
Venom vs. 'War Machine' Vince Graham

Venom makes his way out first to some crowd heat following his comments earlier in the week on the direction the BSW is taking. Vince Graham's music then plays, and the War Machine walks out to a pretty big pop. However, out of nowhere from behind him appears Viper, who hasn't been seen in the BSW for a month or so! Graham fights him off, but then finds himself taken out from behind by ex-BSW member Lil J, Crazy C's old tag team partner! Lil J and Viper beat down Vince Graham on top of the stage, before Crazy C joins the two and helps to administer the beat down. Venom walks up the ramp with a very proud look on his face, before picking up the fallen Vince Graham and dragging him back down to the ring. The former 6 time BSW champion then picks up Vince Graham and drops him with a huge sit down powerbomb, before signalling for the end. Almost as soon as the match has started, it ends as Venom drops Vince Graham with his inverted square driver, before covering for the three count!

Winner: Venom (via inverted square driver)

After the Match:
All four men carry on beating on Vince Graham, Venom grabbing a chair and nailing him. All of a sudden however, familiar music plays and out comes the old BSW stable The Excellents! Hotstuff Hernandez, Kid Dynamite, Bruce LeRoy and Sid Sexy, now joined by Necro Butcher, all head to the ring to make the save! Hernandez starts to look Venom in the eye from close range with an angered look in face, when all of a sudden his face changes to a smile and all nine men turn and start to beat on Vince Graham! The crowd boo loudly as Hernandez picks up Graham and drops him with a Hotstuff Drop, before Venom grabs a microphone and screams "THE WAR... HAS BEGUN!" at the crowd.

Tag Team: Dark Knight / Killian vs. Calib McClain / Hannibal King
The Fallen (Dark Knight and Killian) came down to the ring first to big heat from the crowd followed by the Old School Soldiers (McClain and King) who got a good pop from the fans. As the OSS slid into the ring, the Fallen jumped them and gained the upper hand. After the ref got the situation in hand, DK and Killian isolated McClain on their half of the ring showing good teamwork and tag team moves. Eventually Calib was able to counter a Killian back body drop with a pedigree and make the tag to Hannibal. Hannibal hit a couple of clotheslines before being caught with a low blow by Dark Knight. DK then performed a series of moves and holds to keep Hannibal on the mat. In a desperation move, King was able to hit a spinning belly-to-belly suplex and make the tag. Calib entered the ring but was immediately double teamed by Dark Knight and Killian. Hannibal appeared preoccupied by his twin valets, Jennifer and Jessica, as Killian hit Calib with the Killians Tide (reverse DVD) followed by a Dark Knight sharpshooter. With Hannibal unaware as to what was happening inside the ring, McClain had no choice but to tap out.
Winners: Dark Knight / Killian (via sharpshooter)

Hardcore Rulez: Necro Butcher vs. 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns
Both men came down to the ring with their weapons of choice in hand, for Necro a stop sign and for Manns a steel chair, along with weapons that had been placed around ringside. This type of hardcore match was a little foreign to the old school technician Frankie Manns at first but he tried his best to counter Butcher's hardcore mentality with his technical wrestling ability. Necro got the early advantage when he grabbed Manns' steel chair out of his hands and cracked him on the head with it. Butcher then followed up with a DDT and a powerslam before Manns was able to reverse the momentum. As Necro was attempting a white russian legsweep, Manns was able to hiptoss Necro over the top rope and out of the ring. As the fight spilled to the outside is where the action really picked up. Manns whipped Butcher into the steps and then followed it up with a trashcan to Butcher's head. Manns then went over and grabbed Butcher's trademark stop sign and posed for the crowd for some good heat. Manns then reared back and cracked Necro in the head with the stop sign but as Manns turned around and posed some more, Necro no sells and the crowd pops. Necro then grabs the sign out of Manns' hands and hits him with The Stop (stop sign to the head). Necro then finishes it off with the Necro Slam (gorilla press into Michinoku Driver) onto the stop sign for the 3 count.
Winner: Necro Butcher (via Necro Slam)

Inside the OSS locker room, Hannibal King is seen apologizing to an obviously pissed off Calib McClain. The two end up shaking hands and agreeing to watch the back of Triple S during his upcoming match.

Non-Title Tag Team:
Bucky Thompson / Jay Hall vs. Akagumi Kimen (Yajuu-san / Akuma)

The Japanese team enters first to a big pop, closely followed by the world champion and Bucky Thompson. Straight away all four men go at it, with Thompson sending Akuma to the outside before following out with a baseball slide. In the ring, Jay sends Yajuu-san into the ropes, but the cruiserweight slides under, before coming back in with a springboard Lou Thesz press! Yajuu-san starts to pound on Jay as Thompson and Akuma return to their corners. Yajuu-san sends the world champion into the ropes before following in with a leg lariat, before tagging in Akuma, who enters the ring with a slingshot leg drop which gets a close two count. Akuma then Irish whips Jay straight into a powerslam, before tagging in Yajuu-san who heads up top and nails a flying guillotine leg drop for another two count. Yajuu-san then picks Jay up on his shoulders and drops him with a rolling Samoan drop, before tagging in Akuma again, who comes in and covers for a two count. A small Jay Hall chant starts to get behind the world champion. Akuma locks on a single leg crab, trapping Jay in the centre of the ring. The world champion battles, but every time he gets close to the ropes he is dragged back to the centre of the ring. The referee asks him if he wants to give up, and he declines, but still can't escape. Finally he reaches the ropes, breaking the hold, and stands up straight into a lariat attempt from Akuma. However, Jay ducks, before nailing a release dragon suplex, taking both men down! Both men start to crawl to their corners, the crowd getting behind both teams. Eventually the tags are made as Thompson and Yajuu-san come in, Thompson taking Yajuu-san down with a pair of lariats before superkicking the living hell out of Akuma! Jay Hall is finally back to his feet, and he knocks Akuma out of the ring, before coming flying out with a springboard somersault rana! Yajuu-san then follows out with a top rope quebrada to the outside, before Bucky follows out with an elbow suicida through the middle ropes. The MTX team seem to be on top as Thompson rolls back into the ring, before pulling in Yajuu-san and hitting a back drop suplex, only to hold on and deliver an atomic drop straight after! He covers for a two, which is broken up by Akuma. However, as he tries to grab Thompson for the Eternal Sleep, Jay comes flying in with his springboard twisting DDT! This allows Thompson to go up top and nail the Punchline on Akuma, but he's not the legal man, Yajuu-san breaking the cover before rolling up Thompson tight with a cradle for a two count. Yajuu-san signals for the end, and locks on a pumphandle on Thompson, ready for an Osaka Driller. However, Jay comes flying back into the action with a slingshot wheel kick, knocking Yajuu-san forward into a cradle pin from Thompson for the 3 count! A shocked Akuma looks on before charging at Thompson to start a beat down, but he is cut off by Jay who catches him with a brainbuster. The MTX members start to celebrate when all of a sudden Dark Knight's music plays, and the challenger to the world title makes his way out, chair in hand! Jay motions him to bring it on, and The Fallen member enters, only for Jay to cut him off with a roundhouse kick. The two begin to brawl, but Akuma pulls Jay off, wanting a piece of the world champion himself. Jay pushes Akuma away, but as he turns around he is knocked out of his boots with a chair shot by Dark Knight. DK then waffles Akuma and Yajuu-san, before clotheslining Thompson over the top to the floor. The Fallen member cracks Jay with another chair shot, before all of a sudden the lights go out. When they come back on, Jay is sat in the corner bust wide open, with all the other participants in the match out cold on the outside. Jay slowly gets up with a very irate look on his face, and he kicks the turnbuckle before getting up and making his way backstage, incredibly angry!

Winners: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall / Bucky Thompson (via cradile roll-up)

After the match:
The cameras pick up Dark Knight sat with the dented chair backstage, when all of a sudden Jay Hall bursts into his locker room with a chain wrapped around his hand. The world champion leaps on Dark Knight and starts beating away at him, opening him up as well! Soon enough the MTX and Fallen arrive and pull their respective stable members out of the fracas, both Jay Hall and Dark Knight still wanting to go at it.

Hardcore Title:
Barbed Wire Board / Light Bulb Board / Elimination Match:

'X-Rated' Hopps (c) vs. Peace Breaker vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate

Eight of the boards are set up before the match, two of each in the corners of the ring and two of each on the outside. Peace Breaker enters first to huge heat, followed by Cooper Tate, who gets a mixed crowd reaction following his recent comments on the others in the federation. Hopps enters last to a big pop, and straight away Breaker and Tate go after Hopps, taking him down with a double shoulder block before stomping away at him. Peace Breaker look at each other in surprise that they are working together, before picking up Hopps and delivering a double team front suplex across the top rope, bouncing Hopps to the floor. The two stand in the ring together, again looking surprised that they are actually working well together, and Peace Breaker extends his hand to Tate. In a surprise moment, Tate accepts his handshake to huge crowd heat, but the boos soon become cheers as Tate whips Peace Breaker straight into one of the barbed wire boards set up in the corner! Tate then follows in with a charging knee, before pulling Breaker off and delivering a northern lights suplex for a two count. On the outside Hopps reaches under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick as Tate whips Peace Breaker into the ropes. Hopps cracks Breaker across the back with the stick, before hopping up on the apron. However, he mis-communicates his actions with Tate, who charges with a clothesline as Hopps pulls the ropes down to flip Breaker over, causing all three men to tumble to the outside onto another barbed wire board! Hopps is up first, and he picks up Peace Breaker and rams him into the ring post, before grabbing a bottle from underneath the ring and cracking it over Breaker's head, busting him wide open! Tate finally returns to his feet and goes after Hopps, but the hardcore champion telegraphs it and takes him out with a lariat, before running him over the top of the barricade into the crowd, before charging at him and leaping over into the crowd, wiping him out! Both men are down, and Peace Breaker capitalises, pulling Hopps to the ringside area and trying to put him into one of the light bulb boards. However, Hopps counters with a low blow, before going for a clothesline on Breaker. The crowd look on in awe as somehow Peace Breaker counters this with a spinebuster, dropping Hopps right onto the light bulb board! Glass goes everywhere as both men get cut up from the move. Cooper Tate capitalises on this, making the cover on Hopps, but the champion gets his shoulder up at the last second. Tate all of a sudden signals for the Showstopper, going for it early. However, Hopps elbows his way out of this, before nailing a drop toe hold into the glass! Hopps then makes his way around to the other side of the ring area, where he grabs another barbed wire board plus the final of the light bulb boards on the outside! Hopps sets these up on the ramp before dragging Peace Breaker, who is still down from executing the spinebuster on Hopps before trying for a German suplex onto the light bulbs! Peace Breaker counters this with an elbow, before scooping Hopps up for the Peace Driver. However, Hopps floats over, before nailing a back drop suplex into the barbed wire board! The crowd pop loudly for this move, but the cheers are even louder when Hopps holds on picks Breaker back up to his vertical base for a blue thunder bomb onto the barbed wire board! Glass shatters everywhere as Hopps holds on for the pin, eliminating Peace Breaker!

First eliminated: Peace Breaker by Hopps (via blue thunder bomb)

Hopps stays down for a few seconds before getting up and limping back to the ring, where he is met by Cooper Tate who straight away rams him into one of the barbed wire boards. Hopps drops down, allowing Tate to grabs the board and skateboard it into his face. Tate covers for a two count, but Hopps kicks out. Tate then tries for a half nelson suplex, but Hopps scatters to the ropes, breaking the hold, before coming back with a spear, taking Tate down! Hopps then grabs one of the barbed wire boards and places it on Tate, before going up top and nailing the spinning leg drop! Hopps covers but Tate gets out just before the three count. Hopps shakes his head in disbelief, before rolling Tate out of the ring. Tate is lying just past the mess of glass, when all of a sudden Hopps comes out with a tope con hilo, missing the glass and landing perfectly on Tate! Hopps covers again, but again only gets a two count. Hopps stands up irate, and goes under the ring for something. The crowd then pop as Hopps pulls out a pair of tables, setting one up on the outside. Hopps places a barbed wire board on this, before resting Tate up against it. Hopps then sprints down the ramp and flies off at Tate with a huge spear, butting him through the board and the table! Hopps signals for the end, and rolls Tate into the ring, bringing the table with him. Hopps sets up the table in the middle of the ring, before setting up one of the two remaining lightbulb boards on it. Hopps then whips Tate into the ropes, grabbing him in an exploder suplex position as he comes back. However, Tate nails a desperation low blow, before nailing a huge yakuza kick! Tate then sends Hopps into the corner, before sitting him up top. The crowd cheer as it seems Tate is going to rana Hopps through the table and the light bulbs! However, as he is about to come off, Hopps nails a low blow of his own, before standing up high into a top rope powerbomb! Both men come off, but at the last second Tate manages to hook his legs around Hopps and flip down into a hurancanrana, sending Hopps into the glass! Hopps is out of it as he lies in a pile of broken wood and smashed glass, but he some how kicks out at what must be 2.9! Tate, knowing it is more or less over, grabs Hopps and bring shim over to on of the barbed wire boards, before delivering the Showstopper onto it. This time there is no escape, as Tate wins the hardcore title!

Winner and new Hardcore Champion: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate (via Showstopper)

The cameras pick up the vice-president, the Rumour Guy, who has a very concerned look on his face. The VP is handed a microphone and he begins to speak:

RG: Yet again we see the stupidity of Jay Hall and Dark Knight as they cannot wait until the pay-per-view for their title match-up. Quite frankly we can't afford to have these two hitting each other with every object in the whole stadium each week in the build up to their match, because otherwise there won't be enough of them left to hold the match, and the fans will not be impressed! Therefore, to ensure that what is only our second pay-per-view is not damaged by two idiots who can't see how they are damaging the federation business wise with their antics, I'm going to enforce some rules from now until the PPV. Rule number one is for Dark Knight. David, if you interfere in any of Jay's matches, attack him backstage, lay a finger on him, you'll lose your title shot at the pay-per-view! As for rule number two, this is for the Raw Deal himself. If you interfere in any of Dark Knight's matches, attack him backstage, lay a finger on him, you'll defend that title every night of the week until you lose it, and then will not be receiving a return shot whilst I still have power in the BSW! I'm not playing here, break those rules guys and you won't be headlining the next pay-per-view, pure and simple!

Non-Title: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado vs. Triple S
This match started out to be a great technical match-up between two of the brightest stars of the BSW. Momentum switched back and forth between the competitors as each was able to counter the others offense. Estacado started to widen the gap when he countered a Triple S double arm DDT with a russian neck drop. As the Devil continued his assault, Calib McClain came running down to the ring with a sledgehammer in hand. McClain then grabbed the referee by the feet, drug him out of the ring, and knocked him out cold. Estacado looked on in fear as McClain climbed into the ring. McClain raised the hammer into the air but then turned and nailed Triple S in the head sending 3S to the canvas. McClain and Estacado then began to work over Triple S as Hannibal King rushed to the ring to save Shane but as he entered the ring he was Breakdowned (giant powerbomb) out of the ring onto the arena floor by his own tag team partner. This brought the remainder of the Fallen and the OSS to ringside. During the ensuing brawl, Krash was able to slide a steel chair to Triple S, who proceeded to clean house. The OSS stood tall in the ring until Krash came up behind Triple S and tapped him on the shoulder. Triple S then swung around and nailed Krash in the head with the chair. 3S stares at Krash for a moment and then just slide out of the ring and walks off. Rave goes off the air with the world with a million questions going through their heads.
Result: No Contest