BSW Re-Cap Show

A BSW promo vid is playing featuring some of the top stars, performing their most bone crunching and technical moves.... The promo ends and the scene changes to a Scottish man in a suit, in the background there are several monitors playing clips of past matches and interviews.

Presenter: "Hi and welcome to March 14th edition of the BSW Re-Cap show. Once again we witnessed an amazing Rave show on Sunday night, which as always had its fair share of controversy and stipulations. Ok without further or do lets leap head first into the action"

A BSW Snip plays.

Presenter: "Ok first off, the main focus of last weeks show was on the romance hierarchy of none other then Barramya, Peace Breaker and Frankie Mann. Well what can we say not a lot happened mid week in fact Barramya and Frankie Mann have not been seen at all and Breaker only cut one BSW interview. Have things fallen apart? who knew until Sunday night Rave when Mann faced Breaker one on one with Barramya at ring side. Basically Style In Action got the kiss but Breaker got something a lot sweeter and that's revenge Peace Drivering Frankie's head into a steel chair. So as far as the BSW is concerned hopefully that is the end of it and we can get away from the soap opera scandal and get back to wrestling. Frankie Mann and Barramya don't feature on next week's card however Peace Breaker does. Breaker has been booked against the man who got in most peoples eyes a shock result in a hardcore rules match against the psychopathic Necro Butcher, of course the one and only 'Franchise' Cooper Tate. Tate hasn't put a foot wrong since signing for the BSW and has quite a impressive record thus far and now with a hardcore notch on his belt shows that he is a damn good all rounder. However, facing a man who just last week disposed of Necro Butcher and the War Machine will be no tea party for Cooper.... Just a sec we all want to see this again don't we? run the tape.

A BSW snip plays and makes the transition from the Re-cap studio to a recorded clip from rave.

The Franchise then signals for the end as he slips out of the ring and grabs a table! He sets this up in the middle of the ring, before grabbing Butcher and going for the Showstopper. The Butcher blocks this with an elbow, and tries for a belly to belly suplex, but the Franchise counters this himself with a knee to the stomach, before nailing the Showstopper through the table!

cuts back to studio

Presenter: "Sweet. Ok well at the end of the match there was a comment stating that, that gives him a shot at the title. Well Breaker doesn't have the title so who knows what is happening. This Sundays match is not classed as a No.1 contenders match. so this might just be a time filler for Cooper while Hopps is partnering Jay Hall against the Japenese Superstars Akagumi Kimen."

Another BSW snips makes the transition to a string of clips showing Yajuu-san and Akuma, cutting interview and in their previous matches.

Presenter: "Ok Akuma had a hard contest this week as he was thrust into the ring against Dark Night. The match fairly entertaining however, a double count out at the end means that we cannot rate the talents of DK and Akuma separately. And more surprisingly last week Yajuu-san being gifted a BSW title match against current champion Jay Hall. After only a couple of weeks this guy gets a title shot. Wow the BSW must see something in him, Anyway this weekend Yajuu-san and Akuma team under the name Akagumi Kimen. Now I got out my little English/Japenese dictionary and I couldn't find a mystical oriental meaning to any of the names. Oh well guess it is not all glammer. Anyway the MTX team members Jay Hall and Hopps look set to give these guys a Wrestling lesson in my opinion but I would hope for the Japenese duo to mount some kind of offence. Both Hopps and Hall are both coming into this match straight off the back of successful title defences, where are neither of the Akagumi Kimen team won last week. Titles on the line will it be a second consecutive title defence for Hall and Hopps?

Another short promo vid plays.

Presenter: "Ok in matches that don't really have any other beef besides this week's matches. Triple S defeated Mr. Unskinny. Title stays in tact for Triple S however there was a lot more action which followed. Keith Krash and Triple S celebrate however, they get blind sided by Unskinny and New signing to the roster Killian. This was all well and good until King and Calib McClain came down and made it 2 to 1 against Unskinny and Killian. Calib tells us the reason is that they are the old school BSW and will stick together. Not exactly soldiers of fortune however, if these guys team up we may be looking at the next dominant stable in the BSW. However, the MTX might have something to say about that!

There is another snip transition and a short segment from Rave is replayed.

The camera heads backstage again where we head towards Daniel Estacado's locker room. The cameraman opens the door to interview the Fallen member, but when the shot is zoomed in we find Estacado lying out cold on the floor! The cameraman looks left and right but doesn't see anyone who could have attacked Estacado.

Chef: What the? Strike two, another man out cold backstage!

Conrad: But he had nothing spray painted behind him like 2Xtreme and Crazy C, so it's not the work of whoever took them out, surely?

Chef: I've no idea who would be motivated to take out Estacado, but he looked to be out of it back there! Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this by the end of the show, we've now got two different mystery assassins on our hands!

Presenter: "Hmmm. Something is going down in the BSW and I haven't got a clue why or where the mystery attacker will show up next. That is, if it is all the work of one person..... Who knows and if anyone can find a link between 2Xtreme, Crazy C and Daniel Estacado please inform me cause I can't see any reason why those three would be attacked. Anyway onto the cat fight. Oh yes I was sat in the back eyes glued to my monitor screen for this one Deana Knight vs. Serena Leih. Two very beautiful women however, after this match I think that all the males in the audience will give them a little more respect then just for their looks. It was a great match and finished with Mrs. Knight picking up the victory. However, looks like we have a huge feud brewing between The Fallen and Calib McClain. So much so that Calib has put his gold on the line this week against 'The Devil' who will win, pass. However, I can sense that something more is going to happen besides just the match. Final match to look at this week was The War Machine Vince Graham taking on Hot Stuff Hernandez. Two giant names who haven't really reached their full potential since there returns. This week neither looked on top form however, it was Vince Graham who walked away with the victory.

Presenter: "Ok Next weeks Rave card has been signed and it looks like we are in for another entertaining evening of wrestling action. Lets have a quick look, Draven vs. Vince Stryfe, these two are fairly evenly matched although I think that Vince Stryfe has the better abilities, so I predict that for the opening match of Rave Vince will pick up the win. Next we have Killian vs. "War Machine" Vince Graham. Well this one is hard to call because it could be a main event or it could be a crush depending on just how good this Killian is. We all know that The War Machine is a brilliant competitor so I am going to go with the other Vince for this one Although I am by no means sure. The next one in my opinion is going to be a old fashioned crush, Dark Knight vs. Mr. Unskinny Dark Knight all the way..... Ok first of the two tag team encounters Triple S / Keith Krash vs. Hot Stuff / Necro Butcher. Well the New Hell's Alliance will be looking for a first time win here, we know that Hot Stuff is a good wrestler and works well in a team however the abilities of Triple S should not be undermined at all. Keith Krash has also shown he can mix it up so this one is going to be very close however I think that Triple S and Keith Krash will just steal it. Next one is Hardcore rulez Peace Breaker vs. 'Franchise' Cooper Tate, well As I said earlier Cooper hasn't put a foot wrong since entering the BSW and Peace Breaker has disposed of some talented competitors. However, Breaker seems to have a limit when it comes to the likes of Hopps for example. So if Cooper is better or as good as Hopps he will take it. He has already proved himself in the BSW as a great wrestler and has won a hard hardcore match but you have to remember the Peace Breaker has pretty much been hardcore since joining the BSW. I am not even going to try and call this one there are just too many factors to take into consideration. Ok big Tag Team title match 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall / 'X-Rated' Hopps (c) vs. Yajuu-san / Akuma. The Tag Champs Hall and Hopps have looked strong as a team and both also hold singles titles. Akagumi Kimen are pretty much unknown and didn't fair too well last week. Plain and simply I don't think that The MTX will be losing any titles soon. And finally The Intercontinental Championship match Calib McClain (c) vs. Daniel 'The Devi' Estacado. Well some stuff went down on Rave which could have a bearing on this match. Obviously there is going to be a lot of outside action from people with an avid interest in the match however, with The Devil weakening from the attack on Rave I think that Calib will dominate the action inside the ring if it remains a fair contest. Sadly we are out of air time so Until Sunday keep it real and remember the BSW is the only place for Sunday Night wrestling action. Catch you next time.

The BSW Re-Cap shows closing promo plays and the scene fades out.