from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA

"Style In Action" Frankie Manns vs. "Franchise" Cooper Tate

"Franchise" Cooper Tate is in the ring as "Biggest and the Best" begins to play. "Style in Action" Frankie Manns makes his way to the ring for the opening bout. Manns gets into the ring to a minor pop, and goes to the middle turnbuckle and raises his arms. Tate comes from behind and pulls him off the buckle and throws him to the mat. Manns get to his feet and goes after Tate, only to be powerslammed to the mat. Tate picks Manns up and throws him against the rope and executes a back body drop. Tate then goes against the ropes himself and drops a big elbow to Manns' sternum. Tate brings Manns to his feet and attempts a powerbomb, but "Style in Action" slips out the back and hits a flying clothesline, dropping his opponent to the ground. Manns goes to the middle rope and drives his knee into Cooper's head. Frankie drags his opponent to the turnbuckle, and hits a spinning tornado DDT. He goes for the cover, but only gets a short two count. Frankie then climbs the top rope and goes for a top rope 'rana. Manns jumps, but Tate catches him, and delivers a nasty powerbomb, right onto his lower back. From there he goes for his knee with kicks to the knee cap. After a few kicks, Tate puts Manns in a sharpshooter, but after a couple seconds, he squirms to the ropes to break the hold. Tate releases the hold, but drags him to the middle of the ring. He then puts the Boston crab onto Manns, but again, he gets to the ropes quickly. Frustrated, Tate drags him to the middle again, and attempts another sharpshooter, but as he's turning, Manns kicks him and Cooper goes flying into the top turnbuckle. Manns gets up and nails Tate with a superkick with his good leg but only gets a two count. "Style in Action" hobbles over to the turnbuckle and goes to the top, waiting for "Franchise" to get up. Once he gets to his feet, he hits a cross body block, but Cooper rolls out of it, to get Manns down for a two count. Both men get up, but Tate kicks Manns, and then hits a long stalling suplex, with a lot of impact. Tate quickly pulls Manns to his feet and gives him a spinebuster, for a long two count. Tate then drags Manns up, but gets rolled up for a two count. Manns tries to get to his feet by pulling himself up on the ropes. Tate runs at him and Frankie ducks, causing Cooper to fall to the floor. Manns slowly climbs to the top rope, and waits for Tate to re-enter the ring. "Franchise" rolls into the ring and stands up. Frankie attempts a float-over neck breaker, but Tate catches him before he can flip over, and hits the Showstopper, for the three count!

The Winner: "Franchise" Cooper Tate

Xcadis / Loki vs. Akagumi Kimen

Xcadis and Loki come out to a fair amount of heat, walking to the ring mysteriously but with intent, accompanied by Azreal. They are followed by Yajuu-san and Akuma, who come out accompanied by a dimming of the lights, gettin pretty big pop after their pay-per-view actions. Akuma and Loki kick things off, locking up cleanly. Loki gains control with an arm-lock, but Akuma escapes by flipping out of the hold, before coming back with some huge chops to Loki. The heel steps back to regain his momentum, before locking up again. Again he gets an arm-lock, but this time it is reversed into a hammerlock from Akuma. Loki reverses this again into a hammerlock of his own, but finds it reversed again into a snapmare. Akuma then follows in with a dropkick to the back of Loki's head before springing back to his feet to a big pop. Loki shakes off trying to regroup, before going for the lock up again. This time, as Akuma comes over, Loki nails a knee to his midsection, followed up with an open-hand chop to Akuma's bare chest. He follows this up with an Irish whip into the corner followed by a running clothesline attempt, but Akuma leapfrogs over before connecting with a huge side kick which knocks down Loki. Akuma then springs up top and comes off with a corkscrew attack which knocks Loki back down as he tries to stand, before making the tag to Yajuu-san. Yajuu-san slingshots himself into the ring before charging across with a big lariat which knocks Loki down. Yajuu-san goes for the cover but he only gets a two. As Loki gets up, Yajuu-san applies an arm wringer before hopping up to the top rope. The crowd pop big time as the Japanese star walks around the ring ropes before flying off with the Ginshou! Yajuu-san makes the cover but it is broken up by Xcadis. Akuma jumps in to try and stop this but the referee holds him back, allowing Loki to make the tag to Xcadis. The big man comes in and goes for a clothesline, but Yajuu-san counters into an armbar and goes for a second Ginshou! However, as he flies off with the end part of the move Xcadis shows great skill by countering with a Northern Lights Suplex hold which gets a two count. Xcadis then whips Yajuu-san to the ropes and goes for a big boot but the cruiserweight ducks, only to be caught with a huge chokeslam as he comes back. Xcadis makes the tag again, allowing Loki to enter the ring with a slingshot leg drop, which gets a two count. The crowd start up a small Japan chant to try and get behind Akagumi Kimen, but Loki keeps Yajuu-san grounded with a camel clutch. The masked man finally breaks the hold, but as he tries to mount an offence with a cross-body block gets caught with a powerslam. Sensing the end is near, Loki sets up for the Massacre, whipping Yajuu-san into the corner and following in with a splash to daze him. As Yajuu-san stumbles out, Loki goes for his kick, but his grabbed from behind by Akuma who pulls him down by his hair to the canvas. Regaining his composure, Yajuu-san knocks Xcadis off the ring apron before connecting with a kneeling powerbomb on Loki! He then hits a release German suplex, before going up top. The crowd watch in awe as he nails the diving headbutt, before crawling to the corner and tagging in Akuma! Akuma enters and takes out Xcadis who has entered illegally with his Rising Sun uppercut before catching Loki with the triple dragon screw as he gets up! Akuma then wraps Loki's arms up before nailing the straight jacket suplex hold for a two count as Xcadis breaks it up, only to be nailed with a slingshot wheel kick from Yajuu-san! Akuma signals for the end before jumping up top as Yajuu-san grabs Loki in a pumphandle position before nailing the Osaka Driller! Akuma then flies off the top with a picture perfect corkscrew senton before making the cover. As the referee counts three Yajuu-san takes out Xcadis with a sumo strike before locking on the Goku Raku Gatame to stop him from making the save!

The Winners: Akagumi Kimen

After the match:
Jay Hall and Hopps appear at the top of the ramp with their tag titles, staring down the new tag team. As Akagumi Kimen look on, out of nowhere Bucky Thompson jumps them from behind! The ex-US champion knocks down Yajuu-san but walks straight into the Rising Sun from Akuma. Hall and Hopps watch on in shock as their plan backfires as Yajuu-san and Akuma nail the Osaka Driller and Eternal Sleep consecutively on Thompson! The champions look at each other before hitting the ring and going at it hammer and nails with Akagumi Kimen! The MTX get the upper hand forcing the Japanese duo to escape swiftly. Bucky Thompson seems to be injured following the attack as Hopps and Hall help him to the back!

Hannibal King d. Venom
Hannibal got the early advantage on Venom when he two-handed chokebombed Venom during Venom's entrance where he mysteriously appears in the ring after the lights go out. King worked over Venom with a series of devastating suplexes. Both men went to the outside where Venom was able to turn the tide of the match by hitting King with a baseball bat. When both men returned to the ring, Venom was able to hit a nice backbreaker and follow it up with an elbow drop and then an armbar. Venom then went to the top rope for a flying crossbody block but Hannibal caught Venom in midair and turned it into a fallaway slam. King then applied the King Krab (boston crab) but Venom wouldn't give up. King then went for a powerslam, which was countered by Venom, who rolled King into a small package and got a close two count. An enraged King got up and delivered a huge clothesline, which almost took Venom's head off. Hannibal then followed up with a spinning belly-to-belly and the King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb) for the 1-2-3.

"Hot Stuff" Hernandez vs. Fatty McChubbs

No details available for this match.

The Winner: "Hot Stuff" Hernandez

Hardcore Match:
Peace Breaker vs. Vince Graham vs. Necro Butcher

Peace Breaker makes his way to the ring first to fairly big pop, followed by Vince Graham who also gets a positive reaction in his BSW return. The two begin to square up in the ring, but are both attacked by Necro Butcher, who makes his entrance through the crowd accompanied by Aaron Slaughter. The self-proclaimed Texas hardcore icon straight away goes for a stop sign from under the ring, grabbing it and throwing it into the ring, before pulling out a load more objects too, of which he throws a pair of trashcans and a chair into the ring. Peace Breaker grabs one of the cans and cracks Vince Graham, before jamming it in the corner. He goes to whip Graham into the can, but it gets reversed. However, before Breaker hits the trashcan, Butcher re-enters the ring and connects with a tilt a whirl slam on Peace Breaker. Annoyed that his move had been interfered with, Graham grabs Butcher and rams him head first into the trashcan, before catching him with a German suplex hold as he bounces off. This gets a two count before peace Breaker breaks it up with a trashcan to Graham's stomach. Peace Breaker then tries early for the gutwrench powerbomb on Graham, but before he can nail it Butcher attacks him from behind with a bulldog off the top into the stop sign! Butcher then goes for a cover but it is broken up by a leg drop from Graham, who then whips Butcher into the ropes before clotheslining him to the outside. Graham then turns around and goes for a DDT on Peace Breaker but gets caught with a low blow. Peace Breaker then executes a DDT of his own, before grabbing one of the trashcans and going up top. Showing great agility for his size, Peace Breaker nails a huge splash onto Graham with the trashcan for a two count before Graham kicks out. As the two carry on battling on the inside, Necro Butcher introduces the first table of the match on the outside. Seeing this, Graham nails a low kick on Peace Breaker, before picking him up and going for a running powerbomb through the table! However, PB slips out of the move onto the ring apron, before nailing a guillotine on the top rope on Graham. Breaker seems to be relieved as he stands up and takes a rest on the apron, but suddenly notices that his ex-valet Barramya has appeared on the top of the stage. However, he doesn't see Necro Butcher right behind him on the outside of the ring! Distracted, Peace Breaker is grabbed by Butcher who nails him with a cross powerbomb off the apron through the table, before climbing back into the ring. As Vince Graham slowly returns to his feet, Butcher grabs the stop sign and delivers The Stop! Butcher makes the cover but only gets a two. Peace Breaker is still motionless on the outside as Butcher grabs a chair and goes up top, before nailing a huge flying leg drop with the chair! Butcher makes the cover and gets a very long two, but Graham somehow gets his foot on the ropes! Butcher signals for the end, and grabs Graham for the Necro Slam, but he can't get the big man up. As he tries, Graham seems to gain a second wind, pushing him away before locking on an iron claw and subsequently the Graham Slam! As he falls down onto Necro and makes the cover, Peace Breaker finally stirs and gets back in the ring, just breaking the cover! All 3 men are down, as the crowd start to hype up. Breaker rolls out of the ring to grab something from underneath, and the crowd pop big time when they see it's his barbed wire baseball bat again! Peace Breaker enters the ring and cracks Vince Graham as he starts to get up, busting him wide open! He then goes to nail Necro Butcher, but the Butcher narrowly rolls out of the way out of the ring. He then reaches under the ring himself and pulls out another table, as well as a roll of barbed wire! Peace Breaker returns his focus to Graham, nailing him across the back with the baseball bat, but as he turns around he gets met with a clothesline from Necro Butcher, who has wrapped his arm in the barbed wire. Trying to prove himself to be as crazy as he claims, Butcher lies the barbed wire on top of Peace Breaker and goes up top. The crowd watch in awe as he nails a moonsault, but at the last moment Peace Breaker moves, sending him right into the wire! Capitalising, Peace Breaker throws the bloody Vince Graham out of the ring, before setting up the table in the corner of the ring, and lying the barbed wire on top of that! Peace Breaker then whips Butcher into the other corner hard, and as Butcher bounces out, Peace Breaker nails him with a huge spinebuster through the table and barbed wire! Peace Breaker rolls him up in the corner amongst the rubble as the referee makes the three count!

The Winner: Peace Breaker

After the match:
The refere raises Breaker's hand. While this happens, Barramya slides in to the ring in front on him with a mic. Breaker looks at her suspisiously, as Barramya raises the mic to her mouth.

Y2B - Breaker... we need to talk about everything that's been happening...

Jimmy slides in to the ring to try and get Breaker out. Breaker turns away from Barramya and tries to head out of the ring with Jimmy

Y2B - Look please... I need to talk to you babe...

Jimmy shouts some abuse at Barramya, then walks up to her and gets in her face. Breaker turns around and sees this.

Jimmy - You're nothing but a little hussie! You're nothing but an ungrateful whore! Breaker was the one who brought you here and you've done nothing but stab him in the back!

Sarah gets backed in to the turnbuckle

Y2B - I just wanna get this all sorted - everything has been blown outta proportion! I believe him when he says he'd never hurt me!

Breaker cuts and tells Jimmy to back away from Barramya

Y2B - I don't believe what Frankie said about you. I love the way you treat me

Breaker - How can I take you back?

Y2B - What you mean take me back? I was away for a few days... I've needed to think about everything that has happened since the PPV...the stuff about your contract...

Breaker - I've already said that I had to do it!

Y2B - And I believe you...

Breaker - But Sarah...After you and Manns before the PPV at the gym...then going to the locker room to sleep with him!"

Y2B - I never slept with him!

Breaker - How can I trust you Sarah!

She looks at him dircetly in to his eyes

Y2B - Cause I can stare you in the eye and tell you that I didn't, and if you care for me and trust me, the way I hope you do, you'll believe me.

Breaker looks at Barramya.

Y2B - I didn't sleep with him, and I know that you would never treat me badly. Look I'm sorry if any of this has hurt you.

Breaker goes to answer until Jimmy pulls Breaker away

Jimmy - She don't deserve an answer, come on Breaker, lets go!

Breaker looks back at Barramya, and walks over to her. He whispers something in her ear which makes her smile. Breaker smiles a sick smiles, and mouths the words -" remember babe...hardcore!" Breaker's music starts up and Breaker heads towards the back.

United States Title Match:
Daniel "The Devil" Estacado (c) vs. Triple S

No details available for this match.

The Winner and new United States Champion: Triple S

The camera shows Hopps and Jay Hall sitting with the injured Bucky Thompson. As Jay grabs an ice pack for Bucky, he sees Barramya and Peace Breaker walk by...

Jay: What the fuck happened out their Sarah? One minute you're MTX, the next you're bitching about breaking up with Peace Breaker. As far as we are concerned you and your ugly ass are out of the Millennium Team X. You've already turned Frankie soft, and quite frankly we don't need you interfering in our business anymore. The Millennium Team re-entered the BSW as a four, and we're going to carry on as a four...

As Jay finishes saying that Hopps jumps up and takes down Peace Breaker with a tackle before laying into him with punches. Jay joins in by booting the hell out of him as Thompson looks on. Peace Breaker is left hurt as the pair turn to Barramya, who begins to back away slowly. As Jay walks towards her she swings at him, slapping him clean in the face. Jay snaps his head right back at her, staring a hole through her, as she turns to get away. However, she turns right into a superkick from Thompson! The crowd can be heard cheering in the background as Jay proceeds to lock on the cross heel hold! Security come and remove the three MTX members from the arena as Hopps shouts abuse at the fallen pair!

Main Event
Intercontinental Title Match:

Dark Knight (c) vs. Calib McClain

"Number One Stunna," by the Cash Money Millionares hits the loud speakers bringing everyone to their feet. The big man, Calib McClain, makes his way down the entrance ramp to an array of pyro technics. Serena Lieh is by his side, dressed in a tight black laytex type suit. The big man enters the ring by stepping over the ropes and raises his arm to the cheering crowd. The lights in the arena then go dark, as a blue light begins to emit through the crowd. "Deepest Bluest," hits the speakers and smoke covers the entrance ramp. Two shadiows can be seen standing within, and once the smoke clears the Intercontinental champion and his wife walk down to the ring. Deana is dressed in her black leather miniskirt, knee high heeled boots, and cut off t-shirt. Knight is in his black long coat and wrestling attire. The champion jumps on the ring apron and onto the turnbuckle to raise his belt in the air. He then leaps in the ring and crosses, staring into the eyes of the big man, and leaps onto the opposite turnbuckle. The champion raises his belt once more only to find a hand wrapped around his throat. From the top turnbuckle Calib sends Knight sprialing down in a chokeslam, sending his belt flying through the air. The referee allows the beginning of the match and signals for the bell. McClain picks up the fallen Knight and whips him acroos the ring into the other turnbuckle. The force sends Knight to the ground, snaping against his back ribs. McClain then crosses the ring and picks up Knight again, only to powerbomb him into the turnbuckle! The big man then commits into stomping a mudhole out of the champion. The referee backs the big man back, giving Knight some time to pull himself up. McClain then begins to approach Knight, who shoots out of the corner witha jumping clothesline. The big man still stands, so Knight bounces off the ropes and tries again. Still no effect, so he tries again, only this time he is caught mid air in a bear hug. The champion is screaming as the bruised ribs are crushed together. McClains veins are popping out of his neck as he sqeezes harder and harder. Finally he releases the hold, and the champion falls to the ground twitching. At this point McClain gets in the face of Knight and starts pointing at his own face, talking trash. He smacks the champion whos facial expression turns cold and hated. The big man backs off for a second to pose for the crowd and then turns around to find Dark Knight standing in wait. The champion delievers Knightsend (Rock Bottom) to the giant. Knight picks up the big man and sends him into the corner. He then delievers the DK Splash, and then sends him into the opposite corner. Another DK Splash, and the champion jumps up on the top turnbuckle and hits a Tornado DDT on the big man. McClain is out on the mat. The champion then leaps onto the top turnbuckle again, and delievers a Swanton Bomb onto the fallen opponent, who managed to move at the last second. Knight is holding his head, and is then picked up by the recovered big man. McClain begins to deliver hard jabs into the champions ribs, and then goes for a low kick. Knight grabs the big man's leg and flips him over onto the mat. Knight then goes for the Sharpshooter, but cannot wrap the thick legs of his opponent. Getting frustrated, Knight nods to Deana who jump up on the ring apron and starts flirting with the referee. While the ref is distracted, Knight slides out of the ring and pushes an announcer off his chair, taking it back into the ring. Knight waits for the big man to rise and then swings up to hit him with the chair. Calib punches right into the steel chair though, sending it into Knight's face. At this moment Serena Lieh makes her way around the ring and grabs hold of Deana's skirt. She rips the skirt off, revealing Deana's black silk thong! The crowd goes wild as the two women then begin to go at each other on the floor. Calib picks up Knight and hits him with a double choke lift slam, and then goes for the pin. The referee is too busty on the outside with the women to make the count! Calib heads over to the ropes and tries to get the referee's attention. He tries and tries until he feels an arm wrap around his neck and the Dark One delivers Knightfall on the big man! Security has hit the ring area by now, and is taking the women to the back. The ref gets back in the ring while the big man is down. Knight once more hits the top turnbuckle, and looks to be about to hit the Pheonix Splash from the top. Just then a man leaps out of the crowd with a steel chair in hand. It's Jay Hall! The BSW Champion jumps up on the apron and nails Knight in the back of the head. Knight falls to the mat as Hall heads up the ramp. By now Calib is back on his feet, and picks up the fallen champion. He then picks Knight up over his shoulder and paces him in the Canadian Back Breaker. The champion holds on for dear life, refusing to tap, but then blacks out. McClain drops him to the mat, and the referee calls for the bell. The ref goes up to hand Calib the belt. McClain then sets the belt on the mat, and picks Knight up once more. He then delivers the Breakdown (Super Powerbomb) to the blacked out Knight, over the ropes and onto the outside of the ring. The crowd flinges and then bursts into cheers as the new champion raises his belt high. Paramedics rush to the ringside to Knight's aid as McClain takes his leave.

The Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Calib McClain