nails the blinded King on the back of his head and he falls to the floor motionless. The ref didn't see it! The devil walks away from the ref and pulls King to the center of the ring. He then applies The Darkness cobra clutch. The ref is checking on King however he is clearly unconcious so the ref stops the match, and declares The Devil the winner. Scarlet jumps in the ring to raise the hand of Daniel as the medics come from the back and load King onto a strecher.......Word comes from the back within minuites that King is fine, however, he will feel it in the morning.

The Winner: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

Triple S vs. Talis

Both competitors are in the ring and ready to start. They meet in the middle of the ring and they begin to trash talk for a brief moment. Then Tails throws a huge right hand at Triple S however it is well scouted and Triple S takes Tails to the floor with a painful looking arm bar. Triple S changes his vantage point and holds the twisted arm of Tail to the floor. He then proceeds to drop several knees onto the arm before letting Tails get to his feet. Tails walks around in a circle briefly holding his arm. Triple S awaits him to turn around and delivers a Japanese arm drag take down. Tails is in pain as Triple S drops an elbow to the chest cavity of Tails. Tails turns and lays on his front holding his chest, Triple S grape vines one of his legs and begins to apply presure. The ref is asking Tails for a submission however Tails is not ready to quit as Triple S breaks the hold. Tails returns to his feet, Triple S comes in for another attack however this time Tails is ready and strikes to Triple S's chest, Tails follows with two more blows however Tails seems to have little strength left. Triple S kicks Tails to the mid section and delivers a stinging double arm DDT. Tails is hurt and Triple S decides it is time to go for his submission manouver. He applies the Idolizer. He takes a brief moment to make sure it is locked in properly and then leans back and Tails can't stand the pain being sent down his legs to his spine. He taps out and the ref calls for the bell. Triple S's hand is raised and Tails rolls out of the ring holding his lower back.

The Winner: Triple S

Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament:
D.J. vs Peace Breaker

IThe Rumour Guy is directing a crane to place a ring down in the main street outside the arena as DJ and Peace Breaker enter from opposite sides of the road. The rules remain the same as a normal hardcore match. Both competitors then pull over a dumpster full of weapons as the bell rings and the match gets underway. They start with a collar and elbow tie up, which Peace Breaker come out on top in, shoving DJ flying across the ring. Composing herself, DJ tries again, locking up with Peace Breaker again. Once again, Peace Breaker shoves DJ across the ring. DJ shakes off the bump and goes forward again, but this time dodges the grapple attempt, before leaping on Peace Breaker's back with a sleeper hold. Peace Breaker tries to throw off DJ with no avail, before finally countering by ramming her into the turnbuckle. As DJ lies slumped in the corner, Peace Breaker charges in with a running splash, before following up with a power-slam into the middle of the ring. DJ already looks worn out as she tries to get up, only to be caught in a huge back suplex from Peace Breaker. Peace Breaker is first to go for a weapon, climbing out of the ring and grabbing a chair from one of the dumpsters. He climbs back into the ring and swings for DJ, only for DJ to duck, before nailing him with a spinning heel kick into the chair into his face! DJ follows it up with a springboard splash to try and keep him grounded, before grabbing the chair and smashing it into his knee. DJ tries for the cover but only gets a two before Peace Breaker powers out. DJ slides out of the ring and grabs a 2x4 from in one of the dumpsters, along with a table, and brings them into the ring. She takes out Peace Breaker's leg with a shot with the 2x4, which snaps clean in two, before tying his leg up in the ring ropes. Peace Breaker lies helpless as DJ sets up the table in the corner, before freeing him up. Peace Breaker hobbles to his feet as DJ dropkicks him towards the corner, before charging in with another spinning heel kick. However, as she flies at him, Peace Breaker ducks with a quick forward roll, before turning around and connecting with a spear through the table! DJ looks completely out of it as Peace Breaker rolls to the outside and reaches into his dumpster. The crowd look in anticipation for what he brings out, and react with a huge pop as he draws the barbed wire baseball bat! He re-enters the ring and swings for DJ, who narrowly ducks, and then swings again, once again missing. However, on the third swing he manages to crack DJ right across the head, busting her wide open! Peace Breaker, still not done, leaves the ring again, grabbing a second table. He sets it up outside the ring, before grabbing a trashcan and laying it on top. Back in the ring DJ is slowly making her way to her feet, as Peace Breaker re-enters and drags her to the corner. The crowd watch in awe as Peace Breaker goes up top with DJ and sets up for a superplex out of the ring! However, DJ somehow musters up the strength to nail the low blow! As Peace Breaker lies crotched on the top, DJ climbs up and sets up for a tornado DDT, signals to the crowd, then swings right the way out of the ring down through the table! Both competitors lie injured for a good two minutes as the crowd rally behind them to get up. Eventually both get up as Peace Breaker rolls DJ back into the ring before grabbing a third table! Back in the ring Peace Breaker sets up the table at an angle on two legs, whilst unseen behind him DJ grabs the barbed wire baseball bat! As Peace Breaker turns around at her, DJ charges and swings, only for Peace Breaker to counter by getting her in the Peace Driver! Peace Breaker goes for the move, but DJ counters, pushing over and attempting a tombstone piledriver! However, she struggles to get up the 290 pound Peace Breaker, who reverses again and attempts a go behind into a German suplex onto the table. As he goes for the move, DJ counters with a go behind of her own, but again couldn't get him over, a Peace Breaker reversed again! As he went for the German suplex, DJ countered with a back kick into a low blow, before attempting a Russian leg sweep onto the table! However, Peace Breaker countered AGAIN with an elbow, before kicking to the midsection and setting up for another Peace Driver! As he steadied himself, somehow DJ escaped with a flying headscissors, before going up top for the moonsault! However, the previous move hadn't kept Peace Breaker down, who got up and grabbed the chair before nailing DJ in the back! As DJ sat motionless on the top rope, Peace Breaker went up as well, picking up DJ on his shoulder, before nailing a leaping Peace Driver straight from the middle rope into the table in the middle of the ring. Peace Breaker rolled over onto DJ to make the cover and win the match! Both competitors got a standing ovation from the onlookers as the Rumour Guy raised Peace Breaker's hand, when out of nowhere Aaron Slaughter jumped out, chair in hand! Slaughter cracked Peace Breaker across the back, before pulling out a bottle of lighter fluid and a cigarette lighter and setting the chair on fire! As Peace Breaker got up, Aaron Slaughter cracked him across the head, repaying him for last Sunday and adding further heat to their match next Sunday in the hardcore final!

The Winner: Peace Breaker

Maurice Dream vs. Da Miami Thrilla

Both competitors enter the ring and immediately lock up in the center of the ring. Dream pushes Thrilla back into the corner and they slowly break up. Thrilla kicks Dream in the mid section and hits a DDT. But he didn't get all of it and Dream returns to his feet. They lock up again and Dream gets Thrilla up and plants a well percisioned brain buster. Dream lifts Trilla up to a standing position and forearms him to gut. Dream comes off the ropes and puts Thrilla back to the canvas with a huge spinning neck breaker. Dream goes for the pin 1.....2... Thrilla kicks out before the three hits. Dream pulls Thrilla to his feet and sets him up for a short arm clothesline. Dream applies the STF and the ref asks Thrilla if he has had enough. Dream attempts to apply more pressure to Thrilla, however Thrilla is hanging on. The ref asks again. Thrilla still is having none of it. Dream realises the hold and gets in the ref's face. Thrilla just makes it back to his feet, as Dream turns around Thrilla hits his Trademark Axe Kick (The Chizang). Dream hits the canvas and Thrilla holds the ropes to support himself while he gathers himself. Thrilla then looks to capitalise on Dream, as Dream is getting up Thrilla helps him up and whips him across the ring. Dream comes back and ducks the clothesline attempt by Thrilla. However on the way back Dream catches an elbow to the jaw from Thrilla. Thrilla now sees his opportunity and goes up top for big damage. The highflying man from Miami leaps attempting to land a frog splash. However Dream rolls out of the way just in time and Thrilla bounces off the canvas. The ref begins to count as both competitors are laid out on the mat. 1...2....3....4.. Dream starts to climb to his feet. ....5....6....7...8. Dream gets to a vertical position and the ref stops counting. Thrilla is starting to climb to his feet using the turnbuckle pads. Dream stops an opening and runs at the corner. Dream plants his running knee into the temple of Thrilla as the other side of his head gets jammed into the turnbuckle. Thrilla falls to the floor clutching his head. Dream is still a little dazed, however, he continues on instinct. Dream pulls Thrilla to his feet and hits his Wake Up Call, Thrilla falls back onto his back and Dream goes for the cover. The ref is out of position. However, he gets down for the count. 1....2........3! Dream wins and gets his arm raised Thrilla rolls out of the ring and begins to walk back up the aisle still holding his head and looking at Dream standing in the ring.

The Winner: Maurice Dream

Jay Hall vs. Crazy C

The two square up at the start of the match and go straight into a collar and elbow tie up, which Jay comes out on top in. He rolls around into a hammerlock, which Crazy C then reverses, before Jay gets in another reversal into an armbar. Crazy C does a roll and flip to escape this and go into and armbar of his own, before Jay performs the same manoeuvre followed by an arm drag. Jay then walks over to Crazy C, but gets kicked away, as Crazy C springs back to his feet, but Jay rolls under his clothesline attempt before connecting with a calf dropkick. As Crazy C gets up Jay then nails a leg lariat, but as he goes for a second one Crazy C rolls under and sweeps his other leg from beneath him, before following in with a springboard elbow drop. Crazy C then goes for a running leg drop, but jay moves, before delivering a baseball slide to the face. Crazy C slowly gets to his feet as it seems neither man wants to give way to the other. Jay charges in for another attack, but Crazy C gives him a back body drop, however Jay shows great balance by landing on the apron. As Crazy C turns around Jay nails a huge roundhouse kick over the rope, before springing in with a split legged moonsault on the fallen opponent. He gets a two count before Crazy C kicks out. Jay gives Crazy C a couple of chops before sending him into the ropes and attempting a clothesline. However, Crazy C ducks the attack, but as he turns around Jay catches him straight into a cradle suplex. Jay then begins to work on his arm with a couple of arm dragon screws whilst he's down, before dragging him to the ring apron and wrapping his arm around the ringpost. Jay then climbs back into the ring and rams Crazy C shoulder first into the post, before throwing him to the floor over the top. As Crazy C begins to get up, Jay flies out with a superb tope con hilo, before whipping Crazy C shoulder first into the steps. Jay rolls Crazy C back into the ring and nails an arm dragon screw again, before attempting a hip toss. However, Crazy C escapes with a flip, but turns straight around into a head and arm jawbreaker from Jay, who regains control. Jay looks composed as he takes Crazy C to the corner and attempts a cradle suplex, but as they battle on the top rope, Crazy C pushes him off, before coming down with a missile dropkick! The move took jay down but Crazy C also fell hurt, landing awkwardly on his arm. As they make their way up Crazy C lands a few punches but as he goes for a clothesline with his hurt arm, Jay counters, wrapping around into a dragon suplex, before throwing Crazy C over release style! Jay then takes Crazy C through the ring ropes and wraps his arm across the middle rope, before going up top and coming off with the Kodak Moment right onto his arm! Crazy c rolled back under in pain as Jay nailed a leg drop on his arm, before locking on a side armbar! Crazy C struggled in pain as the referee asked him if he wanted to give up, and battled away. Jay thought he had the match won as he lay back cockily, but eventually Crazy C managed to break the hold and escape. Jay went for the armbar again, but Crazy C kicked him off, and, holding his injured arm, nailed a superkick followed up by a huge yakuza kick. As Jay stumbled into the corner, Crazy C seized the opportunity and ran up to deliver the Checking In DDT! Both men lay hurt as the referee began the count, but both got up at seven, and began to exchange punches again. Crazy C came out on top, and went for a charging clothesline, but Jay countered, back body-dropping him to the floor. Jay then went for the inside to outside spring plancha, but as he came down, no-one was home! Crazy C then hopped up on the ring apron and nailed a twisting Asai moonsault, before rolling Jay back in the ring and going for the shooting star press! Crazy C flew off with precision, but at the last moment, Jay moved out of the way! Taking advantage of the moment, Jay hooked Crazy C's arms from behind, before rotating him around into the Quick Fix! Jay nailed the move and made the cover for the three count and the win!

The Winner: Jay Hall

BSW Intercontinental Title:
Dark Knight (c)
vs. "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter

Showstopper is in the ring as Dark Knight makes his way from the back. He climbs into the ring and the ref rings the bell. The match is under way as they lock up in the centre of the ring. Showstopper delivers a knee to the mid section of Dark Knight. Showstopper then proceeds to hit Dark Knight with two large haymakers. Stopper scoops up Dark Knight and bodydrops him to the canvas. Showstopper attempts to drop an elbow, however, Dark Knight moves out of the way. They both stand and Dark Knight pumells Showstopper back into the corner. Knight grabs the rope and kicks Showstopper down to the canvas. Knight grabs Stopper, stopper swings and misses and Knight sets him up for the full nelson slam. Knight follows up with a spinal tap which seems to put Aaron in a lot of pain. Dark Knight then begins to pummel Slaughter briefly before pulling him back to his feet. Stopper connects with a couple of sharp right hands to Knight's mid section before lifting him up into a fireman's carry. Stopper situates Knighton the turnbuckle. Slaughter climbs to the first rope going for the superplex. However, Dark Knight has other ideas and delivers a few hard rights. Dark Knight stands and connects with a precision jumping spinning DTD from the top rope. The crowd are in awe as Stopper lies motionless. Knight grabs Slaughter and pulls him to his feet only to send him straight back to the canvas with his trademark move Knightfall. However, Knight does not go for the cover, instead he pulls Aaron once again back to his feet as unsteady as he may be and hits the jaws of death. Knight now goes down for the cover and hooks the leg. The ref counts 1 ..... 2...... 3. Dark Knight is declared the winner and ref raises his hand.

The Winner and still BSW IC Champion: Dark Knight

Unsanctioned Hardcore Tournament:
"X-Rated" Hopps vs 2Xtreme

The Rumour Guy is once again on hand for the hardcore match which is taking place on a two tiered scaffold (one level slightly higher than the roof, one level just below) against a small cafe near the arena. Both 2Xtreme and Hopps climb up onto the scaffold on opposite sides, before the Rumour Guy rings a bell to start the match. Beneath the scaffold is a large skip full of trash and a dumpster. The two straight away start to go at it, exchanging punches before Hopps catches 2Xtreme with a go behind and a release German suplex on the scaffold. However, 2Xtreme rolls through the move and comes back at Hopps with a spinning wheel kick, which Hopps ducks, before nailing 2Xtreme with a diving clothesline. Hopps tries early to send 2Xtreme off the scaffold, but his opponent counters, whipping Hopps into the wall the scaffold is against. As Hopps is on the ground, 2Xtreme grabs a brick from by the wall and tries to smash it across Hopps' head, but Hopps rolls out of the way and takes him down with a drop toe hold. As 2Xtreme gets up, dazed, Hopps grabs a trashcan and smashes it over 2Xtreme's head before picking him up and delivering a uranagi onto it. Hopps tries once again to throw 2Xtreme off the edge, this time with a powerbomb, but 2Xtreme counters with a roll up followed by a dropkick to the face. This time 2Xtreme tries to run Hopps off the edge, but the Millennium Team X member manages to block it, before running 2Xtreme back into the wall again. As 2Xtreme lies propped against the wall, Hopps charges, only for his opponent to move, sending him headfirst into the bricks! As Hopps drops to the ground, 2Xtreme climbs up to the second tier of the scaffold, before flying off back down onto Hopps with a flying elbow drop! 2Xtreme appeared to have hurt his ribs with the move, but got up finally, heading back up for a second dive! However, as he set up for the move, he seemed to get his foot trapped in the scaffold, buying Hopps some time. As 2Xtreme struggled, Hopps regained his composure, making his way up with the trashcan. Unable to un-trap his foot, 2Xtreme was open to repeated shots from Hopps with the bin, busting him wide open. Hopps taunted the fallen 2Xtreme, before freeing his foot and delivering another trashcan shot. 2Xtreme stumbled, only for Hopps to pick him up and deliver an exploder suplex right off the scaffold down onto the roof of the café! Hopps climbed down to the fallen 2Xtreme and proceeded to lock on a sleeper with scissors to try and knock him out. 2Xtreme looked to be out of it as Hopps held the hold on for a good minute and a half. Eventually, 2Xtreme started to battle out of it, nailing a pair of strong elbows, before showing great agility by rolling out of the move right into a reverse powerbomb on the roof! Hopps looked shocked that 2Xtreme was battling back, and struggled to his feet as 2Xtreme charged at him with a spinning heel kick. However, as 2Xtreme was in mid air, Hopps managed to reach and grab a bottle which was lying on the roof, before smashing it in 2Xtreme's face. Hopps was bust wide open from the reverse powerbomb before, but carried on the onslaught, picking up 2Xtreme in the Freestyler. 2Xtreme was helpless as Hopps walked to the edge of the roof, and delivered the powerbomb down to the first tier of the scaffold, sending 2Xtreme clean through the wood! 2Xtreme somehow managed to grab onto a window ledge just below the first tier with one arm, and hung helpless as Hopps stood laughing and made his way back down to the first tier. Looking down on 2Xtreme, Hopps grabbed another trashcan, and raised it high above his head, before firing it down onto his opponent! 2Xtreme lost his grip with this shot, and dropped down into the skip deep below with a sickening thud! Hopps climbed down to be greeted with a victory hand raise by the Rumour Guy, but rather than leaving the site, Hopps grabbed 2Xtreme again and sent him through the window of the cafe, before leaving!

The Winner: "X-Rated" Hopps

"Hot Stuff" Hernandez
vs. Xavier

FXavier is in the ring as the BSW champ makes his way to the ring. Xavier runs to meet him and Hot Stuff drops the belt in the aisle way as they begin to brawl. The ref runs and grabs the title belt as the competitors battle towards the ring. Hot Stuff gets Xavier into a spear position and ramps his back into the ring apron. Xavier falls to the floor as Hot Stuff rolls into the ring. Hot Stuff distracts the ref so as he doesn't count Xavier. Xavier rolls back into the ring and Hot Stuff immediately goes on the attack. Hot Stuff pulls Xavier to his feet and attempts a piledriver, however, Xavier counters an elivates Hot Stuff with a back bodydrop. Xavier comes off the ropes as Hot Stuff is climbing to his feet and knocks him back down with a shoulder tackle. Xavier now attempts the piledriver and connects. Xavier goes to the top rope and leaps with a flying body press across the staggering Hot Stuff. At this time Skylar runs to the ring side to try and assist Hot Stuff. The ref walks to the ropes to tell her not to get involved. Hot Stuff rolls to the outside as Skylar is distracting the ref. HOt Stuff picks up a chair and tolds it up as Xavier also moves to the outside. Hot Stuff is about to connect with a chair shot to Xavier. HOwever, Xavier drop kicks the chair into Hot Stuff's face. Xavier throws Hot Stuff back into the ring and Xavier follows. They continue battling as they had previously in the aisle way. Xavier begins to beat Hot Stuff in the corner. At this time Yumi Siro runs to ring side and attacks Skylar. Yumi Siro runs around the ring and grabs Hot Stuff's title belt. Skylar chases and grabs her, however, Yumi Siro slides the belt into the ring. The ref goes to the outside to try and break up the valets' battle. Xavier grabs the belt and tucks down facing away from Hot Stuff. As Hot Stuff makes it to his feet and begins to walk towards Xavier, Xavier swings the title belt and levels Hot Stuff just as the ref turns his attention back to the ring. The ref calls for the bell.

The Winner by DQ: "Hot Stuff" Hernandez

Super Bowl Bash:
(Royal Rumble for Number 1 Contender to BSW World Title. New person enters every 90 seconds after the first two. Numbers will be drawn at a later time for order of entrance.)

Hannibal King, Maurice Dream, Viper, Dark Knight, Daniel "The Devil" Estacado, Crazy C, "Downtown" Frankie Manns, Da Miami Thrilla, 2Xtreme, The Peace Breaker, "Raw Deal" Jay Hall,Triple S, "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter, Calib McClain, D.J.,Talis, Xavier, "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze

The match opens with the ring announcer going over the rules with the crowd. One new person enters every 90 seconds after the first two, and the winner will be the number one contender for the BSW World Heavyweight title! The crowd go quiet to hear who the first entrant will be, then go crazy as out comes Triple S! Shane Sullivan gets into the ring and poses for the crowd as the entrance music plays for the next entrant, which will be Xavier. The two instantly go at it in the ring, exchanging punches in the middle, but Triple S turns up the heat with a stiff clothesline that takes Xavier out of his boots. Triple S then continues the assault, whipping his opponent into the corner and delivering the Superstar Splash, before catching him in a huge power-slam as he bounces out. Shane begins to try and eliminate Xavier as the next countdown begins.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Da Miami Thrilla comes out and hits the ring, taking out both men with axe kicks. Thrilla then grabs Xavier and tries to send him to the floor, but Xavier holds on to the ropes as Triple S comes up behind Thrilla and nails a huge tiger suplex into the middle of the ring. Triple S then waves over Xavier to come and help him try and eliminate Da Miami Thrilla. the pair get him over, but Thrilla slides back in under the bottom roe. As he does so, Triple S turns and lamps Xavier with a huge double arm DDT, before trying to eliminate him. As he tries to push him over, the next countdown begins...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's 2Xtreme! He hits the ring but is instantly pounced on by Thrilla, with another axe kick, as Xavier prevents Triple S from eliminating him. All four men continue to brawl, and eventually it ends up with Triple S and Da Miami Thrilla trying to eliminate Xavier. As they do so, 2Xtreme charges up and nails Triple S with a spinning heel kick, sending him into Xavier for the elimination! Xavier hits the floor and Triple S follows him over, but manages to grab the bottom rope and pull himself back in. The next countdown starts as Da Miami thrill and 2Xtreme square off in the ring.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Talis is next out, and he hits the ring to go straight after his ex-tag partner, 2Xtreme. The big man takes him out with a huge boot to the face before grabbing him and sending him face first to the outside with a press slam! Da Miami Thrilla then goes after Talis, attempting an axe kick, but he gets caught with a huge chokeslam! Talis and Triple S square off, exchanging punches until the next countdown starts.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Crazy C. The Psychotic One hits the ring with a springboard dropkick on Triple S before going after Talis with a spinning heel kick. However, the big man catches him and hits a huge powerbomb. He looks as if his path of destruction won't end, until all of a sudden, to a huge pop, all three of the other men go after him, sending him into the corner and each hitting huge splashes! They then line up as Da Miami Thrilla and Triple S nail a huge double suplex on Talis, followed by Crazy C's shooting star press! They then all start to put the boots to Talis as the next countdown comes up.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Justin Blaze enters next to a huge pop and goes right after Talis as well. All four men beat him down and then begin to pick him up to try to eliminate him. Da Miami Thrilla grabs Talis and prepares to ram him over the top, but is stopped by Triple S, who wants the elimination for himself. The two get into a pushing contest, and then begin to exchange punches once again, as Talis recovers and clears out Blaze with a big boot. Crazy C once again tries to come off with a high flying move but misses, only to be wiped out by a flying clothesline from Talis. The countdown begins for the next entrant...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Jay Hall! Jay enters with a Singapore Cane and hits the ring before going right after Talis. The big man takes a good five shots to the head from the cane before Jay drops it and nails him with a huge clothesline over the top! Justin Blaze then charges at Jay only to get a cane stick to the stomach followed up by a head and arm jawbreaker. Crazy C tries his luck next but runs straight into a huge back bodydrop, sending him clean to the floor! Justin Blaze begins to get up, and slowly turns around, right into another back body drop from Jay, sending him out to the floor! Triple S and Da Miami Thrilla continue to battle as Jay makes his way over to the pair, and grabs Triple S, throwing him to the canvas. The crowd all begin to cheer as it leaves just Jay and Da Miami Thrilla standing, who have been having a war of words recently. The two square up, then begin to go at it hammer and nail! Thrilla gets the advantage, but then Jay comes back, delivering some strong punches of his own. As he goes for the killer hit, Thrilla ducks, and tries the axe kick, but Jay catches him with a high cradle suplex over the top to the floor! As Jay stands in the ring the only man, Thrilla begins to leave the ringside area. However, Jay all of a sudden runs to the corner, springboards, and catches Thrilla with a suicide dive to the outside! Jay has eliminated himself and is now brawling with Thrilla to the backstage area! The ring lies empty apart from Triple S as security separate the two and the next countdown begins!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's "Downtown" Frankie Manns. The Millennium Team X member straight away ducks a Triple S clothesline before eliminating him! He stands ready for his next opponent in the ring doing a couple of stretches, waiting for the countdown. It finally comes about.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Maurice Dream enters and straight away tries to clear house on Frankie Manns, but the MTX member holds on. As he pulls himself back into the ring, Maurice Dream slides under the bottom rope and tries to pull him back out, but Manns counters with a kick to the face followed by a dropkick through the middle rope! The two then begin to battle on the outside as Manns rams Dream into the ring-post, only to then be caught in a snake eyes right onto the ring steps. The next countdown begins.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... In comes Aaron Slaughter, who joins in the battle on the outside. He straight away grabs a chair from by the announcers' table, before wiping out Dream with it. Manns then goes after Slaughter, but gets caught with a chair shot himself. However, Slaughter isn't done there, as he then places Manns' leg on the ring steps and smashes him across the knee with another chair shot! Manns is writhing in pain as Slaughter then lifts the chair high above his head and nails another chair to the knee! Slaughter then rolls Manns back into the ring, before pulling him to the ring-post and locking on a figure four around the ring-post! The next countdown begins as Dream begins to get up and return to the ring.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Calib McClain. Calib grabs the chair from ringside on his way in, and goes straight for Dream, but Dream kicks it back into his face, before straight away locking on the Sweet Dreams! Calib struggles against the hold as Dream locks it on hard, before eventually letting go and slamming him down to the canvas. Dream then grabs the chair and walks to the corner post, where Slaughter still has the figure four on, before slamming the chair down out of the ring onto him! Dream then picks up the obviously injured Manns and throws him to the floor, before hopping out of the ring, picking up Slaughter and doing the same to him. The next countdown begins.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... D.J. enters, but on the way in gets distracted by Slaughter lying on the floor. She leans back across the ropes to ask if he's ok, before turning around right into a clothesline from Dream. Dream then picks her up with one arm in a spinebuster, laying her out, until Calib McClain comes back to his senses and takes Dream down with a spear. The two battle on the canvas as the next countdown begins.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Daniel Estacado! The Devil slides in the ring and straight away tosses D.J. to the outside, before running over and helping out his team-mate Maurice Dream in eliminating Calib McClain. The two then stand united in the ring waiting for the next countdown...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Dark Knight! All 3 members of the fallen stand in the ring together, choosing not to battle, again awaiting the next entrant...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Hannibal King slowly makes his way to the ring, slightly apprehensive, before setting off at a sprint. He slides in, but is quickly beat down by all three men. Dark Knight and Dream hold him as Estacado nails a series of punches to the face, before they deliver a huge triple team power-bomb. With King floored they await the next victim...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Viper, who hits the ring to even up the numbers, but showing the wear and tear from his earlier match, is also beaten down. Dark knight delivers the Knightfall before Estacado goes up and nails a top rope splash on the fallen wrestler. As they once again stand awaiting the final entrant, all of a sudden King returns to his feet and begins to fight back. The countdown begins to see who drew the lucky last spot...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It's Peace Breaker! King's tag team partner makes it 3v3, going after Dark Knight. All six men begin to brawl, and it is Viper who is eliminated first at the hands of Dream via a back body drop. However, as Dream takes some rest against the ropes, his own stable-mate Dark Knight comes up behind him and tries to eliminate him, but Dream counters with a back drop to the floor! Dream waves an apology to DK who acknowledges it is every man for himself, as Hannibal King charges at Dream, only to have his clothesline ducked and for Dark Knight to reach back in and pull out King! This leaves Estacado, Maurice Dream and Peace Breaker. Dream and Estacado work over Peace Breaker, eventually grabbing him and giving him a huge double hip toss over the top! Dream and Estacado then stand toe-to-toe, accepting that they are the final two, and begin to exchange punches, both men wanting a shot at the gold. Estacado took the advantage, nailing a series of strong punches before going for in for the kill. However, Dream ducked, before coming back at Estacado with a huge flying clothesline that sent Estacado reeling against the ropes. With one last charge Dream flung himself forward into a huge clothesline, sending Estacado over the top to the floor! The Fallen accepted the result and celebrated in the ring as Maurice Dream became the number one contender!

The Winner and World Title #1 Contender: Maurice Dream