
Mr. Unskinny vs. 2Xtreme
The first RAVE of April 2001 was started off with a match between 2Xtreme and Mr. Unskinny. The match began slowly but began to pick up steam when 2Xtreme gained the advantage and showed off his unique style of high flying offense. Unskinny turned the tide of the match, however, when Xtreme leaped off the top rope attempting a hurricanrana, which Unskinny turned into a huge Fatty Bomb (powerbomb). As Unskinny grabbed 2Xtreme by the hair and drug him back to his feet, a mysterious man dressed like Superman and wearing big black glasses came running down to the ring. As Unskinny set Xtreme up for a belly-to-belly suplex, the mystery man climbed up onto the apron and then to the top rope where he leapt halfway across the ring and took down both men with a huge flying cross body. The referee had no choice but to declare the match a No Contest.
Result: No Contest

After the Match:
As BSW Security came down to get him, the man dressed as Superman disappeared through the crowd as quickly and mysteriously as he had appeared.

Killian vs. Hannibal King
What do you get when you pit muscle against muscle? Strength against strength? Well when Killian and Hannibal King mixed it up inside the middle of the squared circle we got one hell of a fight. While both men attempted the occasional wrestling move, this match was for the most part a brawl with both leaving the ring battered and bruised. As the fight spilled to the outside, Killian reversed an irish whip attempt by Hannibal and sent King shoulder first into the steel stairs. Killian then grabbed a steel chair and was going to hit King with it but the referee came up behind Killian and took the chair from him. Killian turned around and grabbed the referee by the neck looking like he was setting the ref up for a two handed chokebomb but was stopped by King who hit Killian with a full nelson slam. King rolled Killian back into the ring but Killian was able to regain enough strength to crotch King on the second rope as King entered the ring. Killian then gave the sign for the Killians Tide (reverse DVD) but Hannibal was able to reverse it into the King Bomb (double underhook powerbomb) to gain the hard-fought victory.
Winner: Hannibal King

Shea heads to Vince Graham's locker room to talk to him about working with the Fallen. When she gets there, she finds Vince knocked out and "Prey" written on the mirror over him. As Shea checks on Graham, Preditor comes out of a side door and approaches Shea. She sees him in the mirror and screams bringing in Dark Knight and the Devil who chase Preditor away. Vince is hurt badly and will not be able to wrestle later tonight.

Hardcore Rulez:
Necro Butcher vs. Yajuu-san

Necro Butcher comes out first to big heat, chair in hand, closely followed by one half of the new tag team champions, Yajuu-san. Butcher straight away goes for the chair shot, but Yajuu-san ducks and delivers a huge wheel kick, taking down his opponent. Yajuu-san then follows up with a big lariat which knocks Butcher to the outside, before charging and nailing a suicide dive through the ropes onto him! Yajuu-san then drops a leg on Butcher on the outside, before rolling him into the ring. The Japanese star goes for a slingshot press onto Butcher, but the self proclaimed hardcore icon catches him with a huge clothesline, damn near taking Yajuu-san's head off as he comes in! Necro Butcher then puts the boot in for a few moments before picking up Yajuu-san and delivering a huge vertical suplex in the middle of the ring. Butcher then bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow, before locking on an armbar. Yajuu-san rolls through this and goes for a magistral cradle, but Necro Butcher counters himself before delivering a huge running knee to the face, knocking his opponent down. Butcher then goes to the outside and grabs a stop sign and a trashcan from under the ring, before bringing them in. Yajuu-san struggles to his feet, but walks straight into a shot with the stop sign, which gets Butcher a two count. Necro Butcher then sets up the trashcan between the ropes and sends Yajuu-san into it, before catching him with a backdrop driver as he comes out. This gets a two count. Butcher then signals for the end very early in the match, and picks up Yajuu-san for the Necro Slam. However, Yajuu-san rolls through, before taking Butcher's knees out from behind with a low dropkick. The Japanese star then drags Butcher to the corner, before hopping up top and nailing a swinging reverse DDT! From this, Yajuu-san transitions straight into the Goku Raku Gatame, trying to choke out his opponent. Butcher just about gets his foot on the ropes, but as he gets up, he walks straight into the Rising Sun drop from Yajuu-san! Yajuu-san signals for the end, and hops quickly up top for a high moonsault which gets a two count. The tag team champion then twists Butcher's arm, before hopping up top and hitting his chanting rope walk into a DDT! He thinks about making the cover, but instead hops out of the ring and grabs a table! He sets this up in the middle of the ring before placing Butcher on it and going up top. Yajuu-san comes flying off with a splash, but somehow Butcher moves. However, in an amazing spot, Yajuu-san manages to stretch himself out to miss the table and go straight into a forward roll to avoid putting himself through the table, only to get caught with a half nelson suplex back through the table as he stands up! The crowd stand in applause of the two men as Yajuu-san is covered, but kicks out right before the three count! Butcher looks shocked, and dives out of the ring, grabbing a second table and a box of thumbtacks! He sets up the table in the corner, before going for a suplex on Yajuu-san into the thumbtack box. However, Yajuu-san blocks this, before transitioning into a fisherman's buster onto the box! Butcher is down and hurt as thumbtacks shoot out from the edge of the box. Sensing the end is near, Yajuu-san grabs a handful of tacks and puts them on the table, before taking Butcher up top. Yajuu-san goes for a top rope powerbomb, but before he can come off, Butcher nails a low blow. The Necro butcher then goes for a flying hurancanrana, but Yajuu-san holds onto the ropes, sending Butcher down to the mat minus his opponent! The crowd then go crazy as Yajuu-san grabs Butcher and delivers a tornado DDT right into the table! The Japanese star signals for the end, before going out of the ring and grabbing what appears to be an empty tequila bottle. As Butcher slowly gets up in the ring, Yajuu-san nails him with the bottle, before delivering the Osaka Driller in the middle of the ring! The referee makes the three count as the Yajuu-san takes the win in a crazy contest between two crazy competitors!

Winner: Yajuu-san

Bucky Thompson vs. Style In Action
'Bad Blood' by Ministry played as Bucky Thompson made his way down to the ring. Bucky looked ready for action and eagerly awaited the arrival of former stablemate Frankie Manns. 'Biggest and the Best' by Clawfinger played but there was no Manns. The ref then administered the mandatory 10 count yet Manns still did not shown up.
Winner by Default: Bucky Thompson

After the Match:
As the ref raised Bucky's hand, the BSW-Tron showed 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns laid out in his dressing room with the word 'Prey' written on the wall. Manns had apparently fallen victim to the Preditor which ended up getting Bucky the victory.

Hot Stuff Hernandez vs. Akuma
A great fast-paced wrestling match between two great competitors. The all-arounder Hot Stuff Hernandez was able to gain the early advantage but it didn't last long as Akuma came back with a series of chops and martial arts kicks. Akuma was able to hit a nice dragon suplex (full nelson suplex), which he bridged to get a close 2 count. Akuma tried to keep the pressure on as he headed to the top rope and attempted a flying corkscrew attack, which Hot Stuff was able to somehow avoid. Hot Stuff then hit Akuma with a big powerbomb followed by the Fortune Teller (DDT) but only got a 2 count as Akuma got to the ropes. Now it was Hot Stuff who made his way to the top rope and went for his Super Power Kick (top rope superkick) but instead was hit by the Rising Sun (spinning uppercut) from Akuma. The crowd chanted 'holy shit' as Akuma made the cover on what looked like an unconscious Hot Stuff but at 2 and a half Hot Stuff Hernandez somehow got a shoulder up. Everyone in the arena was shocked and Akuma got up and argued with the ref about a slow count. A totally out of it Hot Stuff then rolled up Akuma from behind and got the 3 count on a totally surprised Akuma. The crowd booed unmercifully as Hot Stuff exited the ring with a win over one half of the tag team champions.
Winner: Hot Stuff Hernandez

Main Event #1
Elimination Style Six-Man Tag Match:

Triple S / Keith Krash / Calib McClain
Dark Knight / Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado / 'War Machine' Vince Graham

After Vince Graham was taken out by the Preditor earlier in the night, the match is left as three on two. Suddenly, as the five men square up in the ring Killian's music plays, and out walks the man who we seems to be the man Estacado hired to help The Fallen! The match all of a sudden is once again three on three, and starts off Keith Krash and Estacado in the ring. The two go at it with a series of punches, but it is Krash who gets the advantage with a shoulderblock, followed by a drop toe hold as Estacado gets up. Krash then nails a huge running leg drop, snapping Estacado's head down, before tagging in Triple S. Sullivan hits a big lariat, before picking up Estacado and nailing a snap suplex. Triple S then goes for a second suplex, but Estacado blocks, reversing it down into a DDT, before tagging in Dark Knight. The ex-intercontinental champion come sin and nails a huge running boot to Triple S, before dropping a pair of elbows. Triple S is then lifted up by Dark Knight, who delivers a huge full nelson slam. The Fallen member then sits Triple S up top, before signalling early on for the top-rope brainbuster. However, Triple S counters this, shoving Dark Knight off before flying off with an Idolcanrana! Both men are down and crawl slowly to make the tag, Triple S tagging to McClain and Dark Knight to Killian. The Fallen's hired gun come sin and goes for a clothesline, but gets caught with a big boot by McClain, followed by a huge 'Twister' from McClain. The big man then signals for the Breakdown powerbomb, setting up Killian. However, all of a sudden, the Preditor appears on the big screen with Serena tied up on a chair! McClain sprints backstage, leaving Killian in the ring, getting himself counted out!

First eliminated on the OSS: Calib McClain via count out

Killian tries to regain his composure, and manages to stumble to make the tag to Dark Knight. Keith Krash enters the ring to take McClain's place, but the big man walks straight into a triple team from The Fallen. Triple S breaks this up, tossing Killian out of the ring and going for Estacado, but he is taken down with a clothesline from behind by Dark Knight. Dark Knight and Estacado then grab Keith Krash and deliver a huge double team Knightfall, making him the second elimination after a pin by Dark Knight!

Second eliminated on the OSS: Keith Krash via pinfall (Dark Knight)

Triple S is left in a three on one situation, and at first is overpowered by his opponents, first Killian working over him with repeated forearms, before a huge running powerslam. Estacado is then tagged in, as the intercontinental champion comes in and takes Triple S out with a knee to the midsection, before whipping him into the ropes and nailing a tilt-a-whirl slam. The tags keep coming fast as Dark Knight is brought in. DK delivers a huge sidewalk slam with a pin for a two count, before delivering a Liger bomb to Triple S for the same outcome. Triple S looks out of it as Killian is tagged in again, taking Triple S out with a boot to the head as he is getting up. The Fallen's hired gun then signals for the end, going to the corner and sitting Triple S up top, before hopping up and going for his top rope Samoan Drop. However, in a bizarre turn of events, Triple S rolls right through into a crucifix pin, getting the quick three count on Killian, eliminating him from the match!

First elimination from The Fallen: Killian via pinfall (Triple S)

The numbers are more even now as it becomes two on one. Triple S' hot streak continues as he takes down Estacado with a huge swinging DDT, before nailing Star Gazer out of nothing at all! However, Dark Knight attacks before the cover can be made, and The Fallen pair begins to double team Triple S. The pair once again deliver a double team Knightfall, before Dark Knight signals to Estacado to grab a chair, the two seemingly more interested in dealing out punishment than winning the match. Dark knight locks on his sharpshooter to stop Triple S from moving as Estacado grabs a chair. All of a sudden, someone comes charging through the crowd to the ring, leaping over the guardrail and nailing Estacado with a lariat! The crowd look on surprised but then realise it is Mike Anderson, making his return to the BSW! The Anarchist grabs the chair Estacado had picked up and nails him with it, before going to the ring apron and distracting the referee. Dark Knight, seeing what has gone on, walks over to Anderson, only to get caught with a guillotine on the top rope. Knight stumbles right back into a spine buster from Triple S, right into the Idolizer! Dark Knight has no option but to tap out as it becomes one on one!

Second elimination from The Fallen: Dark Knight via submission (Triple S)

Estacado and Triple S begin to go at it as Mike Anderson is removed from ringside by security. Triple S gains the upper hand, dropping Estacado with a double arm DDT, before whipping him into the corner and nailing the Superstar Splash. Triple S then catches Estacado with a northern lights suplex as he comes out, getting a very near two count. Triple S then signals for the end and nails a jacknife hold for a two count! Triple S, sensing that Estacado is nearly done, goes for the move again, getting another two count! Triple S then goes for a THIRD powerbomb, but somehow Estacado wiggles free, before ducking under and nailing a full nelson face drop! This gets a near three count as finally it seems that Triple S' beating earlier is getting the better of him. Estacado notices this and sets up for the Final Destination, ready to end the contest. The fans cheer for Triple S to escape, and Sullivan struggles, eventually breaking free and going for an ace crusher! However, Estacado pushes him off into the ropes, before nailing a kick to the stomach followed by the Final Destination! Estacado makes the cover to win the match for The Fallen! Keith Krash and McClain come out to help Triple S from the ring as Estacado stands victorious, despite one hell of a fight from Sullivan!

Final elimination for the OSS: Triple S via pinfall (Daniel Estacado)

Winner: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado

Main Event #2
No Ropes Barbed Wire Cage Match:
MTX ('Raw Deal' Jay Hall / 'X-Rated' Hopps)
Peace Breaker / 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Peace Breaker makes his way out first to huge heat, followed by Cooper Tate who gets a big pop from the crowd. The two already start arguing in the ring as the cage is beginning to be lowered. The MTX members make their way out next and straight away hit the ring, the cage not anywhere near down yet. Straight away a slugfest starts, with Peace Breaker bailing to the outside. However, he is soon caught by Jay Hall, who nails a superb moonsault off the corner post over the barbed wire onto him! He is followed straight out by Cooper Tate who nails a huge no hands plancha, before Hopps hits a suicidal senton atomico, wiping everyone out. The crowd are already on their feet as slowly all four men return to the ring as the cage finally makes it's way fully down, Jay grabbing a chair and Peace Breaker grabbing his barbed wire bat as they slide in. the door is locked and the match officially begins, to end only by pinfall or submission. Peace Breaker straight away goes after Jay with his baseball bat, but Hopps dropkicks out his knee, before hitting a rolling knee breaker. Jay helps him out, dropping a knee across the big man's leg, before Tate cuts him off, grabbing him from behind and ramming him into the corner, before wiping Hopps out with a lariat. Tate then hits a sweet snap suplex on Hopps in the corner, before going up to the middle rope and nailing a reverse splash. Peace Breaker works on Jay in the other corner with some big right hands, before sending him into the other turnbuckle and nailing a charging lariat. Tate meanwhile works over Hopps with some stomps in the corner. Peace Breaker whips Jay into the other corner, but the world champ floats over into a headscissor, sending Breaker head first into the middle turnbuckle, before nailing a huge front dropkick to the back of his head. Jay then goes over and grabs Tate from behind, hitting a dragon suplex early on for a close two count! However, Tate kicks out, only to get caught in an arm drag as he gets up. Hopps goes to work on Peace Breaker, splashing him in the corner, before attempting a belly to belly as he bounces out. However, Peace Breaker counters, trying for a move of his own into the barbed wire, but Hopps just manages to shift his weight enough to miss it. As Peace Breaker returns to his feet however, he is met straight away by Jay Hall, who smacks him with a roundhouse kick, knocking him back into the wire! As Jay turns around though, out of nothing he is met by a Tate arm drag right into the wire himself! The crowd pop as Hall and Breaker try to free themselves as Tate and Hopps begin to go at it. Tate goes for a leg lariat, but Hopps ducks, before trying an exploder suplex. Tate counters this however, going straight for the Showstopper, but Hopps ducks under and attempts a northern lights suplex. Tate swings out of this into a DDT, but again there is a reversal and Hopps nails the northern lights suplex. This gets a two count, but the shock comes as both men bridge up out of the move and roll through into a Tate pin for a two count, only for Hopps to then counter with a roll up of his own for a two. The exchange continues, Tate finally rolling up Hopps very compactly, but before the referee can make the three count, Jay Hall finally frees himself, before delivering a dropkick right into Tate's face! Hopps rolls him through, but them gets the pinning sequence finally broken by a boot from peace Breaker. The crowd pop big time for the fantastic technical spot, something not expected in such a match. Hopps gets worked over by Peace Breaker, as Jay puts the boot to Tate. Breaker is getting the advantage, as he places Hopps on the top and goes for a superplex, but his opponent throws him out, front lay out style! As this happens, Jay misses a lariat on Tate, only to turn around and catch him right in a high cradle suplex! Jay signals across for Hopps to come over, as they both grab Tate up into a back drop suplex position, before ramming him back into the barbed wire cage! The crowd go crazy for that spot, but then even more so as Hopps sacrifices himself, nailing an elbow suicida through the middle of the barbed wire ropes right into Tate, pressing him up against the cage! A holy sh*t chart starts up as Jay goes after the fallen Breaker, picking him up and delivering a wrist clutch exploder to the big man for a two count. Jay then goes up top and signals for his trademark phoenix splash, but peace Breaker rolls out of the way, before picking Jay up and press slamming him over the top to the barbed wire cage! Breaker then goes for a crazy move himself, charging at Jay, but the world champion pulls down the top rope, sending Breaker into the cage! As Peace Breaker lies tangled up, Jay grabs the chair from before and charges in, before nailing a skateboard dropkick to Breaker. By this time Tate is freed up a bit, but he walks straight into a Jay northern lights suplex, before Hall goes up top and nails the double jump moonsault for a two count. Jay then whips Tate into the corner and puts him up top, before signalling for an iconoclasm! Jay hits the move, but instead of making the cover, goes for a second iconoclasm! This time, Tate blocks it, before going for a tornado DDT. However, Hopps just about recovers and breaks this up, allowing Jay to go up for an avalanche hurancanrana. Jay takes a moment to pose before coming off, but mid air Tate reverses it, nailing a top rope liger bomb! The champion just about kicks out at near three, before Tate picks him up and delivers the Showstopper! He covers again, but this time Hopps breaks up, before dropping Tate with the Freestyler! This gets a two, but somehow Peace Breaker recovers and puts Tate's foot in the barbed wire to break the count. peace Breaker then tries to deliver a Peace Driver to Hopps, but the hardcore champion reverses, before pushing him forwards. The problem is, Breaker goes straight forward and lariats Jay into the barbed wire! As Breaker looks on, unsure how that just happened but pleased enough about it, Hopps come sup behind and nails a German suplex hold, getting a two count. The hardcore champion then signals for the end, climbing up the cage right to the top, before signalling for the spinning leg drop. He comes off, but just before he hits, Tate recovers enough to throw the chair at Hopps, knocking him down to the canvas just seconds before he was about to land! Tate stands proud in the middle, taking a moment to play the crowd, but he turns around straight into a recovered Jay, who nails a Thunder Fire powerbomb hold for a 2.9! Jay then drops a quick standing moonsault, before going middle rope and nailing a second moonsault, again getting a long two count. The world champion then signals for the end, going behind for the Quick Fix, but Tate somehow floats over, setting himself for a Tiger Suplex! He calls for Peace Breaker's help, and the big man comes over and tries to help Jay over with a lariat, but Hall ducks, causing Peace Breaker to clothesline his tag partner. Peace Breaker looks down at the fallen Tate as Jay takes a respite, before shouting 'f*ck you' at him and grabbing the chair from the middle of the ring and setting it up in the corner! The crowd look on surprised as Peace Breaker grabs the man he had seemingly worked fine with up until now, before going middle rope and returning the favour from last Rave with a Peace Driver through the chair! Peace Breaker then make shi way to the cage door, kicking away at the lock. eventually, the lock snaps off, as Peace Breaker wanders out, leaving his tag partner alone in the ring. Jay is still down as Hopps stands up, looks at Tate, before looking out of the ring at Breaker and quickly scaling up the cage. The crowd look on in awe as Hopps lowers himself down so he is hanging from the side of the cage about 3/4 way up, before swinging of with a hurancanrana on Breaker. The two begin to brawl to the ramp as Jay and Tate are down in the ring. The referee starts a ten count, and on eight jay rolls over onto Tate. the referee counts... one... two... kickout! Peace Breaker sees this from on the stage and looks shocked, but not as shocked as when he turns around right into Hopps' trademark exploder suplex on the stage! The two continue to battle to the back as Jay and Tate begin to get up. Jay goes for a clothesline, but Tate ducks, grabs his arm, and nails a chickenwing suplex right across the ring. The cover is made but Jay just gets out before the three. Tate signals for the end, and goes to set up the Showstopper. However, the world champion blocks this, ducking under Tate's arm and nailing a textbook neckbreaker. Hall then goes up high and finally nails the phoenix splash, but again Tate somehow kicks out. Irate, Jay signals for the end, and sets up for a vertical drop brainbuster, but as he gets Tate up the Franchise rolls through, before setting up for a superkick! However, Jay catches the move and rolls down into the cross heel hold! From this, the world champion rolls right a front facelock, before delivering his vertical drop brainbuster. Jay stands up and cuts the air to signal the end, before grabbing the chair from the corner and nailing a second brainbuster right onto it! No kickout this time as Tate is down and out for the 3 count, Hopps and Hall winning a tight match!

Winners: MTX ('Raw Deal' Jay Hall / 'X-Rated' Hopps)