
Rumour Guy: This is the Rumour Guy here to welcome you once again to Sunday Night Rave, where we finally kick off the BSW's first annual Super 12 tournament! Today has seen the various qualifying matches take place, and by the end of the show you will know who is in, and who has fallen by the wayside. We've also got Cooper Tate's biggest title defence yet as he takes on Maurice Dream, but let's kick off with what was scheduled to be Venom vs. Peace Breaker in the first qualifying match.

Venom vs. Peace Breaker
Venom makes his way out first to huge heat, and then awaits his opponent. Peace Breaker's music plays a couple of times, but no-one appears through the curtains. Venom seems annoyed at this, as he has come to fight, but in the end it is ruled a default victory for the Legend's Alliance member. Venom is very annoyed at the fact that he didn't get his match, and celebrates his bye to the next round by attacking some of the ring seconds one his way backstage.
Winner by default: Venom

Rumour Guy: Peace Breaker, who has been AWOL for some while, fails to turn up for his qualifying match. Has the promising young star left the BSW for good? All signs would seem to point to that as we haven't seen or heard from him for weeks, so therefore Venom gets a bye to the group stages. Already Group 1 is shaping up to be rather tough as we now have four top draw competitors in one group. Venom's evening wouldn't end here though, as his recent adversary, Triple S, would show up later that night along with Jay Hall to once again go after him backstage. The pair took Venom out in his own locker room, returning the favour after The Psychotics attacked Triple S last week. This feud certainly is heating up as the weeks go by. Anyway, our next match is Vince Graham vs. Bucky Thompson in the first of the Group 2 qualifiers, the winner joining Tate and Sullivan in said group.

Bucky Thompson vs. Vince Graham
As we join the match, Graham is working over Thompson in the corner with a flurry of punches. The big man sits Thompson up top and looks set to try a superplex, but Thompson counters, shoving him down and rolling off with a sunset flip for a two count. Thompson then sets up and nails a superkick on Graham, rocking him on his feet, before dropkicking his knee, bringing him down to one knee, before charging and attempting a low lariat. However, Graham manages to catch Thompson as he comes at him, and he nails a huge high angle nodowa otoshi for a two count! Graham signals for the end and tries for the Graham Slam, but Thompson escapes with a high kick as he is lifted up. The Comedian capitalises, cradling up Vince Graham with a Delphin Clutch tightly for the three count and the victory!
Winner: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: Size and strength failed to overcome speed there as Vince Graham falls victim to Bucky Thompson. The Comedian joins Tate and Sullivan in Group 2, which is already shaping up to be very strong as well, with all three men having held gold here in the BSW. Vince Graham will be disappointed not to have progressed however, looks like man once known as Steel will be watching from the sidelines as the 'Super 12' battle it out in the coming weeks. Up next is the second Group 1 qualifier between Steve Hall and Style In Action. Steve Hall was completely squashed by Hannibal King last week, and will be looking to take out his anger on the ex-MTX member SIA in the next match.

Steve Hall vs. Style In Action
We join as Style In Action nails a tope con hilo to Steve Hall, before rolling him into the ring and nailing a slingshot elbow for a two count. Style In Action then drops Hall with a jumping piledriver before going up top, signalling for the floatover neckbreaker. However, as he comes off, Steve Hall shakes off the cobwebs to nail a shotei uppercut, taking SIA down! Steve Hall then nails a running dropkick to the face, before dropping SIA with a Liger bomb for a two count. Steve Hall then signals for the end, hopping up top for what seems to be a moonsault, but SIA recovers and crotches him up top! Style In Action follows up and throws back Hall with a release German suplex, but the ex-Akagumi Kimen member lands on his feet, before going up and nailing a German suplex himself, before rolling up SIA for the three!
Winner: Steve Hall

Rumour Guy: Steve Hall advances to join his nephew in Group 1, leaving just one open spot which will go to Crazy C or Hopps. Now the next match was scheduled to be Calib McClain vs. Viper, but following McClain's injury last week this had to be scrapped. Viper has also been out of action recently with a slight injury, so therefore I've taken it upon myself to award the group spot opened up by this situation to 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson, following the great effort put in by him recently. You may be thinking now, 'what about Anderson's qualifying match with Lil J?'. Well, seeing as Lil J has made more effort this week than many of the others in qualifying action as well, the spot from that match goes to him. So, by default Mike Anderson and Lil J qualify for Group 2, leaving just one slot still to be decided. This spot will be decided in our next contest, where Hannibal King takes on Action Jackson, one on one...

Action Jackson vs. Hannibal King
As the match is joined, Action Jackson tries for a tornado DDT on Hannibal King, but the big man counters, launching him out into the middle of the ring. King then murders Jackson with a charging axe bomber, before signalling for the end. However, Jackson's second for this match, Jay Hall, jumps up on the ring apron and distracts the referee, allowing Jackson to nail a low blow, before hopping on the ropes and coming back with a quebrada body press for a two count. Jackson then goes for a second quebrada, but he is caught mid air by King, who sets him up for a running powerslam. Jackson manages to slip out of the move, but as he turns around is caught with a huge lariat from King, practically taking his head off. King makes the cover for the three count, Jay Hall unable to break the cover for Jackson, to progress to the next round.
Winner: Hannibal King

Rumour Guy: Action Jackson bows out to Hannibal King as the big man notches up another win here on Rave. That completes Group 2, which has shaped up to be a very tough group indeed. The final spot in Group 1 was to go to Hopps or Crazy C. Both have been in indifferent form recently, so this was the chance for one of them to make an impact on the BSW by qualifying for stage two of the tournament.

'X-Rated' Hopps vs. Crazy C
As we join the match, Hopps is up top, seconded by Triple S on the outside, and he comes off with a diving senton for a two count. The ex-hardcore champion goes up top and tries for a second one, but Crazy C moves, leaving Hopps sat on the mat, allowing Crazy C to catch him with a dropkick to the back of the head. Crazy C then picks him up and locks on a northern lights' suplex for a two count, before dropping him with a fisherman's suplex for the same result. Crazy C then goes for a third one, trying a muken, but Hopps rolls out into a roll up pin for a two count, before surprising Crazy C with an armbar clutch for a second two. Crazy C tries to halt his momentum with a lariat, but Hopps catches him with a tornado clutch, Triple S pulling on his feet from the outside for momentum, getting the three count out of nowhere for the win!
Winner: Hopps

Rumour Guy: The self proclaimed 'greatest hardcore champion ever' wins and progresses with a little help from Shane Sullivan, setting up a clash between tag partners in Group 1, whilst Crazy C will be relegated to watching his tag team partner at ringside in Group 2. That completes both group standings, and the tournament's second stage will kick of fully next week. The groups will line up as follows:

Group 1
Maurice Dream
Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado
Jay Hall
Steve Hall
'X-Rated' Hopps

Group 2
Triple S
'Franchise' Cooper Tate
Bucky Thompson
'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
Hannibal King
Lil J

Rumour Guy: Our final match of the week sees a rematch from last week as Maurice Dream takes on Cooper Tate for the hardcore title. The match was a classic straight-up crazy hardcore BSW contest between two of the biggest names in the federation. As we join this match in progress, Maurice Dream was in control of the rookie, and looked on course to win the belt. Let's get to the match now...

Hardcore Title: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate vs. Maurice Dream
As we join, Dream is nailing Tate in the corner with a flurry of punches. The ex-world champion then tosses Tate into the middle of the ring, before nailing a charging elbow strike. Dream hops out of the ring and grabs a trashcan, tossing it into the ring, before bringing in the ring steps as well. As Tate begins to get up, Dream runs and springs off the steps onto him with a flying clothesline, before smashing him over the head with the trashcan. Dream then goes for the classic Van Daminator spot, tossing the trashcan to Tate, but the hardcore champion telegraphs the move and simply throws it back at Dream mid air, taking him down to the mat! Tate then rolls Dream to the outside and grabs a chair, before cracking him across the leg. Tate then seats Dream on the chair and re-enters the ring, before flying out with a pescado onto Dream! Tate then runs Dream into the ringpost, before setting up the chair again. Tate charges and springs off the chair right into a hurancanrana on Dream, before standing up and signalling for a second one. This time however, Dream manages to move, sending Tate groin first into the ringpost. As he is stranded up there, Dream nails him with a kick to the back, before pulling him down into a tree of woe. Dream then nails a low dropkick to the face, before rolling Tate back into the ring and covering for a two count. Dream then sends Tate into the ropes and nails a huge spinebuster, before sliding out of the ring and pulling out a table to a huge pop from the crowd. Dream slides it into the ring and sets it up in the corner, before scooping up Tate and trying a back cradle brainbuster back into the table! Tate manages to roll down however, trying for a sunset flip, but Dream counters with a jumping double stomp, before tossing Tate headfirst through the table in the corner! Dream covers for a long two but can't put away the hardcore champion, so he slides out and grabs a second table. Dream sets this up on the outside, but he seems to have trouble with one of the legs on the table, which buys time for Tate. The crowd look on in awe as Tate grabs a chair from by the ring, unknown to Dream, and charges to the corner before jumping off the top rope with a chair shot to Dream! Tate then proceeds to strike Dream with the chair again across the skull, the Fallen member still not going down. Tate then goes for the knee, taking one leg out, before cracking the other leg with the steel. As Dream lies kneeling on the outside, Tate jumps up on the barricade at ringside, before coming up with a front dropkick with the chair to Dream! Tate rolls him up tight for the cover, Dream kicking out fractions after the three count, Tate successfully defending his title again! Dream seems irate, as he obviously wasn't completely finished off, and as the camera fades out the two men are separated by security, this battle still not over yet!
Winner: Cooper Tate