
Afrikka vs. Tony Balboa
Afrikka enters first to a mixed reaction, followed by rookie Tony Balboa, who gets some light applause. Balboa cautiously enters and straight away ducks a lariat and dropkicks Afrikka's knee, taking him down to one knee. Balboa then starts punching Afrikka, backing him into the corner, before climbing up and punching away. However, Afrikka shakes this off and grabs Balboa in a bearhug, before carrying him out of the corner and tossing him into the other corner. Afrikka then follows in with an avalanche, before charging again with a hip attack. Balboa slowly stumbles out right into a chokeslam from Afrikka, who then comes off the ropes and drops a huge leg drop on Balboa to a pop from the crowd. Afrikka then signals for the end as he bounces back off the ropes again and goes for a big splash, but Balboa rolls out of the way before nailing a sunset flip. However, as he comes down, Afrikka just sits down on his chest, pinning Balboa for the three to a big pop!
Winner: Afrikka

Action Jackson/Candy Fujita vs. Steve Hall/Frankie Manns
Jackson enters first to a big pop, followed by Fujita who also draws a big crowd reaction. Hall enters next to big heat, before the Junior Heavyweight champion Manns enters to another big pop. The match starts out fast paced as Fujita and Jackson instantly jump out with stereo tope con hilos, before dropping Manns with a dropkick to the knee/lariat combo on the outside. Jackson rolls Hall into the ring and take shim out with a pair of arm drags, before nailing him with a standing dropkick. Jackson then sends Hall into the ropes, but he reverses and catches Jackson with a huge tilt a whirl slam, before trying for a second. However, this time Jackson reverses into a flying head scissors, before charging at Hall and clotheslining him to the outside. Jackson bounces off the ropes ready to charge out, but Manns trips him up. However, this allows Fujita to capitalise, as she goes up top and flies out with a body press to her mentor before rolling him back in for Jackson, who covers for a two count. Jackson then delivers a big back drop suplex, before hopping out and coming back in with a slingshot senton for a two count, before trying for another back drop suplex. Hall flips out, and pushes Jackson into Fujita, before catching him with a huge hurancanrana as he comes back. Hall then picks up Jackson and drops him with a liger bomb for a two count, before tagging in Manns, who enters with a huge springboard splash for a two count. Manns then sends Jackson into the ropes and nails a powerslam, before hitting a standing senton for a two count. Manns then scoops up Jackson on his shoulders and Hall enters with a tornado DDT on him, getting a 2.9 count. Hall then goes for an Irish whip on Jackson but The Comedian reverses it, only to reverse it again into a lariat which Jackson ducks, but Hall manages to hit a mule kick low blow, before trying for his Depth Charge. Hall nails it but can only manage a 2.9! Hall seems irate and brings Jackson to the corner, signalling for a top rope Tornado DDT. However, mid air Jackson counters into a spinebuster, both men going down! The pair slowly walk over to make the tags, both tagging at the same time. Fujita enters with a huge springboard front dropkick to Manns, before taking out Hall's knee with a low dropkick. Manns grabs her from behind and tries for a German suplex, but she flips out and pushes him into Hall, before Jackson grabs Manns and sends him into the corner. Fujita runs in and hits a pair of kicks to Manns, before killing him with a shotei which sends him slumping in the corner! Fujita then charges in with a dropkick to Manns' face, but turns around right into a superkick from Hall. Manns then shakes off his injury and heads up top, hitting the senton atomico, but Jackson saves at 2! Manns then sits Fujita up top, trying for his Michinoku Driver 2 off the middle rope, but Jackson whips Hall into him, causing a low blow, before sitting Manns up top with Fujita. Fujita flips off, hitting a huge top rope sunset flip for 2! Fujita then signals for the end and hops out of the ring, before flying back in with the Candycanrana, but Hall saves at 2. Hall and Manns then try for a spike piledriver, but Jackson bounces into the ropes, crotching Manns up top, before superkicking Hall down. Fujita then hops up top and nails Manns with a hurancanrana down onto Hall, before covering Hall for the 3! After the match Hall gets up in Manns' face for their loss but Manns knocks him down with a stiff punch to a big pop, before returning backstage.
Winners: Jackson and Fujita

Manipulator vs. Vince Graham
Graham enters first to a fairly big pop before Manipulator enters to some heat. Manipulator jumps Graham before the bell, nailing him with some forearms from behind before dumping him through the ropes to the floor. Manipulator climbs out onto the apron and drops off with an axe handle before ramming Graham into the ring steps, the man once known as Steel flipping over them onto the floor. Manipulator then sends him into the barricade before charging for a lariat into it, only for Graham to move, sending Manipulator over into the crowd. Graham follows him in and executes a suplex on the concrete, before throwing him back over the barricade to ringside and following over with a lariat off the barricade! Graham then rolls Manipulator into the ring and covers for two, before picking up Manipulator and dropping him with a big suplex into a running powerslam for another two count. Graham seems to be getting slightly annoyed as he locks an elevated camel clutch, controlling Manipulator. Manipulator struggles to the ropes and eventually manages to grab a hold, forcing Graham to break the move. Graham goes right away for a rear waistlock, but Manipulator hits a mule kick low bow to huge heat, but basks in the attention, raising his arms in celebration before placing a dropkick right in the fallen Vince Graham's face! Manipulator covers but breaks the hold himself at 2, and sends Graham into the corner before following in with a shoulder to the midsection, then following this with a monkey flip out. Graham slowly gets to his feet but Manipulator grabs him from behind and tries a German suplex. Graham refuses to go over, so Manipulator plants some forearms on his back before launching him over with a huge release German suplex, dropping Graham right on his head! Manipulator capitalises on this killer move with the Descent From Hell, seemingly getting the win out of nowhere! Manipulator poses in the corner to huge heat, having made it 2 from 2 since his return. Winner: Manipulator

No DQ: 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall, Triple S and Mike Anderson vs. Venom, Tank and Hannibal King
The heel team enter first to huge heat before Triple S' theme 'Guerrilla Radio' by Rage Against The Machine hits and Triple S, Anderson and Jay enter to a big pop. Straight away the faces go to attack Venom and co, but the Legends' Alliance spill to the outside and grab themselves chairs, trying to strike their opponents every time they go to the ropes to try and follow them out. After a short stand off Venom slides in and drops his chair, cueing Jay to enter as well, but as they go to lock up King and Tank slide in too and start to beat on Jay with the chairs! Anderson and Triple S cut him off but the damage has been done, Venom with the upper hand on Jay. Venom nails a back breaker then tags in Tank who comes in and nails a huge lariat before scooping Jay up and hitting a huge spinebuster for a two count. Tank then goes for a leg drop but Jay rolls out of the way and tags in Anderson, but instead of just Anderson entering, it instigates a huge brawl as Triple S, King and Venom all enter too! Anderson nails Venom and King with big lariats before dropkicking down Tank as Triple S and Jay start to put the boots to King and Venom. All hell has broken loose as Triple S and Jay drop Venom with a double suplex only for King to hit Jay from behind with a back drop pin onto one of the chairs for a two count! Meanwhile Tank begins to come back against Anderson and sends him to the outside whilst Venom is taken down by Triple S with the Star Gazer, only for King to break it up at 2! Jay sets up a chair and charges, springing off it onto King just after this, before he sends Venom into the corner and launches Triple S flapjack style onto him. Triple S covers for two but Tank pulls the referee out under the bottom rope only to get hit with a baseball slide from Jay! Jay goes for a second but Tank pulls Anderson in front of him, before returning to the ring and big booting Jay, who had just picked up a chair, therefore the chair crashes into his face! Tank covers for a long two count but Triple S breaks it up only to be tossed to the outside, leaving the three Legends with Jay. Venom goes for the Venom Drop but Jay escapes, only to walk into king, who kicks him in the stomach before hitting a big sit out powerbomb. Tank goes to the outside to work on Triple S and Anderson as King and Venom deliver a double powerbomb on Jay onto some chairs for a two count. The Legends then slide out and grab a table from under the ring, before setting it up in the ring and putting Jay on it. Venom goes up top, signalling for a flying elbow, but Triple S just recovers in time to crotch him up top, before trying for a superplex through the table! However, King pulls the table out of the way, before trying a suplex himself on Jay through it, but Jay rolls off and down into a victory roll for a two count. Anderson returns to the fray, having finally managed to put Tank down on the outside, and Jay and Anderson try for a double flapjack through the table on King, but Venom delivers a dropkick to the legs of the table, collapsing it before King can go through! Venom then knocks Anderson down and sits Jay up top, before setting up the table and going for a superplex through the table. However, Jay blocks it and nails a top rope front suplex through the table! Jay then goes for a flying crossbody on King who is just standing, but King ducks and Jay wipes out Anderson again. Jay looks in surprise at what he's done as King grabs him from behind and delivers a German suplex hold for a 2.9, Triple S saving! Tank gets back into the ring and halts Triple S' assault, only Triple S, king and Tank standing, the two heels hitting a double team fisherman's buster for a two count, before King body slams Triple S and Tank goes up top! However, Jay and Anderson manage to get up and hit a double dropkick to King's knee, before bouncing off the ropes to crotch Tank! Triple S recovers and hits an iconoclasm on Tank off the top, before covering for the three in a match which in the end was nothing more than a crazy all out brawl, the MTX and their allies finally getting the upper hand on the Legends once and for all!
Winners: Jay Hall, Triple S and Mike Anderson

After the match: Backstage, following the match, Mike Anderson and Triple S continue their hot streak, going after The Psychotics in their own locker room! The pair are wearing 'Minnesota Wrecking Crew' T-shirts, finally naming their team. After beating on Lil J and Crazy C using whatever they can find, the two are dragged away by Jay Hall, who tells them enough is enough. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew look quite surprised, but decide Jay must still be rueing his earlier mistakes in the tag match and leave.

Cage Match: Bucky Thompson vs. Daniel Estacado
Thompson enters first to a huge pop, followed by Daniel Estacado who gains a lot of heat. Daniel enters and straight away the two go at it, Estacado kicking Thompson in the stomach and sending him into the cage, before hitting him with a back drop suplex as he bounces back. Thompson kicks out at two and the two lock up again, Thompson getting put in an arm lock. Thompson locks to find a way out of the move, but doesn't seem to bothered by it, instead just grabbing the ropes to force the break. The two lock up again, and this time Thompson comes out on top, rolling around Estacado and dropping him with a reverse DDT before covering lightly for a two count. Thompson then nails a hurancanrana, but chooses not to cover, instead locking on a side headlock on the mat. Thompson seems to be buying himself some time for something, as he transitions into a backmounted sleeper hold, choking Estacado out. Estacado starts to power up out of the move but Thompson drags him down backwards into a sleeper with scissors. As he does this all of a sudden Jay Hall starts to make his way out from backstage, a chain and baseball bat in hand! The crowd pop for this, Jay sliding into the ring and locking the door behind him with a padlock. Estacado seems surprised as Thompson starts to laugh, as this seems to be what he was buying time for. The pair back Estacado into a corner and go to charge at him but Estacado slides past them, before nailing Jay down with a right and kicking Thompson in the stomach for the Final Destination! However, Jay fires back up and takes Estacado out from behind with a clothesline. The pair then push Estacado into the corner and start to stamp away on him, both kicking harder with every strike. Thompson then picks up Estacado and runs him into the cage as Jay takes the referee out with the baseball bat. Jay then takes a turn at sending Estacado into the cage, before the two send him into the ropes and flapjack him back into the steel, busting him wide open. They then let Estacado slowly get back up, only for Jay to strike him right across the head with the baseball bat! Jay then holds Estacado for Thompson to superkick, before picking him back up and delivering his brainbuster, modifying it slightly to drop Estacado elevated DDT style. Thompson then heads up and nails his Punchline splash, before Jay mounts Estacado and nails him with some stiff punches. Thompson goes to leave, the damage having been done, but Jay stops him before he goes, showing him the chain he had brought with him. Thompson again turns to leave but Jay drags him back in, and chains Estacado to the cage, the pair then taking it in turns to boot away at him. Finally, Jay grabs the baseball bat again and cracks Estacado a couple more times, his face now a bloody mess. The pair then leave to a big pop, although the crowd seem a bit surprised at their actions, the conclusion seemingly that Jay took out his frustrations from earlier by showing Estacado that he shouldn't mess with the MTX!
Winner: No contest

Backstage: As Cooper Tate heads towards the ring for his World Title match, he is stopped in the hall by 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson. Anderson very calmly asked Tate for a shot at Tate's Hardcore Title. 'Franchise' thinks about it for a second before agreeing and shaking hands with Anderson. The two smile at each other and almost simulatiously start exchanging punches. They are broken up and Tate continues his walk towards the ring.

World Title Triple Threat Match: Dark Knight (c) vs. Maurice Dream vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
After a long, grueling match, 'Franchise' Cooper Tate won via Show Stopper (rock bottom).
Winner and new World Champion: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate
(OOC: Sorry for the lack of proper match results on this one. The Rumour Guy is having some computer problems and lost the match. We apologize for this as all participants RPed very well for this match and deserved better results. The BSW Front Office hopes they understand. Great job to all involved in this match.)

After the match: A man named Slate appears on the big screen, who calls out Daniel Estacado to the ring. Never one to back down from a fight, the Devil heads down to the ring. Estacado enters the ring and awaits the appearance of Slate. As Estacado watches the entrance for Slate, he instead comes through the crowd and attacks Estacado from behind. Rave goes off the air with Slate standing over Estacado's body.