
(A short highlight reel of the BSW is played at the start of the show to the sound of 'Back To School' by The Deftones, with the words 'Sunday Night Rave' flashing up at the end. Some of the big spots from recent times in the BSW are shown, ending with quick shots of each of the current BSW title-holders. The scene then fades in to show the vice-president of the BSW, the Rumour Guy, stood in a studio with various audio visual equipment behind him...)

Rumour Guy: Welcome to BSW Sunday Night Rave Late Night! Due to pre-empting earlier today we were unable to bring you Sunday Night Rave live and direct, so instead this is the late night edition. We'll be bringing you highlights of all the under-card matches from tonight plus an EXPLOSIVE main event between The Fallen and the OSS in Caribbean barbed wire action. But first up tonight we saw Calib McClain, ex-intercontinental champion and also we are led to believe ex-man named Apollo, against former world champion and a member of the self-proclaimed 'Veterans', Hotstuff Hernandez.

Calib McClain vs. Hotstuff Hernandez

The match is joined with McClain working over Hernandez in the corner with a series of strong boots to the chest. He then picks up the ex-world champion and sends him into the corner before following in with a huge splash. As Hotstuff bounces back out, McClain catches him with the Twister, but sits down straight into a pin, getting a very close two count! McClain then picks up Hernandez and delivers his half nelson slam, again getting a very close two count, before signalling for the Breakdown. As he is about to nail the move however, out of nowhere Necro Butcher comes out and distracts the referee, as Venom jumps into the ring and cracks McClain with a chair! A second shot rocks him, until all of a sudden the big man boots the chair right back into Venom. McClain turns around right into Hernandez however, who nails a rolling fireman's carry, before signalling for a second one. However, he struggles to lift up McClain a second time, and the big man drops off the back before hitting a massive superkick to the back of Hernandez's head! Hernandez bounces off the ropes and stumbles straight into the Breakdown, giving McClain the victory!

Winner: Calib McClain

Rumour Guy: What a showing from Calib McClain, who literally more or less overcame three men, but you have to give credit to Hernandez for taking the punishment but still nearly stealing it at the end there. Big things look to be looming for both of these long-time BSW competitors, they're proving that they're not quite out of it yet. But when we talk about someone who big things could be looming for, Mike Anderson made one hell of a return to the BSW, helping Triple S nearly overcome three men in the elimination match two weeks ago. He took on Vince Graham in what was a brutal match-up between two of the BSW's most ruthless.

Mike Anderson vs. Vince Graham

The highlights start with Vince Graham about to nail a huge shoulder breaker on Anderson. He holds him up for a delay, but Anderson manages to wiggle free, rolling through into a tombstone piledriver of his own. Anderson delays the move a good few seconds, before dropping Graham down forward. Anderson then rolls on and locks on a huge camel clutch hold, which has Graham shouting in pain. The big man stays in the move, unable to escape, until finally powering up, right back onto his feet, before flipping Anderson right over into a sit down style snapmare! Vince Graham then signals to go up top, something very uncharacteristic of the big man, and he looks set to deliver a huge splash, but Mike Anderson recovers and dropkicks Graham, crotching him on the top. Anderson uses this for leverage to get Graham onto his shoulders, before dropping him with a death valley driver right in the middle of the ring! Anderson covers for the three count and a win on his return!

Winner: Mike Anderson

Rumour Guy: A great contest there ends with Mike Anderson picking up a second-coming victory here, perhaps this time around he'll make the impact he threatened to last time. Vince Graham still hasn't quite found his feet yet in the federation, but it can't be long now before the man once known as Steel becomes a dominant force once again. The next contest pitted the challengers for the tag team titles at Unleashed, Bucky Thompson and the returning Steve Hall, against Necro Butcher, fresh off his first win in the BSW, and Viper. We join this match at the end, where Akagumi Kimen decided to get themselves a piece of their pay-per-view opponents.

Viper and Necro Butcher vs. Bucky Thompson and Steve Hall

As we join the match Steve Hall has Necro Butcher locked in a cross arm breaker, the Excellents' member unable to reach the ropes. Viper eventually breaks it to huge heat, pulling Butcher to the ropes, before superkicking Steve Hall down to the canvas. Hall and Butcher slowly make their way to their feet, Butcher going for a big clothesline, but Hall catches him with a front face neckbreaker, taking him down and out. Both men struggle to the corners, the crowd getting behind the faces, and eventually Thompson and Viper are tagged in. Thompson takes down Viper with a lariat, before doing the same to Butcher. Thompson then catches Viper with a huge dragon screw, before climbing up top and nailing the Punchline to a huge pop! However, Akagumi Kimen arrive and pull the referee out of the ring, allowing Butcher to break up the count. This doesn't prove much of an advantage for Akagumi Kimen however, as an irate Thompson comes flying out with a tornado plancha onto them! Necro butcher then gets in on the action, coming out with a pescado, before Yajuu-san recovers enough to nail a quebrada onto the others. Back in the ring Viper and Hall slug it out, Viper eventually going for a big lariat to end things. However, Steve Hall catches his hand, before wrapping it around his own back and dropping Viper with a jumping stunner, the move he calls the Full Stop! Bucky Thompson then battles away from Akagumi Kimen in time to re-enter and nail a second Puncline, before covering for the three! Thompson and Hall get into a post match brawl with Akagumi Kimen which has to be separated by security, and ends with the MTX member and Steve Hall being removed from ringside as Akagumi Kimen stay awaiting their opponents in the next match!

Winners: Steve Hall and Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: If Thompson and Hall had any doubters as to why they'll be fighting for the titles at the pay-per-view, I'm sure those doubters have been silenced now. The two get an impressive win, with Steve Hall debuting his 'Full Stop' finisher, which when coupled with Thompson's 'Punchline' looked deadly. Now if you thought that little scrap would have added more fuel to the fire in the feud between Thompson and Hall and Akagumi Kimen, you would not believe what happened next as the Japanese duo took on Crazy C and the returning Lil J!

Tag Team Titles: Akagumi Kimen (c) vs. Crazy C and Lil J

The match is joined right at the end, where all four men are currently in the ring going at it. Akuma manages to catch Lil J in the Eternal Sleep, but as he makes the cover it is broken by a top rope leg drop by Crazy C, who consequently jumps up top again and nails a shooting star press onto Akuma, perfectly landing for a cover but only a two count! As he stands up and goes up top again, signalling for the end, he is caught up high by Yajuu-san, who brings him down with a snapmare, but he makes sure that Crazy C lands on his feet, perfectly set up for the Osaka Driller! The nails the move and makes the cover, but as the referee is about to count three, in an exact replica of the last match Steve Hall and Bucky Thompson pull the referee out! An irate Akuma comes flying out onto them all with a senton atomico, followed by a third rope press from Yajuu-san. However, Hall and Thompson catch Yajuu-san and run him into the ring post, before picking up the ring steps and cracking Akuma in the head, busting him open through his mask! Thompson and Hall then set up the steps on their side, before nailing a double team 'Full Stop' onto the top side! Hall rolls Yajuu-san back into the ring as Crazy C recovers enough to go up top and hit a shooting star press, before groggily making the cover! The crowd are shocked as the three count is made, crowning new tag team champions! The results is met with a mix of cheers and boos, with a lot of the crowd cheering the actions of Hall and Thompson whilst booing the eventual winners. Hall and Thompson slide into the ring and pose on the turnbuckles following their actions, but before they have time to soak it in, Crazy C and Lil J attack them from behind to big heat! Akagumi Kimen then enter the ring and join in, making it four on two! The crowd boo as all four men put the boots in, but then Akagumi Kimen turn around and deck Crazy C and Lil J! The two make their way backstage annoyed at losing the belts as all four of the other men lie hurt in the ring.

Winners and new tag team champions: Crazy C and Lil J

Rumour Guy: Would you have thought it? Crazy C, full time jobber in the BSW, and his tag team partner who hasn't wrestled for months, return to win the tag team titles! Unbelievable, as it now seems like we have a triple threat match at the pay-per-view, with the new tag team champions defending against Akagumi Kimen and the team of Bucky Thompson and Steve Hall. We'll see at Unleashed whether the MTX member and Jay Hall's mentor have what it take to win the gold, or if the Japanese duo can regain what was, until tonight, theirs. Or perhaps will the unthinkable happen and Crazy C and Lil J be victorious AGAIN?!?! We'll see, especially seeing as Thompson gave Akagumi Kimen the choice of stipulation for this match. I can't wait to see what they pick. Now, this next match was scheduled to be Hopps vs. Triple S, but in a bizarre turn of events, Hopps was ruled out of the match giving the default win to Triple S. Let's check out how this went down...

(The camera is shown backstage where Hopps is cutting a promo for the upcoming match...)

Hopps: ...and we may have, at one point, been stable mates Shane, but tonight, I'll be bleeding for you in a different way. It won't be to help your ass, it'll be all leading to you getting a grade A ass kicking from the toughest son of a bitch in the BSW today! Just look at the matches: scaffold, BLT, barbed wire cage, blood loss, gimmicked boards, the list goes on and on. I may no longer be hardcore champion, but I'm moving up in the world now. After you, it'll be Daniel Estacado, yeah, you heard it Estacado, there's only room for one player in this federation who likes to fuck with fire, and let me ask you, what good will your Human Torch be when there's a Chair Inferno knocking your ass motionless...

(As he says this, Estacado jumps out from behind the curtain Hopps is being interviewed in front of and decks the interviewer, before ramming Hopps into a piled of trashcans nearby. Estacado then proceeds to ram Hopps into the wall, before cracking him a number of times with a chair, taking his knee out first before knocking him across the head. Estacado then leaves the ex-hardcore champion lying as he walks off to his locker room)

Winner by default: Triple S

Rumour Guy: Seems like Estacado took offence to Hopps' comments, as he proceeded to beat the hell out of him. Looks like this could be another pay-per-view match in the making here, as the self proclaimed 'toughest son of a bitch in the BSW' tries to move up the ladder following his incredible run as hardcore champion. Speaking of that title, Cooper Tate made his first defence tonight against Venom, but an unexpected visitor after the match took the shine off Tate's first successful title defence.

Hardcore Championship: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate (c) vs. Venom

The match is joined with Tate setting up a table in the corner of the ring, with one already propped in the middle. A bloody Venom stands up only to be take right back down with a drop kick to the knee, allowing Tate to roll him onto the table propped in the corner. Tate grabs a chair which is already in the ring and sets it up, before charging and springing off it with a spinning heel kick, putting Venom through the table! He makes the cover, but Venom somehow kicks out at two! Tate then signals for the Showstopper, and goes for it through the table in the middle of the ring, but Venom escapes with a swift elbow, before going for a German suplex through the table. However, he flips right over the table out of it, causing Venom to come back on the offence with an attempted axe handle smash off the table. However, Tate catches him, before delivering the Showstopper through the table! Tate covers for the three count to kick his hardcore title reign off with a bang! As he celebrates on the corner post, an irate Venom grabs him and pulls him down from behind, before nailing his trademark inverted square driver. However, before he can assault Tate any more, out of nowhere the Preditor appears with a chair, knocking out Venom before escaping through the crowd! Both men lie hurt in the ring, Tate eventually leaving to a big pop but with one hell of a headache to come tomorrow morning!

Winner: Cooper Tate

Rumour Guy: The masked man again interferes, this time taking out the leader of The Excellents, Venom! Overall though not a bad start for the new stable this show, tag team belts won but no hardcore title, whilst another good showing from Tate, defending his belt for the first time very well. Now this week's main event brought us The Fallen members Dark Knight and Daniel Estacado against Keith Krash and Hannibal King of the OSS, with Jay Hall as guest referee. Because we're so generous and kind here at the BSW, we'll bring you the full uncut match in just a moment, after this short video which shows us just how this match was brought about.

(A short highlight video is played of the OSS vs. Fallen feud, as well as highlights of Dark Knight and Jay Hall's altercations set to their respective entrance themes)

Caribbean Barbed Wire Match:
Dark Knight / Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado vs. Hannibal King / Keith Krash
Special Guest Referee: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall

The match starts with the barbed wire being wrapped around the current ring ropes. The Fallen members make their way out together to huge heat first, followed by King and Keith Krash who come out to a huge pop. Jay Hall then comes out in his referee's attire to a big pop as well, and straight away the match gets underway with a huge brawl breaking out. King takes Dark Knight out with a short lariat as Keith Krash sends Estacado into the corner before putting the boot in. King throws Dark Knight through the middle rope before sliding under and sending him into the ring steps. King then lariats Dark Knight over the barricade into the crowd, before sliding back into the ring and aiding Krash in giving Estacado a huge double suplex. Krash makes the cover as Jay Hall counts a two, but Estacado kicks out. Keith Krash then sends Estacado into the corner, catching him with the Clothesline Up North as he comes out, but as he takes a moment to pose for the crowd Dark Knight recovers and pulls him out of the ring, before lifting him up on his shoulder and ramming him back into the ring in between the barbed wire wrapped ropes! DK then re-enters and takes out King from behind with a jumping boot to the head, before picking him up and hotshotting him on the barbed wire as well! As King lies clutching his neck, Estacado runs up and locks on The Darkness, trapping King in the corner. King struggles, and eventually gets his foot on the ropes, causing Hall to signal for the move to be broken. Estacado refuses to break the hold, but is met swiftly with a kick to the head from Jay, who then reminds Estacado who is the official in the match! Estacado is fuming, and looks ready to strike Hall, but he is rolled up quickly from behind by Keith Krash, which gets a two count until Dark Knight breaks the move. Dark Knight then goes for an Irish whip on King, but Hannibal King reverses and sets up Dark Knight for the King Bomb! DK struggles quickly to the ropes and grabs them, only to jump away in pain as he had grabbed right on the barbed wire! This gives King the opportunity to catch him with a huge belly to belly suplex, covering again for a two count! Estacado breaks this up and tries to knock King down for the Final Destination, but King escapes again and tries for a slingshot into the barbed wire ropes. However, Dark Knight recovers and charges to try and lariat King over into the ropes, but King reverses and back drops ark Knight right into the ropes! DK's back is cut as King then hops up and delivers a double press slam with Krash on Estacado into the ropes as well! King then slides out of the ring and grabs a baseball bat from under the ring, before sliding back in and nailing Estacado in the stomach with it. Krash then holds Estacado up for another shot the stomach, before King goes to crack Dark Knight with it. However, DK manages to recover and hit a low blow, before doing the same to Keith Krash. The crowd then boo loudly as Dark Knight pulls a barbed wire wrapped bat from under the ring and cracks both King and Krash over the head, busting them both wide open. Jay Hall is sat off in the corner watching this as Dark Knight covers King, and Hall eventually goes over and makes he cover, King kicking out at two! DK seems angry at Jay for a slow count, and goes to argue with him, but he is caught from behind by a backdrop suplex back into the barbed wire by Keith Krash. Krash then signals for the end, and makes his way up top. The crowd watch in awe as Krash comes ff with the diving headbutt to Estacado, who is still down from before, but at the last second The Devil moves, before sliding out of the ring and grabbing a bottle from underneath. Estacado then re-enters and cracks it over Krash's head, sending glass everywhere, before executing a Final Destination onto the glass! He chooses not to make the cover as Krash lays bust open, instead, charging and dropkicking King, who slumps back against the ropes. Estacado then grabs one of the shards from the bottle and proceeds to bust King up more, before grabbing a bottle of lighter fluid and a match from in his boots! The crowd look on as Estacado goes for the Human Torch, but at the last second Jay Hall pulls King out of the way, before grabbing the lighter and match from Estacado and throwing them out of the ring! Estacado is irate, and pushes Jay, only for Jay to come back with a kick to Estacado's head! The two start to go at it in the ring until Krash pulls Jay off and holds him back, reminding him to referee the match, not fight Estacado. Jay calms down as Krash puts the boots to Estacado, only to be taken out by Dark Knight. Dark Knight and Estacado both start moving towards Jay Hall, both irate at his 'unbiased' actions, when all of a sudden out of nowhere Jay's MTX team-mate Hopps enters and strikes Estacado with a chair! Hopps then tosses the chair to Jay, who goes to strike Dark Knight, but remembering the law enforced by the VP, stops instead. King then grabs Jay from behind to try and pull him out of the action, but, not knowing who it is, Hall slaps King across the head with the chair! King drops to his knee before DK capitalises by nailing the Knightfall! DK makes the cover as Jay Hall reluctantly counts the three count, giving Dark Knight and Estacado the match! The Fallen return backstage victorious as Jay helps Hannibal King up only to end up arguing with the OSS member, both men leaving ringside shouting at each other.

Winners: The Fallen

Rumour Guy: A great end to a fantastic show. These feuds are by no means over, and next week's show will no doubt be just as hot as we see the unthinkable in Jay Hall and Dark Knight teaming up on the same side along with Daniel Estacado PLUS Triple S, the man who recently turned on his best friend Keith Krash, to take on the remaining OSS members, Hannibal King and Keith Krash himself along with current huge fan favourite, Cooper Tate, AND Jay Hall's MTX teammate Hopps! All the feuds from the past month or so come to an epitome here as friends face each other and enemies team up in what will be a killer main event! We'll see you next week, when we'll be just a week away from Unleashed!