
Rumour Guy: Hello and welcome once again to BSW Sunday Night Rave with your host the Rumour Guy. After the initial qualifying rounds last weekend, the BSW Super 12 kicks off full time this week, with all twelve competitors in action. This could be a make or break week for the competitors as this could set the ante for the next few weeks, and a loss today may lose any momentum they've gained over recent weeks. However, we kick off with a match between Action Jackson and Crazy C. Both men were eliminated from the tournament last week, but after an open challenge from Jackson, this match was arranged. Let's get to the action...

Action Jackson vs Crazy C
As we join the match Crazy C is in control in the corner, choking out Jackson with his boot before hopping up on the turnbuckle and posing. Lil J applauds him from the outside, but Jay Hall, accompanying Jackson, makes an advance towards him, cueing J to back off. In the ring, Crazy C sends Jackson into the ropes and nails a drop toe hold, before dropping a leg across the back of his neck. Jackson then locks on a camel clutch, the crowd getting behind Jackson to escape. Jackson struggles but eventually powers up out of the move and breaks it up with a couple of elbows, before running into the ropes, only to be met with a jumping high kick from Crazy C as he comes back. Jay Hall instantly jumps up on the apron to try and distract the referee, but he gets pulled down by Lil J, and the two start to brawl to the back. The distraction was enough though, as Action Jackson nails Crazy C low out of desperation, before cradling him up tight with a front roll cradle for the three count! Jackson, still a bit dazed, slides out of the ring and makes his way backstage celebrating as Crazy C stands in the ring not sure how he let this one slip through his hands!
Winner: Action Jackson

Rumour Guy: Action Jackson comes out victorious after the goings on outside the ring bought him a bit of time. The MTX therefore go one up on the Psychotics, who seem to have picked out the four superstars as their next targets. On that note, we move into the first tournament match of the evening, where Triple S, a recent ally of the MTX, takes on the other half of the Psychotics, Lil J.

Super 12 Group 2: Triple S vs. Lil J
Both men are down as we join the action, Crazy C down at ringside again supporting his ally. The crowd chant for the fan favourite Triple S as both men slowly get up and start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring, Triple S getting the better of Lil J and taking him down with a couple of huge knife edge chops. Triple S then grabs Lil J's legs and goes for the Idolizer, but Crazy C hops up on the ring apron and distracts the referee, allowing Lil J to break with a boot to the face. However, out of nowhere, Mike Anderson runs out through the crowd with a chair and cracks Crazy C across the back, stopping his interference. Anderson then starts shouting to Triple S, trying to get him fired up, as Lil J picks him up and attempts a powerbomb. Triple S manages to drop down out of the move and he nails a DDT, before heading to the corner and nailing a missile dropkick as Lil J stands! Triple S then sets up for the Star Gazer, but Lil J pushes him off into the corner, only to miss a charging shoulder and get hit by the Superstar Splash as he turns around! The dazed Psychotic stumbles out right into a spinebuster from Triple S, who then locks on the Idolizer for the tap-out victory! After the match Mike Anderson enters and helps Triple S in kicking Lil J out of the ring, before shaking hands with the Superstar in the middle of the ring!
Winner: Triple S

Rumour Guy: And old alliance flairs up once again as the surprise appearance of Mike Anderson helps Triple S to victory over Lil J. Where does this leave Triple S in relation to his alliance with the MTX? Who knows, but no-one can argue with the new alliance between the Superstar and the Anarchist, two of the BSW's most dangerous men! Over in Group 1, Hopps took on Maurice Dream. These two have become BSW legends, and this promised to be one hell of a match-up, as Maurice Dream looks to bounce back from defeat against Cooper Tate two weeks straight.

Super 12 Group 1: 'X-Rated' Hopps vs. Maurice Dream
As we pick up the action, Hopps drops Maurice Dream with a jumping piledriver, before signalling for the end and going top rope. The ex-hardcore champion pulls out a moment of magic as he tries the Great Sasuke's moonsault senton, but Dream rolls out of the way, before murdering Hopps with a diving lariat. Dream then picks him up and drops him with a stiff powerbomb, before picking him up and locking on the Sweet Dreams! Hopps struggles and kicks himself out of the corner to flip over Dream and out of the move, before catching Dream in an exploder suplex as he turns around. However, the ex-world champion amazingly rolls right through on the move, before standing up and taking Hopps out with another stiff lariat! The MTX member seems out of it as Dream sits him up before locking on the Sweet Dreams, wrapping his legs round Hopps to prevent escape! Hopps struggles, but eventually has to tap out, giving an opening day win to Dream!
Winner: Maurice Dream

Rumour Guy: Maurice Dream picks himself up two points and a huge confidence boost for the matches in the coming weeks with a big win off someone who had just started to hit form again. Dream is finally back in his winning ways and could definately be one to watch as the tournament goes on. Hopps meanwhile is left to consider what could have bee, as he was in control at a point. Our next contest sees our second Group 2 match of the night, as Bucky Thompson takes on Hannibal King.

Super 12 Group 2: Bucky Thompson vs. Hannibal King
We join the match with Thompson, seconded by Jay Hall and Action Jackson, in control over King, as he works over his larger opponents legs with a pair of dropkicks to the knee, before taking him out with a knee breaker and locking on a side leg lock. Thompson then breaks the hold and drops a couple of knees to King's leg, before locking on the leg lock again. King manages to reach the ropes, but can hardly stand as Thompson sets up for a superkick. The Comedian nails the move, but King ducks, and the referee takes the boot to the head! With no referee, Thompson goes outside for a chair, but Hannibal King manages to follow him out, knocking him down with a big right hook, before grabbing the chair and knocking Jay Hall and Action Jackson down as well! The one man wrecking machine then grabs Thompson and tries for a King Bomb on the concrete outside the ring, when all of a sudden out of nowhere Mike Anderson appears again with a chair, cracking Hannibal King over the head three times, before beating on him on the ground whilst shouting "Never interfere in my matches again!" at him! Thompson rolls back in the ring as the referee stands and seeing the knocked out King, counts him out! Jackson, Hall, and Thompson regroup in the ring, pleased with the win, but they don't seem too happy with Anderson getting involved in their business!
Winner: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: What a confusing situation! Understand this, Mike Anderson wasn't out there to help the MTX, but he did them a huge favour by taking out the man who interfered in his match two weeks ago, Hannibal King. The MTX didn't seem too pleased, but I'm sure they'd rather that than King had delivered his patented tiger driver on the floor. Another impressive showing from King, but once again Thompson shows his coming of age as he held his own in there against the big man. Our next contest would see another MTX member in action as Jay Hall takes on his mentor Steve Hall.

Super 12 Group 1: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall vs. Steve Hall
As we join the action Jay is in control, dropping Steve with an exploder suplex before nailing a huge dropkick to the back of his head. Jay then heads middle rope and nails a moonsault press which gets a two count, when all of a sudden the Psychotics' music hits. Crazy C appears on the ramp and tells Jay that his challenge for a match had been accepted, and looked like he was ready to come down to ringside. As Crazy C makes his way down, Jay hops up top to leap out onto him, but Crazy C had bought enough time for Steve to recover, and the veteran shoves Jay off the ropes to the floor, before pulling him in and covering for a two count. Steve Hall then goes up top, but Jay recovers just in time to crotch him up top. Jay then follows him up and after a struggle, brings him down with a top rope exploder! Steve Hall slowly gets to his feet but is scooped up by Jay, who nails a jumping tombstone piledriver, before sitting Steve up and kicking him square in the jaw with a low roundhouse kick! Steve Hall looks dazed as Jay grabs him and locks on the Limit Break, forcing his mentor to tap out! Jay makes his way backstage to find Crazy C, as Steve Hall lies hurt in the ring.
Winner: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall

Rumour Guy: Jay grabs himself a pair of points as he beats his mentor, but once again the Psychotics get involved, distracting him momentarily. Now at the end of that match we saw Jay heading backstage to go after Crazy C. When he actually got there, he would be in for a surprise...

Backstage... Jay bursts into a couple of locker rooms, one of which includes a half naked Scarlet, before finally finding Crazy C's locker room, only to find it is empty. Irate, Jay tosses a chair at the wall, before exiting out and grabbing a ring crew worker, before slamming him up against a wall and demanding to know where Crazy C is. The ring second points him in the direction of Triple S' dressing room. As Jay turns the corner, the Psychotics are attacking Triple S in the corridor with a cattle prod as Venom looks on, having orchestrated the whole attack! Venom gets a quick cheap shot in with a chair on Triple S as Jay charges over and takes Crazy C down, only to eventually be overcome by Lil J and Venom. The three carry on beating on Triple S and Jay until Mike Anderson gets himself involved, grabbing a chair and taking Lil J out before running off the other two. Anderson helps Triple S up and then goes to help Jay, who pulls away from Anderson, before the two have a stare down in the corridor. Anderson offers Jay a handshake, but the MTX member stares at him for a moment, unsure what to do, before walking off back to his locker room...

Rumour Guy: Jay Hall and Triple S run into a spot of bother backstage as the Legend's Alliance gain some revenge on the pair, only for Mike Anderson to save once again. Anderson then offered Jay his help, but the MTX member looked unsure whether to trust Triple S' new ally, choosing to return to his locker room rather than shake Anderson's hand. If you ask me, I think Jay was just a bit surprised that Mike Anderson has emerged as a new ally, helping fight off the Legend's Alliance, but if he likes it or not, Mike Anderson has the same common enemy as himself and Triple S, so they're look like they're going to have to work together to take on their rivals. Following that Anderson was up next against a great rival of Jay Hall and Triple S, the 'Franchise', Cooper Tate.

Super 12 Group 2: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate vs. 'Anderson' Mike Anderson
As we join the match Mike Anderson is in control in the ring, and a camera backstage shows Jay Hall watching his progress in the ring. Anderson tries early for the Anarchy Rulez, but Tate escapes with a rolling DDT, before nailing a facebuster in the middle of the ring for a two count. Tate then sends Anderson into the corner and hits a monkey flip out, before hopping middle rope and coming back off with a reverse splash for another two count. Tate then goes for what looks to be the Showstopper, but Anderson manages to elbow his way out, before dropping Tate with a wrist clutch suplex for a two count. The pace is maintained as Anderson attempts a front layout piledriver, hitting one, but then on a second attempt Tate counters by rolling up into a hurancanrana pin for another two count! Tate then charges for a clothesline, but Mike Anderson picks him up in a press slam, before dropping him out right to the concrete by the ramp! Tate looks out cold as Anderson slides out after him. Anderson goes to pick up the limp Cooper Tate, but out of nowhere The Psychotics again get involved, trying to get revenge on Anderson for the earlier attack! The two knock him down with a double clothesline, before going under the ring and getting a table. Meanwhile, the referee counts Tate and Anderson out, ending the match in a draw. Crazy C sets up the table by the ring apron and places Anderson on it, when all of a sudden Jay Hall runs out from backstage, taking out Lil J, who is sat on the top rope ready to attack Anderson, with a Venus punch off the ring apron, before jumping off the ring apron onto Crazy C with a hurancanrana. Jay then shoves Anderson off the table, before scooping up Lil J, who was still sat dazed on the turnbuckle, and putting him through the table with a powerslam off the ring apron! Jay, still hurting from the Psychotics attack earlier, stands over Anderson, but chooses not to help him up, instead slowly returning backstage holding his head in pain from earlier.
Winner: Double Count-out

Rumour Guy: AGAIN the Psychotics and their rivals do battle, this time Jay Hall getting revenge for the attacks earlier this evening, putting Lil J through a table. But what about Mike Anderson, again he and Jay Hall have to work together, whether they like it or not. They have a common enemy in the Legend's Alliance, and a common ally in Triple S. Was Jay Hall returning the favour there after Anderson saved him and Triple S earlier? He could well have been, but he could well have just been getting revenge on the Psychotics. This is getting very interesting indeed now! As for the Psychotics, I would say that despite the bumps, they've come out slightly on top tonight, as we saw Jay Hall and Mike Anderson visibly hurt from their attacks. So whilst the MTX may have won the matches tonight, the war certainly isn't anywhere near over yet! We'd also better update you on Cooper Tate, who was knocked out cold by Anderson in that match, but the medical staff tell us he's recovering well and luckily hasn't suffered a concussion of any sort, so he'll still be in action next week! Our final match of the evening sees Daniel Estacado taking on Venom in Group 1. Before this match yours truly came out and banned anyone from ringside, to ensure we didn't get another Psychotics/MTX/Anderson altercation and now interference from The Fallen.

Super 12 Group 1: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado vs. Venom
We pick up the action with both men slugging it out with knife edge chops in the ring, Venom winning as he reddens Estacado's chest further, before tossing him over the top to the floor. The Legend's Alliance member drops Estacado with a snake eyes on the ring steps, before ramming him head first into them. Venom re-enters the ring to a telling off from the referee, as Estacado stands up to reveal he has been bloodied, and slowly slides back in. Venom instantly hits him with a baseball style dropkick, before dropping him with a back drop suplex for a two count. Venom then goes to work on the back of Estacado's head some more, dropping him with a neckbreaker, before rolling him over and nailing a double stomp on his head. Venom then plants him with a second neckbreaker, before covering for a two count. Venom seems quite annoyed that he cannot get the pin, and therefore rolls Estacado outside and goes for a ram into the ring steps again. He succeeds, but Estacado intelligently reaches under the ring as Venom celebrates, grabbing a light bulb. As Venom then goes after him again, Estacado crushes the glass across Venom's back, cutting him open! The bloody match continues as Estacado slams Venom back first into the ring post, before rolling him across the floor onto the broken glass off the lightbulb! Estacado then rolls Venom into the ring before showing skill from his days of playing Akuma, flying back in with a slingshot splash. Estacado then drops Venom with a huge stiff powerbomb, leaving a blood stain on the mat from his cut back, before rolling him up for a two count. Estacado then picks him up and signals for the Final Destination, to a huge pop from the crowd who show obvious hatred for Venom, but Venom wiggles free, before nailing a low blow and then his inverted Juvy driver! Venom struggles over and makes the pin, but somehow Estacado kicks out at 2.9!!! Venom is irate, as he stamps up and down in the ring, signalling for a second driver! He hoists Estacado up onto his shoulders, but Estacado rolls off, before pushing Venom into the referee and nailing the Final Destination. He covers, but the referee is down and hurt. Estacado stands and tries to wake him up, allowing Venom to cradle him from behind. The referee recovers and starts to slowly make the count, but Estacado again kicks out at a long two, the crowd cheering on the man they'd normally be booing! Venom goes once again for the kill, but in a carbon copy of before, Estacado rolls off his shoulders and pushes him into the corner, but this time the referee moves, Venom bouncing back into Estacado and the Final Destination! Estacado covers for the three to pick up a hard earned win in a bloody match up!
Winner: Daniel Estacado

Rumour Guy: Daniel Estacado also picks up two points in group 1, as the three seeded wrestlers in group 1 all win here on the first week of the BSW Super 12 tournament! Group 2 also sees Bucky Thompson and Triple S win, as Anderson and Tate play out a draw! The tournament is heating up already, and we're only two weeks in, still four weeks of action to go. Join us next week on Sunday Night Rave to see what the second round of the group stage matches brings, as I'm sure once again we'll see more twists and turns than an episode of Saved By The Bell, although without the horribly stereotyped pre-pubescent punks! From me the Rumour Guy, and the BSW staff, good night...