
Killian vs. Necro Butcher
These two opened up this week's Rave with a fairly exciting match-up. While Killian did have a pretty big size advantage, Butcher was able to counter with his, let's say, 'unorthodox' style of wrestling. Killian controlled the match early but Butcher was able to turn the tide when he caught Killian with a low blow unbeknown to the ref. Butcher followed that up with a russian leg sweep and then an irish whip which he followed up with a dropkick that sent Killian over the top rope and to the outside. As Butcher followed Killian to the outside, Killian hit Butcher with a double axe-handle to regain the advantage. Killian then whipped Butcher into the ring steps sending Butcher flipping over them. Butcher stayed down and looked seriously hurt but in reality was pulling out his patented stop sign from underneath the ring. As Killian closed in for the kill, Butcher cracked him in the head with The Stop (stop sign to the head) which the ref also didn't see. Butcher rolled Killian back into the ring and applied an elevated boston crab to the motionless Killian. The ref called for the bell.
Winner: Necro Butcher

After the Match:
As Butcher leaves the ring and Killian slowly begins to get up, Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado begins to make his way to the ring. He has a mic in hand and begins to speak as he enters the ring.

The Devil: You know Killian... I brought you into this federation for a sole purpose... frankly, The Fallen was a little low on numbers and we needed someone to help fill Maurice's shoes.... but I must say... you have been more of a disappointment to me than anything else. I think I'd rather have that jackass Calib McClain as a stable mate than you... so not to belabor the point... The Fallen is officially firing your ass...

The Devil then kicks Killian in the gut and delivers the Final Destination!!! Killian is down!!! The Devil then jumps out of the ring and and sets up a table outside... he grabs Killian and pulls him out onto the apron... The Devil then proceeds to piledrive Killian right through the table onto the concrete floor. He then grabs a chair and starts beating the living hell out of Killian. After he stops he grabs a microphone and starts to speak again...

A chorus of boos is heard before he even opens his mouth...

The Devil: Is that a little too extreme? Is that a little too "X-rated" for you people? If I would do that to a man I had some respect for... what do you think I would do to you Hopps? Last week I answered your call to a challenge... now this week.... will you answer mine? At Unleashed... let's raise the stakes a little higher... let's make things a little more interesting... since we both seem to have this fascination with fire.... what do you say to a Human Torch Match? You bring your flaming chairs... I'll bring the gasoline and matches.... and our worlds will collide somewhere in between...

But let's say we get things started a little early Hopps... cause quite frankly I can't wait to see the flesh fall off your bones....

At this point, 'X-Rated' Hopps comes running down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd and Estacado and Hopps start going at it right there on the entrance ramp. The two trade blows until they are broken up by Security.


'Anarchist' Mike Anderson vs. Viper
These two up and coming BSW superstars fought a very even match with neither being able to distance himself from the other. The highlight of the match was a series of reversal between both wrestlers, which concluded with Anderson ducking a Viper lariat and hitting him with the Revolutionary Drill (Steiner Driver). Anderson then shouted to the crowd 'Anarchy Rulez!' signaling for his finishing move. At this point, 'The Veterans' appear at the top of the entrance ramp to huge heat from the crowd. Never one to back down from a fight, the 'Anarchist' exits the ring, grabs a steel chair, and heads up the ramp to confront the Veterans. As Anderson starts cracking the chair over head after head, Viper exits the ring and hits Anderson with a belly-to-back suplex from behind onto the ramp. The Veterans then beat down Anderson and leave him in a pool of his own blood as the ref counts both men out.
Result: Double Count-Out


Calib McClain vs. Venom
McClain was the first to make his way to the ring as 'Number One Stunna' by Big Timers played over the arena's PA system. The 7'5" giant stood in the ring awaiting the arrival of one of the most hated men in BSW history, Venom. At least two minutes went by and still no Venom. As the ref called for the bell and awarded the match to McClain, the BSW-Tron switched to the backstage area where Triple S and Venom are brawling with each other. The two trade rights and lefts until BSW Security eventually breaks them up. As McClain stands in the ring watching what is taking place backstage unfold, a man with a muscular build and a shaved head came out of the crowd wearing black jean shorts, a Chris Webber Sacramento Kings jersey, and carrying a black steel chair. The man slapped McClain in the back with the chair and then proceeded to beat him over and over with the chair. The man then put the chair down, picked McClain up and amazingly hit him with a double underhook powerbomb. As the man made his escape through the crowd, the camera catches a good look at the man who appears to be none other than Hannibal King with a new look but the same bad attitude.
Winner by Default: Calib McClain


Bucky Thompson vs. Crazy C
Special Referee: Yajuu-san
What a blisteringly fast-paced contest this way! These two left nothing in the bag and for the most part Special Referee Yajuu-san called it right down the middle. Bucky gained the early advantage with great technical wrestling moves, which kept 'The Psychotic One' from attempting any of this high flying offense that he is known for. Bucky hit a nice hurricanrana but missed with a spinning heel kick as Crazy C moved out of the way. This gave Crazy C the opening he was looking for as he hits a big spinebuster and then followed it up with a somersault senton splash from the top rope. Crazy C made a cover but only got a slow 2 count as it appeared Yajuu-san wanted the two of them to beat on each other some more. Crazy C got up and grabbed Yajuu-san complaining about the slow count. Bucky was able to recover and hit Crazy C from behind with a german suplex into a pin. Again Yajuu-san's count was slow and Bucky only got a 2. As Bucky grabbed Crazy C by the hair and pulled him to his feet, Crazy C hauled off and kicked Bucky square in the beanbag in plain view of the special referee. Instead of disqualifying Crazy C, Yajuu-san grimaced in pain with a look that said 'that must've hurt.' With Bucky on the ground in pain, Crazy C went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. Crazy C then climbed to the top rope with the chair in hand. The Psychotic One then lept off the top rope holding the chair over his midsection looking for a giant Jimmy Snuka splash but for some reason Yajuu-san pulled Bucky out of the way at the last second. Crazy C lands hard on the mat with the chair driving into his abdomen. Bucky is then able to climb to the top rope and his the Punchline (frog splash) for the 3 count.
Winner: Bucky Thompson

'Style In Action' Frankie Manns is seen putting on his sunglasses while leaving the Preditor's dressing room. The cameraman enters the room to find the Preditor knocked out with a note on him. It reads 'The hunter has become the hunted. Payback's a bitch.'


Akuma vs. Lil J
Special Referee: Steve Hall
It wasn't long in this match before all hell broke loose. After a very even first part of the match, Akuma and Lil J were both still standing in the middle of the ring bad-mouthing the other. It wasn't long before Special Referee Steve Hall got involved in the trash talking. Eventually all three men were in each others' faces in the center of the ring when Steve Hall ripped off his referees shirt and hit both Akuma and Lil J with a Full Stop (jumping stunner). The crowd pops as the stands over both men continuing the verbal assault. This brings all three participants in the last match back down to the ring for a full out brawl. All six men who will be involved in the big Tag Team Titles 3 Way Board Match at the BSW Unleashed PPV next week continue to battle as Rave goes to commercial.
Result: No Contest


Dark Knight / Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado / Triple S / 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall
vs. Hannibal King / Keith Krash / Cooper Tate / 'X-Rated' Hopps

Hannibal King and Keith Krash enters first to a big pop, followed by the sound of Kid Rock as Cooper Tate makes his way down to a similar crowd reaction. Hopps enters last on their team to a big pop as well, as the four men stand in the ring awaiting their opponents. 'Guerrilla Radio' blazes over the PA system as Triple S enters next to a mixed reaction, but the crowd are soon all on their feet as the sound of 'Voices' fills the arena and Jay Hall makes his way out, straight away going down and shaking hands with his ex-tag partner Triple S to a big pop. The two Fallen members enter last to big heat, and straight away Dark Knight and Jay start to argue at the bottom of the ramp. Triple S and Estacado get in between the two of them, reminding them that they have to work as a team, and the two reluctantly slap hands out of respect, although it looks as if neither man meant it. The bell rings and the match gets under way, with Triple S and Cooper Tate starting it out in the ring. We start with a clean collar and elbow tie up, Triple S rolling straight into and arm-bar, but Tate escapes with a roll and flip, going into a hammerlock. Triple S then reverses this with the classic lucha libre escape, jumping up and flipping Tate over snap-mare style, before trying for a cross arm breaker. Tate manages to hold this off, rolling through into a pin for a two count, before rolling up Triple S with a fireman's carry cradle for another two count. He goes for another roll up as he stands but Triple S reverses this, getting a step over arm-bar clutch for a two count. The two then hop up and back off for a respite to a big pop, before locking up again with a collar and elbow tie up. Triple S strikes first here, pushing Tate into the ropes, before nailing a big double handed chop to his chest followed by a drop toe hold transitioned straight into a front face-lock. Tate manages to wriggle out of this into a hammerlock before applying a side headlock, but he is sent into the ropes by Triple S, who applies an octopus hold as he comes back. Tate struggles straight to the ropes, but is take straight down with a boot to the face as he backs off from them. Tate decides he's had enough for the moment and crawls over to tag in Hopps, who comes in and runs straight into a lariat from Triple S, before standing up straight into an Idolcanrana attempt! However, Hopps counters this, catching his opponent with a huge sit down powerbomb, before whipping him into the corner and following in with a rolling back kick. Hopps makes the tag to Hannibal King, who enters and straight away uses his power to go to work on Triple S, nailing a set of repeated clotheslines in the corner, before tossing him out with a huge one armed hip toss. Triple S scrambles over to his corner and makes the tag, bringing in Jay Hall for the first time. The world champion goes to lock up with King, but is overpowered, getting taken down with some strong knees to the midsection from King. Hannibal then whips him into the ropes and takes him out with a sidewalk slam, before tagging in Keith Krash, who enters and straight away goes for a leglock on Jay. Jay manages to counter this however, kicking Krash away, before wiping him out with a huge superkick. Jay then picks up Krash and brings him down with a dragon screw leg whip, before picking him up and going for a second one. However, Krash counters this, going for an enziguri, but Jay ducks, transitioning down into the cross heel hold. Krash struggles straight to the ropes, but as he stands up is taken down with a dropkick to the knee. Jay then goes for a strike to Krash's head whilst he is kneeling, but Keith catches his leg, only to be caught with an ipponzei kick. Jay then bounces off the ropes, but is slowed down by a kick to the back from Tate. Jay spins around and knocks Tate off the apron, but is caught straight away with a German suplex from Krash. Jay retreats to the corner to make the tag, this time bringing in Daniel Estacado, who comes straight in with a clothesline to Krash, before trying for the Darkness hold! However, as he struggles to lock it on, Hopps comes flying in with a slingshot elbow to him, before putting the boot in a few times. He is soon cut off by the referee, allowing Dark knight to come in and assist Estacado in delivering a double spinebuster, before getting the tag from Estacado. Dark Knight puts the boot in on Krash, before picking him up and sending him into the ropes, delivering a big tilt-a-whirl slam as he comes back for a two count. He then goes for a powerbomb attempt, but Krash reverses the move, dropping straight down into an ace crusher! Krash then gets the tag to Hopps, who leaps in and gets ready to go at it with Dark Knight. However, DK gets an evil smile on his face, before tagging in Jay Hall! Hall and Hopps look at each other in the ring before slapping hands and locking it up! Hopps comes out on top with a side headlock, but Jay sends him into the ropes before applying a body scissors flipped up into and armdrag. However, Hopps explodes right back with a flying clothesline, before springing out of the corner with a twisting brain kick. Hopps then tries for his Freestyler powerbomb, but Jay reverses this into a hurancanrana hold for a two count! Jay then picks up Hopps and goes for the Quick Fix, but Hopps manages pull Jay's legs out from under him right at the end, before picking him up by his legs right into a sit down powerbomb for a two count. Jay rolls through from this into a pin of his own, before Hopps does the same, both men getting two counts. As they get up, Hopps then goes for a hurancanrana, but Jay reverses this, dropping him with an ace crusher, before jumping over the top rope and coming back in with a springboard hurancanrana. Jay then goes for the cover but Hopps kicks out, before ducking a clothesline and nailing a springboard rana of his own! After the move both men stand off to a huge pop, before both tagging out. Estacado and Cooper Tate are brought in, Estacado gaining the advantage with an elbow shot to Tate which takes him down, before going and diving on Hopps in the corner, both men rolling to the outside! Triple S enters the ring to replace Estacado as Hopps and The Devil start brawling around the ringside area. The Superstar goes for his Star Gazer, but it is broken up by a lariat from behind by Krash. Tate then takes down Sullivan with a uranage suplex, before running and flying out at Hopps and Estacado with a plancha to the outside! Triple S slowly gets back to his feet, before following out Tate with a tope con hilo to the outside! Dark Knight enters the ring to take on Krash, taking him down and working on him in the corner, before Jay Hall entered and went middle rope on the inside, before nailing his inside to out somersault rana on Tate! The referee tries to break up the brawl as King comes in to double team Dark Knight with Krash, and the men fighting on the outside eventually return to their corners. However, this doesn't last long as Hopps runs across and this time takes down Estacado, and the two begin to battle again! Triple S and Hall then look at each other, before entering the ring and bouncing off the ropes, both nailing springboard splashes out onto Hopps and Estacado on the outside. Estacado seems annoyed that his own team-mates took him out as well, and begins to argue with Triple S as Hall re-enters the ring, where Dark Knight is now battling with Tate. Cooper Tate is gaining the upper hand, and tries for the Showstopper, but Dark Knight rolls underneath and tries for the Knightfall, but this is broken up by Krash. Jay sees this and jumps into the ring, before sending Krash through the ropes to the floor, and knocking King off the apron to the floor. The crowd then see something they thought they'd never see as Dark Knight holds Tate back, allowing Jay to come off the ropes with a missile dropkick to him, sending him right back into a tiger suplex from DK! Tate just about escapes at two, Hopps breaking up the pin count, before taking down his own stable-mate with his sleeper hold with scissors! Dark Knight breaks this up, before ejecting Hopps and going to battle him on the outside, leaving just Jay and Tate in the ring. Jay tries for the wrist clutch exploder, but Tate nails a low blow to escape, before going for the Showstopper. However, Triple S grabs his foot to distract him, allowing Jay to nail the wrist clutch exploder for a two count. Jay then calls in Triple S, and the ex-team-mates combine, Triple S putting Jay on his shoulders. The crowd then watch in awe as Jay comes off with a tornado DDT off Triple S onto Tate! With everyone battling outside, Triple S makes the cover, winning the match fro his team! After the contest Hall and Hopps shake hands and hug after their encounter, only for Estacado and Dark Knight to rung up and attack Hopps from behind, grabbing a chair and putting a beat-down on him in the corner. Jay goes to help, but is held back by Triple S, who reminds him about the rule that the Rumour Guy enforced! As this is going on, a camera is shown backstage where Hannibal King and Calib McClain have got into a small brawl ahead of their pay-per-view match, King and McClain rolling around backstage as security try to break them up. Jay is stood helpless as Hopps is bust wide open by the two, and the assault continues until all of a sudden Bucky Thompson and Steve Hall run out from the backstage area to help out. The Fallen members bail from ringside, but the war of words continues between Jay and Dark Knight as the show goes off the air!
Winners: Dark Knight / Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado / Triple S / 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall