
Once again welcome to the latest edition of Rumourholics Anonymous, brought to you by yours truly, the BSW Rumour Guy! We're now just two weeks away from the BSW's second pay-per-view extravaganza since it re-opened, and amongst other things I'll be announcing the card so far later on in this column. Also there'll be the usual dose of news, rumours and predictions, and as always I'll bring you the weekly BSW awards.

Now perhaps the biggest story going right now in the BSW is the return of a number of ex-BSW stars in a new faction. Now I'm still unsure whether this lot want to be called the Excellents or the Veterans or whatever, but already they've made something of an impact. Two weeks ago we saw a team nine strong attack 'War Machine' Vince Graham, including the original Excellents as well as Crazy C and Lil J, Venom, Viper, and Necro Butcher (although the latter is hardly a 'veteran' of the BSW). Then just this past Sunday we saw perhaps the biggest upset yet here in the BSW as Crazy C and Lil J defeated Akagumi Kimen for the tag team belts in what most had predicted as a pushover win for the Japanese duo. The talent pool is tremendous in this new stable, and even in defeat Venom and Hotstuff Hernandez looked to be back to their best. With The Fallen having its problems, the OSS practically being dead and the MTX down to three members, perhaps The Excellents can step in and claim the top group status for themselves. It will certainly be interesting to see.

Another person making an impact right now in the BSW is the Preditor. This guy has been running in on matches for a couple of weeks now with little intent other than to cause injury, and there is still as much mystery surrounding him now as when he first arrived. If you take a look at this week's BSW News by Dru Black he's included a very interesting article on the Preditor, which raise some interesting questions, such as could the Preditor in fact be a former/current BSW star under a mask, or is it just a rookie trying to make a name for themselves? Hopefully these questions will be answered soon enough, I mean I'm on the staff here and I have no idea who this guy is! Perhaps his upcoming match at the pay-per-view will provide more answers, as I will move on to shortly...

This past Rave not just saw another Preditor attack as well as new tag team champions, but we also saw the return of Steve Hall, who teamed with Bucky Thompson to defeat Necro Butcher and Viper. He was very impressive on his return, and as we saw he made a big impact in costing Akagumi Kimen the tag titles. This adds just more fuel to the fire ahead of the pay-per-view, which of course is now a triple threat match between those three teams.

The main event at Rave also provided a major happening as Jay Hall, opponent for Dark Knight at the pay-per-view, inadvertently cost two of his friends, Hannibal King and Keith Krash, a match against Daniel Estacado and Dark Knight himself. King seemed visibly angry at Jay after the match, and could this be a sign of things to come? I don't believe these two have much of a history of fighting each other, but perhaps this lit the fuse for the bomb to explode between these two. It certainly would be one hell of a feud to see, with Jay's speed against King's power, but we'll have to see if Jay makes it out of his pay-per-view match in any shape to compete again first! Dark Knight has been more focused than ever recently, and if his opponents in the weeks to come aren't careful they could find themselves getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter!

Enough talk of the build up to the pay-per-view, the show is just around the corner, so I'm sure you'll all be wondering who will be facing who and what for! Well, up until last Sunday two matches were announced, and since then there has been some changes to those matches plus the addition of a couple more title defences and grudge matches. Bear in mind that this card is still subject to change, and probably will change again come this Sunday, but as of now the card stands as follows:

Main Event: BSW World Title Match:
'Raw Deal' Jay Hall (c) vs. Dark Knight
This match has come about following Dark Knight's victory at the last pay-per-view where he defeated Bob Peil in a cage match which also saw the debut of Akagumi Kimen. Jay won the title on that very show, defeating the now AWOL Maurice Dream in a two-out-of-three falls match, and since then has competed little in singles competition, instead being involved more in tag team contests with his stable mates. This could prove an advantage for Dark Knight, who may be fresher in singles competition come the pay-per-view, but whatever happens this should be a great contest, with both men having been at each others throats for weeks now. So long as they don't go at it this Sunday, this will stand as the pay-per-view's main event!

Intercontinental Title Match
Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado (c) vs. 'X-Rated' Hopps
Hopps experienced a fantastic run as hardcore champion up until a week ago where Cooper Tate finally wrestled the title from around his waist. His opponent at the pay-per-view, Daniel Estacado, has been a fellow breakthrough star since the BSW re-opened, holding gold for damn near every week he's been here. Last week on Rave, Estacado took offence to some comments from Hopps, and not once but twice the two went at it, both taking a chair to each other's skulls. This has the potential to be a show stealer, as these are two guys who in a few months time could be headlining such events. Don't be surprised to see some sort of gimmick match in the end, as I can't see either man wanting a fair, technical match-up here!

Tag Team Titles Match: 3 Way Boards Match
Crazy C and Lil J (c) vs. Akagumi Kimen vs. Bucky Thompson and Steve Hall
Last week Thompson challenged the Japanese duo to name the stipulation for this match at the pay-per-view. As these two don't ever seem to have a lot to say, I took the liberty of contacting them myself to get an answer, and they asked for the barbed-wire board/light bulb board match from the other week for the hardcore title to be re-used. Being a nice guy though, I decided to throw in a bed of nails board as well, thus making the match the '3-way Boards Match', as made famous by Honma and Yamakawa in BJPW. The BSW has used a lot of these 'death-match' style matches recently, and we've had a good reception from you guys for it, so I'd look for this to be a brutal and entertaining match-up. The feud between Akagumi Kimen and what is effectively the 'New Comedians' has been as hot as hell recently, and now that The Psychotics are involved, it should be another great contest.

United States Title Match (subject to change...)
Triple S (c) vs. Keith Krash
This is one match which could very well change before the final card, as we haven't actually heard much from Keith Krash since his altercation with Triple S two weeks ago. However, if this goes ahead it should be one for the ages, as long time tag team partners and best friends collide for a title. All the frustration will be let out here, and it'll be interesting to see if Mike Anderson gets involved to set his allegiance with his friends straight.

Calib McClain vs. Hannibal King
Dru guessed it right in his column, we'll see these two lock horns at the pay-per-view. It'll be power against power, and all out brawl, as The Fallen vs. OSS war could well come to a head here with the man who crossed the line by switching sides taking on his old stable-mate. Both men are hungry for success, and this could be the match to elevate them up to the next level once again.

The Preditor vs. Venom (subject to change...)
Thanks again to Dru for putting this idea in our heads. The Preditor has been running amok here recently, so he gets a chance to back up his actions as he takes on Venom at the pay-per-view. Why Venom? This is the man who he took out last Sunday, just as Venom was set to take out his frustration at losing to Cooper Tate on the hardcore champion. This should be an interesting contest, as Pred will have his work cut out to beat a seasoned veteran like Venom!

You'll see that absent from that line-up is Cooper Tate, Viper, Hotstuff Hernandez, Necro Butcher, Peace Breaker, Frankie Manns, Killian, Vince Graham, Mike Anderson, the list goes on and on. Expect all of these and perhaps more to be booked in some capacity, and remember that at the moment Cooper Tate has no opponent for his hardcore title, so still expect a match involving a defence from him to crop up along the lines!

I'm sure I don't need to remind you all that next month's pay-per-view (as of yet un-named) will see the conclusion of the huge BSW tournament. The tournament will kick off the week after the pay-per-view, and the winner will get a title shot. At the pay-per-view the brackets will be announced, as well as the dates of matches, so look for that shortly.

Onto some rumours. This week we've been a bit short on rumours to be honest, with the pay-per-view coming up there has been the usual talk about which matches may/may not happen, but of course the card has been announced now. However, the talk of a hardcore battle royal has taken me by surprise, as it seems that a lot of people have been asking for such a match, culminating in Dru Black stating in his column that he'd love to see it as well. To be honest, I'd love to see such a match, and with no hardcore title contest booked as of now, we may well still see it. It could certainly be a way to get everyone involved in the pay-per-view, so any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, it's about time for this week's predictions. Once again I'll keep them short, as I've done a pretty extensive pay-per-view preview this week and I'm running a bit short on time, but anyway:

Killian vs. Necro Butcher
Killian mad a great start to his BSW career, aiding out The Fallen, but the hired gun from England has been a bit quiet recently. Maybe this will give him a better showing this week, as he takes on Necro Butcher of The Excellents, who has picked up his game a bit lately. It'll be a battle of the rookies, but I see the slightly more experienced Butcher taking this one.
Winner: Necro Butcher

'Anarchist' Mike Anderson vs. Viper
Mike Anderson got a huge win last week over Vince Graham, and the friend of Triple S this week takes on Viper. Viper's current tenure in the BSW has been less than successful, but that could change any moment, especially with his new comrades, The Excellents. Therefore, I'm going to have to say...
Winner: Viper

Calib McClain vs. Venom
Two of the BSW's most experienced in Apollo and Venom square off in what surely isn't their first match-up, although recently the two have avoided each others' paths. Venom is back on the up at the moment, whilst McClain is stuck in the transition period between losing the Intercontinental title and moving on and challenging for other belts. Nevertheless, McClain still seems unstoppable, which is exactly why I'll go for the upset, it is about time McClain got beat by someone!
Winner: Venom

Bucky Thompson vs. Crazy C
Special Referee: Yajuu-san
In the first match which mixes up the three teams involved in the pay-per-view tag title match, we see Thompson take on Crazy C. With Yajuu-san as the referee god knows what could happen, but I can see the Jap going for revenge on the man who helped cost him the tag titles. Therefore...
Winner: Crazy C

Akuma vs. Lil J
Special Referee: Steve Hall
This time we see Steve Hall as referee as Akuma takes on Lil J. Once again, it won't be a fair fight, and whoever wins will probably not deserve it as by this stage of the show I can see all three of the teams end up going at it. Probably going to end with the match getting thrown out.
Winner: No Contest

Dark Knight / Daniel 'The Devil' Estacado / Triple S / 'Raw Deal' Jay Hall vs. Hannibal King / Keith Krash / Cooper Tate / 'X-Rated' Hopps
What the hell was I thinking booking this? That's exactly what a couple of you have asked me, but the answer is simple. I was thinking we'll see one hell of a main event! Why? This will get complicated, but here goes: Dark Knight and Jay have been at each others throats for weeks; Triple S and Estacado have had problems; Triple S and Jay were stable mates but they disbanded and haven't tagged for months; King and Krash are at odds with The Fallen; Hopps is at odds with Estacado; Keith Krash was attacked by his best friend Triple S; and Cooper Tate has had a couple of absolute wars with Jay and Hopps! Talk about history! Then add to that the fact that Hopps and Jay Hall are on opposite teams, as are Hopps and Triple S, two ex-stable-mates and still close friends, and that every man in the match is capable of working a five star contest, this should be a crazy main event. It is very hard to call, but I'm going to say that king and co. will win. Why? The youth is there in Tate and Hopps, and I cannot see Hall and DK working together at all.
Winners: Hannibal King, Keith Krash, Cooper Tate and 'X-Rated' Hopps

With that out of the way, onto this week's awards:

BSW Rumour Guy's Wrestler of the week: I think this has to go to Dark Knight and Daniel Estacado for working a great main event, and giving his side the initiative in the Fallen vs. OSS feud. But special mention HAS to go to The Psychotics, Crazy C and Lil J.

BSW Rumour Guy's Line of the week: He may have lost his match, but this has to go to Venom. I can't post the whole thing here, but just read his Night Before Christmas-esque poem, it was one of the most original pieces I have read in a long time!

BSW Rumour Guy's spot(s) of the week: Not so much to chose from this week,

Biggest BS rumour of the week: The rumour that Hernandez and Venom were at odds... I think we should really commend whoever posted it for swerving us a bit, well done, but thank God some people posted rumours this week! Looks like this award is staying...

Essential MP3 of the week: Shea Seger 'Clutch'. The song is blowing up in England right now, with the gorgeous Shea Seger gracing our television screens every five minutes or so with her debut single. It's a soulful piece of what is best described as experimental pop music with a heavy drum laden beat. Not your average artist by any stretch of the imagination, this girl is going to blow up big time! (NB, bear in mind that I am British, as far as I know she may have been huge over in the US for a while, so no ribbing on me for saying that she is going to be big!)

Well, that wraps up the column. be sure to check out Dru's BSW News for this week, and I'll be back next week with a MASSIVE full Unleashed preview!

Got rumours?
Contact the BSW Rumour Guy at bswrumourguy@hotmail.com