
Rumour Guy: Hey everyone and welcome to another BSW Sunday Night Rave with yours truly, the BSW Rumour Guy! This week sees the third week of the Super 12 tournament take place as the second of the group matches occur. After a hot week of action last week, we kick off with 'X-Rated' Hopps vs. Steve Hall. Both men exited with losses last week, and will try to avenge that this week. These two have something of a history with Hall beating Hopps for the tag belts a while ago, so let's get to the action.

Super 12: Group 1 'X-Rated' Hopps vs. Steve Hall
As we join the action Steve Hall has Hopps in a Boston crab, the ex-hardcore champion trying to struggle to the ropes. He just about reaches them, when Steve Hall pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Hopps looks about to tap out when all of a sudden his tag partner Jay Hall hops up on the apron and distracts the referee. Steve Hall comes across and tries to push Jay off, breaking the hold, but Jay catches him with a jawbreaker across the top rope, Hopps rolling Steve up for a two count. Hopps then nailed his opponent with a stiff lariat, before signalling for a high-risk manoeuvre to end the match. As the MTX member goes up top, Steve Hall catches him with a dropkick to the back, before nailing a top rope back drop suplex! He goes for the cover, but again Jay Hall distracts the referee. However, out of nowhere, Legend's Alliance member Crazy C jumps out of the crowd and pulls him off the apron, allowing the referee to turn around and count Hopps down for the three! Crazy C and Jay battle to the back as Hopps stands in the ring, dazed but upset at the loss.
Winner: Steve Hall

Rumour Guy: Steve Hall takes the win as once again Crazy C gets involved with Jay Hall. It's the BSW's DX vs. The Nation, NWO vs. WCW, Crazy Max vs. M2K, FMW vs. ZEN, and was bound to happen at some point. Boiling point has been reached and we're seeing two sides go at it hammer and nail non-stop it seems. This isn't over by any stretch of the imagination, and its even spilling over and effecting people not involved here, indirectly helping Steve Hall get the win. I'm looking forward to seeing where this heads in the next few weeks as the tension builds. Before we continue, earlier today our cameras caught up with someone who seems to be suffering from a small bout of amnesia right now, that man being the Franchise player, Cooper Tate.

(The now familiar rig of the truck driver pulls up outside of the arena. As the air breaks hit and the engine winds down, we are magically taken inside the cab.)

Truck Driver: Well, I told you I'd get you here in time.

Drifter: Yeah, jeez, thanks for the favor.

Truck Driver: You don't have to thank me, son.

Drifter: Well, I guess we better get on inside.

Truck Driver: Sorry, but this is as far as I go.

Drifter: Do what?

Truck Driver: I told you I'd get you to the arena. I didn't say I'd go in with you.

Drifter: Dude, you can't leave me hanging like this. I'm walking in to an ass whipping and you're just gonna take off.

Truck Driver: There's only so far in life you can be taken. Eventually you've gotta take the steps by yourself.

Drifter: Since when did you become Buddha in a Harley t-shirt?

Truck Driver: You may be a much better athlete, much more educated, and a lot more handsome than me, son, but I've been around this earth a long time and I've got experience on my side. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get some experience, son.

Drifter: Yeah, but if I get killed in there tonight what good is that experience going to do me then?

Truck Driver: You've gotta go in there and at least try to get this thing straightened out.

Drifter: Why have I get a very bad feeling about this?

Truck Driver: Kinda like you're walking into your own funeral?

Drifter: Exactly.

Truck Driver: Don't worry, son. You'll do fine and I'm sure you'll get this thing worked out.

Drifter: Well, here's hoping anyway.

(The drifter hops out of the truck, dressed in the same old khakis, but now wearing a navy blue Nike Athletic Department t-shirt. He walks slowly towards the entrance to the arena. He turns around and the truck driver gives him a thumbs up sign through the window and pulls the string on his air horn, causing it to go off three times. The drifter continues walking towards the arena entrance as the scene fades to black.)

Rumour Guy: Seems like the once great superstar seems to have forgotten everything about his past, and is rather reluctant to return to a BSW ring. I'm hoping for the best for the fan favourite Tate, as he's got one hell of a future here in the BSW, if he can ever remember what he's here for! Our second match tonight would see Hannibal King take on Lil J in Group 2. Bear in mind that these two are teammates, they're not naturally enemies, so it'll be very interesting to see what happens. Let's get to ringside.

Super 12: Group 2 Hannibal King vs. Lil J
Hannibal King is waiting in the ring as Lil J's music plays but no-one appears. The cameras suddenly head backstage where we see that The Comedians are laying into Lil J in his dressing room! Upon seeing the cameraman, Thompson decks him, before switching the camera off. Back in the ring, Hannibal King starts to make his way backstage, when all of a sudden Jay Hall makes another appearance, coming through the crowd with a chair and dropkicking it into King's leg! Jay then takes another couple of cheap shots with the chair, rocking the big man, and one last shot finally takes him down. Jay then bundles him to the outside before taking him out with a somersault plancha, but is quite surprised as King recovers quicker than expected and begins to advance on him! Realising that size is not on his side, Jay hotfoots it out of there, its seeming as if the damage is already done, when out of nowhere Mike Anderson comes through the crowd, baseball bat in hand! The Anarchist cracks King across the back before looking at Jay with a sinister look, and the two begin to lay into King! After a few shots with the baseball bat and a chair, the two look at each other before shaking hands and heading backstage to a huge pop! King eventually gets up and straight away goes looking for them backstage.
Result: Default win for Hannibal King

Rumour Guy: Surprise surprise, this one ended with another MTX vs. Veterans encounter. Jay and Anderson seem to have bitten off more than he can chew against the man monster Hannibal King though, if I was them I'd watch my back for the rest of the night. However, this could be easier said than done, as in his next match he would face Venom, leader of the Legends' Alliance! Now before this match began, we received word from backstage that Venom was calling this his 'final ever BSW match', telling people close to him that he would leave after this. Has the MTX feud got to him, or has the tournament got the better of him? Is he going or is it a rumour? We hoped this would be answered as he met Jay Hall, one on one...

Super 12: Group 1 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall vs. Venom
Jay Hall is in the ring all ready as Venom candidly makes his way down to the ring. The Legend's Alliance leader enters, but for some unknown reason lies down in the ring, shouting for Jay to pin him! Cameras backstage show both the MTX and the Legends' Alliance, as well as Triple S and Mike Anderson, looking on in disbelief. Most confused is Jay, who refuses to pin him, telling him to fight like a man. Venom complies by standing, and the two exchange a couple of armdrags, before Venom throws what appears to be a deliberately weak lariat. Jay catches the arm and tries for the Limit Break, but instantly Venom taps out, before sliding out of the ring! The crowd boo heavily as Venom walks away, shouting "I'm off, that's it!", as Jay stands in disbelief in the ring!
Winner: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall

Rumour Guy: Unbelievably, Venom leaves the BSW! He tapped out to what wasn't even a complete submission move, before walking down the aisle for the last time. The whole loss was planned and calculated by the leader of the Legends' Alliance Now as we followed him backstage with cameras, we caught him leaving the building, solidifying his departure from the federation. We also caught up with the Legend's Alliance, who said that they would carry on fighting as best they could without him. Lucky for the Legends' Alliance, they had no more matches left to come this evening, as next up we would see the encounter between Bucky Thompson and 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson. Now before this match started up we saw yet another altercation between the MTX and the Legends' Alliance, as Hannibal King jumped Jay Hall in his locker room, returning the favour from the attack earlier. After striking him a number of times with a baseball bat, the founder of the MTX was stretchered out of the arena in an ambulance, his tag partner Hopps joining him for company. For the second week on the row, the now somewhat depleted Legends' Alliance seem to have gained the upper hand in this feud, even if they haven't won their matches against the MTX so far.

Super 12: Group 2 Bucky Thompson vs. 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
As we join the action, the two are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. A camera shows Hannibal King and The Psychotics backstage looking on in interest, looking like they could hatch a plot at any moment. Back in the ring Bucky Thompson gains the upper hand with a diving lariat, before dropping Anderson with two rolling back drop suplexes, the third turned into an atomic drop! Thompson then hops up to the corner and comes back with a reverse splash for a two count, before going for a cross arm breaker in the middle of the ring. Anderson reaches the ropes, but when the move is broken, Thompson goes for the hold again, dropping him with a northern lights suplex before transitioning into the arm breaker again! After much struggle, Anderson reaches the ropes again, and this time when Thompson goes for the arm again, he counters with a lariat with his other arm, before locking on a camel clutch. Thompson this time struggles to the ropes, and tries to come back with some chops, but Anderson goes right back to work on his back with a belly to belly suplex. Anderson then drops Thompson with a high angle back drop suplex, before locking on a bow and arrow hold! Thompson struggles, but Anderson has to break the hold when the referee realises his shoulders are being pinned down and counts him down for 2! Anderson gets up and nails a vertical suplex, but holds on and signals for the Anarchy Rulez! He gets Thompson up, but The Comedian rolls down out of the move straight into another cross arm breaker! Thompson is shouting in pain as he just about reaches the ropes, but as he stands Thompson takes him right back down, this time into a GH lock! As Thompson wrenches back on Anderson's neck and arm, it becomes too much and the Anarchist taps out, giving the two points to The Comedian. After the match the two stare at each other for a moment in the ring, looking like they could be about to shake hands, but instead the two just exchange a look of respect to each other and leave.
Winner: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: A superb technical match-up between men who recently have been forced to ally because of the actions of the Legends' Alliance. Once again at the end of the match we saw the slight look of distrust from MTX-member Bucky Thompson (as happened last week with Hall), but I think they're finally starting to accept Anderson as an ally in this war, as Jay did earlier in the evening. Speaking of Jay Hall, in an update from his injury earlier in the night, the founder of the MTX is doing well in hospital, having received some bruising around his ribs. He'll be back in time for Rave on Sunday, and the next round of tournament matches. Anyway, our next match would see another clash of allies, as members of The Fallen, Daniel Estacado and Maurice Dream, meet one on one. We'd better point out here that Estacado was seen asking people if they had seen Scarlet around the building earlier in the day, and when they replied 'no', he got a sinister grin on his face, implying something was going to go down involving her later tonight. Before the match began however, Dark Knight informed us that he'd be joining me at ringside to watch the action, as the champion came out to address the crowd at the start of the live show tonight...

(As the crowd awaits the beginning of Rave, suddenly the lights go dim blue as "Ministry" by, Meeno hits the loudspeakers. The BSW Champion, Dark Knight, and his wife Deana make their way down the ramp and into the ring, with the belt and microphone in hand. )

Knight: I know everyone here is ready to watch some of the best spill each other's blood all about this ring, but first I thought you might all need a reminder of something. The reason why each of these so-called "athletes" are pushing themselves so hard. This.

(Knight holds the BSW Title Belt in the air, as the crowd cheers for the gold.)

Knight: You like that, don't you. Well, as much as you may like entertaining the thought of someone actually beating the Dark One for this belt, perhaps you may all want to remember one thing. And that is the mere fact that it doesn't matter what happens here tonight... it doesn't matter what happens here the next week... it doens't matter what happens throughout this whole damn tournament. And that is for the simple reason that no matter who may get the title shot at the pay-per-view, there is no way in the depths of hell that they will be able to defeat the reaper of souls... the Dark One.

But enough with the facts, let's get onto another main issue. You may all wonder just why I am here tonight, even with my busy schedule and all. And it is for the simple fact that two of my stable mates are fighting each other tonight.

(The crowd goes wild at the thought of Estacado and Dream in a match. )

Knight: I thought you pitiful souls would like that. But you need all remember something. You see, though dirt and blood may sling tonight... it shall be that of others once more after all is said and done. For the Fallen shall always rule this industry... as a whole. But just to make sure things go right, I will be taking my championship perks and will be sitting ringside for the action. And if for any reason things do get out of hand... they will be taken into my hands... if you know what the Knight can do.

Super 12: Group 1 Maurice Dream vs. Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado
Estacado is laying into Dream in the corner as we join the action, the crowd popping for every punch as the two heels go at it with everything they've got. A quick flashback video shows the start of the match where they started technically but the match degenerated into a brawl, the two 'friends' each trying to go further and inflict more pain than the other. Estacado finishes putting the boot in and starts to choke out Dream with his foot, before charging in with a stiff knee to the face. The Devil then picks up Dream and sends him into the ropes, catching him with a sidewalk slam as he comes back, before locking on The Darkness in the middle of the ring! Dream struggles, and eventually reaches the ropes, but as he gets up Estacado goes for the hold again. However, Maurice Dream manages to counter this, dropping him with a short range lariat, before picking him up and dropping him with a stiff powerbomb for a two count! Dream then sends Estacado into the ropes and nails a tilt a whirl backbreaker, before kicking him in the gut and locking on a front guillotine choke hold! The referee checks to make sure the hold isn't illegal as Dream tries to choke the life out of Estacado. Estacado struggles, and eventually powers out, ending up mounted on Dream. He tries for some MMA style punches to the face, but Dream grabs the arm and locks on a head and arm triangle choke! Again Estacado struggles for breath as Dream chokes him out, but eventually The Devil gets a foot on the ropes. As Estacado stands, gasping for air, out of nowhere Dream grabs him from behind and goes for the neck again, locking on the Sweet Dreams! Estacado this time is in a state of panic, throwing elbows back and kicking out for the ropes, as he tries his best to escape. He is unsuccessful with this, as Dream applies a body scissors and starts to choke harder. All of a sudden the BSW Tron flashes on, and an image appears, covered in smog, making it hard to see what the image is. The smog slowly begins to spread and the words "Maurice Dream Sr. - Loving husband.... and Father" are seen on a headstone. As the camera zooms out, an empty grave is seen, as well as Estacado's valet Scarlet sitting beside it crying to herself, covered in dirt as a shovel lays before her. Dream sees this and instantly breaks the hold and jumps to his feet, irate! The ex-world champion decks the referee in anger and goes to nail Estacado, but he turns around straight into a Human Torch from the intercontinental champion! Dream holds his face in pain, as Estacado kicks him in the gut and nails the Final Destination! The Devil makes the cover as the referee recovers in time to make the three count and award the points to Daniel Estacado! After the match Dream bails from the arena as soon as he recovers from the match, hopping in an Escalade and driving off towards the graveyard Scarlet was shown in....
Winner: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado

Rumour Guy: I can't believe what I'm seeing! Daniel Estacado has to be the most perverted, sick individual I have come across in my career in this profession, as the self proclaimed 'Devil' takes it just one step to far! It completely overrides the result of this match, which will be meaningless to Maurice Dream after what he just witnessed! And what was Scarlet thinking agreeing to do this? Those two should watch their back backstage if they know what's good for them, whether their fellow BSW competitors like Dream or not, what Estacado and Scarlet have done takes this too far, and I doubt the reception in the locker room will be very warm! I just hope that they've faked the whole thing, as that was just plain sick!

(Highlights are shown of Daniel Estacado's actions just then in the match, before a music video of the MTX/Triple S/Anderson vs. Legends' Alliance feud is shown, set to 'Bulls On Parade' by Rage Against The Machine. We return to the studio where the Rumour Guy has finally calmed down...)

Rumour Guy: Now that I've recovered from the shock of that horrendous act, we can finally carry on as planned here, with our final contest between Triple S and 'Franchise' Cooper Tate. This match had a very interesting beginning... just roll the VT, I'm still in shock of what Estacado just did! Before the match between Tate and Triple S...

("Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock begins to play as the fans all get to their feet and explode in a chorus of cheers. They are all dying to see The Franchise Player. The music plays for a good ninety seconds and no one comes out. The crowd begins to murmur in confusion as the music stops, but then begins to play again from the beginning. Suddenly, the drifter appears. Actually, it appears as though he's been shoved out into the entranceway. The fans erupt in cheers as the drifter looks like the proverbial deer captured in the headlights. He stands there for a moment with a microphone in his hand clearly dazed and confused by the spectacle. Pyro goes off behind the drifter and he almost hits the deck because the explosion has scared him. He walks down the entranceway a little more before finally he raises the mic to his lips. The fans quickly grow silent as he begins to speak.)

Drifter - Check one, check one, two, three...

(Realizing the mic is live, the drifter begins to speak again. He looks at Triple S standing in the ring. He begins to speak again. His hand that is holding the mic is visibly shaking he is so nervous.)

Now I've been backstage trying my best to tell anyone and everyone that I'm not this Cooper Tate guy that everyone seems to think I am. Yeah, we do look a lot alike, it's downright scary how much we look alike. But, even if I was this Franchise Player that everyone seems so hell bent on me being, it is obvious that I'm not in any physical or mental condition to wrestle a match. And since no one in the back believes me and thinks I'm just playing some kind of mind game or something, I've came out here to make a plea to you Triple S. I'm not asking you to believe me. Hell, I'm not even asking you to even think about whether I am or am not Cooper Tate. I simply have came out here to tell you that I refuse to wrestle you. I know there's some kind of tournament or something going on, so I'm offering you a free win. I'll gladly walk to the back, forfeit my match, and you get the win. That way everybody is happy. You get a win and I get to save myself from having my ass kicked on national television. So, I'm just gonna put this mic down and walk to the back. You stay there and get your hand raised in victory and we'll all go home happy.

(The drifter turns and begins walking to the back as the fans begin to boo loudly.)

Rumour Guy: After the Franchise Player started to make his way out, he found himself getting attacked by Triple S to a huge pop, who took him out from behind with a backdrop suplex on the ramp, before locking on the Idolizer! Tate seemed almost to pass out from the pain, and just lay there as Triple S broke the hold and played to the crowd to a huge pop. The Superstar then returned to the ring and posed on the turnbuckle, but what happened next wasn't quite what he expected...

Super 12: Group 2 Triple S vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
As we join the action Triple S is posing in the corner, when all of a sudden Tate starts to make his way back to his feet. Battered and hurt, Tate slowly makes his way to the ring, where he is met by a lariat from Triple S. Tate hits the mat hard, but surprisingly springs back up to his feet! Triple S takes him back down with another lariat, but again Tate springs to his feet, before kicking Triple S in the gut and hitting his trademark facebuster! Triple S seems a bit shook by Tate's sudden return to form, as he tries to back off, but Tate leaps on him and starts drilling him with stiff right hands! The referee tries to break it up, but Tate grabs him and delivers the Showstopper to him, before sliding out of the ring and grabbing a chain from underneath the ring. Tate seems to have snapped as he starts to pound Triple S in the head with the chain, before choking him out with it, gaining revenge for the humiliating Idolizer on the ramp. All of a sudden Mike Anderson makes his way down to ringside to try and help Triple S, but Tate notices this, and, recognising Anderson as the one who injured him on Rave, he wraps the chain around his arm and dives through the ropes with an elbow suicida onto him! Tate then gets into a scuffle with Anderson, which gives Triple S and the referee a chance to recover, Triple S grabbing Tate and bringing him back into the ring, before applying a dragon screw leg whip! Triple S then lifts up Tate and drops him with a knee breaker, before sending him into the corner and sitting him up top to nail an avalanche dragon screw! Triple S then signals for the Idolizer again, and locks it on in the middle of the ring, the already hurt Tate shouting in pain. Tate slowly edges to the ropes, but Triple S pulls him back into the centre to a huge pop. Tate looks about to tap as he tries to edge to the ropes again, but gets dragged back for a second time. Tate tries again, and finally successful breaks the hold, both men getting a standing ovation. Triple S charge sin at him and nails a low dropkick, and right away goes for the Idolizer again! However, Tate breaks it by kicking him away, before charging in with a roaring elbow for a two count! Tate then signals for the Showstopper and attempts it, but Triple S elbows his way out, only to walk into an incredibly stiff elbow smash! The crowd pop big time for the stiff shot, as Tate rolls up Triple S, already hurt from the chain shots earlier, for the three count! Tate hops up on the turnbuckle and begins to play to the crowd, the man finally back to his best, when all of a sudden Anderson re-enters and pulls him off, before delivering his Overthrow! Anderson helps Triple S out as Tate starts to get to his feet, but then all of a sudden blacks out and collapses. The EMTs come out and help the Franchise out as the crowd applaud the fallen wrestler.
Winner: Cooper Tate

Rumour Guy: Cooper Tate was humiliated by Triple S, but then snapped and made his return to his old ways in order to take the three count out of nowhere. However, after being stretchered out, his condition at this moment is unknown, so we wish the best for one of the BSW's top competitors. After that saga, the show seemed to be over, when all of a sudden our cameras caught an unexpected visitor backstage...

Backstage... All of a sudden some slow paced rock music plays over the speakers in the arena and an image come sup on the big screen of a cameraman backstage. A limosine pulls up as the camera focuses, and out of it steps a man in a tuxedo with short bleached blonde hair. In one hand he holds a tazer, whilst in the other he holds what seems to be the US title. The man removes his sunglasses to reveal himself as Venom, already back in the federation! He grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd over the big screen...

Venom: "A new era! Are you ready? Legends' Alliance 2001 will eventually come to get ya!!!!"

Rumour Guy: Ok, so he's back! A very short retirement, but what does he mean by that statement? Just one of the many unanswered questions this show has left me with, we'll be back next week, when hopefully these questions will be answered!