from the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona

Conrad: Hello and welcome to BSW Sunday Night Rave on this the 11 of February 2001. It's been a crazy week here in the BSW and I'm willing to bet that it will carry over to tonight's Rave, right Chef?

Chef: That's right, Conrad. We've got some great matches booked for tonight with 2 titles on the line. We are only week's away from the BSW's first PPV since the re-opening, BSW 2001: The Return. This are really going to get exciting from here on out.

Conrad: Indeed. It looks like we are ready to start the first match so let's get it started!

Draven vs. Talis

Draven is in the ring as Talis' music hits the PA system. Talis walks to ring side and enters the ring. Draven immediately comes to meet him and the two trade blows. Draven pushes Talis back into the corner and delivers several kicks to his mid section. Talis pokes Draven in the eye and gets out of the corner. Talis follows up on the staggering Draven with a bulldog. Talis stands and Draven follows. Talis hits Draven with a big boot and Draven goes back to the canvas. Draven slowly recovers and the two begin to trade blows again. Talis whips Draven against the ropes and executes a back body drop. Talis follows up on the fallen giant with a leg drop. Talis covers but only gets 2 and one-quarter. Talis drags Draven back to his feet and hits a standing dropkick that propels Draven to the floor. Talis soon follows and grabs a chair. Talis winds up; ready to hit Draven with the chair, but Draven puts a boot to his midsection, causing Talis to drop the chair. Draven then picks up his smaller opponent and rams him in the ring post. Talis falls to the concrete in pain as Draven realizes the count is getting close to ten. He rolls into the ring, and back to the floor, stopping the count, not wanting to win by count-out. Draven gets Talis to his feet before whipping him into the steel steps, moving them at least five feet. Talis writhes in pain as Draven rolls him back into the ring. Draven hoists Talis up and drops him down with a body slam. Draven runs up against the ropes and jumps on Talis with a big splash. Draven covers, but only can get a two count. Draven, upset that he didn't win the match there, executes a big elbow drop onto the chest of Talis. Draven brings Talis to his feet before hitting Hell's End on Talis. Draven makes the cover, but at two, Talis puts his foot on the ropes, stopping the count. The frustrated giant then goes back to offence by nailing Talis in a running powerbomb. Not satisfied with the move, he picks Talis up again, and attempts another powerbomb, but Talis rolls out of it, and gets Draven in a low blow, knocking the big man down. Talis staggers to the turnbuckle, and stands on the top rope, waiting for Draven to get to his feet. Once Draven stood up, Talis hits the top rope clothesline, causing Draven to fall back against the ropes, where he counters with a big boot, sending Talis to the mat. Draven stands over his smaller adversary and drags him to his feet. Draven drives Talis to the mat with a big DDT. Draven goes for the cover, but again gets only two. Draven hoists Talis to his feet again. Draven tries to hit Hell's End again, but this time Talis counters with a drop toehold. Both men lie on the mat as the referee begins to count. Talis is first to his feet, and goes to nail Draven with a right, but Draven counters with a pair of strikes of his own, before bouncing back off the ropes and hitting his HUGE lariat! Draven goes for the pin but as he does so out of nowhere Vince Stryfe hits the ring! The ex-UAW star throws Draven off Talis causing the referee to call for the DQ, and then dumps Draven to the outside. Talis slowly gets up and looks at Stryfe, before extending his hand to thank him for the save. Stryfe accepts the handshake, but then all of a sudden kicks Talis in the midsection and nails him with a huge piledriver! Stryfe then drags him to the corner and goes up top before grabbing Talis and delivering the Right To Remain Silent (Diamond Dust)!!! Stryfe jumps up and poses for the crowd in the corner to a big pop whilst Talis lies motionless in the ring!

The Winner: No Contest (double DQ)

Conrad: A no contest is the result after former UAW superstar Vince Stryfe makes a surprise appearance and takes out both wrestlers. Stryfe is a big name in the sport of wrestling and him showing up in the BSW is most suspicious. Only time will tell what Stryfe's plans involving the BSW are. Now let's go to Chef who is standing by to get a few words with Hell's Alliance about their upcoming Inter-gender Tag Match and about Hot Stuff's World Title defense. You there Chef?

Chef: Well Conrad, I am but apparently Hell's Alliance isn't. They have yet to show up at the arena yet tonight.

Conrad: Well this is quite a development. I'm sure we'll have more on this story a little later when we have more information for you. Right now we have a tag team match with the new alliance of Hannibal King and Triple S taking on 2Xtreme and Viper. This should be an interesting one.

Tag Team Match:
Hannibal King / Triple S vs. 2Xtreme / Viper

2Xtreme and Viper are waiting in the ring for their opponents when "Guerilla Radio" by Rage Against The Machine begins to play over the arena's PA system. The crowd lets out a huge pop as Triple S and Hannibal King appear at the top of the entrance ramp. Halfway down the ramp the duo start sprinting towards the ring, slide under the bottom rope, and start taking it to their opponents. All four men brawl in the ring until the ref finally able to restore some order. Triple S and 2Xtreme are the legal men in the ring and tie up in the center of the ring. 2Xtreme gets the advantage and whips Triple S into the ropes. On his way back Triple S ducks a clothesline and gets 2Xtreme with a side russian leg sweep. Triple S picks 2Xtreme up off the canvas and delivers a textbook knee breaker. Triple S heads to the corner and tags in Hannibal King. 2Xtreme is back to his feet and delivers a big chop to King's chest. The crowd "woos" but King no sells the chop and delivers one of his own. The crowd once again "woos" as 2Xtreme is rocked backwards with the force of the chop. 2Xtreme decides to tag in Viper to see if he fairs any better. Viper and King get in each other's face in the center of the ring. Viper uses a rake of the face to get the advantage on King. Viper then proceeds to deliver a devastating DDT on the King. With King on the mat, Viper wrenches on a reverse chinlock. Triple S tries to get the crowd into the match to help King out. King starts to make it to his feet and delivers a belly-to-back suplex to break the hold. Viper tags in 2Xtreme as King struggles to get to his corner to tag in Triple S. 2Xtreme grabs King's leg to stop him from making the tag but King kicks Xtreme away and tags in Triple S. Triple S comes out a like a ball of fire and hits Viper and 2Xtreme with a pair of dropkicks. It looks like Triple S is setting 2Xtreme up for a double arm DDT but Xtreme counters it with a low blow. 2Xtreme hits Triple S with a nice hurricana before turning around and getting into it with the audience. While 2Xtreme is yelling at the audience, Triple S makes the tag to Hannibal King. Hannibal slowly walks up behind 2Xtreme as the fans start to cheer loudly. 2Xtreme wonders why their boos have turned to cheers and slowly turns around. As 2Xtreme turns around, King grabs him by the throat and lifts him high into the air and delivers a vicious two-handed chokebomb. The crowd lets out another huge cheer. King goes for a cover but Viper comes in to break it up. Triple S then comes into the ring to even the odds. 2Xtreme slides out of the ring as Triple S and King start to work over Viper. Holding the back of his head, 2Xtreme heads towards the back and turns his back on his tag team partner Viper while King hits Viper with a King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb) and then Triple S slaps on the Idolizer (sharpshooter). Viper has no choice but to tap out.

The Winners: Hannibal King / Triple S

Chef: What is 2Xtreme's problem? This kid couldn't keep a tag team partner to save his life. This time it's him turning his back on Viper and costing them the match. He appeared to be very pissed off as he headed backstage. We'll see if we can get a word with him later on in the night about why he turned on Viper. Our next match is scheduled to be and Inter-gender Tag Match with Jay Hall, Peace Breaker, and Barramya taking on Da Miami Thrilla, Showstopper, and DJ but no one has seen any of the members of Hell's Alliance yet tonight. What's going to happen?

Inter-gender Tag Match:
"Raw Deal" Jay Hall / Peace Breaker / Barramya
Miami Thrilla / "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter / D.J.

"Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" by Prong plays as "Raw Deal" Jay Hall, Peace Breaker, and Barramya make their way towards the ring. The team seems to be talking over strategy as they stand in the middle of the ring and wait for their opponents. "Teething" by the Deftones begins to play as the crowd turns their attention to the entrance ramp as this is the President of the BSW's music. The Big Shot stands at the top of the ramp with a mic and begins to speak.

Big Shot: I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Inter-gender Tag Match that you were all hoping to see will not be taking place tonight. Earlier today I received a little of resignation from Da Miami Thrilla. He has decided to leave the BSW for undisclosed reasons and I would like to thank Thrilla for all his hard work while part of the BSW. We wish him the best. Also, his teammates in the Inter-gender Tag Match, Showstopper and DJ, have not been seen or heard from all day. There is still no sign of them in the arena, therefore, this match is being awarded to the team of Jay Hall, Peace Breaker, and Barramya.

The Winners by Forfeit: "Raw Deal" Jay Hall / Peace Breaker / Barramya

Conrad: This is most strange. Da Miami Thrilla retiring from the BSW and Hell's Alliance has still not shown up at the arena. Jay Hall, Peace Breaker, and Barramya walk out with a win but I'm sure they would have much rather earned it by beating their opponents rather than forfeit. Next up is something that has really become a crowd favorite here in the BSW, the Underground Hardcore Title. The Hardcore Champ "X-Rated" Hopps defends his title against 400+ pound Mr. Unskinny in a Barbed Wire Board Match. This should be good as both men have a genuine hatred towards each other.

Underground Hardcore Title: (Barbed Wire Board Match)
"X-Rated" Hopps vs Mr. Unskinny

Mr Unskinny makes his way out first, but is straight away jumped by Hopps, who goes to work on his opponent with a kendo stick. Eventually the weapon breaks and Hopps begins to bring his opponent down to the ring, ramming him into the guardrail as he goes. Outside the ring, Hopps then grabs a chair and goes for a shot to Unskinny's back, but the big man won't go down. Hopps then tries early for a Freestyler, but his opponent counters with ease, standing up out of the move right into a back body drop. Unskinny then follows up with a huge leg drop on the outside, before grabbing one of the barbed wire boards from by the ring. He sets this up against the ring apron, and proceeds to whip Hopps into it, sending the hardcore champion crashing to the ground. Unskinny then grabs the board and throws it down onto his opponent, before lying on top for the pin. Hopps just kicks out, although he seems in pain, at two, before Unskinny rolls him back into the ring. The big man picks him up and goes for a Fatty Bomb, but Hopps just manages to escape, wiggling out before hitting him with a clothesline from behind. Again Unskinny refuses to go down, so Hopps delivers a huge dropkick that rocks him, but again Unskinny doesn't fall. In a last gasp attempt to take him out, Hopps jumps up top and goes for the flying hurancanrana, but Unskinny catches him in the move and delivers a huge sit-out Fatty Bomb! Unskinny then goes outside and throws the chair and two of the barbed wire boards back into the ring. As Hopps begins to get up, Unskinny nails him with the chair, busting him wide open, before setting up one of the boards in the corner. Unskinny then rams Hopps into the board, before following in with a running splash in the corner! Unskinny then goes for the cover, but again Hopps kicks out at two. Irate at Hopps' resilience, Unskinny then goes to the middle rope, ready for the Butt Bounce. As he is about to come down, Hopps somehow nails the low blow, before grabbing Unskinny and pulling him backwards onto the barbed wire board with a legsweep off the middle rope! Hopps makes the cover but only gets a two, so he follows up by going up top and nailing his 450 headbutt onto Unskinny who is still lying on the board! Again he gets a two count, as Unskinny just kicks out. Sensing that the end is near, Hopps sets up the other board in the middle of the ring and pulls Unskinny to the middle ready for a pilderiver right into it! Hopps gets Unskinny up, but can't hold him. Taking opportunity of the moment, Unskinny lifts him up into a kryptonite krunch position, before delivering the move right into the barbed wire board. Hopps looks to be out cold as Unskinny climbs out the ring, before re-entering with a bag of thumbtacks! He spreads some in the middle of the ring, and grabs the dazed Hopps, before setting him up for a Fatty Bomb! However, as he gets him up, Hopps counters, and hurancanrana's him right into the barbed wire board! Shocked, Unskinny hops back to his feet, bleeding horrendously, only to get caught with a springboard bulldog from Hopps right into the thumbtacks he had placed earlier! The crowd were on their feet as Hopps stood up, also hurt from the move, and signalled for the end! Hopps grabbed the chair and placed it on Unskinny's head, before going up top and connecting with the spinning leg drop onto it! Hopps made the cover as Unskinny was unable to kick out, retaining his title.

The Winner and still Underground Hardcore Champion: "X-Rated" Hopps

Chef: What an incredible display of toughness! Both of these guys gave 110% effort and about the same amount of their blood. This Underground Hardcore Title is one of the most sickening things I have ever been a witness too but just like the thousands of fans at ringside and watching at home, I love it! Let's see if they can get the blood cleaned off the mat before our next match between Fallen member Dark Knight and new ally of the Front Office Calib McClain. Calib wanted a shot at one of the big talents here in the BSW and he has gotten that shot against the BSW Intercontinental Champion in a non-title matchup.

Dark Knight vs. Calib McClain

Dark Knight makes his way to the ring followed a fair distance by Calib McClain. Both men go to their corners and the bell rings. They circle the ring before locking up. Dark Knight brings Calib McClain down to the floor with an arm drag take down and converts it into a wristlock. Calib slowly makes his way to his feet and catches Dark Knight with an elbow to the jaw. Calib runs off the ropes at Dark Knight. Dark Knight drops to the floor and Calib runs over. Dark Knight returns to his feet just as Calib is coming back off the other rope, and they collide headfirst. Both men are down, the ref begins to count 1…2…..3….. 4……. They both begin to get to their feet using the ropes for support. The ref continues to count 5… 6…. 7….. They both reach a vertical base and slowly walk towards each other still a little dazed. As they get closer together Calib dips his shoulder and flies at Dark Knight with a running spear and takes him to the canvass. Calib attempts to gain momentum and pulls Dark Knight to his feet but Dark Knight delivers an elbow to his gut, followed up by a big clothesline, which takes Calib off his feet. Dark Knight falls back to the canvass as well still dazed by the spear. McClain and Knight both get to their feet, and begin to trade punches. After four shots each, McClain drives his opponent to the corner, and begins a flurry of kicks and punches, sending Knight reeling out of the ring. Calib follows after him, hitting a bulldog on the concrete. McClain stands on the ring apron and executes a beautiful frog splash onto Dark Knight. He picks Knight up and rolls him into the ring. Once in the ring, Calib keeps his advantage with a German suplex, into a pinfall attempt, but only gets a two count. Calib brings the Intercontinental champion to his feet and delivers a stalling suplex, keeping him in the air for over fifteen seconds! McClain cover Knight after the impact, only to get two and three-quarters. McClain gets up and argues with the referee, thinking that it was a slow count. This gives Knight a chance to regain some wind as he surprises him with a full nelson slam from behind. Knight takes over the match with a plethora of technical moves. He whips Calib against the ropes and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Knight quickly follows with a sharpshooter. After a few seconds in the hold, McClain finds his way to the ropes. Knight regains his momentum with a belly-to-back suplex. Dark Knight picks Calib up and throws him outside to the floor. Knight goes to the floor again and rams him into the ring post. Knight rolls into the ring, hoping for a count-out. McClain rolls into the ring at eight, and stuns DK with a cradle for a pin attempt. Knight kicked out at one, but Calib got his attention. Angered, Knight stomps his opponent into the corner, and follows with a top rope superplex. Knight goes for the pin, but again, can't get a three count. Knight then calls for the Knightfall, and executes the move perfectly, only for McClain to somehow kick out again at two and a half! Irate, Dark Knight hops out of the ring and grabs a chair, before re-entering. The referee desperately tries to stop him, but gets a chair shot for his worries, making the match a DQ win for McClain! Dark Knight then clocks McClain as the rest of The Fallen come out and help him in beating down the fallen star. Estacado and Dream then hold McClain as Dark Knight takes the chair and smashes it over McClain's skull. Calib McClain however refuses to go down, standing up and shouting for him to take another shot. DK complies, cracking him again, but again McClain won't drop. Angered, Dark knight continues the onslaught, eventually busting McClain wide open. Calib battles to stay on his feet, but eventually drops to the canvas hurt as The Fallen stand victorious despite their defeat.

The Winner by DQ: Dark Knight

After the match, Dark Knight grabs a mic and stands over McClain, shouting at him:

KNIGHT: You wanted the big leagues son! You wanted the main eventers! We'll you just had all three of them beat the living hell out of you. And just where is your precious savoir Bob Peil now?

Conrad: The resilient Calib McClain showed that he has what it takes to hang with one of the BSW's top superstars in the Dark Knight. Knight gave him everything he had but couldn't manage to get Calib down for the 3. The Fallen resort to their old tricks however as they beat McClain unmercifully with the steel chair. Next up, Fallen member Daniel "The Devil" Estacado gets his shot at Bucky Thompson and his United States Title. This next match promises to be a good one.

BSW United States Title:
Bucky Thompson (c)
vs. Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

The challenger for the BSW United States championship Daniel "The Devil" Estacado walks to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Bucky Thompson's music hits the PA system and out walks the champion, to everyone's surprise accompanied by Frankie Manns! Holding his title belt above his head he walks to ring side and throws the belt over the top rope. The ref collects it as Bucky enters the ring. The ref hands the belt outside the ring and the bell rings. The two men charge at each other. However, Bucky lifts his boot and the Devil runs into it jaw first. Bucky pulls the Devil to his feet and whips him across the ring. Daniel Estacado runs off the ropes, Bucky goes for a clothesline, Daniel ducks it and stops behind Bucky. The Devil applies a full Nelson to Bucky Thompson. Bucky is not happy with this situation and lifts his leg behind him and catches the Devil with a low blow. The Devil drops to his knees, Bucky turns and knocks him on to the floor with a boot to the head. Bucky turns and celebrates. Estacado rolls into the ring and stuns a celebrating Bucky with an inverse DDT. Daniel covers him, but only gets a two count. Bucky regains his vertical base, and hits a drop toe hold. Thompson then puts Estacado in a headlock while on the mat. Estacado grabs the ropes, forcing a break of the hold. Both men get to their feet. Bucky runs at Daniel and hits a clothesline. He covers but gets a two. They both get up and Estacado runs at Bucky. Bucky ducks and Daniel hits the ropes. Thompson drops his head and gets a big DDT. Estacado covers, but only gets two. Daniel pulls Bucky up and attempts a powerbomb. Bucky counters with a back body drop. Estacado gets right back up and swings his fist wildly at Thompson missing, allowing Bucky to kick Daniel in the gut, and hit a neck-breaker. He covers the challenger, but gets two. Both men get up and Daniel then goes on the offensive with kicks and punches. He whips Bucky into the ropes and hits a cross body block into a pin, but gets only two. Both men get up, with this time Bucky whipping Daniel into the ropes. Bucky tries a clothesline, but Estacado ducks and hits the other rope. As he comes back toward Bucky, Bucky gets him in a hip toss. Bucky drops the elbow three times and tries for the pin, but cannot get the job done. Thompson waits for Estacado to reach his feet. Daniel staggers towards the corner. The United States champion charges, but Daniel moves, causing the comedian to hit the buckle chest first and hit the mat. Estacado covers him and gets two and a half. Estacado gets Thompson to his feet and throws him into the ropes, executing a tilt-o-whirl driver. Thompson gets covered but kicks out just in time. Estacado whips Thompson into the buckle, but Thompson jumps into the air, landing on the top rope, then hitting a clothesline on Estacado. He goes for the victory, but gets two again. Bucky rushes to the buckle again and hits corkscrew moonsault, but only gets a two count. Again, Thompson quickly goes to the buckle and attempts a Punchline. Estacado moves and Bucky hits the mat hard. Both men lie in the ring motionless as the referee begins to count. On the seven count, both men get back up and begin to go at it again, Thompson once again regaining control, but Estacado eventually counters his punch attempts with a huge clothesline. As Thompson returns to his feet Estacado goes for another clothesline, but Thompson counters and absolutely kills him with a half nelson suplex! The crowd roar with the referee's count as Thompson makes the cover, but Estacado kicks out at two! Thompson then moves in for the kill again, picking up Estacado and nailing a huge German suplex, but again The Devil kicks out at two! Thompson then attempts a second German suplex, but Estacado reverses the roll up himself and grabs the ropes! The referee counts two but then notices Estacado's attempted illegal pin and breaks it up. As Estacado complains Thompson rolls him up again, but this time rolls right out of the move and nails a super-kick, taking Estacado down and out! Thompson then signals for the frog-splash and goes up top, but some Estacado returns to his vertical base and crotches the comedian! Estacado then goes up and goes, for all things, a super hurancanrana! However, as he is about to execute it, Thompson counters and nails a huge sit-out powerbomb from the top! Thompson tries for the cover, but it seems as if the move took as much out of him as Estacado, as somehow Daniel Estacado rolls through on the pin into a roll up of his own! The crowd are on their feet to see what happens as Estacado just manages to keep Thompson down for the three, the now ex-champion kicking out just seconds after! The crowd boo loudly as The Fallen member becomes the new US champion! Thompson looks shocked as he stands up, only to be taken down by Estacado with a big yakuza kick. Seeing this, Frankie Manns jumps in the ring to defend his friend, jumping on Estacado from behind and brawling with him on the canvas! Security and Bucky Thompson break up the two as it seems Frankie Manns is all ready to try and take the title back to MTX!

The Winner and new BSW US Champion: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

Chef: What a thrilling match! Neck and neck to the end, Daniel "The Devil" Estacado pulls off the victory against the equally impressive Bucky Thompson. Wrestling doesn't get much better than that folks. That match between two great superstars is sure to end up in a BSW Greatest Hits video. Next up is the Main Event with Maurice Dream getting a rematch for the BSW World Title against "Hot Stuff" Hernandez in a No DQ Match. I still haven't heard for sure that Hell's Alliance has shown up at the arena. I guess we'll find out in a moment, huh?

Main Event
BSW World Title: (No DQ)
"Hot Stuff" Hernandez (c)
vs. Maurice Dream

"Shut 'Em Down" by LL Cool J begins to play as Maurice Dream makes his way to the ring. As usual when he steps into the ring, Dream has a very determined look on his face as he awaits his opponent.

(...Hot Stuff hits the arena PA System as the fans and everyone waits to see if Hot Stuff shows up. He does not. Hot Stuff plays through and restarts. Still no Hot Stuff! The music cuts and Another One Bites The Dust hits the arena PA and not only Hot Stuff, but Show Stopper, DJ and 2 Xtreme all walk out. Hot Stuff gets the arena microphone as they all climb into the ring. He raises the microphone to his face...)

Hot Stuff: You know, I chased this title for years before I ever got it and now that I have it I realize something. I don't want it! Hey Show STopper here, you can have it.

Show Stopper: No! I don't want it! You keep it!

Hot Stuff: Well, Dj, here you can have it! I wouldn't keep it if noone would take it!

DJ: You can't give it to me, I'm not having that thing I guess you are keeping it!

Hot Stuff: Well, 2 Xtreme it's all yours here.

2 Xtreme: HELL NO! You won it, YOU KEEP IT!

Hot Stuff: Well, none of us want it, so I guess it can go here. (he tosses it out ot the floor) You see, I did so much for this fed over the years and all for what? Not a thank you, not a word of praise. None of us want that title belt but I guess that leaves only one person to be the new champion?

Show Stopper: I don't know but I really don't care. As simple as this, we are out of the BSW on our own terms and that is to open OUR own federation. Your CEO's Hot Stuff and Myself. Your president, Dj. Your board member, I'll realease that in just a second. 2 Xtreme the first wrestler signed.

DJ: Now, I'm gonna realease your board member. That man is none other than the former BSW Vice President, "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze. Come on out Hot Shot! (...Blaze of Glory hits the PA as Hot Shot comes out carrying six carrying bags. he sits them inside of the ring...)

Hot Shot: That's right I now work for the SSWF! Those there are the SSWF Titles and we are going to show them to you right now. (Hot Shot grabs the title belts and they take them out of the cases...) You see, these titles are the ones these people want and that this guy has the contractial chance to hold!

2Xtreme: That's very correct and I will hold it! You see, that title right there is as good as mine and...

2Xtreme is interupted as a BSW contingency forms at the top of the entrance ramp in the form of BSW security and many of the BSW wrestlers including "Raw Deal" Jay Hall, Hannibal King, Dark Knight and others. The new SSWF wrestlers stand in the ring taunting the group at the top of the ramp. As the group starts walking towards the ring, Maurice Dream slides into the ring behind the SSWF group. Dream taps Hot Stuff on the shoulder and as Hot Stuff turns around Dream delivers the Wake Up Call (stunner) as the BSW contingency begins running towards the ring. Despite being from different stables within the BSW, the BSW group unites to go after the SSWF group. The two sides go at it. During the fight Dark Knight delivers the Knightfall (reverse DDT) to 2Xtreme, King nails Justin Blaze with another King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb) similar to last week at Rave, and Jay Hall hits Showstopper with the Quick Fix (grabs his opponent from behind in a tiger suplex position before rotating them into a sit-out pedigree). The new SSWF members quickly grab their titles and head up the ramp. The crowd cheers as the BSW stands unified in the middle of the ring and the SSWF members stand on the ramp still taunting the BSW.

The Winner by Forfeit and new BSW World Champion: Maurice Dream

Conrad: Maurice Dream regains the BSW World Title in most unusual fashion. "Hot Shot" Justin Blaze, "Hot Stuff" Hernandez, "Showstopper" Aaron Slaughter, DJ, and 2Xtreme have all left the BSW to start their own fed known as the SSWF.

Chef: Good riddance. Who needs 'em? The BSW will be better off without those posers around.

Conrad: That remains to be seen. It will be hard to replace talent like that right away especially someone with the history in the BSW that Hot Stuff has. Some of the other BSW talent is really going to have to pick up their games to take their places.

Chef: Yeah whatever, ass kisser. You trying to get a job in the SSWF or something?

Conrad: No, I'm just saying that even if they didn't treat the BSW much respect as they left, they were still pretty good wrestlers.

Chef: Good wrestlers my ass.

Conrad: Anyway, congradulations to our new BSW World Champion, Maurice Dream. That'll do it for this week's Sunday Night Rave. Join us next week, same BSW time, same BSW channel.