
(The show opens with a cameraman following Cooper Tate around ahead of tonight's card...Outside the arena a maroon BMW pulls up. Quickly, the BSW cameraman runs up to the car and inside we can see Cooper and his mother and father. We overhear them speaking.)

Mom - Cooper, son, tell me again why we brought you here.

Cooper - Well, apparently I didn't make it clear last week that I'm in no condition to wrestle so I want to come out here tonight and set things straight so I don't have to worry about it.

Dad - But you won last week, son, and you've got a chance at winning this tournament.

Cooper - Dad, I don't even remember anything that happened last week besides nearly having my back broken in two. So, I'm damn sure not going through that again.

Mom - Why risk it, Cooper? You could just stay home and not worry about it all.

Dad - We didn't raise our son to be a coward, Vickie.

Cooper - Exactly, Dad. I'm not here to try to cause any trouble or get in any trouble myself. I'm just hoping that after last week they'll realize I'm in no condition to wrestle.

Dad - You could've proved me wrong about that when you threw that Sullivan boy around the ring like he was a rag doll.

Cooper - Yeah, if I could remember it that would be even better.

Dad - You don't remember anything about last week?

Cooper - For the five-hundredth time, no, Dad I don't remember anything about wrestling or winning last week nor do I remember anything about wrestling before in my life.

Mom - Don't pressure him, Anthony. He's a grown man and old-enough to make his own decisions. If he wants to go in there and do what he's got to do, then let the boy do it.

Dad - Alright. It's your life, Cooper.

Cooper - Thanks, Dad.

[With that, Cooper gets out of the car in a pair of khaki shorts and a gray Dallas Cowboys t-shirt and begins walking towards the arena as the scene fades to black.]

Rumour Guy: Welcome once more to Sunday Night Rave! With the tournament in full swing lets get straight to the action, starting with Group 1 action between Maurice Dream and Venom. You wont believe Dream's actions before the match, this guy has purely flipped!

Super 12: Group 1 - Maurice Dream vs. Venom
As we join the match Hannibal King is laying into Venom on the mat with strong right hands, Venom already bust open. A double feature flashback shows us the start of the match where Dream has attacked Venom backstage with a chain, and despite struggling from Venom, who tried to fight back with a chair, Dream overpowered him and beat him down before the match even started. Back to the present, and Dream whips Venom into the corner before hitting a stiff clothesline as he bounces out. Dream then picks up Venom and drops him with a rotating brainbuster for a very near two count. Dream signals for the Wake Up Call and attempts it, but Venom escapes, pushing Dream into the corner before capitalising with his Venom Drop! Venom is still dazed and cannot get there to make the cover before Dream stirs around, so he runs and springs on the corner, attempting a rounding body press. However, Dream, in a desperation move, nails Venom with a very stiff lariat, sending him flipping over mid air! The crowd cheer as Dream picks up Venom and delivers the Wake Up Call, before slowly lifting him back to his feet and nailing a second one. Venom already looks out cold as Dream locks on the Sweet Dreams, the referee lifting and dropping Venom's hand three times, giving the win to Dream!
Winner: Maurice Dream

Rumour Guy: After the match Venom was stretchered out of the arena, but there was nothing he could do there. Dream caught him by surprise backstage, and took advantage, putting a big beat down on him. Dream is obviously angered at what Estacado did last week, digging up his fathers' grave, which still makes me shudder, and took out his frustration on the defenceless Venom here. Our next contest should be interesting, as Cooper Tate, who still doesn't know who he is, takes on Legends' Alliance member Hannibal King.

Super 12: Group 2 - Hannibal King vs. Cooper Tate
We join the action as Tate cautiously makes his way down to ringside, looking very unsure whether to enter the ring or not. King waves him in as Tate walks around the outside, still very unsure of who he is or whether he should be wrestling. King lies across the ropes mockingly as Tate cowers over by the announcer's table, looking like he really doesn't want to wrestle. As the crowd grow impatient, BSW vice-president Rumour Guy comes down to ringside and tries to reason with Tate. Cooper is heard saying repeatedly that he doesn't want to wrestle King, but after repeated attempts to convince him otherwise, the Rumour Guy finally gets him to step into the ring. Tate cautiously enters the ring, as King gets a more serious look on his face. Tate runs quickly to the middle of the ring and throws himself down, begging King to just pin him and leave. Hannibal looks at Tate as the crowd cheer for King to pin him, but these cheers turn to boos as King lifts him up and boots him hard in the stomach for the King Bomb! As he lifts Tate up, out of nowhere Dark Knight hits the ring, chair in hand! DK strikes Tate across the back, deliberately giving King the DQ loss, before knocking King down and out with the chair! Tate flees from ringside as Dark Knight grabs a microphone and shouts at King as he beats on him with the chair:

KNIGHT: The next time you feel like showing up in one of my arenas, you had better make sure you paid for a ticket and are only there to watch the damn show!

Winner by DQ: Cooper Tate

Rumour Guy: Dark Knight is obviously annoyed at King showing up at one of his shows recently, and took out his frustration here. King was taken backstage to be bandaged up after the match as the Legends' Alliance suffered another casualty. They'll be hoping Lil J fairs better later in the show. Our next contest sees ex-tag partners go at it, as Estacado takes on Steve Hall.

Super 12: Group 1 - Daniel Estacado vs. Steve Hall
As we join the action, Estacado looks set to pick up the win as he hits his former tag partner with a huge implant DDT, before locking on his submission hold, The Darkness, in the centre of the ring. Hall tries to struggle to the ropes but can't quite make it, and he begins to tap out. However, before the referee can ring the bell, a man in a black mask runs from the crowd carrying a large bag, and he knocks Hall out of the ring before clocking Estacado with the bag. Estacado loses balance and stumbles right into a reverse head and arm suplex from the masked man, before Dark Knight runs out with a chair and runs the man off before any more damage can be done. Dark Knight helps his stablemate to his feet whether he likes it or not, before going to the bag which the man had left behind. As he opens it, Dark Knight has a look of disgust on his face as he sees the contents... slaughtered sheep.
Winner: Daniel Estacado

Rumour Guy: Ok, we've got another sick guy in this federation. First of all Estacado digs up Dream Snr's grave, and now someone brings him dead sheep. This is getting just plain weird right now, we deserve explanations, and soon! It didn't end there either, as after the contest Dream got involved...

After the match... all of a sudden on the big screen Dream appears holding Scarlet in the Sweet Dreams to a big pop! Estacado is going livid as Dream screams at him "Is this what you want Daniel? IS IT!" at him. Out of nowhere, as Estacado starts to go backstage, Dream leaps out of the crowd and locks on the Sweet Dreams! The footage must have been pre-taped as Dream wrestles Estacado to the ground, choking him out! Dream then pulls a chain out of his boot and lays into Estacado with it as DK and security pull them apart!

Rumour Guy: In what may or may not be a return to sanity, we move on to Bucky Thompson against Lil J. These two have been in the midst of a huge feud recently between their two factions, so let's see what happens this week between them.

Super 12: Group 2 - Bucky Thompson vs. Lil J
We see Lil J in his locker room backstage, preparing for his match, when all of a sudden out of nowhere Mike Anderson and Triple S burst in through the door and start to beat down on Lil J! The two put the boot in as Crazy C enters to make the save, but the numbers are soon overwhelming as Jay Hall and Hopps join in, entering with baseball bats and nailing Crazy C and Lil J. The crowd pop as the four faces grab The Psychotics and bring them into the ringside area, beating on them along the way, before rolling them into the ring. With the other Legends' Alliance members already injured earlier in the show, the MTX, Triple S and Anderson have The Psychotics at their mercy. They start to take the ring ropes apart, to the surprise of the crowd, before tying up their adversaries in the middle of the ring.

As they do this, out of nowhere a limping Hannibal King tries to make the save, but Bucky Thompson, who come out to help with the beat down, cuts him off. Still hurt from earlier, King is taken down quickly by Thompson with a chair shot, before the five faces stand over the fallen Lil J and Crazy C in the ring. Jay Hall and Thompson start to lay into Crazy C and Lil J with the baseball bats from earlier, the Psychotics lying helpless in the ring. As the crowd pop for this, Jay Hall grabs a microphone:

Jay: You wanted a war Venom? You wanted to try and get the psychological advantage this past few weeks with your little attacks on us? Well, we thought you might like to witness the real way to get things done around here. You can attack us backstage all you want, you can try to humiliate us all you want, but just remember, all of your actions will always come back to haunt you! As he finishes the group beat on the Psychotics some more, cutting off King's last attempt to save them, before leaving to a big pop.

Winner by default: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: So this week the MTX get the advantage! This feud just goes back and forth but they've upped the ante again here, tearing The Psychotics apart with anything they could get their hands on. Both sides are nearing boiling point, and I can't wait to see what happens when they boil over! Our final two matches see two sets of teammates facing off, as Hopps takes on Jay Hall and Triple S take son mike Anderson. Let's get to that now...

Super 12: Group 1 - 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall vs. 'X-Rated' Hopps
As we join the match Hopps is sitting Jay up top and trying for a middle rope chokeslam. Jay struggles and eventually wiggles his way out, dropping down to the mat before hitting an uppercut shotei on Hopps. As quick as a flash Jay hops back up top and brings his opponent down hardway, nailing a huge top rope exploder suplex. Jay looks ready to end things, but rather than covering Hopps, he goes for the tap out picking Hopps up on his shoulder in a powerbomb position before rolling him off into a Fujiwara armbar! Hopps struggles to the ropes, but just before he can put his hand on them, Jay drags him back to the centre of the ring, yanking back harder than before. Hopps struggles more but eventually manages to roll out of the move, before tying up the legs and kicking into a Saito special leglock! Jay is in huge pain as he tries to break the hold but repeatedly gets kicked back down, but eventually he manages to kick Hopps out through the middle rope to the floor. The crowd pop as Jay knocks Hopps over the barricade, before pulling the barricade in towards ringside and nailing a moonsault right out onto Hopps in the front row. Neither man is better for the wear however, as they both go down. The referee starts his ten count, and when we reach eight, they begin to stir. It looks as if Jay is about to get in when Hopps grabs his foot and pulls him away from the ring apron, the two sharing a double count-out! After the match Triple S and Mike Anderson come down to the ring to congratulate their two friends on a great match, and after some debating, Jay and Hopps finally shake hands with Anderson, solidifying their allegiance against the Legends' Alliance!
Result: No contest

Super 12: Group 2 - Mike Anderson vs. Triple S
This one started out a little slowly with neither of the two good friends really wanting to go at it. But eventually the two put friendship behind them and agreed that this was 'just business'. In a classic back-and-forth match-up both men showed their incredible talent and ended up taking each other to the limit. In the end, however, it was Triple S who was able to escape Anderson's Triumphant Hammer (crucifix stunner) and connect with an Idolcanranna (huricanranna) before slapping on the Idolizer (sharpshooter) and gain the victory.
Winner: Triple S

The show concludes with the 'Anarchist' and Triple S shaking hands in the middle of the ring after one hell of a contest.