
Venom / Crazy C / Lil J vs. 'X-Rated' Hopps / Bucky Thompson / Action Jackson
After a week's delay, Sunday Night Rave got kicked off in style with a fast and furious 6-man Tag Match. The Legends Alliance got the early advantage on MTX when Crazy C hit Action Jackson with a hurricanranna. The Legends then isolated Jackson on their half of the ring and used quick tags to keep the fresh man in. The tide of the match turned when Action was able to block a Lil J suplex attempt and counter with a desperation brainbuster. Action tagged in Hopps, who proceeded to clean house until Venom was able to sneak up behind him with a low blow. Hopps was able to counter a Venom belly-to-belly suplex with a t-bone suplex and tag in Bucky. Bucky got a 2.5 on Venom with a german suplex into a pin before heading to the top rope for the Punchline. Crazy C distracted the ref as Lil J ran over to the neutral corner and pushed Bucky off the top rope onto the canvas. Hannibal King ran to the ring and pulled Action Jackson off the apron as Crazy C and Hopps traded blows. Venom was then able to pick up Bucky and hit him with the Venom Drop for the 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Venom / Crazy C / Lil J

After the Match: The Legends Alliance members pose in the ring to huge heat as Hopps and his team-mates regroup on the outside following the loss. All of a sudden however, Triple S leaps through the crowd with chair, and knocks down the Psychotics before cracking Venom across the skull! The crowd pop as Triple S then locks the Idolizer on Venom, the US champion tapping the mat as Triple S refuses to let go! Eventually the MTX members pull Sullivan off, before leaving to a huge pop.


'Anarchist' Mike Anderson vs. Calib McClain
This was a tremendous match-up between a BSW veteran in Calib McClain and BSW up and comer in 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson. Early in the match it was Anderson who was able to use his quickness advantage to gain the upperhand. The 'Anarchist' hit McClain with a double-arm DDT before slapping on a camel clutch. Calib was able to break the hold and then was able to block an Anderson powerbomb attempt and follow up with a huge stalling suplex. McClain then hit a pedigree on the 'Anarchist' for a 2 count. At this point running down to the ring was Hannibal King, making his second appearance tonight. McClain set Anderson up for the Breakdown but Anderson was able to slip out and land on his feet as Hannibal enters the ring and knocks both men down with a double clothesline. The ref calls for the bell.
Result: Double DQ

After the Match: Hannibal continued to attack his new rival Calib McClain. With a crazed look in his eye, Hannibal set Calib up for the King Bomb and dropped him with it right on his head. The arena goes silent as McClain could be seriously hurt. Hannibal leaves the ring with a sinister grin on his face as the medics come out to check on McClain.


Backstage: The cameras head backstage where Triple S is still on the rampage with his chair, looking for Venom again. All of a sudden the leader of the Legends Alliance appears and begins to taunt Triple S from far away down the corridor. Triple S begins to advance towards him, when all of a sudden The Psychotics jump him from behind, beating him down against the wall! Jay Hall makes the save but the damage has already been done as The Psychotics get revenge for comments Sullivan made about them last week!


Hannibal King vs. Steve Hall
BSW returnee Steve Hall enters first to big heat, but the crowd reaction is nothing compared to the newly-heel Hannibal King, who is booed out of the arena. Steve Hall straight away attacks, nailing a tope con hilo over the top at King, before straight away sitting him up on the turnbuckle on the outside and trying for his frankensteiner to the concrete from the PPV! However, King reverse, pushing Hall back over his head into the ring, before following in and knocking him damn near out cold with a stiff lariat! Hall has a very dazed look in his eyes as Hannibal King sends him into the ropes and nails a tilt a whirl slam, knocking the wind out of him, before picking him up and delivering a hanging suplex for a two count. King then picks him up and applies a standing head scissors, ready for his trademark tiger driver slam. However, out of nothing Hall hits a low blow, before executing the Full Stop! The ex-Yajuu-san rolls King up for the pin, but shockingly, doesn't even get a one count! King kicks out easily before grabbing his much smaller opponent and nailing the King Bomb, with delay, for the three count! The crowd boo King's new found attitude, as he beats down Hall further after the bell. Steve Hall lies hurt in the ring as he becomes the first victim of King's new run of destruction!
Winner: Hannibal King


Non-Title: Maurice Dream vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
Maurice Dream enters first to a mixed reaction on his return, followed by Cooper Tate, who gets a great reaction but instantly hits the ring and spears down Dream, laying into him with punches! Dream quickly scatters to the outside, but Tate follows him straight out, flying through the middle ropes with a suicide dive before laying into Dream again! Tate then picks him up and delivers a huge back drop suplex on the outside, before hopping up on the ring steps and dropping a fist on Dream. Tate then mounts his opponent again, laying into him with more punches, before rolling him back into the ring and making a tight cover for an early two count. Tate seems very intense which rocks Dream a bit, as Tate comes back with kicks to the chest. Dream manages to catch one of these strong kicks, but Tate then rolls him up tightly into a minoru special armbar! Dream scuttles to the ropes quickly, breaking the hold, before coming back with a big lariat. Dream then puts the boot to Tate a couple of times, before sending him into the corner and charging with a jumping knee. Dream then sits Tate up top and nails a huge superplex, but Tate rolls through for a two count, only for Dream to counter again with a two of his own! The crowd applaud the good exchange, as Dream sends Tate into the ropes and nails a flapjack, before coming off the ropes and nailing a leg drop across the back of his head. Dream then goes for a jacknife hold style pin, but is shocked as Tate somehow counters into a triangle choke! They eventually end up in the ropes, forcing the break, and Tate charges at Dream for a move. Dream counters this with a back body drop, but Tate lands on the ring apron, before nailing a springboard dropkick. Tate then hops in the corner and nails a huge leaping back elbow for a two count. Tate then lifts Dream up and attempts his Showstopper, but the big man manages to wriggle free, before hitting an exploder suplex. As Tate gets up, out of nothing Dream locks on the Sweet Dreams! Tate seems to be fading slowly, and in desperation pulls forward and kicks off the turnbuckle, giving him enough momentum to nail a jawbreaker! As Dream stands dazed, Tate hooks the arm and nails the Showstopper! Tate makes the cover for the three, getting a big win over the ex-world champion! Tate poses on the turnbuckle to a huge pop after the match, but Dream, incredibly annoyed at losing, brings him back down to earth with a powerbomb out of the corner, before spitting on the fallen star and leaving to huge heat. Eventually Tate leaves the ringside area too to a big pop following the upset!
Winner: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate


Intercontinental Title: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado (c) vs. 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall
Before the match can start, the cameras go backstage to Jay Hall's dressing room, ready for a promo from him and Triple S. However, out of nowhere Daniel Estacado jumps the pair of them, and Hall and Estacado start brawling early prior to their match! The two battle through the backstage area, Estacado tossing Jay across a table before ramming his head into a drinks machine. Estacado then tries to shove the drinks machine onto Jay, but Hall moves, before DDT'ing Estacado onto it. Hall then picks up Estacado and sends him into the wall, before grabbing a crate of fruit from by the drinks machine and cracking it over Estacado's head! Jay then charges at Estacado, but the IC champion moves, sending Jay crashing into the wall, before stumbling back into a suplex on the concrete. Back in the ring the referee looks on at this and orders the match to be begun when they both reach the ringside area. Estacado meanwhile leads Jay into one of the toilets, where he rams him into a sink before smashing a bin across his head. Estacado then tries to throw Jay into one of the urinals, but Jay blocks and pushes Estacado back headfirst into a toilet, before flushing it, gaining some laughs from the crowd! The brawl continues out and the two eventually crash through a door into the vice-presidents temporary office for tonight, where the VP is enjoying a cup of tea and a watch of Sunday Night Heat on a television set! He seems shocked as the two enter, Jay smashing Estacado's head on the top of the TV, before Estacado grabs the vice-presidents cup of tea and smashes it over Jay's head, bloodying him! The VP pushes them both out of his office, before locking the door behind him, as the brawl continues, Jay grabbing a glass pitcher on the way down the corridor and breaking it over Estacado's head, busting him open too! Hall then dumps Estacado onto a pile of boxes before going and manning a forklift truck. He charges with it at full speed, trying to impale Estacado, but the IC champ moves, before throwing a hand full of something into Jay's eyes! Estacado then slams Jay back onto the boxes, before climbing up on the forklift trucks' arms and ordering one of the ring seconds to send it upwards! Estacado is elevated up on the forklift and dives off with an elbow drop onto Jay and the boxes, but he doesn't hold up, dragging Jay nearer to the ringside area, the two finally emerging in the crowd! Estacado throws Jay down some steps, but somehow Hall uses his momentum to land on his feet, before taking Estacado out with a roaring elbow! Jay then pulls Estacado over to the front of that tier of the crowd, and pushes him a couple of feet down to the next tier. Estacado stands up dazed, but is shocked as he is met with a moonsault by Jay down onto him! The crowd chant the ex-world champions' name as he slowly gets up and drags Estacado nearer to the ring, finally the two of them going over the barricade and entering the ring, the referee calling for the match to start. Jay instantly strikes with some martial arts kicks, ending with a high kick that sends the already weakened Estacado down. The referee begins a ten count, but Estacado gets up at seven. Jay then charges for a roaring elbow, but Estacado counters with a stiff elbow of his own, this time sending Jay down for a seven count. Both men match each other move for move for a moment, until eventually Hall manages to send Estacado out with a dropkick. The Raw Deal then charges out with his inside to out somersault hurancanrana, but Estacado catches him, preparing for a powerbomb through the announcers' table! Jay struggles, and after a strong chop to the head, drops out and locks on the Limit Break! The crowd pop as Estacado struggles, but out of nothing, the IC champ throws himself backwards, sending both men through the announcers' table! The referee continues the count out count, and at 9 slowly both men begin to get up, before both falling back and getting counted out at the same time! The crowd chant for a few more minutes but the referee doesn't allow it, ending the match in a draw.
Result: Double count-out

After the match: Triple S all of a sudden appears again to a huge pop, and begins to help Jay up from ringside. He pulls him into the ring, and raises his long time friends' arm to a huge pop from the crowd. However, all of a sudden Daniel Estacado gets back to his feet and re-enters the ring, attacking Jay Hall, trying to finish what they started earlier. The crowd pop big time as Triple S cuts him off, tripping him up and locking on the Idolizer, whilst Jay pulls Estacado's upper torso up slightly and locks on the Limit Break! Dark Knight charges out and runs off Jay before squaring up to Triple S, starting our main event...


World Title: Dark Knight (c) vs. Triple S
Dark Knight came in with fists flying. Triple S returned fire until being caught with a reverse neckbreaker by the World Champion. Triple S was then able to reverse a rock bottom attempt by Dark Knight with a jawbreaker to gain the upperhand. Triple S then whipped DK into the corner and hit him with a Superstar Splash (stinger splash). DK falls to the canvas as Triple S headed to the top rope. Triple S goes for a moonsault but Dark Knight moves out of the way and 3S lands hard on the mat. DK locks in a sharpshooter but Triple S refuses to give up his shot at becoming BSW World Champion. DK releases the hold and Triple S catches him off-guard with a leg sweep. The two BSW legends make their way to their feet and staredown in the middle of the ring as the crowd pops louder and louder. The two once again trade punches before out of nowhere the World Champion hits the Jaws of Death (twist of fate) on Triple S. The ref got to 2.8 before 3S was able to kick out. The World Champ thought it was a slow count and grabbed the ref by the neck. Triple S then made it to his feet and as DK turned around Shane hit him with a powerbomb out of nowhere and then applied the Idolizer (sharpshooter). The crowd cheered as it looked like we were about to have a new Champion but coming back down to the ring was 'The Devil' with a sledgehammer in hand. Estacado slides into the ring and hits Triple S with the sledge as the ref calls for the bell.
Winner by DQ: Triple S

After the Match: DK thanks Estacado for making the save but as Daniel turns his back to raise his arms to the crowd, Knight hits him with a full nelson slam and performs the Final Destination on him. Knight then picks up a mic.

KNIGHT: Call it tough love... call it payback... call it whatever you'd like. But as for you and I.... I'll call it even. But the next time you get confused on whom you really are... you had better damn remember who the hell I am.

Knight then helps up the fallen Estacado and the two leave to big heat as DK still has the BSW World Title over his shoulder as Rave goes off the air.