
Rumour Guy: Welcome to the concluding week of stage one of the BSW Super 12 tournament. The remaining 12 matches were contested this past weekend on two spot shows, the first taking place on 06/23/01 at the Staples Centre, the next taking place the following day on 06/24/01 at the same venue. We'll start off with action from the 23rd, where in Group 1 Jay Hall took on Daniel Estacado. These two were both hopefuls to go through to the final round at the pay-per-view, so let's get to that now.

Super 12: Group 1 Jay Hall vs. Daniel Estacado
As we join the match Estacado is maintaining control in the corner, working over Jay with a choke hold with his foot, before bringing him out and dropping him with a nice northern lights bomb. Jay just about kicks out at two, and tries to come back with some kicks to Estacado's chest, but as he attempts a bodyscissors, Estacado capitalises with a sweet wheelbarrow suplex. Estacado then signals for the end, grabbing Jay and setting up for the Final Destination. However, out of desperation the ex-world champ manages to power out, lifting Estacado up and dropping him with a kudo driver! Jay is still dazed from earlier and fails to capitalise with the pin, instead hopping up to the middle rope and coming down with a moonsault for two. Jay then moves to the corner and sits Estacado up top, trying for a top rope exploder suplex, but after two attempts, Estacado counters, and out of nothing brings Jay down with a high angle Final Destination! Estacado makes the cover for the well earned three count and a fourth victory in the tournament!
Winner: Daniel Estacado

Rumour Guy: Daniel Estacado's winning streak continues over Jay Hall whose mind is elsewhere right now, tied up in his feud with the Legends' Alliance. A huge win for Estacado though, who adds another ex-world champion to his list of victims. Over in Group 2 we move onto a battle between two allies in Triple S and Bucky Thompson. These two have been battling the Legends' Alliance for weeks now, but they take a break from that to take each other on here.

Super 12: Group 2 Bucky Thompson vs. Triple S
The action is joined with the two exchanging arm drags late into the match before standing off to a big pop. Flashback clips show earlier moments from the match where both men go toe to toe, neither man giving in, matching each other hold for hold. Back to the action and Triple S catches Thompson unaware with a strong lariat, before dropping him with a big belly to belly suplex. Triple S goes to work on Thompson's knee, dropping some stiff kicks to it before locking on a figure four leg lock. Thompson escapes, but as he gets up, Triple S drops him with a dragon screw right into a side leg lock. Thompson again breaks the hold but is visibly hurt, limping on his left leg. Triple S signals for the end and charges with an attempted stiff elbow, but Thompson strikes with a crescent kick with his good leg to Sullivan's arm, before locking on a rolling jujigatame! Triple S struggles to the ropes, but as he stands Thompson flapjacks him up before locking on a Fujiwara arm bar! Again Triple S just about escapes, both men hurt now, but as they stand out of nothing Thompson grabs Triple S' bad arm and locks on a rolling arm lock clutch. With Triple S unable to get out of the hold, Thompson steals the quick three count out of nothing, surprising Triple S and the crowd!
Winner: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: A great technical showing from the two allies, and a quick and surprise ending as Thompson takes advantage of the weakening of Sullivan's arm to cradle him for the three. Bucky Thompson therefore emulates Daniel Estacado's four wins from four, something which comes as surprise to a lot of us as Bucky Thompson seems to finally be making that transition to the next level. Moving swiftly on, our next contest sees Maurice Dream take on Daniel Estacado's ex-tag partner Steve Hall. This one was, well, lets just say it was a bit one sided.

Super 12: Group 1 Maurice Dream vs. Steve Hall
We join the match during Steve Hall's entrance. He cockily slides into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle, the crowd booing his actions. However, as he plays to the fans, Maurice Dream, already in the ring, walks up behind him and brings him down from the top rope with the Sweet Dreams! Dream applies a body scissors with the hold and within the first 10 seconds of the match Steve Hall had tapped out! Dream kept the hold on for a good few seconds longer after the bell rang, taking out his frustration that had built up over the last few weeks, before leaving to a big pop.
Winner: Maurice Dream

Rumour Guy: Maurice Dream with a highly convincing win there, wasting no time in making Hall tap out very quickly. He'll be hoping that Steve Hall's student Jay puts up a better fight on the show the following day. Our next match would see Cooper Tate, who still seems to be having something of an identity crisis, taking on Lil J of the Psychotics. Tate has managed to get two victories in recent weeks despite his head injuries, so let's see if he can sneak another here.

Super 12: Group 2 Cooper Tate vs. Lil J
As we join the action, Cooper Tate is in the ring, and like last week is trying to avoid contact with Lil J, laying down and begging The Psychotic to pin him. Lil J goes down to pin him, but then gets a grin on his face and slides out of the ring, grabbing a chair and bringing it in. Lil J sets up to nail Cooper Tate with the chair, but out of nowhere MTX member Jay Hall hits the ring, baseball bat in hand! Tate cowers by the referee, pulling his back to the action, as Jay hits the ring and smashes the chair into Lil J's face with the bat! Upon seeing this Cooper Tate dives onto Lil J and makes the cover, winning the match before hot footing it out of there!
Winner: Cooper Tate

Rumour Guy: Amazingly, Cooper Tate gets another victory! He's got Jay Hall to thank here, as the MTX member hands the loss to his enemy Lil J. However, its still another tick in the W column for Tate against the winless Lil J. Our next contest is between two men who have been on the opposite side of the big MTX/Triple S/Anderson and the Legends' Alliance feud, Hopps and Venom. During the match Hopps was accompanied by tag team partner Jay Hall and Venom by the returning Tank.

Super 12: Group 1 Venom vs. 'X-Rated' Hopps
As we join the action Venom has Hopps in the centre of the ring in a Texas cloverleaf, the MTX member struggling to escape. As he nears the ropes, Jay Hall tries to pull him nearer, which ends up distracting the referee. This gives Tank a chance to enter the ring and boot Hopps in the back, allowing Venom to drag him back to the centre of the ring. Again Hopps starts making his way back to the ropes, but Tank tries to distract the referee. This prompts Jay Hall to run round and pull him off the ring apron, the two brawling on the outside as Hopps reaches the ropes. Venom, furious, tries to go right back to Hopps legs and back, but the MTX member jumps over the attempted sweep kick, before nailing a spear! Hopps then goes up top, signalling for his 450 head butt, but out of nowhere Hannibal king runs down to ringside. He distracts the referee as Tank buys himself enough time to throw the US title belt to Venom, who nails Hopps on the top before bringing him down with a top rope fisherman's buster! Venom makes the cover for the three count, but the win seems irrelevant to him as he grabs a chair and proceeds to start trying to destroy Hopps' knee! Jay Hall tries to save but is cut off by Tank and Hannibal King, only managing to get into the ring once the damage has been done!
Winner: Venom

Rumour Guy: Venom picks up the win both in reality and psychologically, taking out his frustrations on the MTX in the ring after the match. Hopps seemed hurt after the match, making his participation in the next day's show questionable at the time. Our next match would see another MTX/Allies vs. Legends' Alliance contest as Mike Anderson took on Hannibal King. Both men were battling for pride in Group 2, so let's get to that.

Super 12: Group 2 Hannibal King vs. Mike Anderson
We join the action with Hannibal King in the ring, awaiting his opponent. As he waits, getting impatient, all of a sudden the big screen shows backstage, where Mike Anderson and Jay Hall are assaulting The Psychotics backstage after Venom's attack on Hopps. Hannibal King starts to make his way backstage, but on the stage he is cut off by Triple S! The two start to brawl into the back, eventually busting out into the same corridor as Jay Hall, Anderson and The Psychotics. Its a fair three on three until Tank arrives to help his friends, making it three on four, the other MTX members obviously backstage elsewhere attending to Hopps' injuries. The four overpower their enemies, and eventually battle into the parking lot, where King and Tank grab some of the barriers that originally were used to designate parking and knock down the three with them. The Legends then grab various objects from around the parking lot and strike their enemies with them before grabbing chains and tying them together! The crowd can be heard gasping in the arena as Venom jumps behind the wheel of a Ford Lincoln and starts revving, getting ready to run into the helpless wrestlers! He speeds forward, but at the last second another limo pulls in front of him, causing him to swerve. The window winds down to reveal Bucky Thompson, who waves in his allies, who struggle into the car, before speeding off! An irate Venom slams his door shut in anger and goes speeding off after them. Back in the arena, the ring announcer announces the referee's decision to award the match to Mike Anderson following the actions of the Legends, much to the crowd's delight!
Winner by default: Mike Anderson

Rumour Guy: That could have been nasty! The Legends managed to do some damage, but Bucky Thompson just about stops them getting a huge advantage ahead of next week's PPV! That concluded the round of matches from Saturday. The next night saw the BSW return to the Staples Centre for the final round of group matches, which would determine who qualifies for the finals at next Sunday's PPV, When Worlds Collide. We kick off with Cooper Tate, fresh of victory over Lil J, taking on the unbeaten Bucky Thompson. Lets get to that now.

Super 12: Group 2 Bucky Thompson vs. Cooper Tate
Once again Cooper Tate enters rather timidly, not really ready to fight. He slides slowly into the ring, and once again lies down, awaiting the pin from Bucky Thompson. However, before he can, once again someone runs down to ring after Bucky Thompson, this time Lil J! Tate thanks his lucky stars that he's caught up in this again, as Thompson and Lil J start to brawl, and a misplaced kick takes the referee down and out! Thompson and Lil J start brawling into the crowd when out of nowhere a masked man runs into the ring and cracks the vulnerable Tate with a chair! The crowd seem unsure how to react as the masked man leaves and Thompson manages to fight off Tate, before climbing back into the ring and hitting his Punchline frog splash! The referee slowly makes his recovery and counts to the three, handing Thompson the win over the fallen Tate! Thompson poses on the corner to a pop from the crowd before leaving the ringside area.
Winner: Bucky Thompson

Rumour Guy: A bizarre situation there as someone knocks out Tate giving Bucky the win. What that results in however is Bucky Thompson progressing to the next round as well as Cooper Tate! We now know two of the semi final competitors ahead of Sunday's card. We must also mention here that in their brawl there Lil J suffered a minor injury on his leg. Whilst it was nothing major, it will keep him out of his contest with Mike Anderson later, giving him the default win. As we move on through the card, Venom was to take on Steve Hall. After Steve Hall's embarrassing mistake on Saturday, you would have thought that he would have learned his lesson. Apparently not...

Super 12: Group 1 Venom vs. Steve Hall
We join the match with Venom already in the ring and Steve Hall making his entrance. Again Steve Hall poses on the turnbuckle to much heat, but it proves once again to be a huge mistake. Venom, unimpressed with Hall's attempts for cheap heat, grabs him from behind, lifting him up onto his shoulders before dropping him with his inverted Juvy driver! Venom nonchalantly makes the cover, gaining the quick and easy three count!
Winner: Venom

Rumour Guy: Ok, maybe this time Hall will take notice at what made him lose. A quick tip Steve: try actually wrestling next time! Venom completely turns around his fortunes therefore, finally picking up two successive wins in the tournament to ensure he doesn't finish bottom of the table. That puts an end to Steve Hall's hopes however, the ex-tag champion ending with one win from five. Our next match sees another Legends vs. their nemesis match, with Lil J, currently without a win in Group 2, taking on Mike Anderson. Lets get to that contest now.

Super 12: Group 2 Lil J vs. Mike Anderson
A flashback shows the Thompson/Lil J brawl from earlier in the evening, and Lil J hurting his leg. We are shown backstage where Lil J tries to make his way to the ring, but his stable mates stop him, telling him not to risk injury ahead of the PPV. Reluctantly, Lil J agrees, giving Mike Anderson the default win.
Winner: Mike Anderson

Rumour Guy: As expected, Lil J had to throw the match there, he's done the sensible thing ahead of next week's PPV. Our next contest is between Hopps and Daniel Estacado. Hopps suffered an injury at the hands of Venom last week, but still decided to take on Estacado in this one. That proved to be a vital mistake, as Estacado, one of the most heinous individuals in the BSW, knew exactly how to take advantage.

Super 12: Group 1 Hopps vs. Daniel Estacado
As we pick up the match, Daniel Estacado takes Hopps down with a dragon screw, before lifting him up and delivering a second one. Hopps seems in great pain, whilst Estacado is enjoying himself, wrapping Hopps' leg around the ropes and stamping on it, before lying it across the ring apron and diving down onto it with a leg drop. The referee looks about to throw the match out as it seems as if Hopps will be unable to carry on, but upon seeing this, Estacado kicks the referee low and nails him with the Final Destination! Estacado then slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, before diving back in and cracking Hopps across the leg with it. Estacado then traps Hopps' leg in the chair and applies a knee scissors, using the chair for leverage! Hopps is unable to stand as Estacado revives the referee before locking on a spinning toe hold, Hopps tapping straight away. The crowd start booing as Estacado proceeds to slide out and apply a figure four around the ringpost on Hopps, before leaving to huge heat, having sent a message to his current rival Maurice Dream.
Winner: Daniel Estacado

Rumour Guy: A heinous performance from Estacado, who could well have put Hopps on the shelf there. He was no doubt sending a message to Maurice Dream there, showing exactly what he can be capable of, whilst also giving him a perfect five out of five in the tournament. The intercontinental champion will be a good bet to win the tournament, becoming the first from Group 1 to guarantee a second round spot. The concluding match of Group 2 is up next, with Triple S taking on one time team-mate but now rival, Hannibal King.

Super 12: Group 2 Triple S vs. Hannibal King
As we join the action Hannibal King is using his size advantage as a plus, working over Triple S with a bear hug. Triple S looks to be fading as King works over his back, a double feature on screen showing King ramming Sullivan into the ring post and barricade early before delivering a crushing powerbomb into the corner. Back to the match, and Triple S tries to escape, but King simply tosses him to the ground with a spinebuster. King then goes back to the bearhug, but out of desperation, Triple S counters with a big DDT, rocking King. Triple S struggles to his feet and nails an idolcanrana, but it takes a lot out of him following the assault on his back earlier. Triple S signals for the end and tries for a big piledriver, but his back gives in, allowing King to escape and set up for the King Bomb! King tries to nail it, but Triple S counters with a backdrop, only for his back to give in again, sending King right back down to nail the King Bomb! Ina twist of events however, Triple S counters this with a face slam, before locking on the Idolizer, in pain himself as well! King taps out, handing Triple S a consolation win!
Winner: Triple S

Rumour Guy: With that out of the was there is just one spot in the finals left up for grabs, which will go to either Jay Hall or Maurice Dream. These two had one of the better feuds of the opening months of the BSW, Jay coming out on top at the very first PPV, 2001: The Return, for the BSW World Title. Dream had his chance for revenge here, so let's see if he took it!

Super 12: Group 1 Maurice Dream vs. Jay Hall
As we join the action, the two are battling on the outside, Dream sending Jay into the ring steps. Dream then goes for a whip into the barrier, but Jay hops up before coming back with a moonsault. However, Dream ducks, sending Jay flat onto the outside! Dream then rolls Jay back into the ring and covers for a two count. Dream sends Jay into the corner and follows in with an avalanche, before dropping Jay with a belly to belly suplex for another two count. Dream complains about a slow count to the referee, before applying an abdominal stretch on the seated Jay Hall. Jay struggles out of the hold, but is taken down with a sidewalk slam as soon as he stands, Dream going straight for his back again with a neck wrench. Dream then hits a stiff kick to Jay's back, before sending him into the ropes. Jay manages to build some momentum, rolling under Dream's arm, kicking it along the way, before ducking a lariat attempt, and going for a quebrada. However, as he comes down with the moonsault, Dream grabs his head and delivers the Wake Up Call! Jay is knelt down dazed completely by the move as Dream pushes his head forwards before trying a magistral cradle for a two count. Jay just about kicks out which gets a gasp from the crowd, but he is taken straight back down with a fire thunder driver from Dream for a two count again! Dream feels the end is near and signals for the Sweet Dreams, locking the choke on. However, Jay just about counters, backing him into the corner, before locking on his Limit Break! However, rather than going for the tap out, Jay launches Dream back over his head in a suplex, sending him dropping right on his neck! Jay lies dazed in the corner before slowly rolling onto Dream, his opponent kicking out at 2.9! Jay then takes him down with an uraken strike, before hopping out of the ring and coming back in with a middle rope moonsault press for two! Jay then goes up top again and goes for a hurancanrana, but Dream catches him before he can go down and lifts him up into a powerbomb. Dream takes a moment to showboat, bringing him into the middle of the ring, before going to drop him down. In one awesome motion, Jay counters to a 'rana, but Dream manages to roll right through into a pin of his own! Dazed, Jay is unable to kick out as Dream wins the match and progresses to the finals!
Winner: Maurice Dream

Rumour Guy: In an awesome turn of events, Dream pips Jay at the post to steal the second qualifying spot! That means he'll face Bucky Thompson next Sunday as Daniel Estacado meats Cooper Tate for the first time, one on one. Jay meanwhile is left with only one match at the PPV, teaming with Bob Peil and Thompson to take on Venom and The Psychotics. However, the show would not end there, as Daniel Estacado had something to say to his current rival, Maurice Dream...

The Devil: Gee Maurice.....it seems your still a little sore about that whole....well, you know.....the whole digging up your father thing....and I must say I was surprised at your actions last week. Frankly, I didn't think you had the balls to do such a thing. But none the less....I know your still angry at me for stealing the carcass of your dear old dad and then burning it in that old church. I know your still holding onto his memory, so I decided to give you a little momento.....something that will show you that their are no hard feelings between us....even after what you did to Scarlet last week.

(The Devil walks to the ring slowly.....he enters the ring with a tentative Maurice Dream.....The Devil reaches behind him and pulls out a glass jar filled with ashes....)

The Devil: I know I haven't been the kindest of friends lately....so I saved a little bit of your father for you....maybe you can put it up on your mantle or something so you can remember him....although I know every time you look at it....all you will be thinking of is me.

(The Devil starts to laugh fiendishly as Maurice Dream's anger builds....)

The Devil: Hold on, hold on....before you start taking anything personal....I do want to congratulate you....we both managed to make it this far....and we are the last two left in our group....and when we meet in the finals Maurice....the better man will win....again.

(Maurice Dream is disgusted by The Devils actions....he turns away, not wanting to look at his "friend" in the eye anymore....and then all of a sudden The Devil takes the glass jar full of Maurice Dream Sr. ashes....and breaks it over Maurice's head!!! The ashes fly everywhere as Maurice hits the mat hard clutching the back of his bleeding head!!! Estacado goes up to him....lifts his head up and speaks....)

The Devil: You never learn do you? Ever since I beat you, all you have done is complain that I didn't beat you one on one.....think about it Maurice.....just who the hell do you think I am? Did you ever think facing The Devil was gonna be fair? Did you actually think our war was gonna be fought on a physical level only? For a guy that calls himself, "The Master of The Mind Game"....you sure are a freaking idiot. Did you think I would come out here and congratulate you after what you did last week? Your a puppet Maurice....all you do is let people pull your strings, all the while your thinking your in control the whole time....so tell me now Maurice....who's in control?

(Estacado leaves the ring to a huge chorus of boos....as Maurice is left to pick himself back up...among the ashes of his father.....)

Rumour Guy: I'm not even going to comment there, I thin his actions speak for himself! That's just too far, I don't want to talk about it any further. Now as promised I had some other announcements to make regarding the PPV. Firstly, Manipulator will make his debut against my surprise opponent for him: ex-BSW world champion and current EIWA champion Hotstuff Hernandez! Tank will also make his BSW re-debut, teaming with stable mate Hannibal King against Triple S and Mike Anderson. We'll also see the return of Dark Knight, who requested a warm up match for his title defence, which will be against Vince Graham, the 'War Machine'. The BSW Junior Heavyweight title will be decided too, with the first ever FMW style 'Come Out and Play' match, featuring, amongst others, Frankie Manns, Steve Hall, EIWA star Stevie Jay, Suicide Kid, Steve Hall's latest student Candy Fujita, Action Jackson plus more superstars! We'll see you at When Worlds Collide...