from the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, CA

Mr. Unskinny vs. Draven

"Eye Of The Tiger" hits the PA system and Mr Unskinny makes his way down to the ring. This is closely followed by the music changing to "Tattered and Torn" by Slipknot, and Draven walks down to the ring. He slides in to the ring, and Mr Unskinny starts kicking him in the back as the bell sounds. He follows this up with some double axehandles to the back. He picks up Draven, whips him off the ropes, and hits him with a clothesline on the return. Unskinny then bounces off the ropes and goes for a splash, but Draven rolls out of the way. Draven pulls himself back up to his feet and starts dropping knees on the chest area of Mr Unskinny. Draven pulls up Unskinny and drops him straight back down with a reverse DDT. Draven quickly goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Draven pulls Unskinny up and whips him in to the ropes. Unskinny ducks a clothesline, and then comes back with a flying back elbow on Draven. Unskinny then raises Draven and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, which earns him a near fall. Unskinny then bounces off the ropes and lands an elbow drop, which earns another 2 count. Unskinny then pulls up Draven again, but Draven ducks and connects with a neckbreaker. He then pulls up Unskinny and pushes him back in the corner. Draven then climbs to the second rope and lands a stiff tornado DDT which seems to hurt both men. After a while Draven makes the cover and is unlucky not to get the 3. Draven then lifts Unskinny again and goes for another DDT, but Mr Unskinny raises Draven on to his shoulders and gives him a DVD. Mr Unskinny then puts Draven between his legs and lifts him for a piledriver, dropping him square on the top of his head. Draven quickly rolls to the outside to catch his breath. When Draven returns to the ring, he is quickly pounced upon by Unskinny, who whips him in to the corner and starts smashing Draven's head against the turnbuckle. Unskinny then whips Draven in to the opposite corner and follows in with a splash. As Draven staggers out of the corner, Unskinny runs against the ropes and comes back with the Running Fat (flying cross body) which he doesn't go for the cover from. He signals for the end, and drags Draven to the corner. Mr Unskinny then goes to the second rope and lands the Buttbounce (top rope buttdrop onto chest), from which he stays on top for the 3 count and the victory.

The Winner: Mr. Unskinny

Crazy C vs. Vince Stryfe

Vince Stryfe walks to the ring for his BSW debut, He enters the ring as Crazy C comes running at pace from the back. He slides into the ring but is immediately floored by a huge clothesline from Vince. Crazy C slowly gets back to his feet using the ropes for support, as he reaches a vertical base Vince Charges and clotheslines Crazy C over the top rope and to the floor. Vince climbs through the ropes and grabs hold of one of the large mats surrounding the ring, and pulls it up exposing the hard concrete floor. The ref comes to the out side to tell Vince not to think about it however Vince grabs Crazy C and power bombs him down hard onto the concrete. There is a sickening thud as C hits the floor and Vince slides back into the ring. The ref follows so Vince slides back out and pushes Crazy C back into the ring. Vince picks up Crazy C and inflicts more damage to his back with a hellish spinebuster. Crazy C is hurt bad and Vince goes for the cover 1.....2..... Crazy C lifts his should just up at the last split second. Vince picks Crazy C up again and shoves him into the corner. Vince charges at Crazy C and hits a large clothesline which sends Crazy C to the floor. Vince pulls Crazy C away from the corner a bit by his arm as he is still facing down. Vince climbs the ropes and stands tall on the top of the turnbuckle. He leaps and thrusts his elbow down into the small of the back of Crazy C. Crazy C is in a great deal of pain, but Vince wants to make sure before he next attempts a cover. Vince pulls Crazy C up into the corner, and hops up top. The crowd watch in awe as he comes flying down with the Right To Remain Silent! Stryfe makes the cover for the easy three count and the win!

The Winner: Vince Stryfe

Bucky Thompson vs. Peace Breaker

Peace Breaker's music hits the PA system as out walks the Breaker accompanied by Barramya. Breaker slides in under the bottom rope and goes to his corner. Bucky Thompson's music overtakes the arena's PA system as he walks briskly to ring side. He enters the ring and the ref gets the match going. They tie up but not for long as Breaker delivers a hard knee to the mid section of Bucky. Breaker whips Thompson off the ropes but Bucky comes back with a flying shoulder tackle which takes Breaker off his feet. Bucky Grabs Breaker's hair and pulls him to his feet, Bucky runs and bounces off the ropes and flies at Breaker with a spinning heel kick. Breaker drops to the canvas and Bucky misses however Bucky lands well and gets straight back up behind Breaker. The Peace Breaker turns around and immediately Bucky Thompson climbs the 6'4" Breaker and throws him to the outside with a hurancanrana. Breaker grabs the guard rails so as to not loose his footing as he stumbles on the outside. Barramya comes around to Breaker as he tries to collect himself by leaning on the ring apron. Thompson is not going to let him catch his breath though and comes off the ropes and puts boot soles of his boots into Breaker's face with a running baseball slide. Breaker falls to the matted floor clutching his face. Barramya gets up on the apron and starts arguing with the ref. Thompson comes over and they begin having a slagging match over the ref's shoulders. Breaker grabs Bucky's foot and pulls him to the outside. Breaker hits Bucky with several large right hands and places him in a standing headlock. Breaker runs towards the ring post with the intention of ramming Thompson's head into it, however, this is not the case as Bucky forces his head free and shoves Breaker into the post, Breaker goes down. Barramya starts shouting at Bucky who turns around and walks up to her. She however, is not going to stick around and begins to run around the ring, followed by Bucky who is followed by the ref who is not as fast and drops behind. Breaker grabs a chair from under one of the spectators and as Bucky comes around to Breaker's position, Breaker lunges at him chair first. Bucky falls backward and Breaker slips the chair under the ring so as the ref arrives he doesn't see it. Breaker pulls Bucky back to his feet and slams him face first into the ring apron, then rolls him back into the ring. The ref follows as Breaker pulls Bucky back to his feet slowly. Bucky is still dazed as Breaker pushes him back into the corner and begins planting large heavy kicks to his mid section. Breaker grabs Bucky's arm and whips him across the ring into the other buckle. Breaker follows but Bucky lifts his feet and catches Breaker right on the jaw line. Breaker stumbles back and charges at Bucky again. Thompson repeats the process and Breaker this time falls back to the canvas. Bucky Pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle and rest for a moment sitting on the top. Breaker stands up and charges in at Bucky, but Bucky leap frogs him and Breaker hits the turnbuckle. As he turn around Bucky delivers a spinning heel kick and Breaker falls back into the corner and slides down the buckles till he is sat on the canvas. Bucky grabs Breaker and pulls him out of the corner and delivers a kick to his mid section. Bucky summons all his strength he has left and lifts the 295lbs Breaker up and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. Bucky dives to the top rope and leaps onto Breaker with a frog splash and holds for the pin. 1.....2.....3.

The Winner: Bucky Thompson

Triple S vs. "Style In Action" Frankie Manns

Triple S's music hits the arena and the man from Minneapolis walks out to the ring. Frankie Manns music then hits the arena as he walks out from the back to step into the ring for the first time since his injury. He slides into the ring and the bell sounds and the match is underway. The tie up in the middle of the ring and Frankie comes out on top with an arm bar, which he takes Triple S down to the canvas with. Frankie adjusts himself and drives three knee drops to the pinned arm of Triple S. Frankie forces Triple S's arm behind his back and pulls him up to his feet. Shane Sullivan is stuck in this hold as Frankie rams him chest first into the turnbuckle. Frankie releases the hold and turns Triple S around in the corner. Frankie puts the boot in to Triple S before Shane pokes Frankie in the eye. Frankie walks around the ring holding his face. Triple S connects with a clothesline and takes Frankie Down. Triple S grabs Frankie by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. Shane delivers a knee to Frankie's mid-section and plants him to the canvas with a double arm DDT. Shane slowly pulls Frankie to his feet however Frankie has other ideas and grabs Triple S around the neck and takes him back to the canvas with a head lock tack down. As the two wrestle on the canvas the fans boo as Daniel Estacado makes his way down to ringside. Seeing this, Manns breaks the hold and walks over to the ropes, leaning out at Estacado. Triple S capitalizes by quickly rolling up his opponent, and actually gets a two count before Manns escapes. Triple S then goes to the ropes to have a go at Estacado, and this time it's Manns who goes for the pin with a German suplex, but Triple S just escapes before the three. Estacado's presence is noticeably throwing both men off their game as neither one can stay concentrated. After exchanging a few sloppy punches, the two look at each other, before jumping out of the ring and attacking Estacado! The crowd pop as Manns takes him out with a plancha over the top before Triple S comes out himself and lays the boots to him. The referee tries to break this up by pulling Manns back into the ring and counting Triple S out. When the count reaches eight Triple S finally stops the beating and climbs back in. Manns and Triple S seem less at odds with each other after combining to attack, and almost looks if they're going to call the whole thing off when all of a sudden Scarlet jumps on the apron and begins to shout at Triple S. The Idol goes over and looks ready to manhandle Estacado's manager again, until all of a sudden Frankie Manns grabs him from behind with a German suplex and rolls through with a tight bridge for the pin!

The Winner: "Style In Action" Frankie Manns

Triple S instantly jumps up in shock as their short lived alliance was broken already, and shoves Manns. Just as Manns was about to reply, Estacado hits the ring with a chair and lays him out! Triple S then goes after Estacado, taking him down and getting into a fist fight! The referee tries to break them up but Manns recovers and knocks out the referee, before throwing Triple S off Estacado and brawling with him himself! The security come down and separate the trio. One of the security guards looks strangely familiar and when he hit the ring immediately takes out Manns and Estacado but when he comes face to face with Triple S the two shake hands and embrass. As the two leave ringside with each other we come to the realization that it is none other than former BSW superstar and Triple S' best friend, Keith Krash. It looks like we've got one hell of a three way dance coming up at the PPV between Estacado, Triple S, and Manns.

Scarlet vs. Barramya vs. Scarlet

Scarlet makes her way down to the ring first, with Daniel "The Devil" Estacado by her side. Then "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit blazes over the PA system as Barramya makes her way down to the ring, accompanied by Peace Breaker. Holly Bombshell is then accompanied to ringside by Hopps. The bell rings and Scarlet goes straight after Barramya. She shoves Barramya back in to the corner and starts chopping at the chest area. Barramya then reverses Scarlet in to the corner and starts chopping herself. Holly Bombshell then runs in to clothesline both people, but Barramya moves out of the way just in time, and Holly goes straight in to Scarlet. Bombshell then quickly rolls up Scarlet, but the count is stopped at 2 by Barramya. Barramya then starts punching away on Scarlet. She lifts Scarlet up, whips her in to the ropes, and hits a dropkick. Barramya then slides to the outside to stand with Peace Breaker. Holly Bombshell then pulls up Scarlet and whips her in to the ropes. Scarlet ducks under a clothesline and retaliates with a standing side kick to Holly. Scarlet then takes Bombshell and smashes her head in to every top turnbuckle, and follows up by lifting Holly on to her shoulders and landing a Samoan drop. Scarlet look to have the win, but Barramya slides back in and breaks it up. Barramya sends Scarlet to the ropes, but ducks her head and gets kneed in the face for it. Scarlet then sets up Barramya for a powerbomb, but as Barramya is in the air she reverses it in to a hurancanrana. Barramya then goes up to the top and hits a senton bomb, but Scarlet somehow manages to kick out on 2. Bombshell and Barramya then start to double team Scarlet, whipping her in to the ropes and hitting a double clothesline then landing a double, but Holly could only get a 2 count. Holly Bombshell then takes a break from the ring, while Scarlet and Barramya go at it. Scarlet manages to body slam Barramya, and then goes to the second rope and hits a leg drop for a near fall. Scarlet starts pulling Barramya back up, but Barramya starts punching her in the stomach. Barramya gets back to her feet, whips Scarlet in to the ropes and gives her a back body drop. She follows this up by locking on the walls of Barramya! Just before Scarlet taps, Holly Bombshell breaks the hold. Barramya then rolls out of the ring. Bombshell then goes for a German suplex on Scarlet, but Scarlet reverses and hits a full nelson bomb. Barramya then slides in and throws Holly Bombshell out of the ring. Peace Breaker starts shouting at Barramya for not pinning Bombshell while she had the chance. Peace Breaker jumps on to the apron and gets face to face with Barramya. After some trash talking, Barramya slaps Peace Breaker and pushes him off the ring apron! Barramya then turns round and is trapped in a small package by a recovered Scarlet for the 3 count. Suddenly, "Style In Action" Frankie Manns comes out to ringside, pushing Peace Breaker, who is now returning to the locker room, out of the way. Manns then slides in to the ring to check that the fallen Barramya is OK. He helps her back to her feet and gives her a hug. She then raises his hand, and the two walk back to the locker room arm in arm.

The Winner: Scarlet

(Before the next match gets underway, "It's Over" by Run DMC begins to play as "Raw Deal" Jay Hall appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in his hand. The crowd's cheers eventually quiet as he begins to speak.)

Jay Hall: Before we start this next match, I have something I'd like to address. I realised that the cage match between me and Dream at the PPV might not show the better man, it will simply show the man lucky enough to get an opportunity to escape a metal structure. It won't be about skill, it'll be luck. Therefore, if Bob will sanction it, I would like to change our match to a 2 out of 3 falls contest. That way we'll get a true reflection of ability.

(The entire arena is left speachless as "It's Over" once again begins to play and Hall makes his exit.)

Non-Title Match:
Dark Knight
vs. "X-Rated" Hopps

Both men begin the match with a lock-up as Dark Knight works over his opponent with an armbar, taking the cruiserweight down to the mat. Hopps breaks the hold with a head-scissors on the mat, before both men resume their vertical position. They then lock up again, this time Hopps winning with an armbar takedown, but this time Dark Knight returns the favour with a head-scissor escape. The two then stand up and back off to applause from the crowd, before all of a sudden bursting into action and going at it with a series of punches! The crowd pop at the brawl that's erupting as the referee tries to get in between, but simply gets flung out of the ring by Hopps! Dark Knight comes back with a knee to Hopps' midsection followed by a DDT, but chooses to go for an elbow drop as opposed to a pin, which leads to Hopps moving and nailing an exploder suplex on Dark Knight, Hopps then takes Dark Knight to the corner and goes for the mandatory ten punches, only for on the eighth to be back-dropped down to the floor by Dark Knight. By now the referee is back in control as DK comes out with a baseball slide, but Hopps dodges the move, before hopping in the ring and coming back out with a pescado! The two then start to brawl outside the ring, as Hopps goes for a suplex on the rampway, but the move gets reversed by the much bigger Dark Knight, who nails a huge suplex on the ramp. DK then rolls Hopps back into the ring before going for the cover, which gets a two count. Dark Knight continues to work over the MTX member, nailing a huge powerbomb before going middle rope and coming off with a big knee drop for a two count. Hopps looks out of it as Dark Knight pulls him up and signals for the Knightfall, before nailing the move perfectly. Dark knight makes a very cocky pin, but is shocked as Hopps gets his foot on the ropes! Angered, Dark Knight pulls him to the corner and puts him up high for the brainbuster. However, as he tries to get him up, Hopps somehow counters, before nailing the low blow and executing the Freestyler off the top rope! Hopps makes the cover but despite the force of the move Dark Knight somehow kicks out at two! Dazed, DK stands up right into a huge piledriver from Hopps, before Hopps goes up top and nails the Blood Butt! However, just a she is about to hit DK, the IC champion moves, sending Hopps into the canvas. Thinking he has regained control, Dark Knight runs at Hopps as he gets up and tries for, of all things, a hurancanrana! However, Hopps somehow catches him up there, before lowering him down and hitting the world-famous Ganso Bomb spot (as done by Misawa and Kobashi in AJPW!). Hopps rolls on top of Dark Knight and makes the three count for the shock win! As he rolls out the ring and celebrates, Dark Knight is visibly angry at losing, maybe feeling he had looked too far beyond Rave and underestimated his opponent!

The Winner: "X-Rated" Hopps

After the match, Dark Knight argueed with the ref about what he thought to be a quick count. As Knight pleaded his case, "Teething" by the Deftones began to play and the Dark Knight immediately turned his attention to the entrance ramp expecting the appearance of the "Big Shot" Bob Peil. As Dark Knight watched the ramp, the Big Shot jumped out of the front row dressed in street clothes, slide into the ring, and started to beat down the Intercontinental Champion from behind. The Big Shot lifted the Dark Knight high into the air and planted him with a hanging brainbuster before sliding back out of the ring and heading over to the announcers table.

Big Shot: How do you like that little taste of your own medicine there DK? Did you honestly think that the Big Shot would not put up a fight for your Intercontinental Title? I don't think so. At BSW 2001: The Return, get ready to kiss your title, your ass, and your career good-bye because I accept your stipulation. If you win, you get your shot at the BSW World Title, and if I win, you will retire from the BSW!

BSW United States Championship:
Daniel "The Devil" Estacado (c)
vs. Calib McClain

Calib McClain is already in the ring when "Dead Souls" by Nine Inch Nails hits the speakers as Daniel "The Devil" Estacado makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Scarlet. The two stare each other down before going for a collar and elbow tie-up. Calib McClain gets Estacado in a headlock, then switches it to an armbar, twists it in to a hammerlock, then powers the Devil to the floor. Devil looks shaken at being beaten in that. They go for another tie-up, and again Calib gets the headlock, the armbar, and then the hammerlock. However, Estacado quickly reverses the hammerlock into a drop toe hold, and then floats over into a headlock of his own. Calib gets back to his feet and forces Estacado off the ropes, and he knocks Estacado down with a body check. Calib then goes off the ropes, but as he comes back he gets nailed with a dropkick. Estacado follows this up quickly by going to the second rope and driving an elbow into the chest of McClain, earning a 2 count. Estacado then gets up and tries for a full nelson suplex on Calib, but is lifted on to McClain's back and then crushed between him and the mat. McClain follows this up with an elbow drop and a leg drop. He then pulls up Estacado and hits a belly to belly suplex, earning a 2 count. Calib then suplexes the Devil, but Estacado flips over the top and nails McClain with a DDT. The Devil then goes to the top rope and hits the Fall From Grace (super DDT off top rope) which gets a 2 count from the ref. Estacado then goes for an axehandle from the second rope, but is caught by McClain, who knees the Devil in the chest, and then puts him between his legs and nails a powerbomb. He then lifts up Estacado and traps him in a bearhug. The Devil looks to be going out, and the ref checks him arm, but on the third raise Estacado manages to keep it up. Daniel manages to fight his way out of the hold, before delivering a huge DDT to McClain in the middle of the ring. As the referee checks on McClain, Scarlet reaches over to Estacado and hands him a cloth which seems to be soaked in an ammonia solution! As McClain gets up Scarlet distracts the referee as Estacado smothers his opponent with the cloth! McClain struggles to get away but eventually gets knocked out by the chemical! Estacado then throws the cloth across to the corner before locking on his Darkness hold! The referee sees McClain is out cold and calls for the bell, calling Estacado the winner! However, as he raises his arm, the referee sniffs the air, and suddenly notices the cloth. He picks it up and sniffs it before jumping out of the ring and telling the announcer to disqualify Estacado! Irate, Estacado drags the referee into the ring and locks The Darkness on him, before leaving the ring area in a foul mood!

The Winner by DQ: Calib McClain

(After the match, "Deepest Bluest" begins to play as Dark Knight hits the ramp entrance with a file in his hand. He has a big smile on his face and a purpose on his mind. He takes his microphone and looks into the eyes of McClain who is standing in the ring.)

KNIGHT: I must say that that was quite a show you put on there big man. Quite a familiar one at that.

(McClain grabs a microphone.)

CALIB: There's more where that came from. Why don't you bring your happy ass down here and get some.

KNIGHT: No, no , no... I am here for something else. You see, before we locked it up last week, I had someone do a bit of digging on you. I always like to know who my opponents are, so I figured it was worth checking into. And then after fighting you last week, something else caught my attention. You see, every man's fighitng style is almost as great as a signature, and there is no way you could forge what you did.

CALIB: Where are you going with this?

KNIGHT: Simple. I have documentation on name changes, cosmetic surgery, and relocation papers for one Calib McClain. And you know, you weren't lying to Estacado about being in the game for a long time, becuase after all, I was there with you... Apollo.

CALIB: Well, the business man has all the answers.

KNIGHT: Why did you do it?

CALIB: You deserted us all for your business career. King went his way, and I had to go mine. But I vowed to come back, and teach you a lesson on respect. And knowning the coward that you are, I had to do it the hard way. But while we're speaking of old friends, why not have a reunion right now.

(Hannibal King comes out of the back behind Knight and slams him in the back of the head. He starts wailing on Knight until Calib makes it up the ramp. Then the two lift Knight up and double powerbomb him off the ramp and onto the tables down below. Both men turn to the cheering fans and punch knuckles before walking out.)

Main Event
Non-Title Match:

Maurice Dream
vs. "Raw Deal" Jay Hall

"Shut 'Em Down" by LL Cool J plays as Maurice Dream makes his way down to ringside to great heat. He waits in the ring as the music changes to 'It's Over' by Run DMC and Jay Hall comes out to a huge pop. In the ring both men stand up toe-to-toe for a few seconds as the crowd go crazy, before the two start laying into each other hammer and nail! Jay starts to get and advantage with some strong strikes but Dream comes back, returning him blow for blow. Eventually Dream goes for a big clothesline but it's ducked by Hall, who dropkicks him out of the ring, before following out with a huge springboard moonsault! Jay then goes to ram Dream into the ring post but it's reversed by the world champion, who sends Jay head first into the steel. Dream then picks up Jay in a military press and drops him across the barricade before heading round towards the announcers table. Dream rams Jay into the announcers table, dazing his opponent, before all of a sudden locking the Sweet Dreams on early! Jay tries to escape and succeeds, ramming Dream back into the announcers table to break the hold, before hopping up on the apron and coming back with an Asai moonsault! The referee tells them to take it back in the ring and Jay does that, before coming back in with a slingshot leg drop for a two count. Jay carries on trying to work over Dream, and nails a quick guillotine leg drop before picking him up and going for an exploder suplex. However, Dream countered this, blocking the move before nailing a belly to belly suplex. Dream makes the cover for a two count, before locking on an arm-bar on Jay. The Raw Deal struggles to the ropes to break the hold, but as he gets up Dream takes him right back down with an arm-drag into an armbar. Jay again breaks the hold but once again as he gets up he is caught with a move as Dream nails a huge big boot to his shoulder, sending Jay to the floor holding his arm. Dream then hops out of the ring and runs Jay's arm across the ring apron a couple of times before climbing into the ring and ramming him into the corner post. Jay is visibly in pain as Dream then locks on another armbar, this time keeping Jay in the middle of the ring. Jay struggles to the ropes and eventually gets free, but his opponent catches him before he can make an offence with a hammerlock backdrop before nailing a huge shoulder-breaker. Jay rolls to the outside for a respite but before he can catch his breath Dream rams him into the ring steps shoulder first. Dream then rolls Jay back into the ring and signals for the end, grabbing him and signalling for a cross-armbreaker! Jay counters this for a moment with a few punches with his good arm, but soon enough Dream overpowers him and locks the move on! Jay is writhing in pain as he struggles to get to the ropes. The hold stays on for a good minute but Jay refuses to give up. Eventually he reaches the ring ropes, but as soon as he gets up Dream locks on the Sweet Dreams! Jay struggles frantically, trying to kick Dream and escape, but to no avail. He tries running him back into the corners but still the move stays on. the crowd seem ready for the match to end until all of a sudden Jay makes one last attempt, pulling Dream to the corner before somehow using the corner as an assists to flip back over Dream out of the move! With Dream caught unaware Jay garbs him from behind and nails the Quick Fix! Both men go down, Jay clutching his shoulder. Jay eventually rolls over for the cover but only gets a two and a half as Dream kicks out! Shocked, Jay picks him up and goes for a clothesline but straight away is caught again in the Sweet Dreams! However this time Jay breaks it early, ramming him into the corner before catching him with a massive roundhouse kick. Jay then puts Dream up top, and with all the power he can pull up somehow pulls off a top-rope fisherman's buster! Jay is still clutching his shoulder as Dream starts to get up from the move, but as Dream attacks Jay catches him in a huge dragon screw! The crowd pop as Jay goes for a second one, before picking up Dream for a third dragon screw! Jay then picks up Dream and signals to the crowd, before hooking his leg and delivering a wrist clutch exploder, wrenching Dream's leg and dropping him on his head! As Dream holds his knee, Jay then drags himself to the centre of the ring and grabs Dream before locking on the cross-heel hold! Dream struggles in the hold and at one point looks as if he is about to tap as Jay wrenches on his leg. However eventually the hold is broken, but as soon as he gets up Jay comes right back at him, taking him out and locking on a spinning toe hold! Again Dream seems to be in agony, but he manages to break it with a kick to the face. As Jay bounces back off the ropes dazed, he stumbles forward right into the Wake Up Call! Both men go down, Jay clutching his shoulder and Dream clutching his knee. Dream eventually makes the cover but Jay somehow kicks out at two! The two rise slowly to their feet and begin to go back and forth again exchanging punches. Dream eventually gains the advantage and goes for the killer blow with a big boot, but Jay catches him and somehow delivers a high angle suplex to the big man! Clutching his arm, Jay climbs up top and goes for the phoenix splash, but as he's about to make contact Dream moves, sending Jay into the canvas shoulder first. As he hops up Dream tries to take advantage with a German suplex, but Jay rolls through and grabs him in a dragon suplex position. Jay somehow executes the move but only gets a two count as Dream just about kicks out before the three. As they begin to go at it again out of nowhere Dream pulls out a standing armbar and prepares for another cross arm-breaker on Jay's injured shoulder! However, as he sets up Jay for the move, his opponents reaches across with his good arm and grabs Dream's leg before rolling through into the cross-heel hold! Dream struggles in the move, refusing to tap out, but as Jay releases the hold, Dream looks to be having trouble standing. As he tries to work his way up, Jay grabs him from behind and connects with the Quick Fix! Jay, still holding his shoulder, rolls over Dream and wraps him up tight in a magistral cradle! The referee makes the three count as Dream is unable to kick out at the end of a great match-up! After the match Jay rolls out of the ring clutching at his arm and signals to the crowd, whilst Dream climbs to his feet slowly holding his knee. Both me look battered going into Sunday's PPV as the show ends!

The Winner: "Raw Deal" Jay Hall