from the Delta Center in Salt Lake City, Utah

"Style In Action" Frankie Manns vs. Peace Breaker

Both Peace Breaker and "Style in Action" Frankie Manns are in the ring awaiting the bell. The bell sounds and Peace Breaker strikes Manns with a fist. Manns fights back and the men begin to trade punches. Breaker gets the advantage and drives Manns into the corner. Peace Breaker then whips Manns into the corner and follows with a huge clothesline. Breaker drags Manns to the middle of the ring, bounces off the ropes, and attempts a leg drop, but "Style in Action" gets out of the way. Frankie gets to his feet and meets the reeling Breaker with a standing dropkick. Manns quickly goes to the top rope and hits a cross body block for a two count. Frankie then gets up again and waits for his opponent to stand up. Once Breaker gets up, Manns runs against the ropes and nails him with a spinning DDT for another two count. Manns hops up to his feet and stands in the corner awaiting Peace Breaker to get up again. Breaker gets up, and Manns hits a superkick, but again, only can get a two count. Frankie drags Peace Breaker up and attempts a hurricanranna, but Breaker turns it into a devastating powerbomb. Breaker groggily stands up and bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. He goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. He picks "Style in Action" up and throws him to the floor. Breaker rolls to the floor and goes after him with a chair. Manns sees the chair shot coming, so he hits a drop toe hold, which makes Breaker's face crash down on the chair. Manns hops to the top turnbuckle and waits for Breaker to recover. Peace Breaker gets up, and looks around for Manns. Manns hits a perfect spinning corkscrew moonsault on his opponent. The referee's count get to seven, so Manns rolls Breaker into the ring. Frankie follows him and goes for the pin, and amazingly Breaker kicks out. Manns quickly goes to the top rope again. He jumps off and goes for a frog splash, but Breaker put his knees up. Both men are lying in the ring hurt. The referee's count gets to six and Barramya comes running to the ring. Barramya distracts the referee as Breaker rolls to the floor and retrieves the chair that he tried to use earlier. Manns gets up and stares at Barramya. Frankie walks over to Barramya, who stops arguing with the ref and looks back at Manns. Breaker rolls into the ring with the chair and sets it on the mat and watches what's happening. Manns looks Barramya straight in the eye, and kisses her. Barramya seems shocked at what has just happened. Manns turns around and gets hit with Peace Driver on the chair. Breaker throws the chair out of the ring, and Barramya gets off the apron. Once she gets on the floor, the referee turns around and counts the three.

Winner: Peace Breaker

"Hot Stuff" Hernandez vs. "War Machine" Vince Graham

"War Machine" Vince Graham is in the ring waiting for his opponent's music to start. "One Step Closer" plays in the arena and "Hotstuff" Hernandez runs out into the ring and starts to beat on Graham with fist and kicks to the midsection. "Hotstuff" then hooks Graham up and hits a suplex. He hops to his feet and continues kicking Vince in the chest. Hernandez brings "War Machine" to his feet and executed the Fortune Teller DDT to perfection. He goes for the early win, but only gets a two count. "Hotstuff" goes to the top rope. Graham gets to his feet and Hernandez goes for a missile dropkick, but "War Machine" dodges the jump and he lands hard on his right leg. Seeing what has just happened, Graham puts Hernandez in an ankle lock submission, but he quickly finds his way to the ropes. Hernandez hobbles up and Graham takes advantage with a snap suplex into a pin, but only for a two count. Graham drags "Hotstuff" to his feet, and delivers a northern lights suplex for a two count. "War Machine" picks "Hotstuff" up and places him sitting atop the top rope. Vince climbs the ropes and hits a well-executed Missile Launcher. Graham goes for the pin, but Hernandez gets his foot on the rope. Hernandez gets to his feet with the help of the ropes. Graham goes for a clothesline, but Hernandez ducks and back body drops him to the floor. This gives "Hotstuff an opportunity to regain some strength. Vince gets back into the ring at the count of five and Hernandez is up waiting for him. Hernandez hits a DVD on Graham and goes for the pin, but gets only a two count. "Hotstuff" again goes to the top rope, but this time he hits the missile dropkick. Hernandez drags "War Machine" up and tries the Hot Stuff Drop, but Graham blocks it with a low blow. Graham tries to take advantage with a powerbomb, but Hernandez rolls out of it and hits the Hot Stuff Drop. He goes for the cover, but Vince gets his foot on the rope right before three. Hernandez is infuriated with Graham's tenacity. Hernandez goes to the top rope and waits for Graham to get up. Vince staggers to his feet, and stumbles right into the ropes, causing "Hotstuff" to fall head over heels into the ring. Vince pulls his stunned opponent to his feet and nails a standing lariat and pulls him up again. Graham executes the Graham Slam perfectly to get the three count and the upset win over the former world champion.

Winner: "War Machine" Vince Graham

Deana Knight vs. Serena Leih

The fans in the arena all jump to their feet as pyro fills the entrance ramp. "Survivor," by Destiny's Child begins to play over the sound system while Serena Lieh and Calib McClain make their way into the arena. The big man is dressed in street clothes, and has the Intercontinental belt over his right shoulder. Serena is dressed in her tight paten leather outfit, with high heeled boots on. They enter the ring to a cheering crowd that is all silenced as the lights in the arena go out. A red light fills the arena as "Make It Hot," by DJ Laz begins to play through the speakers. As the lights come up they reveal Deana Knight standing in the entrance way, dressed in a black leather skirt and a tight cut off shirt across her chest. She walks alone to the ring and immediately slides in the ring for the beginning of the match. The bell rings as Deana runs across to an unaware Serena Lieh and delivers a running bulldog from behind. Deana then grabs the top rope for balance as she stomps on the fallen oriental with her own high heel boots. The ref backs Deana up, and give Serena time to get to her feet. The two then get in each other's faces. Serena reaches back and smacks the taste out of Deana's mouth. The crowd goes wild. Then Deana does the same to Serena. They then look into each other's eyes and go straight for the hair. The ref once more gets involved, breaking the hold. Serena then takes to the advantage as she tosses Deana into a corner and delivers a tumbling back elbow. Deana is staggering out of the corner as Serena bounces off the ropes and lands a face buster. She then jumps on the top turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, only to find a moved Deana Knight. The latina gets to her feet and picks up Serena by the arm. She then starts to slap Serena down, only to pick her back up again to slap once more. After eight slaps, the oriental drops to the ground holding her bruised chest. Deana then stands over her head and begins to do a grind in the middle of the ring! The guys in the stands go wild as Deana rubs her hands down her body and then sits down on Serena to start pounding at her face. McClain is getting a bit nervous on the outside and begins pacing. Deana is off playing to the crowd while Serena returns to her feet. She then hits Deana with a running calf kick from behind. Deana hits the mat while Serena leaps over her and onto the top turnbuckle. As Deana gets up she is met by a dragonrana from Serena, sending her flipping across the ring. Serena gets to her feet and then tosses Deana into the ropes, only to flip her into a rolling single leg crab on her return. Deana is screaming in pain as her skirt rises, and as Serena jerks back on the toned leg. The ref asks for her submission but Deana won't quit, suddenly Dark Knight is seen in the entrance way. Serena lets go of Deana at his sight and runs to Calib to point him out to him. As she has her back turned, Deana gets back to her feet and taps Serena on her back. As Serena turns around she is met by a standing side kick with the heel of Deana's boot. Calib is furious and now walks to the end of the walkway calling Knight to walk down. Knight just stands watching, with a smile on his face. The ref jumps out of the ring and tries to keep Calib from starting anything. While the ref is out of the ring, Deana also slides out to grab a steel chair. She then slides back into the ring and places it on the mat. By now Serena is back up and runs at Deana delivering a running neck breaker. Deana is on the mat and Serena notices the ref's attention is turned. The oriental then proceeds to try and rip off Deana's shirt! The crowd is going even more wild! All of a sudden, a man in a trench jumps out of the crowd and leaps into the ring. He grabs Serena by the hair and tosses her on the mat and off Deana. The man then slides out of the ring and steps up behind McClain. It's Daniel Estacado! McClain turns around just as Estacado kicks him in the stomach and delivers Final Destination (Pedigree) to the Intercontinental champion on the concrete floor! At this moment Deana is also back up to her feet and nails Serena in the midsection, and follows it up with the Latina Beat (Even Flow DDT) on the steel chair! Deana then kicks the chair out of the ring and covers a busted open Serena Lieh. The ref sees the cover and slides back into the ring for the one... two... three!

Winner: Deana Knight

After the match:
Deana Knight stands back up as the ref raises her hand in victory. The crowd is not sure whether to cheer or boo, but then they all cheer as Deana begins to grind over the fallen Serena Lieh once more. Deana then exits the ring and walks with Estacado up the ramp to meet with Knight who is seen with an evil smile on his face. Calib gets to his feet and has blood pouring out of his right eye. He grabs a microphone.

CALIB: You boys want to play games? Is this what this is? Well, I've beaten the two of you before, why not at the same time!

ESTACADO: If you want a piece of me big man, you're going to need to give me a reason to get out of bed that morning, because quite frankly, I am tired of beating your ass!

CALIB: Whatever you want sideshow freak, just be ready to suffer from a serious Breakdown!

While this is happening, a man dressed in full camouflage gear, including gloves and a mask, comes out of the crowd and sneaks up behind Serena. The camouflage man spins Serena around and drops her with a standing clothesline. As the crowd gasps, Calib turns around to notice the man standing over Serena. The big man quickly enters the ring but the camouflage man grabs Serena and threatens to harm her further. Calib continues to creep closer to the two desperately trying to help Serena. Suddenly the man throws powder in Calib's face and escapes through the crowd while Calib is blinded, leaving the Intercontinental Champion and Serena Lieh both visibly shaken.

Hardcore Rulez:
Necro Butcher vs. "Franchise" Cooper Tate

Necro Butcher makes his way out to the ring first, chair in hand, to a fair amount of heat. As he walks down the ramp, he is jumped from behind by Tate to a big pop, as the Franchise grabs Butcher and runs him down the ramp into the ring post. Tate then grabs Butcher and gives him a snap suplex on the outside, before reaching under the ring and grabbing a trash can, which he smashes over Butcher's head. The Franchise then places the trashcan on Butcher's head, before coming off the barricade with a leg drop onto it for a close two count. He then takes Butcher into the ring before locking on an abdominal stretch in the middle to try and wear him down. Butcher escapes, but as he turns around he walks straight into a DDT from the Franchise, who then makes another cover for a two count. Tate then picks up his opponent and goes for a leg submission to try and ground his opponent, but the Butcher counters, dropping a huge leg drop across the back of Tate's head. Butcher then hops out of the ring and grabs the stop sign from under the ring, before re-entering and nailing The Stop on Tate, knocking him down. Butcher makes the cover but only gets a two count, something he is visibly angered at. Butcher shoves the referee away before grabbing Tate and getting him up in a piledriver position, which he holds for a few seconds before dropping him. He makes the cover but again only gets a two count, prompting him to jump out of the ring and grab a chair. As he rolls back in Tate comes back to his senses, rolling out and grabbing a chair of his own. He then slides back in as the two start to duel with the chairs, each blocking each other's shots. Eventually Necro Butcher tries to go for an overhead smash with the chair, but finds it sent right back into his own face with a chair shot from Tate. Tate then sets up a chair in the middle of the ring, and sends Butcher into the ropes. As the Butcher bounces back, Tate springs up on the chair before coming off with a facebuster on Butcher right back into the chair! The Franchise then signals for the end as he slips out of the ring and grabs a table! He sets this up in the middle of the ring, before grabbing Butcher and going for the Showstopper. The Butcher blocks this with an elbow, and tries for a belly to belly suplex, but the Franchise counters this himself with a knee to the stomach, before nailing the Showstopper through the table! He makes the cover for the three count and the victory to earn himself a shot at the hardcore title!

Winner: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Chef: Unbelievable! The man who claims not to be a hardcore wrestler earns himself a chance at a title shot! This guy has shown so much potential since joining, and will surely be one to look out for in the future!

Conrad: What happened to the Butcher out there? I was expecting him to maim Tate, but the Franchise pulls through! Impressive...

Chef: We'll find out who he faces in just a moment when Crazy C and 2Xtreme, two BSW returnees, square off in hardcore action!

Hardcore Rulez:
Crazy C vs. 2Xtreme

Crazy C's music plays, but for some reason he doesn't come out in front of the crowd. The crowd seem quite surprised at this, as a good few minutes pass, yet still no appearance. All of a sudden a video appears on the big screen, a live feed from the locker room area backstage. The picture is a bit unclear but as the camera zooms in both 2Xtreme and Crazy C are lying bleeding in a heap next to a locker room door! On the door there is spray paint spelling the word 'prey'. The crowd are very unsure what to make of this as the match is called off...

Winner: No Contest

Conrad: What the hell happened there? The two were found with... the word 'prey' written behind them?

Chef: That's what it looked like. But that means a no contest, and according to what the Rumour Guy has just told me down my earpiece, therefore the winner of 'Franchise' Cooper Tate and Necro Butcher will get the hardcore title shot. That means Tate gets the shot?

Conrad: Sounds like it, the man who claims not to be hardcore gets his chance at Hopps or Krash! But next up, Akagumi Kimen member Akuma takes on Dark Knight in what should be a fantastic match-up, let's get to that now!

During the break:
The camera heads backstage again where we head towards Daniel Estacado's locker room. The cameraman opens the door to interview the Fallen member, but when the shot is zoomed in we find Estacado lying out cold on the floor! The cameraman looks left and right but doesn't see anyone who could have attacked Estacado.

Chef: What the? Strike two, another man out cold backstage!

Conrad: But he had nothing spray painted behind him like 2Xtreme and Crazy C, so it's not the work of whoever took them out, surely?

Chef: I've no idea who would be motivated to take out Estacado, but he looked to be out of it back there! Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this by the end of the show, we've now got two different mystery assassins on our hands!

Dark Knight vs. Akuma

The action was fast and furious in this great match up. The match was dead even in the early going with both wrestlers countering each other move for move. Eventually it was DK who gained the advantage with a spinebuster. DK then tried to keep the high-flying Akuma grounded with various mat holds that really slowed down the match, much to DK's advantage. The crowd began to rally behind Akuma. As they chanted "Dark Knight sucks!", Akuma fought his way to his feet and hit Knight with a stunner type move. Getting his second wind, Akuma proceeded to hit Knight with a straight jacket suplex before heading to the top rope. The crowd rose to its feet as Akuma leapt off the top rope and hit Dark Knight with a flying corkscrew attack. Many thought the match was over and that Akuma had pulled the upset but he only got a 2 count. After reversing an irish whip, DK turned the tide of the match by hitting Akuma with a rock bottom almost out of nowhere. DK then tried to lock on the sharpshooter but Akuma fought his way out of the hold. With both men standing dead tired in the middle of the ring, DK made the first move as he charged after Akuma. Akuma countered as he hit Knight with a dragon screw that sent DK all the way out of the ring. Akuma followed DK to the outside as the ref began to administer the 10 count. The two traded lefts and rights as they brawled on the outside of the ring. As the ref continued to count, it looked like DK was about to hit the Jaws of Death (twist of fate) when Akuma twisted his way out of the move and nailed Dark Knight with the Rising Sun spinning uppercut. The ref hits the count of 10 just as Akuma is about to re-enter the ring.

Winner: Double Count Out

After the match:
As Akuma argues with the ref that he made it before the 10 count, DK slides into the ring wielding a steel chair. The Dark Knight then proceeds to crack both Akuma and the ref over the head with the steel chair before throwing the chair down and leaving the ring in a very fowl mood.

World Title Match:
"Raw Deal" Jay Hall (c) vs. Yajuu-san

The challenger, Yajuu-san, makes his way out to the ring first to a pretty big pop from the crowd. He is then followed out by BSW world champion Jay Hall, who gets a massive reaction as he takes time to pose on the corner with the belt. This seems to anger Yajuu-san, who attacks him from behind to get the match underway. The newcomer to the fed starts out intensely, whipping Jay to the corner before charging in with a huge splash, before chopping away at him in the corner. Yajuu-san then sends him out of the corner with a snapmare, before delivering a low dropkick to the back of Jay's head. The champion tries to shake it off, but as he gets up the masked man charges again, taking him out with a rolling schoolboy pin which gets a surprise two count. He then follows this up with a hurancanrana which again gets a two count. Seemingly on a roll, Yajuu-san tries for a second hurancanrana, but as he gets up Jay counters it with a thunder fire powerbomb! Jay then picks up his opponent and begins to work him over with some chops of his own, before nailing a huge open handed uppercut that knocks down Yajuu-san. Jay then hops up onto the top rope and comes off with a split-legged moonsault which gets a two count before Yajuu-san kicks out. In control, Jay sends Yajuu-san into the ropes, catching him with a tilt-a-whirl slam as he comes back, before hopping up on the ropes and delivering a corkscrew leg drop for another two count. Jay then tries to throw Yajuu-san over the top to the outside, but the Japanese wrestler somehow blocks this before knocking Jay over himself. Jay regroups on the outside, only to find Yajuu-san come flying back at him with a spaceman quebrada to the outside! Yajuu-san then hops up and tries to send Jay into the ring steps, but the champion reverses this. However, Yajuu-san also counters himself, hopping up onto the steps and nailing a springboard moonsault off the turnbuckle back at Jay! The crowd pop for that move, as Yajuu-san hops back into the ring and charges again at Jay. Jay ducks this time, but Yajuu-san stops himself by holding onto the ropes and flipping back into the ring, before going for a tope con hilo. However, Jay moves a second time, only for Yajuu-san to roll right through the move onto his feet! As he turns around though, he is met by a roundhouse kick from Jay, who then hops back into the ring. The crowd watch on as Yajuu-san gets up, only to be met by a springboard somersault rana from Jay to the outside! Jay takes a moment to celebrate this, before rolling Yajuu-san back into the ring and coming back in with a senton atomico. He makes the cover, but somehow Yajuu-san gets his foot on the ropes. Jay then picks up Yajuu-san and to a huge pop nails the wrist clutch exploder, before going up top and signalling for the end. Jay hops up and nails his double jump moonsault, but at the last moment Yajuu-san rolls out of the way! Jay stands up dazed, and walks right into an armbar from Yajuu-san. The crowd cheer immensely as Yajuu-san hops up to the top rope and starts his Ginshou rope walk! He comes flying off at the end with a huge DDT, before covering for a very long two count. Yajuu-san then whips Jay into the ropes and nails a huge reverse tiger suplex as he comes back, before signalling for the diving headbutt! Yajuu-san springs up into the corner before leaping across with his frog-splash headbutt. However, once again, he only gets a two count! Yajuu-san stands up and signals for the Osaka Driller, before getting Jay up on his shoulder. However, Jay squirms free, before nailing the dragon suplex. However, he holds on, and rolls through into the full nelson driver! Jay then hops to the corner and this time nails his double jump moonsault, but again only gets a two count! The champion hops to the outside and flies back in with a springboard rana, before locking on the cross heel hold! Yajuu-san battles to the ropes, but as he gets near Jay drags him back into the middle of the ring. Yajuu-san battles and looks like he could snap at any second, but eventually rolls out of the move, before nailing a huge wheel kick on Jay. He then grabs Jay's arm and tries once again for the Ginshou, but this time Jay pulls him off the top rope. In an instant Jay hops outside the ring, before springing in with a rounding DDT. Yajuu-san bounces off the mat looking absolutely out of it from that move, before Jay picks him up and nails a huge vertical impact brainbuster! The champion makes the cover for the three count, finally putting away Yajuu-san!

Winner and still world champion: Jay Hall

After the match:
Jay Hall is joined by Hopps and the pair start to try and get some revenge on Yajuu-san for injuring Bucky Thompson. However, Akuma joins the fray, nailing Hopps from behind. Those two battle as Jay tosses Yajuu-san to the outside, before following him out with a moonsault. As those two get up, Akuma then comes flying out with a huge no hands body press to both of them! All three men are down, but as they finally start to get up, Hopps goes up top and comes off with a somersault splash onto everyone! Suddenly, out of nowhere Dark Knight hits the ringside area, capitalising on the situation by cracking Jay Hall with the chair before knocking down both members of Akagumi Kimen as well! Hopps knocks him from behind but gets the same fate. As Dark Knight turns around Jay Hall is back to his feet, and the two start to exchange punches, heading back to the backstage area. Security get in between Akagumi Kimen and Hopps as the crowd are on their feet after one crazy brawl!

Conrad: That was crazy! An aftermath of gargantuan proportions mounted as Dark Knight goes after all his foes at once. This one won't be over soon...

Chef: But what about the match! They flew like the cruiserweights they are, and Yajuu-san showed just why he is here in the BSW. A great lucharesu style match-up between the two who improve every time we see them.

Conrad: Jay showed again why he is the world champion, and why he is so dangerous in the ring. He pulled victory from the jaws of defeat, and retained his title! Chef: Next up we'll have the US title on the line as Triple S takes on Mr Unskinny. Should be one hell of a contest, let's get right to that now...

United States Title Match:
Triple S (c) vs. Mr. Unskinny

Triple S tried to gain the early advantage on Mr. Unskinny by hitting him with a knee breaker but was unable to get Unskinny up due to all the weight. Unskinny then started his offensive by hitting the US Champ with a series of power moves. It wasn't until Triple S ducked an Unskinny clothesline that Triple S was able to gain the upper hand. Triple S was then able to use his excellent technical wrestling ability to immobilize Mr. Unskinny. Triple S then placed Unskinny in a full nelson and looked like he was in complete control when Unskinny was able to free himself, swing around and get Triple S in a cross-face chicken wing. It looked like Triple S was going to have to submit to the hold but he was somehow able to make his way to the ropes to make Unskinny break the hold. Both men were slow to make it back to their feet but it was Triple S who was able to once again gain control of the match by hitting Unskinny with a double arm DDT. Triple S continued to try and wear down Unskinny with technical holds but Unskinny would not give in. It wasn't until Triple S was able to counter an Unskinny belly-to-belly suplex with the Star Gazer (roll the dice) that Triple S was able to gain the hard fought 3 count.

Winner and still United States Champion: Triple S

After the match:
As Triple S and Keith Krash were in the ring celebrating the victory, one of the BSW's newest wrestlers, Killian, came running down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Killian then cracks Triple S from behind with the steel chair. As Killian raises the steel chair once more to hit Krash, Krash kicks Killian in the stomach with forces Killian to drop the chair. As Krash is about to hit Killian with the Kolossal Krash (last ride powerbomb), Mr. Unskinny shakes the cobwebs out and hit Krash with a low blow from behind. Killian and Unskinny start to work over 3S and Krash when Calib McClain and Hannibal King come running towards the ring. Calib swings Unskinny around and hits him with the Breakdown (giant powerbomb) and Hannibal grabs Killian and hits him with the King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb). Calib and Hannibal put the boots to Killian and Unskinny until Krash and Triple S get back to their feet. Triple S then grabs Killian and hits him with the Star Gazer (roll the dice). Triple S then slaps Killian in the Idolizer (sharpshooter) while Krash goes to the top rope and hits Killian in the back of the head with the Krash & Burn Headbutt. Meanwhile, Calib McClain and Hannibal King pick up Mr. Unskinny and the former BSW Tag Team Champions hit him with an incredible double powerbomb. Calib McClain, Triple S, Keith Krash, and Hannibal King all stand untied in the middle of the ring over their fallen opponents. Calib grabs a mic.

CALIB: Let this be a lesson to the rest of the BSW not to f*ck with the Old School Soldiers!

The four men leave the ring to a huge pop from the crowd.

Main Event
Hardcore Title Match:
No Rope Barbed Wire Cage:

"X-Rated" Hopps (c) vs. Keith Krash

AThe ring ropes are taken down and replaced with barbed wire as the monstrous structure that is the barbed cage is lowered from the ceiling. The ring announcer reminds the crowd that the match ends by pin-fall or submission. Keith Krash enters first and seems to have no apprehensions about entering the cage, grabbing a chair from ringside and throwing it into the ring with him. Hopps enters next, a small roll of barbed wire in hand, and climbs through the door which is locked behind the two. Hopps straight away goes to lariat Krash with the barbed wire, but gets his knee taken out by a chair shot. Krash then cracks him across the back with the chair, before grabbing Hopps' barbed wire and sitting on Hopps' back, raking at his face with it. Hopps counters with a snapmare, before returning the favour, raking at Krash's head with the barbed wire before grabbing the chair and dropkicking it into the back of his head. The big man shakes it off and goes for a lariat, but Hopps ducks and nails him with a spear as he comes back, before beating away at his head with a flurry of punches. Krash breaks this and then returns the favour to Hopps, before trying to run him into the cage. However, Hopps stops short with a baseball slide, before nailing a savate kick on Krash as he runs at him. Hopps then leaps up top and comes flying off with a missile dropkick which rocks the big man, before nailing a sweet DDT onto the roll of barbed wire. Hopps then picks up Krash and tries to send him into the barbed wire cage, but the big man reverses, before ramming Hopps right over the barbed wire ropes into the cage! Hopps lies in a crumpled heap before slowly rolling out of the mess of metal, as Krash makes the cover for a two count. Krash, in control, then picks up Hopps and delivers a huge gorilla press slam into the middle of the ring, before following in with a huge leg drop. Krash then picks up the barbed wire roll and places it on Hopps before nailing a second leg drop! He then goes for a third leg drop, but Hopps throws the barbed wire up at his face before he can, stunning him. Hopps then grabs the barbed wire roll and charges at Krash, but the big man nails a huge boot to the face, knocking the barbed wire into Hopps! The champion is bust wide open from the shot as Krash makes another pin for a near fall. The big man then goes for another gorilla press slam on Hopps, but the hardcore champion rolls out of the move, before pushing Krash headfirst into the cage! As he bounces back off it Hopps wraps his leg in the barbed wire roll and nails a huge wheel kick to Krash, busting him open too! Hopps then grabs Krash and locks on his dragon sleeper with scissors, trying to choke him into submission. Krash struggles to get to the ropes, and grabs them, but then remembering they are barbed wire pulls his arm off quickly in pain! Hopps drags him back into the middle of the ring, as the referee lifts Krash's hand once... twice... third time it stays up! The big man starts to power up, lifting Hopps up out of the move, before backing him into the barbed wire! Krash then goes to ram Hopps into the other side of the cage, but the champion counters by springing up and starting to ascend. However, Krash grabs him and powerbombs him back to the mat with the Kolossal Krash! Signalling for the end, Krash goes up top and flies off with the Krash and Burn! He makes the cover, but somehow Hopps gets his foot on the ropes! Krash seems irate, and picks up Hopps and tries to run him into the barbed wire again. However, the champion again springs up onto the cage, before flying back with a moonsault from the inside of the cage! Hopps then picks up the chair in the ring and waits for Krash to get up, nailing him with a huge chair shot as he turns around! Hopps makes the nonchalant cover, but is shocked as Krash somehow kicks out! Trying to wear the big man down, Hopps then whips Krash into the barbed wire, before following in with a baseball slide to his face. The hardcore champion then picks him up and tries for the uranagi, but somehow Krash reverses into a go behind, before trying for the German suplex. However, Hopps counters this into a roll-up which gets a very long two count. He then tries again for a uranagi, but it gets reversed and Krash nails a German suplex hold right onto the chair! At very nearly three Hopps just kicks out, and Krash signals for the end before setting up for the Clothesline From Up North. However, Hopps ducks this, before grabbing Krash and nailing a Russian leg sweep right back into the barbed wire cage, through the ropes! Both men lie hurt and cut as the crowd start a 'holy shit' chant, and the referee starts a ten count. Hopps rolls on top at eight, but Krash just about kicks out right before the three! Hopps signals then for the Freestyler, going for the finish, but he can't get the big man up. He tries again, but finds his attempt countered into a back body drop right into the barbed wire! As Hopps rolls out in pain, Krash goes up top and signals for the Krash and Burn again. However, as he makes his way up, Hopps somehow manages to grab the chair, before wrapping it in his barbed wire roll and throwing it at Krash! The challenger drops from the turnbuckle to the mat, as Hopps slowly makes his way to his feet, before ascending the cage with the chair! As he reaches the top Krash finally gets up and follows him up, as the two start to fight up top! The crowd look on in awe as the two exchange punches, Krash getting the upper hand. He tries to throw Hopps down, but as he does so, Hopps grabs the chair and cracks Krash! Krash wobbles but doesn't fall, until Hopps nails a second chair shot! The big man falls back into the ring, as Hopps signals to the crowd for the end! The champion drops the chair down to the outside of the ring, getting rid of it from the match, before coming off the top of the cage with his spinning leg drop, right onto Krash! Hopps then grabs Krash and locks on his dragon sleeper submission once more, forcing the tap-out and the retaining of the title. After the match both men lie bloody in the ring, Hopps eventually bringing it upon himself to celebrate as Krash leaves ringside slowly, wondering where he went wrong!

Winner and still hardcore champion: 'X-Rated' Hopps

Chef: Unbelievable! The hype is lived up to as Hopps retains his hardcore title, whilst putting on an amazing showing. These two gave it their all, and eventually the self proclaimed 'greatest hardcore champion' ever wins it.

Conrad: Since the Rumour Guy introduced this new extreme division we've seen some of the craziest stuff ever in the BSW! And guys like Hopps and Krash have found their niche right there.

Chef: That ends an amazing show. We'll be back next week for Rave live from a town near you!