
Conrad: I'm Conrad Jones and welcome back to BSW Sunday Night Rave! The live show is back, no more short recap shows, and we're here tonight for six matches, four of which could see new champions crowned. Joining me here is the BSW's vice-president, the Rumour Guy.

RG: And proud to be here I am! This should be a fantastic show which will showcase the talent of these BSW stars, plus, as you identified, we could well see titles change hands, and see some careers made here!

Conrad: We'll open with Afrikka, who recently has been entering the, erm, Junior Heavyweight division, against Steve Hall, a true legend in professional wrestling.

Afrikka vs. Steve Hall
Afrikka enters first to a huge pop, wearing his Styrofoam belt, followed by Steve, who gains major heat. Steve enters cautiously and slaps Afrikka, but Afrikka doesn't budge. Hall then charges off the ropes and dropkicks him, but Afrikka just stands there before removing his Styrofoam belt and holding it up in the air to the crowd as if it's the BSW world title to a huge pop! This annoys Hall, who snatches the belt and rips it up to major heat. Bad move Steve, as Afrikka goes nuts on him, nailing him with a huge headbutt, before throwing him into the corner and hitting an avalanche! Hall looks dead as Afrikka picks him up and nails a huge powerbomb, before signalling for the end and hitting his big splash, getting the quick and easy 3 count yet again as he moves up the rankings in the, erm, Junior Heavyweight division!
Winner: Afrikka

RG: Afrikka wins and he could well be facing the winner of this next contest before long, as Frankie Manns defends his junior title against Suicide Kid.

Conrad: Frankie has been making waves recently since his BSW return in the exciting new junior division, which is giving us some unbelievable lucha action week in week out. Let's hope the same can be said for tonight's contest…

Junior Heavyweight Title: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns (c) vs. Suicide Kid
Suicide Kid enters first, gaining a mixed reaction as he comes out for his first BSW title shot. Manns then enters next, to a big pop, the champion oozing with charisma. Suicide Kid sets things off at a fast pace instantly, springing out onto Manns straight away with a running pescado, before climbing up on the ring apron and coming off with a flying hurancanrana on the outside. Suicide Kid then hops onto the ring apron for a quebrada but as he springs up Manns trips him, before leaning his head across the middle rope and entering with a guillotine leg drop onto it. Manns then pulls Suicide Kid in and covers for a two count. Manns then sends Kid into the ropes and hits a nice spin kick before locking on a cross armbreaker which has Suicide Kid scrambling to the ropes. The hold is broken, but as Kid stands Manns hits a nice kick to his arm before dropping him with an armdrag into another cross armbreaker. Suicide Kid again gets to the ropes and this time gets some shots in, hitting some knife edge chops before trying a lariat, but Manns ducks under and hits a kick to his bad arm, before locking on an armbar and hitting a lucha armdrag after bouncing across the top rope. Suicide Kid's arm seems to be hurting as Manns lays it out to one side before hitting a slingshot leg drop across it and locking on another cross armbreaker. Things look more grim for Kid now as Manns pulls him into the centre of the ring, locking on the hold harder than before. Kid just about reaches the ropes but Manns rolls him back over into a triangle armbreaker in the middle of the ring! Kid struggles but can't escape, Manns choking him out as he wrenches the arm. Eventually Suicide Kid does manage to get his foot on the ropes, but things don't look good as Manns heads up top for his floatover neckbreaker. However, as he comes down, Suicide Kid grabs the ropes and pulls himself out of the line of fire, before walking up the turnbuckle and coming of with a rounding body press for a two count! Suicide Kid then charges in and takes Manns' knee out with a dropkick, before locking on a magistral cradle for a two count, followed by a sunset flip for another two. Suicide Kid winds up and goes for a roaring elbow but Manns catches him with a kick to the arm again before trying a hurancanrana. However, Suicide Kid in turn counters this, dropping him with a huge sit out powerbomb for a 2.9! Kid senses that the end is near and hops up top before coming off backwards with a moonsault press which gets another two count, before going back up and trying the Attempted Suicide. Manns manages to roll out of the way, but Kid rolls right through and back to his feet before trying a stiff lariat. Manns ducks and goes for a kick to Kid's bad arm again, but Kid catches it and wags his finger at him, thinking he's outsmarted Manns. However, Manns swings with his other leg and rolls Kid into a cradled cross armbreaker! Following the earlier assault on his arm, Suicide Kid can't reach the ropes and the pain becomes too much, Kid tapping out to the hold!
Winner: 'Style In Action' Frankie Manns

Conrad: A rookie mistake cost Suicide Kid the match, but he looked impressive on his first real appearance in the big time. This kid is one to watch in my opinion, I'm sure we'll be seeing him again soon enough.

RG: Kudos has to go to Manns though. His experience shone through as he focused on one part of Suicide Kid's body and made him pay from it. Those cross armbreakers, or jujigatames, can be deadly, of course being used in shoot fighting as well as pro wrestling.

Conrad: That's true, but in this next contest for some reason I don't see us seeing many technical holds as Manipulator takes on Dream. These two can be as technical as anyone on their day as, but they've been locked in a war of words all this week, with a hell of a lot of heat between the two. I'm sure they cannot wait to tear each other apart, so that will surely make good watching for us!

Maurice Dream vs. Manipulator
Manipulator makes his way out first to some heat, before Dream enters to a mixed reaction, some cheering, some booing. Instantly Manipulator attacks him as he slides into the ring, kicking him in the back before dropping some elbows across his back as well. Manipulator then sends him into the ropes and hits a huge tilt a whirl backbreaker before kneeling on his back and pulling his arms back, surfboard style. Manipulator then reaches down and starts choking Dream, the hold being broken by the referee. Dream rolls to the outside to compose himself but Manipulator follows him out, ramming him into the ring post and then into the guardrail, before hot shotting him across the rail as well. This only serves to infuriate Dream, who, sick of the cheap shots, turns around and smacks Manipulator clean in the face before ramming him into the guard rail. Dream then pushes Manipulator over the rail into the crowd before running and flying over at him, both men going flying into the chairs in the front row. The two then starts throwing punches at each other whilst still on the floor in the crowd, the match degenerating down into a brawl. They eventually do return to ringside but both just throw the rules out of the window, as two of the BSW's toughest refuse to back down from each other, both battling on and around the announcers' table and using various foreign objects. The referee decides to just throw the match out as a double DQ as security pull Dream and Manipulator off each other, neither man wanting to let up!
Result: No contest

RG: As predicted, a brawl of epic proportions, as we don't even get an ending, not surprising after that sick bump into the crowd from the pair. This doesn't seem to be over by any stretch of the imagination.

Conrad: Neither one would back down, and I doubt they'll have settled their differences there. Manipulator of course is desperate to make a name for himself again, whilst Dream is bouncing back from his recent loss in the world title bout.

RG: And up next is one man who wants a world title shot more than anything, Bucky Thompson, who has been cockier than ever recently. He teams with long time tag partner Action Jackson to take on newcomers Candy Fujita and Tony Balboa. Fujita has been impressive in the junior division, so this should be a great match up.

Tag Team Titles: The Comedians (c) vs. Candy Fujita and Tony Balboa
The Comedians enter first, talking as they go down the aisle, obviously still at odds. Nevertheless they get a big pop, followed by Fujita and Balboa, who get some applause. Balboa and Jackson start things off, and do so well, Jackson hitting two nice armdrags early before getting an armbar on Balboa, who escapes it by flipping off the ropes into an armdrag of his own. Balboa then goes for a flying head scissors but Jackson counters into a gutbuster, before dropping Balboa with a dropkick to the knee. The crowd applause this opening exchange, and Balboa and Jackson stand off before tagging in their tag team partners. Fujita and Thompson both spring over the top rope into the ring and straight away lock up, Thompson getting locked in an armbar which he flips out of before getting Fujita in an armbar of his own. Fujita hits a forward roll before springing up to her feet out of it, but Thompson just lariats her back down stiffly before sending her into the ropes and hitting a knee to the stomach. Thompson then sits Fujita in the corner and hits some stiff chops before charging with a flying knee to her head. This seems to infuriate Jackson who tells Thompson to go easy on her, but Thompson doesn't oblige, whipping her into the ropes and hitting a huge flapjack, before locking on a jujigatame, wrenching on Fujita's arm. Fujita reaches the ropes but as she stands there is no let up, Thompson taking her down with an arm dragon screw before nailing a leg drop across her arm. Jackson tags himself into the match but Thompson pushes him out of the ring as he tries to get in to a round of boos from the crowd, before getting out of the ring and grabbing a chair! Thompson seems to have lost it as he re-enters with the chair, but the referee takes it off him to a huge pop! Jackson then calls Thompson over for the tag, and Thompson goes over but just looks at him, only to get caught from behind with the Dragon Suplex from Fujita for a two count! Jackson breaks it up and lifts Thompson up, asking him what the hell is going on. Thompson says he was about to tag if it wasn't for Fujita, which Jackson accepts before turning to go out of the ring. However, as he turns around, Thompson nails him with a superkick! Thompson then knocks Balboa off the apron before grabbing Fujita and drilling her with a huge jumping powerbomb, before locking on a crossface! Fujita taps out instantly, Thompson keeping the hold on for a few seconds before decking the referee and getting his chair again! Thompson goes to strike Fujita but Balboa gets in the way, getting knocked down himself, before Jackson re-enters the ring only to get drilled also! Thompson then stands over Jackson and starts beating away on him with the chair, taking his legs down before striking him over the head! Jackson drops down, more or less knocked out, but before Thompson can do any more Fujita grabs him from behind and slaps him across the face with a shotei! Thompson snaps his head back following that and gets a sick smile on his face as he advances towards Fujita, chair in hand, but out of nowhere Jay Hall charges out and gets in between the two, pushing Thompson backstage to a big pop asking what the hell is going on! Fujita, Balboa and Jackson exit together to a big pop, all having been victims of Thompson's craziness!
Winners: The Comedians

Conrad: A disgraceful act from Thompson, as he torments poor Candy then takes out everyone including his own tag team partner! What the hell has gotten into him?!?

RG: Like we said, he wants to be noticed, to get a title shot more than anything! And he thinks this is the way to get it…

Conrad: Well I think we deserve answers from him on his actions, especially the way he just went on. Hopefully Jay can talk some sense into him backstage.

RG: I sure hope so, although smacking sense into him would be more fun. Well, Jay's up next as he takes on Estacado for the intercontinental title. Jay promised us he would leave champion tonight, but I'm sure Daniels has other ideas. Let's get to that now.

Intercontinental Title: Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado (c) vs. 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall
'Voice' hits and Jay enters first to a big pop, before Daniel Estacado makes his way out to a huge amount of heat. The two look ready to go at it but wait for the bell, before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up. Jay wins the first one, pushing Estacado into the corner before breaking cleanly, and they lock up again. This time Estacado pushes Jay into the corner, but rather than breaking strikes him with some open hand chops. Estacado then whips Jay into the other corner and nails a charging clothesline, before sending him back again. Jay leaps over the ropes to the apron, but Estacado knocks him off with a lariat, before posing in the ring to huge heat. However, Jay recovers and slides back in the ring before rolling Estacado up in a small package for a two count! Jay then gets a victory roll for a two count, before locking on a tornado clutch for another two! As Estacado stands, Jay charges and hits a high kick, before locking on a magistral cradle, but Estacado sits down out of it, getting a two count of his own! The pace doesn't lay up as Jay ducks a clothesline and jumps up on Estacado's shoulders for another cradle, but Estacado blocks it as he tries to roll forward, staying on his feet before cradling Jay up himself for another two count. The two stand up after the pin and Jay tries for an elbow shot, but Estacado blocks it and hammers him with a stiff lariat for a very long two count! The two seem to be pulling out all stops as Estacado heads up top and nails a missile dropkick, before covering Jay for another two count. Estacado then struggles to lock on his submission hold, the Darkness, but Jay again reverses into a pinning predicament for two before knocking Estacado dead with a huge roundhouse kick. Jay hops to the middle rope and nails one of his moonsaults for a two count, before lifting Estacado back up and dropping him with a Tiger Suplex for a two, despite Estacado's attempts to escape the move. Jay seems to be getting impatient as he tries an exploder, but it gets blocked and Estacado manages to drop Jay with an exploder suplex of his own before going up top! However, Jay just about manages to knock the ropes, before hitting a huge Venus punch on Estacado and trying for his top rope exploder suplex! Estacado blocks again however, dropping Jay off the top with a sit out nodowa otoshi for a 2.9! The crowd are hot at this point for the very fast paced action, popping for every move as Estacado drops Jay with a Michinoku Driver 2B before heading up top, seemingly for a moonsault! However, Jay again knocks the ropes, and this time capitalises, bringing Estacado down with an inverted facelock suplex! Jay then heads up top and somehow pulls out a tumbleweed splash for 2.9, both men now having had very close pinfalls. Jay thought he'd won it, as he bundles Estacado to the outside and goes for a somersault in-to-out rana, but Estacado catches him and rams him into the ringpost before rolling him back into the ring and dropping him with a brainbuster for another 2.9! Estacado then tries a reverse splash, but Jay rolls out of the way, before knocking him down and out with a superkick. Jay then tries for a double spring senton atomico, but Estacado moves himself, before nailing Jay with a cross arm northern lights driver for 2.9 again! Estacado signals for the end and tries the Final Destination, but Jay reverses and slingshots him into the corner, before damn near knocking him out with a stiff lariat as he turns around! Jay picks Estacado up and charges for another one but the champion ducks, before they both try for lariats, both hitting each other, but both men stay standing. Estacado swings for a palm strike which Jay ducks, before Jay tries a spinkick, which Estacado ducks. Jay then tries another big lariat, but Estacado rolls under, clipping Jay's arm with his boot as he goes down, only to turn around right into another lariat! Sensing victory is here, Jay lifts Estacado before dropping him with a modified brainbuster into an implant DDT for the 3 count, winning the title! After the match, the two stare down, before Jay leaves, Estacado left thinking what could have been.
Winner and new IC Champion: Jay Hall

Conrad: He guaranteed it, and it happened, Jay is the new intercontinental champion! A great match up and in the end Jay debuts his new finisher to take the win. Estacado must be steaming, especially as Jay now not only embarrassed him last week on Rave, but now has his title!

RG: Well that's another one to notch up for the MTX, with the tag belts and the US title already there. They'll be hoping ally Mike Anderson can capture a belt too next as he takes on Tate in the return of the death match, 3-way boards, for the hardcore title! I introduced the hardcore division to the BSW, and as the founder, believe me, this will be BRUTAL!

Hardkore Title: 3-way Boards Match: 'Franchise' Cooper Tate (c) vs. 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson
Before the match the ring seconds set up a barbed wire board in two corners and a further one plus two light bulb boards and a bed of nails on the outside. Anderson enters first to a huge pop, Triple S entering with him to the top of the ramp before leaving. The champion, Tate, enters next, chair in hand. Tate charges down the ramp and into the ring, but Anderson ducks the attempted chair shot and nails Tate with a big boot, before trying early to whip him into the board. Tate puts the breaks on, which causes Anderson to charge, but Tate counters with a back drop, Anderson somehow re-adjusting mid air to land on the ring apron. Tate tries to knock him off the apron onto one of the boards on the outside, but Anderson blocks the shot and slingshots in with a sunset flip for a two count. Anderson then tries again to whip Tate into the barbed wire board, but Tate reverses, only for Anderson to put his hands on the ropes either side of the board and spring backwards out of the corner, avoiding the board but running right into a lariat from Tate, Tate getting a close two count! Tate then lifts Anderson and nails a big power slam, before coming off the ropes with a pair of knee drops to Anderson's face. Tate then slingshots over the top rope and comes back in with a springboard knee to Andersons chest, before picking him up and bundling him to the outside. Tate picks up Anderson and delivers a huge bearhug into the ring post, before trying to push Anderson's head into the bed of nails. Anderson blocks this and pushes Tate away into the ring post, before grabbing a chair from ringside and springing off it with a clothesline to Tate on the concrete. Anderson then rolls Tate into the ring before trying to finally run him into the barbed wire board, but again Tate reverses, only for Anderson to turn it around again and pick him up on his shoulder, before running Tate right into the board! Anderson then grabs him and runs him into the board again, before dropping him with a rotating powerbomb for a two count! The crowd are hot at this point as Anderson grabs the chair Tate had been using earlier and sets it up in the middle of the ring, before lifting Tate seemingly to drop him with an electric chair drop onto it! However, Anderson swerves everyone and drops Tate backwards into the barbed wire board! Anderson covers for but Tate kicks out at two, before the two take it to the outside. Anderson runs Tate's head across the nails, busting him open further, before trying to whip him into them. However, Tate hops up and stands on the nails, before hitting a mule kick as Anderson advances. Tate motions to Anderson that he outsmarted him to a huge pop, before hopping up on the apron and nailing a top rope quebrada over the nails onto Anderson! Tate then grabs Anderson and tosses him into the crowd, before clearing some fans out of the way and sending Anderson flying into a row of chairs, the chairs scattering everywhere. Tate drags Anderson back into the ring and delivers a DDT onto the chair for a two count, before grabbing a second chair from the outside and propping up one of the barbed wire boards on the two chairs. Tate goes to the corner and signals for a hurancanrana, but Anderson holds on, Tate hitting the canvas. Anderson then tries to come off with a tornado DDT to Tate, but Tate holds onto him and swings him right back up to the top rope again, before bringing him down with a front face neckbreaker onto the board, Anderson hitting it chest first! Tate then scoops up Anderson and hits a powerbomb into the barbed wire for a two count, the Anarchist just about kicking out. Tate signals for the end and slides out of the ring before throwing in another few chairs, making it six in total in the ring. Anderson grabs one of these and throws it at Tate as he enters, dazing Tate, before picking up another chair and throwing it at Tate, who catches it. Anderson tries for a spin kick into it but Tate ducks under, before throwing the chair back to Anderson and trying a spinkick of his own. Anderson ducks under, before trying for a chair shot, which Tate rolls under, picking up a chair on his way! The two then start to do the classic chair duel, both striking each other before throwing each other their chairs and both missing chair shots. The two exchange chairs again, but this time Tate manages to smash his chair over Anderson's head, sending Anderson out onto the ring apron. Tate then throws his chair to Anderson, before hitting a handspring kick into it, Anderson toppling off the apron onto a barbed wire board! The crowd applaud the sequence as the two begin to battle into the crowd, hitting each other with whatever they can find along the way. They slowly make their way over to one of the entrance ways, where Tate grabs a security railing and drops Anderson on it with a piledriver, before grabbing a plate of glass from just inside the entrance and smashing it across Anderson's head! Anderson looks out of it as Tate disappears for a moment behind the entrance, before re-emerging with a pair of tables to a huge pop. Tate sets these up and puts Anderson on them before disappearing again. the crowd are unsure what is going on until Tate appears at the top of the entrance way in amongst the fans! The crowd look on in awe as Tate hits a non-somersault senton splash off the balcony, putting Anderson through the tables! The crowd starts a huge 'holy shit' chant as the two lie motionless. Eventually Tate recovers and they make their way back down to ringside, both bleeding profusely. Tate rolls Anderson into the ring and covers, Anderson somehow kicking out at 2.9! Tate is irate, and hops out of the ring, bringing a light bulb board into play for the first time tonight. Tate sets it up in between two chairs, and sits Anderson up top, before signalling for a hurancanrana. Tate tries to bring him down, but Anderson blocks it, jumps over him, and nails a powerbomb right through the light bulb board! Anderson covers 1...2... kick out! Somehow Tate gets a shoulder up as an irate Anderson screams at the referee. Anderson piles up all the chairs in the middle of the ring and hits another huge powerbomb onto them, again only getting 2.9! Anderson can't believe it, as he sets up for the Anarchy Rulez, but gets pushed through the middle ropes onto the ring apron. Tate charges, but Anderson sits down and pulls the rope down, Tate flying over but grabbing the ropes on his way down to avoid the bed of nails. However, Anderson boots him right on his hand, breaking his grip and sending Tate rolling down onto the nails! Sensing victory is here, Anderson pulls Tate off and rolls him into the ring before setting up the chairs and executing the Anarchy Rulez onto them! However, Anderson knows he needs something special to win, and he sits Tate up top, before hitting a second Anarchy Rulez into the middle of the ring. Anderson rolls on top and covers for the 3, winning the hardcore title!
Winner and new Hardkore Champion: 'Anarchist' Mike Anderson

Conrad: That was quite possibly the craziest match we've seen in the BSW yet! They gave it everything, blood, sweat, tears, and Anderson came out on top after a top rope brainbuster!

RG: Tate proved why he was champion so long with his amazing senton off the balcony, putting Anderson through two tables, but in the end Anderson's last surge of energy plus one light bulb board signalled the start of the end for Tate!

Conrad: Hang on, the MTX are on their way out to congratulate Anderson…

After the match: Anderson slowly gets to his feet and celebrates with the belt, before motioning to the crowd to applaud Tate. Jay Hall and Bucky Thompson make their way out to celebrate with Anderson, Thompson putting his earlier actions aside, the pair raising Anderson's hands and applauding him. Anderson turns to celebrate, standing on the ropes as Thompson and Hall pose in the ring... before turning around and attacking Anderson from behind! The crowd pop huge as the pair starts to beat down on Anderson against the ropes, before the pair hit lariats from either side on him in the middle of the ring followed by a lariat/low dropkick combo! The crowd are a bit unsure how to react as Jay picks up Anderson and flips him the bird as Thompson sets up a pair of chairs behind them. Jay delivers his brainbuster/implant DDT through them, before Thompson heads up top and hits the Punchline! The pair then drags Tate into the ring and start beating on him, before Triple S runs out to find out what is going on only to be met with chair shots from Thompson! All of a sudden Daniel Estacado's music hits and the ex-IC champ runs out, seemingly to make the save! Estacado slides into the ring and stares down Thompson and Hall, the three looking ready to explode. However, Estacado suddenly turns around and kicks Tate, who is slowly getting to his feet, and delivers the Final Destination! The three toss Triple S, Tate and Anderson to the outside before exchanging handshakes in the ring, the fans reacting mostly with boos to this unholy alliance!

RG: I don't believe what I'm seeing!

Conrad: What… the… how? Was this a set-up? Hall and Estacado beat the hell out of each other earlier, and last week, and Thompson and Daniel have been at odds for ages. Why this now? I just don't get it Rumour Guy!

RG: Nor me, Conrad, nor me. What's their motive? All three of those men have sunk as low as possible, obviously following the 'if you can't beat them, join them' route. I want answers, and I want them now!

Conrad: Doesn't look like that'll happen, you'll have to wait, like all of us until Rave next week. This is crazy, guys we'll be back next week, when hopefully we'll get some explanation of this…