from the Fleetcenter in Boston, MA

Chef: Hello and welcome to BSW Sunday Night Rave. We've got 7 great matches for you tonight including the much talked about Underground Hardcore Tournament Final which is a first ever BLT Match. Making my return to the announce table, I'm Chef Sallad, along with the "Voice of the BSW" Conrad.

Conrad: As much as I hate to say it... welcome back, Chef. We've got a lot of great action scheduled for tonight, so let's get it started!

DJ vs. Barramya

The fans are all on there feet as they await the first Rave of February. The first match is about to take place and the competitors are on their way to the ring. "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz hits the PA system as D.J. comes out from the back with Aaron Slaughter. They walk to the ring, both slide under the bottom rope. The music cuts and there is a large explosion and "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hits the PA system. Barramya steps out from the back accompanied by The Peace Breaker. The crowd cheer for Barramya. (However the Breaker looks uneasy at this, obviously not used to hearing a cheer at the point he walks from the back.) The walks to the ring and climb the steps. Breaker puts his foot on the bottom rope to aid Barramya's entrance. He points at the ref to get 'Showstopper' out of the ring. Both Showstopper and Breaker stay in the respective corners as the match gets underway.

Conrad: Well will the fireworks be on the inside or the Outside?

The lock up and DJ pushes Barramya to the floor.

Conrad: Barramya is giving away 110lbs here Chef!

Chef: Shut up and watch the match.

Barramya gets up and takes a quick look at the Breaker with a worried expression on her face. She turns her attention back to D.J. D.J. kicks Barramya in the mid section and whips he across the ring. Barramya ducks the clothesline and returns with a standing drop kick. D.J. goes down and Barramya follows up quickly, she pushes D.J. back into the corner and whips her to the opposite turnbuckle. Barramya runs at D.J. and jumps and raps her legs around D.J's neck and pulls her to the canvas with a powerful huricanrana. D.J skids across the ring and Barramya continues the assault relentlessly. Barramya pulls D.J. to her feet by her hair and delivers a knee to her face. Barramya once again pulls D.J. to her feet but this time D.J. delivers a sharp forearm to Barramya's mid section. D.J. hits another and then kicks to the same area. D.J. runs behind Barramya and connects with a bulldog. D.J. staggers to her feet and pulls Barramya up as well. D.J. attempts to continue the punishment and sets Barramya up for a Reverse Neck Breaker. D.J. is still recovering from the previous onslaught and they both stay down. Both Breaker and Slaughter begin banging the canvas and shouting to there respective competitors. They both begin to stand however D.J. is the first to make it to a vertical base. Barramya supports herself with the ropes as D.J. charges at her and clotheslines her over the top, right into the path of the Showstopper. Stopper grabs her hair and tosses her back into the ring. Breaker is not happy and comes round to make his feelings known to Aaron Slaughter. The ref slides out to get in-between the two big men. While this is going on Barramya has reasserted herself over D.J. and throws her over the top and she lands on the ref, who hits the concrete floor hard. Breaker chucks D.J. back into the ring as Slaughter grabs him. However Barramya has other plans and delivers a missile drop kick to Slaughter through the middle rope. Breaker roles into the ring with the ref still down and delivers the Peace Driver to D.J. who lays motionless in the ring. Barramya tries to get back into the ring however, Showstopper pulls her back. Stopper has collected a chair and is looking as if he is about to level Barramya with it. Breaker spots the situation and circum navigates the ring and comes behind Aaron. Slaughter raises the chair above his head which is quickly snatched away by Breaker. Stopper turns around as Breaker drops the chair. Barramya does another standing drop kick only this time to the back of Aaron Slaughter who is pushed straight into the breakers arms and is power slammed to the floor. Security lead by the Rumour Guy hit the arena, however before they get there, D.J. has recovered and has climbed to the top rope. She leaps and the Breaker goes down under the cross body press from D.J. The two women begin to brawl on the outside as the security remove Breaker and Showstopper from the ringside. Both are still trying to attack each other all the way to the back. The ref slowly begins to make it back to his feet as D.J. throws Barramya back into the ring. however Barramya catches D.J. as she is getting in and hits the Twist of Fate. D.J. goes down as Barramya climbs the ropes. The ref slides back into the ring as Barramya leaps and hits the Millennium Countdown. The ref counts the shoulders 1.....2.....3. The winner of the Match is Barramya however she does not stay to celebrate as she rushes to the back.

The Winner: Barramya

Conrad: A great match put on my these two young ladies. Kinda makes you feel all funny in the trousers, eh Chef? Anyway, our next match should be a good one as well. Talis and Viper team up to take on 2Xtreme and Calib McClain a tag team action.

Tag Team Match:
Talis/Viper vs. 2Xtreme/Calib McClain

In the ring is 2Xtreme and Calib McClain as on their way from the back are Viper and Tails. Viper charges into the ring and begins battling with 2Xtreme. Tails and Calib are in there respective corners. Viper pulls 2Xtreme back to his corner and quickly tags Tails. The crowd begin to cheer as this is what they have wanted to see. Tails begins to deliver lefts and rights to the mid section and chest area of 2Xtreme. Calib tries to get involved however the ref holds him back. This gives a perfect opportunity for Tails and Viper to double team 2Xtreme in the corner. The ref gets Calib back to the outside and the double teaming stops. Tails delivers a snap mare out of the corner and 2Xtreme hits the canvas. Tails tags in Viper who immediately locks in the Pain devise on 2Xtreme however, this does not last long as in comes Calib and kicks Viper in the Head which makes him release the hold. Calib attempts to return to his corner however Tails charges him into the corner from behind. Tails and Calib begin trading blows. As 2Xtreme and Viper return to there feet. Tails leaves Calib, so Calib returns to the outside. However tails does not and attacks 2Xtreme and Viper leaves the ring without making a legal tag. Viper once again begin to deliver heavy blows to 2Xtreme. Tails pulls 2Xtreme to the center of the ropes and whips him across the ring. As 2Xtreme runs towards Tails, Tails lifts his leg and delivers the big boot to the face of 2Xtreme. Tails once again pushes 2Xtreme back into his team's corner and makes the tag to Viper. Viper grabs 2Xtreme around the stomach area and delivers a belly to belly suplex into the middle of the ring. Viper comes off the ropes and drops his leg across the throat of 2Xtreme. Calib is getting annoyed on the apron and starts stomping his foot to try to encourage 2Xtreme. Viper pulls 2Xtreme to his feet but 2Xtreme tries a boot to the mid section which is caught by Viper however 2Xtreme is not done, and levels Viper with a huge inzagurri. Both men are down and slowly attempt to crawl to the outstretched arms of their tag partners. Both partners are at full stretch trying to get the tag first. Both teams tag out and in charge Calib and Tails. The two big men go at it with Talis momentarily getting on top until all of a sudden McClain comes back with a huge running clothesline. Viper tries to get involved but walks straight into a kick to the midsection and the giant powerbomb! McClain then turns around where Talis is stood waiting, but ducks the big boot before hitting a second powerbomb, and making the cover for the three! 2Xtreme celebrates the victory in the corner, but as he jumps down from the top rope, he too turns around right into a giant powerbomb! It seems as if 2Xtreme can't keep his tag partners! McClain then leaves the ringside area, but as he walks down the aisle, he is cut off by Draven, the new BSW superstar! Draven pushes his way past McClain before diving into the ring and putting the boot to 2Xtreme even more! He then picks up 2Xtreme and delivers a pair of vicious piledrivers before leaving to huge heat from the crowd!

The Winners: 2Xtreme/Calib McClain

Chef: Calib McClain once again looks very impressive. This kid's going places. Maybe I should see if he needs a mastermind of a manger like Chef Sallad to help lead him to the top. We also see Draven making his first appearance by kicking the already down 2Xtreme. Next up is a No DQ match withMillennium Team X members Jay Hall and Bucky Thompson taking on the "twins" Miami Thrilla and Mr. Unskinny. This has become quite a heated rivalry. Should be a good one.

No DQ:
Jay Hall/Bucky Thompson vs. Miami Thrilla/Mr. Unskinny

Thrilla and Unskinny come out to a very mixed reaction, probably more cheers than boos. The crowd then erupts for Jay Hall and Bucky Thompson, a surprise reaction for the MTX members. The match gets straight underway as Thompson squares off with Thrilla and Jay squares off with Mr Unskinny. The Twin Brother Bashers start to get an advantage, landing a series of strong punches, but Jay and Bucky battle back, before sending both men to the outside. The Twin Brother Bashers start to regroup outside, when all of a sudden Bucky Thompson comes flying out at the with a spaceman quebrada, taking both men down! As the start to get up, Jay then nails a huge tope con hilo, and all four men continue to battle on the outside. Jay tries to whip Unskinny into the steps, but the big man reverses, sending him tumbling over, before following up with a huge elbow drop on the outside. Meanwhile Bucky and Thrilla continue to battle outside, with Bucky ramming his head into the guardrail before returning into the ring. Thompson continues to dominate, nailing a huge dropkick before following in with a springboard moonsault for a two count. However, Mr Unskinny breaks up the pin with a huge splash. Unskinny and Thrilla then pick up Thompson and nail a series of short arm clotheslines, before going for a hanging suplex. However, as they get Thompson up, Jay flies back into the action with a springboard dropkick to Thrilla, allowing Bucky to seamlessly flow into a DDT on Unskinny! Jay and Thompson then take their turn at double teaming, managing to nail their old sweep kick/superkick combo, but again Unskinny breaks up the pin as the action continues. It again spills to the outside with Thompson getting slammed by Unskinny, only for Jay to fly out with a second tope con hilo. However, Unskinny catches him perfectly in a powerbomb position, as Thrilla follows out with a flying clothesline sending Jay down into a sit-out powerbomb on the concrete! The referee makes the count but Hall just gets his shoulder up at two, as Thrilla drags Thompson into the crowd. Unskinny rolls Jay back into the ring and hits another huge powerbomb, before picking him up and delivering a massive belly to belly slam. As Jay gets up Unskinny send him into the corner, but Jay counters by hitting a springboard rana. However, once again Unskinny catches him, hitting a third Fatty Bomb! He makes the cover again, this time Jay barely escapes before the three. Da Miami Thrilla drags Thompson back into the ringside area and rolls him into the ring as Jay begins to get up, before nailing an axe kick which takes Jay down. Unskinny then drags Jay to the corner and sets up for the Butt Bounce. However, as he sets up, Thompson somehow gets to him in time and nails a low blow! Jay stands up and nails a neckbreaker off the middle rope, before turning around and nailing the high cradle suplex on Da Miami Thrilla! Thompson jumps out of the ring and grabs a chair as Jay delivers an arm dragon screw to Thrilla, before locking on an armbar. Unskinny tries to break it up again, but Jay dodges his leg drop, before sending him straddled across the middle rope. As Thompson slides back in with the chair, Jay nails the Kodak Moment on Unskinny. Thompson waffles Unskinny with the chair, before sending him to the outside. As Unskinny lies hurt, Jay then follows out again, this time with a twisting moonsault, before jumping up on the announcers' table and posing. Back in the ring, Thompson goes for another chair shot, this time on Thrilla, but the high flyer ducks before booting the chair right back into Thompson's face! Jay then dives back in the ring only to receive a chair shot as well, before Thrilla hops outside and grabs a table to a huge pop! He sets it up in the corner and grabs Thompson, setting him up for a spinebuster through it, but as he gets him up, Jay nails a chopblock, taking Thrilla down to his knees. Thompson then grabs Thrilla in a wheelbarrow suplex and fires him backwards through the table! Thrilla lies hurt as Jay sets up the chair, before grabbing Thrilla and hitting the Tiger Suplex 85' onto it! He gets a two count until somehow Unskinny breaks up the pin. However, before he can mount an offence, Thompson connects with a superkick, flooring the big man! Jay then grabs Thrilla and connects with the Quick Fix II onto the chair, before hopping up top and nailing an amazing Phoenix splash! Thompson cuts off Unskinny with a chair shot as Jay makes the cover for the three!

The Winners: Jay Hall/Bucky Thompson

Conrad: What teamwork shown by Jay Hall and Bucky Thompson. A great match to watch. The Triple Threat Match between Xavier, Crazy C, and Frankie Manns is next. All three have gotten of to kinda slow starts here in the BSW. One of them could start to get some momentum going with a win here tonight. Let's see who it is.

Triple Threat Match:
Xavier vs. Crazy C vs. Frankie Manns

Xavier is in the ring as Crazy C's Music hits the PA system. Crazy C charges to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Crazy C and Xavier begin to brawl. There is no sign of the third man in the match "Downtown" Frankie Man. Crazy C pushes Xavier back into the corner and begins to kick away as the stomach area of Xavier. The two cruisers lock up and begin struggling for dominance as they role across the ropes. Xavier delivers a knife edged chop to the chest of Crazy C. Xavier whips Crazy C across the ring, as he rebounds Xavier leap frogs him and then goes down for the attempted monkey flip. However Crazy C telegraphs it and drops an elbow to the face of Xavier. Crazy C pull Xavier to his feet and immediately puts him back to the mat with an even flow DDT. Xavier is holding his face as Crazy C goes up top looking for big damage. Xavier slowly makes it to his feet and turns around as Crazy C leaps from the top rope. Xavier spots him and counters his attack with a great arm drag using Crazy C's own momentum to drive him to the canvas. Crazy C is hurt and Xavier begins to stalk him as he slowly makes it to his feet. Xavier waits for Crazy C to turn around and then delivers a snap hurricanranna. Crazy C stays down as Xavier jumps to the top rope. Crazy C is still down as Xavier leaps and connects with a high flying 450 splash. The ref gets down for the count. 1...2... Crazy C kicks out. Xavier is not happy and pulls Crazy C to his feet. Xavier pushes Crazy C's head back and connects with a powerful super kick. Crazy C's head bounces of the Canvas and Xavier takes a step back. Crazy C is motionless however Xavier is not done yet. He pulls the dead weight of Crazy to his feet and delivers a shine kick. He then Sets him up for a pile driver. Xavier shows off his strength by lifting Crazy C up into the piledriver and holding him upside down. Xavier waits a brief moment before planting Crazy C's head into the mat. Xavier stays seated as he contemplates what to do with Crazy C next. As he begins to pick up Crazy C, all of a sudden 'Bad Blood' by Ministry plays as the members of the Millennium Team X hit the ring to a huge pop! There is no sign of Frankie Manns but the remaining three take control, Bucky nailing his super-kick to Crazy C as Hopps and Hall deliver the Season's Greetings to Xavier. Jay then grabs a microphone as they stand over the fallen duo:

Jay: "Hell's Alliance, this is a message to you. You think you can just injure Frankie and get away with it? No, you can't. We're waging full war on you starting right here right now! You see how these two have been left? This is just the start, believe me! And to start this off properly, we have a challenge on behalf of Frankie Manns. Slaughter, you're the bastard who did this to him, so at the PPV, face him like the Showstopper you claim to be, one on one! And believe me, your show will be stopped!

The Winner: No Contest

Chef: "Downtown" Frankie Manns is a no-show but still makes him presence felt. Millennium Team X sending a message straight to Hell's Alliance by destroying both Xavier and Crazy C. I wonder what Slaughter's reaction to the Manns challenge will be. It looks like we are about ready to turn things up a notch as Fallen members Dark Knight and The Devil take on Hannibal King and VP Justin Blaze in a Tornado Match. This thing could get out of hand fast, people.

Tornado Match:
Dark Knight/Daniel "The Devil" Estacado vs. Hannibal King/VP Blaze

The Fallen come out to huge heel heat, and before the match begins, Dark Knight grabs a microphone and begins to speak...

Knight: You know Bobby, is it just me, or are you having absolutely no luck with taking care of business. Well, seeing how you're on such a role, I've got some business for you. A few days ago you offered me a chance to embarass you in front of millions at BSW: The Return. Well, I got thinking, and I just don't see where I am really benefiting from stepping in the ring with you. I mean, if you win, you get my Intercontinental title, and what do I get if I win? Oh, a chance to show the world what a sorry excuse for a wrestler you've always been. Well, I have a bit of a stipulation for you. You see, I want something up for grabs as well. So, in order to sweeten the pot, how bout if I win I get a title shot at the World Title whenever I choose. And just to give some more love to you, if I lose, not only can you have my title, but you can have my career as well. There you have it Bob, the chance to do away with some of the Fallen. And just to make sure it all stays fair, I suggest we do it in the cell. The ball's in your court Bobby, the question is are you man enough to play.

Justin Blaze then comes out to a mixed reaction, closely followed by Hannibal King who comes out to a huge pop, even more so when the crowd see that he has brought Peil's fiancée Cynthia with him to keep away Scarlet and Deana Knight! Blaze hits the ring and begins to go at it with The Fallen who overpower him instantly, as King just stands at the top of the aisle with Cynthia. As Blaze is given a huge double suplex by The Fallen, all of a sudden Triple S' music plays and Superstar Shane Sullivan comes out to a huge pop! All three of them make their way to the ring, Triple S and Cynthia staying on the outside, as King enters the ring and goes straight after Dark Knight. Estacado tries to whip Blaze into the corner, but Blaze counters with a low blow out of the referee's sight, before him and King whip Estacado and DK into each other! As the two drop down Blaze begins to have a quick shout at King for not backing him up earlier, but King just laughs it off and sends Dark Knight into the corner before laying into him with a series of boots. Blaze comes over and helps out but is shoved away by King, straight into a tiger suplex from Estacado. This gets a two count until King breaks up the pin and tells Blaze to pull himself together, before turning around straight into the Jaws of Death from Dark Knight. That gets a near fall as Blaze fails to break up the pin, resulting in King shouting at him again as he gets up. Estacado drops Blaze with an atomic drop before going over and helping DK give King a huge double suplex, before locking on The Darkness. Blaze this time breaks up the move with a dropkick to the face before asking King if he was happy with his help that time! King ignored him and started to work over Dark Knight, catching him in a belly to back suplex which Dark Knight rolled out of, only to be caught in a Mexican Stretch Bomb! As the referee made the cover he was pulled out of the ring by Deana Knight as Scarlet jumped into the ring and waffled King with her boot! However, Cynthia came round and pulled Deana away, leading the referee to break up the battle, as Triple S dived in the ring and grabbed Scarlet! Triple S looked at her, before pulling her down by her legs and locking on the Idolizer! This gained a huge reaction from the crowd, until all of a sudden Maurice Dream ran down and took out Triple S from behind, before they battled out to the outside. The referee tried to restore order, and was bout to, until all of a sudden "Teething" came on over the PA system, marking the return of Bob Peil, sledgehammer in hand! Peil nailed Dark Knight right in front of the referee, causing him to call for the DQ win for The Fallen. A brawl ensued with all members getting involved, Peil locking in the Extra Inch on DK only for Dream to break it up, until Dream was attacked by Triple S and King, who were soon joined by Estacado to even up the numbers! All of a sudden however as they battled, Calib McClain appeared out of nowhere, chair in hand! The crowd looked on wondering why, until all of a sudden he climbed in the ring and nailed Dark Knight with it twice, aiding out the front office. Peil looked at McClain surprised, before McClain tossed the chair to him and left to a huge pop! The Front Office levelled all The Fallen members with the chair, before "Teething" kicked up again to a huge pop from the crowd. However, this was cut short as Justin Blaze, who had been hidden on the outside the whole time, started to get up in Peil's face for costing them the match. Blaze seemed to have fire in his eyes as he pulled his arm back and slapped the taste our of Peil's mouth. Peil snapped his head back and stared right through Blaze, before all of a sudden Hannibal King grabbed the vice-president and delivered the King Bomb to him! It seems as if Blaze is out of the front office as King, Cynthia, Peil and Triple S leave to a huge pop! Back in the ring The Fallen begin to get up, and notice the ex-VP still lying there. As Blaze stands up, Estacado looks at him, before unleashing a huge Human Torch out of nothing! To add insult to injury, or more injury to injury (!!!), Dark Knight then takes him to the corner and goes up top, before executing a huge brain-buster onto the chair! The Fallen stand victorious from their match in the ring, and despite their beat-down still seem to have high hopes for the PPV as they leave with their heads high to huge heat!

The Winners by DQ: Dark Knight/Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

Conrad: What a turn of events! The Fallen wins the match but score one for the Front Office in the on-going war between The Fallen and the Front Office. Triple S has apparently formed an alliance with the Front Office while former-VP Justin Blaze is on his way out of the Front Office. I guess they finally got tired of the VP's new bad attitude. That certainly changes the Semi-Main Event that is scheduled next. The feud between The Fallen and Triple S continues as Maurice Dream takes on new ally of the Front Office, Triple S.

Semi-Main Event:
Maurice Dream
vs. Triple S

Triple S is in the ring as Maurice Dream's Music hits the PA system and he come sprinting to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and the match is underway. They begin to brawl. Maurice Dream catches Sullivan with a heavy right hand and Triple S staggers back. Dream follows up connects with a short clothesline. Triple S is down however Dream decides to take time out to exhibit himself to the crowd. Triple S returns to his feet and sneaks up behind Dream. Dream turns around and Triple S connects with a double arm DDT. Dreams head bounces of the canvas and Triple S returns to his feet. Triple S looks for some big damage and climbs the ropes and leaps with the intentions of connecting with his Superstar Splash. However Dream knock on the head wasn't that bad and he roles out of the way. Both men are down however they both slowly get up, as they reach a vertical base they begin to trade big blows. Dream takes the advantage over Triple S and beats him back into the corner. Dream whips Triple S across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Dream charges at Triple S however Sullivan escapes and Dream hits the buckle. Triple S staggers for a second then begins to put the boot in on Dream. Dream gets back to his feet. Triple S whips Dream across the ring however the ref gets in the way and is knocked down. As the ref hits the floor out run The Fallen who attack Triple S. What they don't realise is the ref is getting back to his feet and catches them in the act. The ref calls for the bell and the win goes to Triple S. The Fallen carry on the beat down whilst Estacado prepares for the Human Torch, but out of nowhere come Bob Peil and Hannibal King to even up the sides! All six men begin to brawl in the ring, and Dark Knight and Peil once again go at it, spilling to the outside. Knight gains the advantage, grabbing a chair and waffling Peil, before taking him onto the announcers' table. Knight then sets up for a pildriver, but Peil blocks with a low blow, before going for one of his own. However, spotting this, Estacado hops out of the ring and breaks it up, pulling both men to the floor as security come to separate everyone up! At the end of the day the two sides are separated by security and Triple S has walked out with the DQ win over Maurice Dream!

The Winner by DQ: Triple S

Chef: The Fallen gets caught in the act and cost Maurice Dream the match. It looked like they were more concerned about sending a message than getting the win. This feud between the Front Office and The Fallen is getting too hot to handle. I wouldn't be surprised if someone winds up dead before this feud is over. And now for the Main Event of the night, the BLT Match to determine the first ever Underground Hardcore Champion. This one could get brutal, so if you are offended by graphic violance... get the hell out of the room!

Main Event
Underground Hardcore Title:
BLT MATCH (barbed wire, ladders, tables):
Hopps vs "Hot Stuff" Hernandez vs Aaron Slaughter vs Peace Breaker

The Rumour Guy is once again at ringside, this time joining the commentators at the announcers' table. The crowd pop as the ring crew replace the ring ropes with barbed wire, and stacks of tables are brought to ringside. Finally, topping it off, a pair of ladders are stood in the entranceway. The ring crew clear the area as the competitors enter, starting with Aaron Slaughter and Hotstuff Hernandez, who stand in the ring together awaiting their opponents. Next out is Peace Breaker, who has brought his barbed wire baseball bat with him. However, as he makes his way down the aisle, he is jumped by Hopps, who sprints from backstage, exploding boards in hand! Both men drop their weapons upon Hopps' attack, and begin to exchange punches in the aisle-way. Hotstuff and Slaughter watch on from in the ring as the two brawl towards the ring, before Hopps rolls Peace Breaker under the bottom wire. Hotstuff and Slaughter instantly pounce on Peace Breaker, putting the boots in, as Hopps scouts on the outside. Back in the ring, Hotstuff and Slaughter send Peace Breaker into the corner, before both following in with huge splashes. After the second splash, they send him back into the other corner, and try again. However, Peace Breaker ducks Slaughter's splash, before exploding out of the corner with a flying clothesline on Hernandez! Hopps takes this as his cue to re-enter, diving back into the ring and connecting with a huge leg drop on the fallen Hernandez as Peace Breaker takes Slaughter to the corner for the 10 punches. Hopps continues the work on Hernandez, slamming him into the turnbuckle, before trying to send him over the barbed wire. However, Hotstuff intelligently stops himself with a baseball slide, before catching the charging Hopps with a back body drop right over the top to the concrete! As Hopps gets up, Hernandez then charges at him and hits an awesome suicide tope right over the top of the barbed wire to the floor! Both men lie hurt as back in the ring Peace Breaker continues to dominate Slaughter, sending him into the corner before connecting with a huge tilt a whirl slam as he bounces out. With all the other three men down, Peace Breaker starts to make his way towards the ladders, but is cut off by Hernandez, who finally returns to his feet. As the two battle, Hopps also regains his composure and makes his way back into the ring, before ascending the turnbuckle and nailing a huge double clothesline on Hernandez and Peace Breaker! As they land, Slaughter makes his way back to his feet, and then shows great agility for a big man by following Hopps right out with a top rope splash onto all three men as they get up! The crowd stand up in appreciation as all men begin to get back up, with Peace Breaker and Hopps taking the initiative and grabbing a ladder before using it as to take out their opponents with a clothesline. Hopps then drops his end of the ladder and takes out Peace Breaker with a huge superkick, before grabbing the ladder again and making his way into the ring. Hopps sets up the ladder and begins to ascend, but as he does so, Aaron Slaughter begins to get up, and eventually returns into the ring, grabbing Hopps and delivering a suplex from halfway up the ladder! Slaughter then tries his hand at climbing the ladder, but Hopps musters up the strength to kick it from underneath him. On the outside Hotstuff Hernandez and Peace Breaker continue to battle, with Hotstuff taking control with a huge DDT on the floor. As Peace Breaker lies hurt, Hotstuff grabs the first table of the night to a huge pop, and sets up Peace Breaker on it. Hotstuff then goes for the second ladder as Hopps tries his hand at climbing for the belt again. Seeing this, Hotstuff climbs into the ring with the second ladder, and leaps to ram it into Hopps who is near the top! The ladder topples over, but, using his head, as it falls down, Hopps makes a leap of faith to the outside, putting Peace Breaker through the table with a splash! A 'holy shit' chant starts up as all four men lie hurt! Back in the ring Hotstuff and Slaughter slowly make their way back to their feet, and seem to finally accept that they can't wok together in this match, as they lock up cleanly, exchanging hold for hold. Eventually Hotstuff comes out on top with a back suplex, before going for one of the ladders. He sets it up in the corner and whips Slaughter into it, before following in with a splash that floors Slaughter. He then pushes the ladder onto Slaughter, before climbing up top. As he does so, Hopps begins to make his way to his feet, and ascends the other turnbuckle. Hernandez sets up to come off the top, and does so with what looks like it will be a double stomp, but as he comes down, Hopps leaps across with a leg drop from the other turnbuckle, catapulting the ladder into Hotstuff! All three men in the ring are down as Peace Breaker starts to get up, and slowly slides back into the ring. As he climbs back in, Slaughter begins to get up, and Hotstuff crawls to the corner, but Peace Breaker simply grabs Aaron Slaughter and tosses him through the barbed wire to the floor! Peace Breaker then grabs a ladder and sets it up in front of Hernandez's face in the corner, before nailing a baseball slide into him. PB then proceeds to place Hopps in between a ladder before grabbing Hernandez. Peace Breaker signals to the crowd, before nailing a powerbomb onto the ladder and Hopps! He signals for the end, and grabs the other ladder, setting it up in the middle of the ring. As he ascends, there is little movement from the other men, apart from Slaughter, who makes his way over to grab a chair from the announcers' table. As Peace Breaker reaches the top of the ladder, Slaughter re-enters with the chair and begins to ascend too. PB is within reaching distance, when all of a sudden Slaughter cracks him with the chair from the other side of the ladder, sending him crashing to the canvas! Slaughter then slowly begins to climb himself, only for Hopps to get back to his feet, and make his way over. As Slaughter gets a couple of rungs from the top, Hopps goes underneath him on the ladder and grabs him, before delivering the Freestyler down to the canvas! Hopps is next to make the climb, but his reign is short lived as Hotstuff musters up the strength to kick the ladder out from underneath him. The crowd watches in awe as Hopps flies down and actually lands in the barbed wire, before bouncing to the outside. Once again all four men are down! After a good minute of rest, everyone begins to get up, as the action spills to the outside. Peace Breaker breaks from the pack as the other three brawl, grabbing his barbed wire baseball bat! As Slaughter is sent into the ring steps by Hopps, the MTX member turns around right into a baseball bat shot from Peace Breaker, busting him wide open! However, Hotstuff has an equaliser, as he grabs a chair from ringside and levels Peace Breaker, before setting up another table between the ring apron and the barricade! He grabs Peace Breaker and sets him up on the table, before going up top. As he does so, Hopps makes his way to his feet and sets up a second table propped against the barricade, near to the first. As Hotstuff comes off the top, Peace Breaker somehow rolls off the table, sending Hotstuff right through to the floor! Peace Breaker then charges at Hopps by the table, but gets caught in the crossfire by Aaron Slaughter, who executes a spear right through the other table! Slaughter then turns around right into a DDT by Hopps, who then climbs into the ring and sets up a ladder. However, as he makes his way up the ladder, he stops, turns around, and begins to look at the exploding boards he brought in at the start! The crowd pop as Hopps gets a sick smile on his face, before climbing out of the ring and grabbing his exploding boards! Hopps sets up one in the corner of the ring and dumps the other one in the middle, before climbing out of the ring and grabbing Peace Breaker! Peace Breaker looks dazed as Hopps picks him up into a powerslam position, before running and smashing him into the exploding board! The board breaks as Peace Breaker drops to the floor and rolls out of the ring! Hopps then sets up the other board in the middle and then sets up a ladder with it! Hotstuff Hernandez is back to his feet and walks into the ring, only to be met with a superkick from Hopps, who then begins to ascend the ladder. However, half way up, Aaron Slaughter somehow regroups, and climbs back into the ring and nails Hopps with a chair shot whilst he is still on the ladder. The Hell's Alliance members then proceed to climb up the ladder and execute a double super-plex right onto the other exploding board! The crowd give all four men a standing ovation, but seem surprised as Hernandez and Slaughter then climb out of the ring, ladders in hand, and begin to set up another situation outside! They set up the ladders next to each other, as well as two more tables, before grabbing Peace Breaker and Hopps and setting them up on the tables! Both Slaughter and Hotstuff ascend the ladders, with Slaughter to jump first. However, as he comes down, Peace Breaker rolls off the table again, sending Slaughter to the floor, before then shoving Hernandez's ladder down, sending him through the table as Hopps moved! Peace Breaker and Hopps then began to go at it, going back in the ring and exchanging more punches, before Hopps nailed a low blow. Peace Breaker keeled over as Hopps went for a piledriver, but it was blocked by PB, who nailed a low blow of his own, before trying for the Peace Driver. However, Hopps rolled through, nailing a tombstone of his own, before going up top and nailing the Blood Butt! Hopps was the only man on his feet as he dived out of the ring and pulled out a third ladder, bigger than the other two, as well as another table. Hopps set up this table in the ring, and placed Peace Breaker on it, before going up halfway on the ladder and nailing his corkscrew legdrop off the ladder through the table! The match looked like surely being near it's end as Hopps set up the ladder in the middle and began to go up, but just as he started to get climbing, Hotstuff and Slaughter finally got back up, taking the other two ladders into the ring, before pulling Hopps off and taking him out with a ladder sandwich! Slaughter then jammed a ladder in one of the corners, slightly open, before sending Peace Breaker into it, trapping him inside. Slaughter proceeded to slam it across his head as Hernandez delivered the Hotstuff Drop to Hopps, before taking the other small ladder into the corner, ascending it unfolded, and falling with it down onto Hopps! Slaughter and Hotstuff were once again the only two standing, and this time there was no clean lock-up as the pair did what they had to, going at it hammer and tongs! Slaughter came out on top this time, nailing a huge running DDT, before setting up a ladder in the middle. Slaughter began to climb, but was soon joined by Hotstuff, as they battled on their way up. However, as they did so, it bought time for Peace Breaker and Hopps, who proceeded to grab one of the other ladders, before jamming it up into supports of the one Slaughter and Hernandez were stood on, collapsing the ladder mid air! Hotstuff and Slaughter dropped vertically to the mat, as Hopps and Peace Breaker nodded at each other, before jumping out of the ring with the two small ladders. As Slaughter and Hotstuff struggled to get up, Hopps and Peace Breaker set up a stack of six tables (two rows of three), with a ladder each side and another table in between the ladder! This took some time, as Slaughter finally started to get up and ascend the remaining ladder. Upon seeing this, Hopps and Peace Breaker jumped back into the ring, before pushing Slaughter's ladder! The crowd watched in awe as Slaughter toppled out, crashing through the top table propped in between the ladders, before falling down through some of the other tables! Slaughter lay motionless, seemingly taken out of the match, as Hopps retaliated with a chair shot on Peace Breaker, ending their short alliance! Hopps hopped out of the ring and grabbed the other two ladders, bringing them into the ring and setting them up. He began to climb one, as Hotstuff Hernandez began to get up. Hotstuff managed to push the ladder, but showing great agility, Hopps dived across to the other ladder. However, here he was met by Peace Breaker, who climbed up behind him and delivered a huge back suplex down to the canvas! Peace Breaker then began to climb up, but Hotstuff Hernandez was hot on his trail, as the two battled up towards the top. As they got up there, Hotstuff started to do the unthinkable as he began to rock the ladder. The crowd watched on in awe as Hotstuff put his own body on the line, eventually toppling the ladder forward. Peace Breaker fell right into the barbed wire and bounced down to the floor as Hotstuff jumped off the ladder to safety. However, as he was getting back to his feet, Hopps was busy lighting the chair on fire! Hotstuff turned around into a shot with the Chair Inferno, but somehow, dodged it, only to turn around into a handful of dust to the eyes from Hopps! As Hotstuff stood blinded, Hopps connected with a chair shot which rocked Hernandez, before finally nailing a second one which floored the world champion! Hopps dropped the chair and grabbed one of the ladders, setting it up in the ring under the belt. The crowd were on their feet as Hopps made his way up the ladder, all the other competitors motionless. As he reached the top, Hotstuff began to get up, but then dropped back to his knees, as Hopps grabbed the belt to win the match! The crowd gave a standing ovation as the EMT's came out to help Peace Breaker and Slaughter to the back, and Hotstuff Hernandez left hurt with his stable-mate, as the Rumour Guy entered the ring and raised Hopps' hand to declare him the new Underground Hardcore Champion!

The Winner and new Underground Hardcore Champion: Hopps

Conrad: Can you believe what we have just seen. That BLT Match was one of the more horrific things I have ever seen.

Chef: I know, wasn't it great! That "X-Rated" Hopps is hardcore to the f'n bone, man.

Conrad: What a night it has been here at the Fleetcenter. We'll see you next week when we bring you another action-packed edition of Sunday Night Rave!