
Draven vs. Vince Stryfe

Vince Stryfe makes his way out first, before Draven's music plays. The crowd look on in anticipation, but Draven doesn't show. A camera goes backstage to see what is going on, and the crowd are shocked when they see a bloody Draven being smacked with a ball bat by the returning Style In Action Frankie Manns! SIA rams Draven into the wall before throwing him across a row of chairs. The match is thrown out as a default win for Stryfe as Manns carries on the onslaught, dragging Draven out to the ringside area before sending him flying into the barricade. The MTX member then grabs a chair and cracks Draven across the head, before sending him flying into the ring post. Manns then drags him into the ring and delivers his floatover neckbreaker, not once, but twice, before grabbing the chair again and beating on Draven some more. All of a sudden the MTX's ring music plays as the world champion Jay Hall appears at the top of the ramp with not just hardcore champion Hopps, but the returning Bucky Thompson, back from injury! The trio make their way down to the ring, focused on Manns. They slide into the ring as Jay grabs Manns, asking him what the hell he is doing. SIA ignores him and carries on stomping away on Draven, as Hopps and Thompson try their hand at reasoning. SIA ignores them again, this time shoving them away. The three MTX members all look at each other and shrug their shoulders, and begin to leave the ring. However, at the last second, they all turn around and start to beat on SIA, sending him to the mat and stomping away on him! The three keep the assault coming to a big pop, before leaving the ringside area to their music, shouting to Manns that 'it's over'. SIA stands up and still seems irate, striking Draven one more time before exiting to heel heat!

Winner by Default: Vince Stryfe

(BSW President "Big Shot" Bob Peil is seen in his office watching Rave on his monitor and sipping on some coffee. He then looks up into the mirror, sees the reflection of Dark Knight standing behind him, and spits out a mouthful of coffee onto the mirror.)

BIG SHOT: What are you doing here? I can have you arrested if you touch me!

KNIGHT: Relax Bobby, I'm not going to hurt you... yet. I'm just here to remind you of your end of our last agreement. You have seemed to have forgotten what you owe me.

BIG SHOT: Well, there have been...

KNIGHT: I don't want excuses boss man, I want results. I want my shot at the title, and you are going to make that happen for me. Or the next time you find yourself this close to the Dark One, I will not be so forgiving.

(The President turns around and finds himself alone in the room.)

Killian vs. "War Machine" Vince Graham

"Falling Away From Me" plays over the PA system and Killian comes to the ring. He looks at the crowd and gets little heat. Once he gets to the ring, "Bad Boy" plays and "War Machine" Vince Graham walks to the ring to a mixed reaction. He gets into the ring and both the big men stare each other down. Killian takes a step back and spits into Graham's face. Enraged, Vince begins to trade punches with his opponent. "War Machine" gets the upper hand and drives him into the buckle and begins to stomp away at him. The referee tries to get Vince off of Killian, but he gets shrugged off and realizes that he has no control over the two monsters. Graham pulls Killian to his feet and throws him against the ropes and delivers a huge powerslam for a two count. Graham gets up and waits for Killian to get his footing. Once he got up, Graham delivered a huge standing lariat that took the wind out of his opponent. Instead of covering, Vince pulls Killian up and hits a monstrous piledriver, only to get a two count. Vince then applies a huge Boston crab to Killian. Killian writhes in pain as Graham begins to sit down and pull back harder. Killian grabs for the ropes, but cannot reach them. It looks like he is about to submit, but he somehow finds the strength to turn it over and knocks him off. Graham is shocked and goes to reapply the hold, but Killian finds his way to the outside of the ring. Graham sluggishly follows him to the floor, where he is met with a spear from Killian. Killian grabs a steel chair and waits for Vince to get up. Vince gets up, and Killian drops the chair onto the floor padding. As Vince turns around, he gets put into a two handed chokeslam, right on the chair. Killian rolls into the ring and stops the referee's count, but then rolls back out onto the floor. He picks up the fallen "War Machine" and rams him into the ring post with a sickening thud. Killian grabs Graham's legs and executes a beautiful slingshot, again into the ring post. Killian drags his opponent to his feet, and rolls him into the ring, and goes for a cover, only getting a two count. Graham gets pulled to his feet while Killian hits a perfect running powerslam. The referee goes for the count, but Killian only gets two. Killian again pulls Graham to his feet and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a back body drop, but ducks too soon, enabling Graham to hit a desperate DDT. Both men are lying on their backs as the referee counts to seven. At the count of eight, they both get to their feet and begin trading blows. Graham kicks Killian in the midsection then executes a huge suplex on the big man. He goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Vince, trying to take advantage, goes to the second rope. "War Machine" tries for a belly flop, but Killian rolls out of the way, knocking the wind out of Graham. Killian struggles to his feet and runs against the ropes and hits a monster legdrop, only to get a two and a half count. Killian drags Graham up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Killian follows him up the ropes and uses all of his power to hit his patented top rope Samoan drop. Winded, Killian is not able to make the quick cover. After a few seconds of both men being down, Killian crawls to make the pin, but only gets a very long two count. Killian looks at the referee in disgust that the huge move did not get the job done. Killian brings the limp Graham to his feet and goes for a body slam, but his injured back gave out and Vince landed on top of Killian, only to get a two count. Both men get to their feet slowly. Graham gives Killian a kick to the lower midsection followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Vince gets to his feet, getting a second wind. He pulls his opponent up and follows with a northern lights suplex. Feeling momentum, Graham does not go for the cover, yet picks him up again and muscles Killian up for the Hardcore Hammer. Vince pops to his feet and signals that the match is about over. He gets Killian up and struggles to deliver the Graham Slam to Killian. Both men fall down as Graham lands on Killian. The referee makes the count… 1…2… the bell rings and Graham stands up thinking that he has won, even though the referee did not count to three. The referee looks confused as he goes over to the ring announcer to see what the problem was. After speaking to the ring announcer, he lowers Graham's hand. "War Machine" looks confused until the ring announcer told the audience that the time limit had expired before Graham could get the three count, resulting in a time limit draw and a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Result: Time Limit Draw

Dark Knight vs. Mr. Unskinny
While Unskinny showed a few moments of glory, this match was pretty much all Dark Knight. The Dark One came out in a fowl mood after a double count out with Akuma two weeks ago on Rave. Dark Knight was able to use his blend of technical skill and martial arts to keep Mr. Unskinny unbalanced as to what he was going to be hit with next. Unskinny was able to mount some offense when he countered DK's rock bottom and turned it into a belly-to-belly suplex. Unskinny hit DK with a couple move big power moves before Dark Knight was able to hit Unskinny with the Jaws of Death (twist of fate) after ducking an Unskinny clothesline. Dark Knight was then able to hit Unskinny with the Knightfall (reverse DDT) and slap on a sharpshooter to get the submission and the victory.
Winner: Dark Knight

After the match:
Unskinny was still screaming in pain, as the ref could not get Dark Knight to release the sharpshooter. When he finally did release the hold, Dark Knight stood over the fallen Unskinny. The lights in the arena then went out and when they came back on the Dark One was gone and Unskinny was left in the middle of the ring covered in blood.

Tag Team: Triple S / Keith Krash vs. New Hell's Alliance (Hot Stuff / Butcher)
This was a great tag team contest between two of the BSW's hot new tag teams. Momentum in this match went back and forth so many times it almost made your head spin. The New Hell's Alliance got the early advantage when they jumped Old School Soldier members 3S and Krash before the bell. They mounted an onslaught that consisted of a huge powerslam from the Necro Butcher and a sweet powerbomb from Hot Stuff Hernandez. Triple S was then able to draw strength from the crowd to make the tag to Krash. Krash then cleaned house with a series for Clotheslines from Up North (clothesline from hell). The team of Triple S and Krash was then able to isolate Necro Butcher on their half of the ring and really worked him over with wear down holds and frequent tags. Butcher was finally able to make the tag when he hit Krash with a desperation samoan drop after sliding out of a Krash gorilla press slam. A fresh Hot Stuff came in and began to clean house until being caught by the Triple S Star Gazer (roll the dice). Triple S then applied the Idolizer (sharpshooter) to Hot Stuff. Necro Butcher tried to break up the hold but was hit with the Kolossal Krash (last ride powerbomb) from Keith Krash before he could hit Triple S. After what seemed like minutes of fighting the pain, Hot Stuff was forced to submit.
Winners: Triple S / Keith Krash

(The camera heads backstage as we see the tag team champions Jay Hall and Hopps sat discussing strategy. Interviewer Jon McCarthy holds the mic to the pair as they begin to speak...)

McCARTHY: Jay, we've seen Dark Knight comes out time after time and try to ridicule you, calling you a coward, a suck up to the front office, and an unfighting champion...

JAY: Ok, you can shut up now, the fans don't want to hear your voice. Dark Knight, you call me a coward, someone unwilling to defend his belt. Well, whilst you've ass kissed your way into facing Mr Unskinny tonight, I'm going to be out in front of this packed arena defending my tag team belt. You see Dark Knight, I have some business to take care of with these sushi eating bastards, but when they've been dispatched of, then you'll be number one on my priority list!

HOPPS: Let me speak on this for a moment Jay... after tonight, I see 'Franchise' Cooper Tate and Peace Breaker seem to think that they're some sort of pretenders to my throne. Well, next week on Rave, I propose you prove that by facing me and Jay in tag team action, hardcore style. Rumour Guy, Peil, book the match, and how about we bring a gimmick into this somehow?

JAY: Hold up... we can't do that, Dark Knight will claim I'm trying to escape him again. Well David, would a coward march down towards the curtains just like this...

(Jay steps through the curtains into the arena to a huge pop...)

JAY: Would a coward strut down this ramp, listening to the crowd scream their lungs out for him?

(Jay strolls down to the ring area, before jumping into the ring and posing on the turnbuckle...)

JAY: And would a coward complete his actions by confidently challenging you to put your money where you mouth is! 29th April, 2001, Unleashed, I want Jay Hall vs. Dark Knight for the world heavyweight title! You and me bitch, one on one, and I'll prove your mouth is writing cheques your ass can't cash!

(Jay poses one more time before his music hits and he returns backstage to prepare for his contest!)

Hardcore Rulez:
Peace Breaker vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Peace Breaker comes out first accompanied by Barramya to heel heat, before the Franchise makes his way out to a tremendous pop. The two instantly get into a brawl in the middle of the ring, Tate hitting a pair of strong clotheslines before sending Peace Breaker to the outside. Peace Breaker tries to catch his breath but instantly Tate flies out with a suicide dive through the middle rope, taking out PB before mounting him and punching away! He eventually breaks the hold, standing up to a big cheer, before going after Barramya, who dives over the barricade into the crowd to hide! The distraction is enough to give PB a chance to catch his breath and get back at Tate, nailing him from behind with a forearm before ramming him head first into the barricade. Barramya then grabs him and choke shim over the barricade to heat from the crowd. Peace Breaker drags Tate around the ringside area and tosses him into the steps, before showing incredible strength by gorilla press slamming him into the ring! PB then grabs a variety of objects from under the ring, including a chair, a trashcan, and a kendo stick. Peace Breaker straight away levels Tate with the bin, before placing it on his head and dropping an elbow. PB goes for the cover but Tate kicks out, only to be met with another trashcan shot. Peace Breaker then sets up the trashcan in the corner, before sending Tate head first into it. As Tate stumbles back out of the corner, Peace Breaker grabs him and delivers a huge delayed German suplex, sending him right over onto his front! Peace Breaker then sets up the chair in the middle of the ring, and whips Tate into the ropes, catching him with a flapjack as he comes back, right into the chair. Peace Breaker gets another close two count. Peace Breaker then delivers a huge sidewalk slam, before stepping out of the ring and grabbing his infamous barbed wire bat from by the announcers' table. He re-enters and goes to strike Tate, but Tate nails a low blow, before throwing the bat back out of the ring, again sticking to his non-hardcore roots. Tate goes for a facebuster and nails it, before setting up for a side Russian leg sweep. However, Peace Breaker grabs the trashcan from behind him and strikes Tate, before delivering a jacknife powerbomb hold for a close two count. Peace Breaker signals for the end, nailing another jacknife hold, before setting up for the Peace Driver. However, out of nothing Tate reverses and nails a tombstone piledriver! Tate thinks about making the cover, but all of a sudden, completely unlike Tate's normal style, Tate grabs the kendo stick to a huge pop and starts to beat on Peace Breaker! The crowd pop big time for Tate's new found hardcore antics, but the cheers improved no end as Barramya tried to interfere only to catch a kendo stick shot from Tate! Tate signals for the end, before sliding out of the ring and grabbing another two chairs. He unfolds these and sets them up by the corner, before grabbing Peace Breaker and taking him over there. In an amazing spot, Tate picks up Peace Breaker on his shoulder, before climbing up to the middle rope and dropping a tombstone right through the chairs, bending them inwards! Tate makes the cover for the three count, as his excellent record in the hardcore division continues!

Winner: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Main Event #1
Tag Team Title Match:

'Raw Deal' Jay Hall / 'X-Rated' Hopps (c) vs. Akagumi Kimen (Yajuu-san / Akuma)

The challengers come out first to a good crowd reaction, followed by Hall and Hopps, both wearing two belts. The teams set up in the ring and the bell is rung to start the match, Hopps and Akuma in first. They begin with a collar and elbow tie up, Hopps coming out on top with a hammerlock, but Akuma counters with a jumping snapmare, followed up with a dropkick to the back of Hopps' head. Akuma then follows with a rolling neckbreaker, before nailing a running quick leg drop to applause from the crowd. Akuma then picks up Hopps and gives him a pair of Rising Sun uppercuts, knocking him into the corner, before tagging in Yajuu-san, who comes in with a slingshot bulldog. The Japanese star then drops a double stomp on Hopps from the middle rope, before once again making the tag. Akuma comes in and the pair nail a combination backdrop/powerbomb for a two count. Akuma then hops up top and attempts a corkscrew moonsault, but Hopps rolls out of the way before connecting with a spinning wheel kick as Akuma stands. Hopps then makes the tag to Jay to a huge pop, as the world champion comes in with a springboard leg drop, before picking up Akuma and nailing a roll-up hurancanrana for a two count. He then sends Akuma into the ropes and tries for a rolling elbow smash, but Akuma ducks, only to get caught with a tilt-a-whirl facebuster when he comes back. Jay makes the tag to Hopps, the hardcore champion coming in and nailing a stiff clothesline before beating Akuma back into the corner. Hopps charges in and nails a splash, before connecting with a short-arm powerbomb as Akuma stumbles out of the corner. He then makes the tag back to Jay, who comes in and drops a leg before making the cover for a two count. Akuma begins to try and fight back with a few punches to the gut, but Jay levels him with an elbow shot, before picking him up and nailing a release dragon suplex followed by a pin for another two count. The tag is made back to Hopps, who re-enters and nails a drop toe hold, before jumping onto the ropes and coming back with a spinning leg drop for a close two count! As Akuma stands up, Hopps signals to the crowd, before leaping on him and locking on the dragon sleeper with scissors! Akuma battles, but seems ready to give up. The arm is dropped twice by the referee, but on the third one, Akuma struggles and breaks free, connecting with a slap to Hopps' face before squirming free and catching him with a huge release straight jacket suplex as they jostle for position! Both men are down, and begin to crawl for the tag. The crowd are on their feet as Hopps tags in Jay, but as he come sin Akuma makes the tag to Yajuu-san, who comes flying in with a springboard wheel kick to Jay! Akuma then nails Hopps with a palm strike as he stands, before catching Jay with his Rising Sun drop as he recovers! He makes the cover but it is broken up by Hopps, only for Akuma to return to the fray, taking him out with a superkick, before sending him to the outside. As Hopps gets to his feet, Akuma comes out with a huge tope con hilo, wiping him out! Both men get to their feet, Hopps struggling back into the ring as Jay flies at Akuma with a springboard somersault! As those two get up, Yajuu-san follows out with a spaceman quebrada, only to be outdone by Hopps who returns to the outside with a shooting star plancha, wiping out everyone! Slowly everyone returns to the ring, Hall and Hopps with the advantage, as they connect with the Season's Greetings on Yajuu-san! Jay makes the cover, but it is broken by a flying leg drop from Akuma, who then grabs Jay and delivers the Eternal Sleep! Seeing this, Hopps then grabs Akuma from behind and hoists him onto his shoulders, before spinning him around right into his trademark sit-down powerbomb, but before he can capitalise Yajuu-san returns to his feet and hooks his arm, before hopping up and starting the chanting rope walk! However, before he can come down with it, Jay manages to back into the ropes, crotching him, before bringing him back down to the canvas with his vertical drop brainbuster! He makes the cover for a long two, Akuma just breaking it up! The chaos continues as Jay nails a tiger suplex hold for a two, only to be pulled off by Akuma who sends him to the outside, allowing the two Japanese stars to hit a combination Osaka Driller on Hopps, before making the cover. However, Jay Hall just breaks the pin, sticking Hopps' foot on the ropes. Jay then re-enters, but walks straight into Yajuu-san, who goes for a muken, but Jay manages to fall back down onto his feet into a perfect powerbomb position, before attempting a thunder fire bomb. However, Yajuu-san escapes, before picking Jay up in a powerbomb of his own and nailing a Yokohama Cutter! Yajuu-san sends Jay to the outside again as Akuma attempts the Eternal Sleep on Hopps to finish him off. However, the hardcore champ flips out of the move into an inverted DDT position. Out of nothing, Yajuu-san grabs Hopps from behind in a reverse facelock of his own, releasing Akuma from Hopps' grip, before nailing a reverse suplex into an ace crusher! Yajuu-san rolled Hopps up tight as the referee made the three count, giving Akagumi Kimen the shock win! Hopps kicks out moments after the cover, shocked at the result, before dropping t his knees in disbelief. Akagumi Kimen scatter as Jay Hall jumps into the ring, also shocked at what has happened, the Japanese duo posing with their belts on the ramp as the MTX members stand defeated!

Winners and new BSW Tag Team Champions: Akagumi Kimen (Yajuu-san / Akuma)

Main Event #2
Intercontinental Title Match:
Calib McClain (c) vs. Daniel 'The Devi' Estacado
This was one of the great Intercontinental Title Matches that the BSW is known for and a match that has made the BSW IC Title as prestigious as it is. It pitted the size and strength of McClain versus the innovative offense of the truly evil Estacado. Through the first half of the match, it was dead even with each wrestler matching the other move for move and hold for hold. It wasn't until McClain was able to hit Estacado with a sic half-nelson slam that one wrestler was able to gain a clear cut advantage over the other. McClain then hit The Devil with power move after power move but Estacado was able to kick out in 2 every time. In his frustration, McClain headed to the outside to grab a steel chair. Scarlet was able to distract McClain long enough for Estacado to make his way to the outside and hit McClain with a chair of his own. Estacado then rolled the now busted open McClain into the ring and applied one submission hold after another but the big man would not give up so easily. Estacado then went up top for some high-risk offense but was stopped by McClain who grabbed Estacado by the throat and nailed him with the Twister off the top rope (spinning chokeslam). As McClain was getting ready to go for the pin, a video began to play on the BSW-Tron of the camouflaged man attacking Serena after her match two weeks ago on Rave. As a distracted McClain turned his attention back to Estacado, the Devil hit McClain with the Human Torch (fireball spit) right in the face. Estacado then rolled up the big man for the 3 count and the victory.
Winner and new BSW Intercontinental Champion: Daniel "The Devil" Estacado

After the match:
As Estacado leaves the ring with his newly won IC Title, he looks at the top of the ramp to find Triple S, Keith Krash, and Andrea Williams waiting for him. As Estacado tries to figure out what's going on, Hannibal King jumps out of the crowd and handcuffs Estacado to the bottom rope. Estacado is standing there wide open as McClain, Triple S, Krash, and Hannibal all take shots at him while Serena and Andrea take down Scarlet. Eventually, McClain calls off the wolves, takes a seat on a steel chair, grabs a mic and begins to speak.

CALIB: This is what happens when you cross the bosses, son. This is what happens when you cross the fans. This is what happens when you cross the Old School Soldiers. Consider the Fallen and your career.... over!

McClain tosses the mic, grabs the steel chair that he was sitting on and delivers a vile chairshot to Estacado. They leave the new IC Champ beaten and bloody as Rave goes off the air.